Shutdown timer

Last edited:
2 months ago 2024-11-21, 09:01
Last commit: [ebc931b0] Add/update Finnish translations (#6602)

Applet to help you shutdown, restart and suspend your system with timer

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Kim W.
Kim W.-3 years ago
Did not work (Mint 20.2).
SvenRieke-6 years ago
I always used this applet on all of my LinuxMint setups, but since 19.1 Tessa it's not usable any longer, because consolekit isn't available in the repositories any longer. Are there plans to implement it on the systemd features to make it compatible with modern OS?
Mike Button
Mike Button-6 years ago
On arch it didnt want to shutdown or restart. i changed the coresponding lines in the applet to use the shutdown command instead of consolekit
Tomas Labecky
Tomas Labecky-7 years ago
One of my favorite applets. I use on all Linux Mint PCs I care about. I installed the Ubuntu trial 17.10 and the applet is running but the system does not respond to it. The timer will go to zero, but the system will not perform the desired action. With direct control, the system also does not respond. I am sorry for my english. In czech lng: Jeden z mých nejoblíbenějších appletů. Používám na všech pc s Linux Mint, o která se starám. Nainstaloval jsem zkušebně Ubuntu 17.10 a zde applet běží, ale systém na něj nereaguje. Časovač se dostane na nulu, ale systém pak neprovede požadovanou akci. Při přímém ovládání systém také nereaguje. Omlouvám se za svoji angličtinu.
silelmot-6 years ago
you have to install "consolekit" to get this applet work.
Fedora Tux
Fedora Tux-7 years ago
It would be nice to update it and make it usable for users
silelmot-6 years ago
i got it running again after installing "consolekit" from ubuntu-repositorys. the applet uses consolekit for shutdown-commands
grenzionky-6 years ago
configure: error: Could not find mozjs185 or mozjs-17.0; see ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build(). Aborting... Without the html it looks like this
grenzionky-6 years ago
<pre>configure: error: Could not find mozjs185 or mozjs-17.0; see <font color="#CC0000"><b>==&gt; ERROR:</b></font><b> A failure occurred in build().</b> <b> Aborting...</b> </pre> When ever I try to download consolekit I get this error.