Google Calendar

Last edited:
2 months ago 2025-01-16, 18:58
Last commit: [70616524] mainloopTools library: improvements (#1387)

A desklet that displays your agenda based on Google Calendar



Google Calendar Desklet

View your upcoming calendar events on your Cinnamon Desktop. This desklet uses gcalendar to pull events from Google Calendar. You can configure every aspect of the desklet using the configure dialog.


  • Cinnamon 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, or 4.6
  • gcalendar


  1. Install gcalendar:

    gcalendar is a Free and Open Source Software developed by the same developer to read Google Calendar events from the terminal.

    Linux Mint:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slgobinath/gcalendar
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install gcalendar


    yay -S gcalendar


    packer -S gcalendar

    Disclaimer: ppa:slgobinath/gcalendar and AUR gcalendar are my (the developer of this desklet) own repositories that are not monitored by the Linux Mint team, and user installs it at their own discretion.

    I am providing the PPA and AUR to make the installation process simple. However, if you have any concerns with adding a PPA or installing from AUR, you can also install gcalendar from PyPi or from the source code.

    Install From PyPi:

    sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-dateutil python3-oauth2client python3-googleapi
    pip3 install gcalendar

    Install From Source:

    sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-dateutil python3-oauth2client python3-googleapi git
    git clone
    cd gcalendar
    pip3 install -e .

    For more information, please visit the gcalendar GitHub Repository.

  2. Authorize gcalendar to read your calendar.

    Just run gcalendar from the terminal. It will open Google Calendar OAuth page in your default browser.


    For more details, see this YouTube video: gcalendar Authorization. After authorizing gcalendar, you should see your calendar events printed in the terminal.

  3. Download and add this desklet.

  4. If there is a warning sign in the "Desklets" dialog, try to remove and add the desklet again. If it doesn't work, a system restart may help the desklet to detect gcalendar.


  • Select events from multiple calendars of the same Google account
  • Custom date range
  • Customize update frequency
  • Manually update the agenda by clicking on the desklet
  • Customize the look and feel
  • Multiple account support (Using gcalendar --account)


  1. How to manually refresh the desklet?

    Just click on the desklet. It will retrieve fresh events from Google Calendar.

  2. What does "No events found..." mean?

    It means you do not have any events in the selected time interval. By default, the desklet retrieves events for the next 7 days. You can modify it by adjusting the "Number of days to include (days)" property in the configuration dialog. If that doesn't work, please ensure that you have some events in your Google Calendar by visiting the official website.

  3. What does "Unable to retrieve events..." mean?

    It means the desklet could not retrieve any events and there is a possible error. Please report the bug with the output of gcalendar command at gcalendar issues.

  4. How to report bugs?

    Please open a GitHub issue at linuxmint/cinnamon-spices-desklets if the desklet doesn't work as expected. Any gcalendar specific bugs must be reported at gcalendar issues.

  5. Can I use my own client id and client secrets?

    You can use your own credentials but use them with gcalendar --client-id xxx --client-secret yyy to authorize before using them in the desklet.

  6. I love this desklet/gcalendar and want to appreciate it. How can I express it?

    It is a great pleasure to see someone likes your work. Though I am the core developer, there are other contributors contributing to this desklet by fixing bugs and translating it into other languages. If you like the desklet, please show it to the world by login to the CINNAMON spices website and clicking the Like it button. I also appreciate it, if you can buy me a coffee!

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None of your data is collected, stored, processed or shared with the developer or any third-parties. For more information, please check the detailed privacy policy.

