Simple System Monitor

UUID: simple-system-monitor@ariel
Last edited:
4 months ago 2024-11-20, 15:22
Last commit: [a1623e0f] simple-system-monitor@ariel: Update German translation (#1320)

Shows some system status values



Simple System Monitor

Shows some system status values.

  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
  • Network utilization (Download, Upload)
  • Temperature (CPU, GPU)


This extension requires libgtop in order to function.


To install dependencies:

  • Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu, and derivatives: sudo apt install gir1.2-gtop-2.0 libgtop2-dev
  • Fedora and derivatives: sudo dnf install libgtop2 libgtop2-devel
  • Arch and derivatives: sudo pacman -S libgtop

You will have to restart the shell (Alt + F2r) after installing the dependencies.

For customizing the font, if the new font selection is invalid, the field will be reset to empty once closed.

Valid fonts will update the desklet immediately.



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Gitbeu-2 weeks ago
Hi! On my Acer notebook, I only see one of the following %-values for the CPU: NaN / 0 / 50 / 100 Why can it be that I don't see any other intermediate values? NaN in particular seems strange to me. I cannot judge whether there is something special about the Desklet or whether there is something wrong with my CPU. I'm using Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon.
H-andy-1 month ago
Regarding the GPU temperature, for an NVidia card there is no directory for the temperature as there is for the CPU (well, not that I am aware of). In general it may be better to specify the GPU temperature as a directory where it exists or execute a specific command to get the temperature from the GPU directly. For my single NVidia 1080 I use: $ nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader The above returns a single integer that should be able to be integrated to be displayed through the desklet. The same command line is unlikely to be true for where multiple NVidia GPU's are installed, or for that matter applicable to AMD or Intel GPU's. As such any command line would be required to be defined by the user or provided from a set of basic defaults. However, having the option to specify a directory path or a command line for the GPU temperature would be helpful; with the same being true for the CPU too. If I were using a command to derive the CPU (Intel 6700k) temperature for my system, it would likely be: $ sensors | grep 'Package id 0' | grep -ioP ' \+[0-9][0-9]' | tail -c 3 A not pretty but it returns an integer.
CyberBob305-3 days ago
You could find the sensorvalues in /sys/class/hwmon/xxx. In my understanding the filename must be: "temp" but in this directories the filename looks like "temp1_input" etc. My workaround is to create a symlink named temp to this specific temperature i tried to read and than you can set the path to this link in the "Settings" window. This works fine for me...
Thinker08-1 year ago
Please how is the path to Nvidia GPU temperature?
CyberBob305-3 days ago
You could find the sensorvalues in /sys/class/hwmon/xxx.
Grysu-Feuermelder-2 years ago
Values are incorrect: regular system monitor/psensors vs. this desklet CPU 70% vs. 38% RAM 7.2 G vs 6.7G Temp 39 C vs 71 C Linux Mint 21 x86_64 Cinnamon 5.4.12
Grysu-Feuermelder-2 years ago
seems to freeze after a while (no change of CPU, RAM or temperature) Linux Mint 21 x86_64 Cinnamon 5.4.12
elinotes-3 years ago
how to instal in my linux mint?
Sysatic-2 years ago
Mint Desktop, open Start-Menu. Type 'desklets' and open it. Go to 'Download'. Search for 'simple system monitor'. Install and done.
one-up1-3 years ago
Nice and simple but I'm missing the percentage of memory usage
TournelHenry-3 years ago
May be better to replace acpi temp with one of the core temps instead.
Gary Church
Gary Church-3 years ago
Is there a way to change the font color?
Dennis Chmielewski
Dennis Chmielewski-3 years ago
To make the background transparent I edited the metadata.json file at: /home/yourusername/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/simple-system-monitor@ariel I changed "prevent-decorations" from 'false' to 'true'. Then pressed Alt+F2 to open the Dialog Window and typed 'r' to restart Cinnamon.
vtvbreech-3 years ago
On Linux Mint 20.2 all is working except temperature with AMD Ryzen 2700 CPU. Found that thermal_zone file did not exist. Replaced thermal-file path with /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:18.3/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input and now temperature is being reported correctly. Thank you for a very useful desklet.