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Michael Richards
Michael Richards-3 weeks ago
This does not work on my Linux Mint 22. The Installation process went flawlessly, but the Authorization process fails every time and you get "Sorry, something went wrong" and the "Next" process takes you to your Google Account. To do what? No help or guidance.
jorgenask86-1 month ago
Anyone made this work on Debian Cinnamon ?
unclejono-2 months ago
Great desklet - works fine on Mint 22. Would be great, if the desklet had the option to add a thin white border (my background is dark grey), so it matches the design of most other desklets.
Michael Richards
Michael Richards-3 weeks ago
Not on my Mint 22 and the installation was flawless, very easy. My problem is getting the Google Authorization after the command line "gcalendar" on Terminal. I am getting during the authorization process "Sorry, something went wrong...". Clicking "NEXT" takes me to my Google Account and that's it, no further guidance.
Matthew Hill
Matthew Hill-7 months ago
In LM 22 running $ sudo pip3 install gcalendar resulted in an error about system-wide vs virtual environment packages. I got around this by installing pipx $ sudo apt install pipx && sudo pipx install gcalendar Hope this helps someone.
Alan-8 months ago
Since Linux Mint has 'Online Accounts' in settings and the Cinnamon calendar has already asked for Oauth2 for the Google calendar, wouldn't it be simpler to just use that same avenue to get the calendar? One setup for all.
jorgenask86-8 months ago
Hi! Will this be updated to also work on ubuntu 24.04 and possibly also Linux Mint 22 ?
kittym0o-11 months ago
Works great! Just follow the instructions on this page and if you have the desklet on your desktop before using the terminal to do the install, make sure to remove it, then re-add it and it should work fine. I'm a n00b taking the plunge from micr$oft, and I'm using Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.3.
derekvg-1 year ago
Sorry doesn´t work , desklet removed
Jere Leppänen
Jere Leppänen-1 year ago
Hey, I'm having trouble to get the Google Tasks Calendar working on gcalendar. They don't seem to show up on it.
arax-1238-1 year ago
With Linux Min 21.1 it worked perfectly, but now with the new 21.2 (with Cinnamon 5.8.4) the desklet is gone. I try to put it back on the desktop, but nothing. I try again, nothing. After 10 minutes or more, two desklets appear. If I restart the pc the desklet is gone again. I tried several times to remove and reinstall, without success.
melomane63-1 year ago
Almost perfect! I think it would be good to be able to choose to display all the appointments of the day, even if they have passed, as google agenda does in planning mode. For my use I modified in sources " start_time = str((since + relativedelta(hour=0, minute=0)).isoformat()) " and now works as I expected. Thank you very much for your work!
Samuel-2 years ago
Hi, love the desklet! I was wondering if it was possible to change the font style. Thank you!
Yisus-2 years ago
Hi there, great desklet! Is it possible to have multiple accounts in the same desklet Thanks in advance!
Gobinath-2 years ago
Hi, Sorry to disappoint you. One desklet can show events from one account only. However it is a good feature to have. I will implement it when I get some time (not likely in the near future though)
Viktor-2 years ago
Will it update for cinnamon 5.4?
WilliamsRuss-2 years ago
Followed the instructions, and EVERYTHING is right. Many thanks.
richo-2 years ago
muy bueno, muchas gracias!. (very nice, thanks!)
d0wn-3 years ago
Seeing as how this just gets fed the calendar information from gcalendar, would it be possible to have the option of loading events from an .ical file? This is easily the best calendar desklet available for Cinnamon, but it's really unfortunate I have to use Google Calendar just to use this desklet.
Nicodile-3 years ago
Thanks for the wonderful desklet, This is my first foray into cinnamon and starting my journey really. But anyways: Is there any future plans to add the ability to the calendar for to-dos / Tasks? Or am i dingus and cant find it lol Thanks again!
Gobinath-3 years ago
Hi, I will look into this. If Google provides an API to pull todo list, I can implement it. I will add it to the roadmap. Thanks
Juan-Lutz-3 years ago
ATTENTION: Why appear this desklet today as a dangerous one? ... it seems it freeze all my desktop can be? System LM 20.2 Cinnamon 5.0.7
Gobinath-3 years ago
Hi, Recently I switched from executing gcalendar directly from the applet to executing it via a bash script and reading the results from a text file to avoid "too many processes being left open" error. However this approach is seen by Cinnamon as a dangerous operation and may cause errors. There are no security issues but I am looking for a better solution to get the events from gcalendar. Once I find a better approach, this warning will be gone.
kendoori-3 years ago
Love this desklet. Is there any way to get it to lock its position (e.g. edge/upper right) or at least make it not movable? I find myself accidently nudging it all the time.
Ishan Gupta
Ishan Gupta-3 years ago
gcalendar is authorized in my machine and is working fine in the terminal, but in the desklet it says "gcalendar is not authorized".
Jonatan Poveda
Jonatan Poveda-3 years ago
Same to me. I can retrieve events from running `gcalendar` but the desklet cannot. When "Fill in the list..." is clicked, a list of `[object GjsModule byteArray]` appear on the calendar selection. Running on Ubuntu 18.04.6, Cinnamon 4.2.4, desklet v58. I tryed installing "From Linux Mint" and also "from PyPi" with the same results (removing the other one and also having both installed).
Gobinath-3 years ago
This error is fixed with the recent release.
LiPoPower-3 years ago
Hello, the auth with gcalendar in Terminal works fine. But the desklet do not find the data. Installed gcalendar via apt and the ppa. Error Message of the desklet is : Unknown Error: boxed instance proxy GName Error jsobj@0xsomeNumber native@someotherNumber
Nik-4 years ago
Anyone know why my Calendar says "GLib.Error g-unix-error-quark: Too many open files" all of the sudden?
Gobinath-3 years ago
This problem has been fixed with the last update. Please update your desklet and see if it's fixed.
hs4842-3 years ago
Same problem here. I log out and back in to resolve, but should not have to do that on a dedicated, secured machine. I don't see the author responding or trying to fix it.
Mikhail Vitsen
Mikhail Vitsen-4 years ago
I have the same issue. I even didn't change anything - information just disappeared and this error came out.
oddfark-4 years ago
I´m getting the same problem and just need to know how to fix it. The desklet was running great until I tried to change something in the configuration menu, then it went stupid on me. How do I back up?
Nik-4 years ago
There seems to be some pretty big problem with the calendar desklet.. The "Today" date isn't updating properly.. and leaves old dates visible for days.. It seems the only way to update the displayed information, is to go into the desklet's configuration window, open the drop-down menu in the upper right, and select "Reload". Then it will display updated information properly.. But then after a day goes by, it still shows yesturday as today.. If someone reboots frequently/daily, they might not notice this issue.. but for those of us who leave our computers on for days, this becomes kinda useless, unless we manually reload it each day. :/
Nik-4 years ago
Not seeing this bug that often, so it's hard to tell for sure what was going on, maybe it's been fixed.. Although more frequently/recently, on my mom's laptop, this Desklet randomly seems to have an odd issue, where it blocks mouse access to any buttons that happen to be on top of the same area as the calendar.. Like the minimize/maximize and close buttons.. Any buttons over the calendar become unclickable, and don't even highlight as you mouse-over them, until I move the window to a different area, or reset the desklet, or reboot.
Nik-4 years ago
I'm have a bit of an issue with installing it from pip3 as stated above.. I used these commands: sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-dateutil python3-oauth2client python3-googleapi pip3 install gcalendar And I noticed that python installed gcalendar into my home's /.local/bin directory, and gave a warning about that folder not being in the PATH thing.. I was able to run gcalender from that directory, and it authenticated perfectly fine that way, but I can't run it from just anywhere in the terminal, and the Desklet app still says "install gcalendar".. Do I need to add that folder to the PATH, or install it somewhere else somehow? Or is there some simpler solution I've missed?
Nik-4 years ago
nvm, I got it working. I had to run the install as "sudo pip3 install gcalendar" for it to work right. Might wanna add a note there about that. ;)
WilliamsRuss-4 years ago
Great Friend ! ! ! Want to buy you a coffee, but the link don't work... : \
andreaun-4 years ago
Perfect! Perfect! I also imported my Office 365 calendars to Google Calendar and was able to view them on the app too. Simple, clean and beautiful. Working like a charm o Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon.
josephhorgan-4 years ago
I love this extension. I now have it on several devices, including RPi with Ubuntu 20.10 running Cinnamon Desktop.
DaniKoza-4 years ago
Works great on my mint 20. thanks!
nlanfran-4 years ago
Linux Mint 20, not working ... what a waste of time ... Authentication ok, but then not sync with caledar... Really what a waste of time for a very bad software
mulder1998-4 years ago
Hi! When my computer starts up the desklet is not visible. I have to disable it, and enable it again. Then it shows up. How do I fix that?
claudemontreal-4 years ago
Not working when installing from Mint desklet manager. Getting an error message: unknown error: execution of the process fils "gcalendar" failed (no file ou folder of this type)
ovisergiu-4 years ago
Hi, I followed the installation steps for Linux Mint (Linux Mint 20 Cinammon). "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:slgobinath/gcalendar" everything OK, "sudo apt update" everything OK BUT when "sudo apt install gcalendar" I get this: "sudo apt install gcalendar Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package gcalendar" What should I do?