Alan-3 years ago
As pmouz commented, I had to change mine to zone5 for it to work properly. Thanks pmouz.
Alan-3 years ago
Version 1.0.1 (2021-04-10 14:00:03) I must have my fonts larger than you expect them to be. I had to change the stylesheet.css for mainContainer to be 220px wide. Otherwise the labels abbreviated and values truncated. In Mint 20.1 Cinnamon the desklets installer also warns "This desklet contains function calls that could potentially cause Cinnamon to crash or freeze." Not sure if that just typical because you access some hardware that isn't common to desklets? got me! A version for Fahrenheit would be nice.
pmouz-4 years ago
Working fine on Linux Mint 20.1 Just run on a console: sudo xed /home/yourusername/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/simple-system-monitor@ariel/metadata.json and change at thermal-file from thermal_zone0 to thermal_zone2 and save the file. Then restart your computer.
pmouz-4 years ago
Working fine on Linux mint 20.1 Just run on a console: sudo xed /home/yourusername/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/simple-system-monitor@ariel/metadata.json and change at thermal-file from thermal_zone0 to thermal_zone2
Lethargist-4 years ago
Tja, jahrelang läuft es mit LM 18.3 stabil vor sich hin - und dann dieses Update. Bitte den Fehler fixen. Bei der Gelegenheit auch bitte an die Temperaturanzeige für AMD Systeme zum laufen bringen. DANKE
JanuszSpiewa-4 years ago
linux mint 18.3 cinnamon dont't work plz fix it
willie46151-4 years ago
Can you do a Fahrenheit version ? Works great.
claudemontreal-4 years ago
Doesn't work on Linux Mint 20, says not compatible with this version of Cinnamon.
KCY3701-4 years ago
Installed it on a new Linux Mint 20. CPU, Memory, Download and Upload stats seems to be updated in real time, except the temperature stat. It shows a constant 25C, but when I checked using terminal, "inxi -Fxz", I got the following thermal data: Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 48.0 C mobo: 47.0 C sodimm: 39.0 C
Paul-4 years ago
I feel it doesn't work very accurately on Mint 9.3 Cinnamon. I had it installed a while, and it 'looked' to be working, but then I got to feel that it wasn't giving me the right information. The Temperature seems to be low all the time and I knew by the heat coming from the fan at times, that it actually increased. The CPU % also appeared to stay low, even when the computer was working on CPU intensive tasks. So, I ran htop for a day on screen and compared. The Memory reading seems accurate enough, but the CPU was way off, I could be pegging out the cpus and the desklet was saying it was only using a small percentage. And during that time, the temperature didn't rise... in a laptop! So, as much as it is a great idea, I feel that something isn't quite right on my set-up.
w4r0-4 years ago
I have this experience too, the temperature keep showing 27.8° C. I'm on LM 19.3.
Juan-Lutz-5 years ago
it seems to work perfectly also in LM 19.3
Ramu Mandaloju
Ramu Mandaloju-5 years ago
Can we make the background transparent?
Henrique de Sousa
Henrique de Sousa-5 years ago
*Cinnamon <--
Henrique de Sousa
Henrique de Sousa-5 years ago
Works perfectly on Linux Mint 19.2, many thanks !
maj127-5 years ago
Works perfectly on Linux Mint 19.1
SandLizard-5 years ago
It's working perfectly on my ASUS in LMDE 3 Cindy. How can I change the temperature to Fahrenheit? I looked in the JSON file but it is a little over my head. Help will be appreciated.
DeI1ys-5 years ago
Does not work on Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon
waluigispear-5 years ago
working great on LMDE 3
LaGallinaTuruleta-5 years ago
error t=2019-04-26T09:50:03Z No JS module 'simple-system-monitor@ariel' found in search path error t=2019-04-26T09:50:03Z Could not load desklet simple-system-monitor@ariel I've gir1.2-gtop-2.0 install and keep without working. Regards
Tiago Pro
Tiago Pro-5 years ago
Thank you!
Leo-6 years ago
Simples e funcional. Mostra CPU, Memoria Ram, Download e Upload, Temperatura do PC
Thomas Jaeger
Thomas Jaeger-6 years ago
Thanks for this simple and easy desklet. It works fine on my two desktops and two notebooks with Linux Mint19
richardm1-6 years ago
Works fine for me with Mint 19. Only issue is reading the wrong temperature sensor (it was reading ambient temp instead of my CPU temp). I fixed it with an edit to /~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/simple-system-monitor@ariel/metadata.json. I changed thermal_zone0 to thermal_zone2.
panks103-6 years ago