Gobinath-4 years ago
Hi, I couldn't reproduce the problem on my Linux Mint 20 machine. If PPA doesn't work, could you please try the pip command?
Samuel BENARD-4 years ago
Hi ! Nice and very useful desklet. Just a question, How do you set language. I can find .po files in the directory but my calendar is in english while my system is in french (Linux Mint 20 Ulyana). All my desktop and other applications are in french.
franckgaga-4 years ago
I updated the French translation yesterday. You can update your desklet to get the last version. If it doesn't work, uninstall and install the desklet.
Samuel BENARD-4 years ago
had to reboot to have it work but it's now 'almost' ok. I tried to change the "today" and "tomorrow" words to french ones in the settings panel. CPU goes to 100% when I type letters then the desklet gets completely empty (I just have a dot on my desktop). If Y remove it then add it back, I can see my full schedule but "today" and "tomorrow" are back.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Have you thought of using gcalcli instead of gcalendar? I'd assume many people already have gcalcli installed, as it's already a pretty well-established command line tool. Also, users wouldn't have to add any PPA. The output doesn't look that hard to parse.
Gobinath-4 years ago
Hi, actually I developed this desklet using gcalcli and your arguments make sense. However the problem I faced was that gcalcli installed from pip behaved differently from gcalci installed from PPA. If there was a problem, I had to track down which version of gcalcli the user is using and make changes to the desklet accordingly. Since I own both the CLI and desklet, it is easy on my side to make them compatible. However the desklet should work with gcalcli with minimal changes since it is developed using gcalcli at the first place. Users are welcome to fork this desklet and port it to gcalcli or even adding an option to switch between gcalcli or gcalendar. Considering the maintainability cost, I like to stick with gcalendar.
kaasszje-4 years ago
Finally got my calendar back. Love this desklet. Thank you for this :)
Frosty-Mint-4 years ago
I'm constantly on my computer, but guilty of missing lots of events because I rarely bother to open my calendar. This puts stuff right on my desktop to remind me. Thanks! Right now, I'm only able to see things from my "other calendars". For me, that a couple of holiday calendars. What's missing is stuff from "my calendars", so I'm not seeing things like birthdays and reminders in my desklet. Did I miss something? I played around a bit with configuring the desklet, but was unable to get the items from "my calendars" to display. I'm running Mint 20, Cinnamon 4.6.6 inside of a VM.
Frosty-Mint-4 years ago
I have my birthdays working now (pulling info from contacts), so I'm one step closer to nirvana. The only thing left is figuring out the "reminders". "Events" show up fine, but "reminders" are still a no-show at this stage.
Gobinath-4 years ago
Hi, I've just noticed that Google does not provide an API for reminders. I have created a GitHub issue to track this feature: If Google introduces a new API for reminders, I will include it in the gcalendar.
abandonmonkey-4 years ago
I don't see that it has been verified. Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.
Gobinath-4 years ago
Please try now. Note that now you need to install gcalendar to use this desklet. Arch users can install using: yay -S gcalendar For more details:
Gobinath-4 years ago
Code is merged but the desklet is not updated yet. I will let you know once it is ready.
Jonatan Poveda
Jonatan Poveda-4 years ago
I've just updated the desklet, installed and authored gcalendar. Everything worked straightforwardly.
Gobinath-4 years ago
Strange!!! Code is merged but from my machine I couldn't download the updated version!!!! Even from this site, when I download it the zip file has the older version
Gobinath-4 years ago
Now it works!! I am able to install the latest version from the Desklet window.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Are you sure they are actually verifying the app? It's been like, what, 3 months? This page says it should take 3-5 days. Maybe try to contact them?
Gobinath-4 years ago
Reached Google and got it verified. Actually I have moved the Calendar reading to and integrated it with the Desklet. Changes are on the way to be merged.
Sigistrix-4 years ago
Please for the love of all that is holy, simplify this. The instructions are relatively complex and not straightforward. Doing what is logical, or being even slightly off when following the provided instructions, borks the desklet to the point of unusability (and can cause it to not be addable to the desktop). And rebooting doesn't necessarily fix anything. This would be amazing if it just worked without so much fighting. As it stands. I have no idea how it could have gotten the rating it has without cheating. (I'm on 19.3, with Cinnamon 4.4.8 and everything required is installed. I've double and tribble checked. Everythign is installed and current. And I don't even get so much as an empty dot.)
Gobinath-4 years ago
Can you try the updated desklet with gcalendar let me know if the problem has been resolved? Thanks
Gobinath-4 years ago
Hi, I am working on making the process simple. The authentication part is not verified by Google. Once it is verified, I will update the desklet with a fairly simple procedure to setup.
mfreeman72-4 years ago
This is my second time trying this desklet, hoping it's better this time. After going through the extremely complicated setup, it's not refreshing. It still shows "Today" as being the date from two days ago (when I started using it). Clicking on the desklet to manually refresh it does nothing. That used to work the first time I tried this desklet, but not now. Also (and this may not be related), my system overall seems very sluggish after having installed this. I may just have to give up on having an actually usable calendar in Cinnamon. This is running Linux Mint 19.3/Cinnamon 4.4.8, by the way.
Jonatan Poveda
Jonatan Poveda-4 years ago
Extension does not load on Cinnamon 4.6.2 Error log: []: Extension is not compatible with current Cinnamon version
Gobinath-4 years ago
Fixed now. Please try again.
Gobinath-4 years ago
Thanks for the comment. Fix is on its way
Jonatan Poveda
Jonatan Poveda-4 years ago
Perfect! Thanks for the fix.
bignexus-4 years ago
hy, after you install the google api >> and add to the desklet.. you must restart ..
bignexus-4 years ago
Hello, for me is working under Cinnamon 4.4.8/Linux Mint 19.3 . The problem is normal you not right config the google api.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Not working on Cinnamon 4.4.8/Linux Mint 19.3. When I press the + button to add it to the desktop, the screen just flashes white, but nothing is added (but the - button in the Desklets does become active).
It doesn't work with Cinnamon 4.4.8 / Linux Mint :( Authentication is not possible. App is currently rejected by Google
redisdead84-4 years ago
I've got April called Avril in French but May is called May instead of Mai.
franckgaga-4 years ago
@slgobinath I've try to correct the mistake in fr.po in the last pull but it is still "May" in the desklet and I don't understand why...
franckgaga-5 years ago
There's a bug with daylight saving time (DST). Event times are all 1 hour late when the current time is not in DST but shown events by the desklet are in DST.
kuehhe1-4 years ago
Then, in my opinion, the system time does not match or there is a time zone shift.
LunaManar-5 years ago
Hello, I followed these instructions: The instructions appeared to work and I can pull the calendar list in terminal...Google shows the app as having authenticated once. But the actual desklet is still giving an auth error and opens/instantly closes an empty window when I remove/add it. It's not loading the calendar list in-app, either. Can't tell if the problem is still the authentication or something else. Thoughts?
temperrr-5 years ago
I get a message saying login with google is temporarly disabled for this app, because it's not yet verified. What's going on?
Gobinath-5 years ago
Google is verifying the desklet but it is taking forever. Please follow this link to setup your own credentials
callagg2-5 years ago
Thank you Gobinath, those instructions were perfect :-)
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-5 years ago
Missing a maximum height feature so it will often expand beyond the screen size.
Andreas Chatzopoulos
So stupidly avkward setup.. why the actual f*ck must i manually go trough the hassle of setting up my own Google credentials when every other app on the planet easily can be authorized to use my Google data automatically? Not worth my time.
mamaie9722-5 years ago
Just garbage, a huge piece of shit. I am very disappointed that I gave points to this desklet a few months ago when it was functional and now I cannot cancel them. At this moment, this non-functioning garbage doesn't even deserve a point, not 14. Because of this idiot desklet created by an stupid idiot I preferred to migrate to Manjaro KDE where the Event Calendar widget works perfectly and syncs with the Google Calendar without any problems.
Geoffrey Allan Plauché
I got the desklet working on Linux Mint 19.3 by setting up my own credentials at Google Developer Console. There's a problem with the way the desklet displays, however. There is a semi-transparent red background underlying whatever background color that is selected so that as you increase the selected background transparency the desklet turns from that selected color to a semi-transparent red.
tmsantiago-5 years ago
Hi, people! I'm having the same problem on Linux Mint 19.3 (Tricia), Cinnamon version 4.4.5 and Kernel 5.3.0-24. After downloading and installing, this desklet doesn't works correctly. It happens the same related in Mosge post. There's a problem with authentication on Google site. Google says: "Sign in with Google is temporarily disabled for this app. This app has not yet been verified by Google to use Google Login." Can anybody help me? This deskelet is very important for my personal organization on desktop. Thanks for advanced,