This is a great little desklet to show all system stats in a simple form, however this is not working in LinuxMint 19. Please fix this, its really useful.
fenjamin-6 years ago
Everything but Temperature works on 18.3 kernel 4.13.0-38-generic.
tikondrus-7 years ago
Does not work on Fedora 27. Cinnamon crashed.
Karl Pearson
Karl Pearson-7 years ago
The inventors of Cinnamon, the Linux Mint developers, make Cinnamon on that platform so it works out of the box, at least for me. I installed the 32-bit libraries to get WebEx working right, and maybe that has something to do with mine working fine from the get-go. Also a note from a comment I made to an earlier post. When you edit the configuration file, stylesheet.css, to apply your changes, press ALT-F2, 'r' (sans quotes) and hit <ENTER> and Cinnamon will restart applying your settings. This works for any desklet that doesn't take your configuration settings right off. It also fixes a bunch of other things, too, though that list has shortened considerably since the early days of Cinnamon.
Jovan Nedeljkovic
Jovan Nedeljkovic-7 years ago
gir1.2-gtop-2.0 install bat does not work on Mint 18.2
Aleksander Zioło
Aleksander Zioło-7 years ago
Does not work on Mint 18.2 (throws an error)
Aleksander Zioło
Aleksander Zioło-7 years ago
EDIT: Requires gir1.2-gtop-2.0 to work.
Kory Scott
Kory Scott-7 years ago
temp app not working and or missing stuff in Linux mint -ubuntu family I have tried to get this and other temp deskapp and other applets like this.
Nostalgia Za Nieskończonością
Temperature is N/A for me. What i need to install?
tl5k5-7 years ago
I have Cinnamon running on Debian 9. When applying this Desklet I get the following in glass.log: Extension.prototype._init@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:155 Extension@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:116 loadExtension@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:449 _onEnabledDeskletsChanged@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/deskletManager.js:203 ----------------&gt; error t=2017-09-01T18:24:26.186Z [Desklet "simple-system-monitor@ariel"]: Error importing desklet.js from simple-system-monitor@ariel error t=2017-09-01T18:24:26.186Z Could not load desklet simple-system-monitor@ariel error t=2017-09-01T18:31:18.186Z redeclaration of const NMClient trace t=2017-09-01T18:31:18.186Z Any ideas?
Peter Bittner
Peter Bittner-7 years ago
The problem is in `~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/simple-system-monitor\@ariel/desklet.js` Edit this file an comment out or remove the last 3 `const` declarations of the code block on the top of the file: //const GTop =; //const NMClient =; //const NetworkManager =; Then the desklet will work. You may have to install some dependencies in addition, but the desklet will tell you.
tl5k5-7 years ago
The only difference this made was the last two lines from the above log no longer appears.
Kevin Walton
Kevin Walton-7 years ago
Agreed, this is a great desklet but it's crying out for config options to resize the window. I need mine just a little wider so I'm not looking at "Temperat...42 C" etc.
Kevin Walton
Kevin Walton-7 years ago
UPDATE: I was able to modify the size by manually editing stylesheet.css, although I needed to restart my system in order the the desklet to properly resize itself. I used a width of 150px and a border of 8px on each side for some good results with now "..."-ing of labels, although your personal mileage may vary.
Karl Pearson
Karl Pearson-7 years ago
Kevin, thank you for providing the file to fix width and the padding, etc... When you are running Cinnamon, at least on Linux Mint, the inventors of Cinnamon, you only need to use ALT-F2 and type the command 'r' (sans quotes) and press ENTER. This restarts Cinnamon, which applies the settings you have or are editing. That's the fastest way to get the changes to work for you.
Darryn Bourgeois
Darryn Bourgeois-7 years ago
Thanks for this info. The ... were driving me a little nuts
Dannation-7 years ago
This is really cool, I'm a sucker for stats, but for me the font on the text is too large to display all of the words, except for CPU & Upload. So "Memory" becomes "Memo...", and so on. Some way to adjust the size of the box, and/or the text size would be a nice addition. Nice work though, this was a needed addition to the desklet repertoire.
Karl Pearson
Karl Pearson-7 years ago
There have been some comments about this after yours. Check them out and you'll find the solution, which involves editing sytlesheet.css in the desklet's home directory, and then to apply the changes you make, use ALT-F2, r to restart Cinnamon.