Gobinath-5 years ago
I'm the developer here. Google verifies application using sensitive information (e.g Calendar events) from Google Platform APIs. There was no category to list this desklet in their review process and I was also busy with my work which made the verification process delayed and still the desklet is under review. That's why no new users are allowed to sign in. You can create your own credentials as mentioned on gcalcli's page: and use it to access your calendar. I will write an article soon explaining how to use your own credentials.
Andrey Valeriankin
Andrey Valeriankin-5 years ago
Stopped at "Sign in with Google is temporarily disabled for this app" Wait for your article! Thanks for your effort
mosge-5 years ago
"Now compatible with Cinnamon 4.4" Really??? Not exactly true. Not even "cinnamon-version 4.4" is added in metadata.json and even if this change is made, the desklet appears only as a small gray ball and refuses to sign in to your Google account. The only functional option right now is right click on desklet and "Open Google calendar" Checked today December 20, 5:30 pm
mosge-5 years ago
The Connect with Google option is temporarily disabled for this application The app has not yet been verified by Google to use Google Connect.
Damiano L.
Damiano L.-5 years ago
Doesn't work with last Linux Mint 19.3
franckgaga-5 years ago
Doesn't work anymore with Mint 19.3 cinnamon 4.4.5
Vlad Tokarev
Vlad Tokarev-5 years ago
Hello. Can you add an option to handle with text shadow color or just to turn the shadow off, please? Thank you.
Anderson Quandt Venâncio
Hello. When I run the line command "python3 ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/" and I see the informations and they are ok, but on desktop they are showed with delay of 1 day. Example: today is "November 8", on desktop is showed "TODAY, NOVEMBER 7". All appointments are displayed one day late.
franckgaga-5 years ago
Same problem here !
Anderson Quandt Venâncio
I updated the Google Calendar Desklet with the commit today but the problem remains ...
franckgaga-5 years ago
Me too
franckgaga-5 years ago
I think it only needed a cache refresh. The problem is gone now.
mfreeman72-5 years ago
I'm having trouble getting this to work properly in Mint 19.2. I have everything installed as instructed, and if I click "Fill in the list below with the names of all my calendars", it will display every calendar I've selected just fine. However, it won't update. This morning it still showed today's date as "Tomorrow". Clicking on the desklet won't cause an update refresh, either. And if I restart my system it won't display until I manually click the "Fill in the list below with the names of all my calendars" button again, which does trigger a refresh. Is there something in the installation/configuration of this desklet that I'm missing?
kryptto-5 years ago
Great App, very easy, a desktop applet must have!
Santiago Persico
Santiago Persico-5 years ago
Great! Working fine on Mint 19.2!
Lowrida-5 years ago
Does not work on Mint 19.2 anymore..
Lowrida-5 years ago
Fixed it!
pcspecialist-5 years ago
I really like it. My only suggestion would be to add the current time and date to the top of it.
Otávio Schwanck dos Santos
btfm1987-5 years ago
Olá, como faço para modificar e ficar pt/br? desculpe a pergunta, mas não conheço muito ainda sobre linux. Abraço
zip9-5 years ago
Works great....but be aware there are calendars that don't seem to play well. If the desktop just flashes, but does not display anything try adding just one calendar at a time as described above. If you have many calendars, I found Google calendar on Firefox was better when importing calendars. Linux at it's finest....
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-5 years ago
"try adding just one calendar at a time as described above" Where exactly
Softhints-5 years ago
Great Desklet! I'm using it for Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon. I had some issues with installation and the setup so I made a quick guide here: And video:
callagg2-6 years ago
I had this working in LM 18 and loved it, but can't get it working in LMDE3 (or LM19.1). It's weird, when i type "python3 ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/ --list-calendars" in Terminal, it lists all my google calendars fine. Likewise, when i type "python3 ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/ --calendar" in Terminal, i get [{"calendar_color": "#ffffff", "summary": "NO_EVENTS_FOUND_GOOGLE_CALENDAR", "start_date": "2019-03-18", "start_time": "00:00", "end_date": "2019-03-19", "end_time": "00:00", "location": ""}] But, when i add a desklet, the screen just flashes and nothing appears on screen. I'm thinking the only issue could be that i have LMDE (and Linux Mint 19.1 before that) installed on sda6 and my home directory on sda5.
Symilds-5 years ago
Did you find a solution to this? You may find it actually does add to your desktop, but only as a small black circle... This is my issue. It still doesnt show any of my events ( all which are visible with gcalcli)
callagg2-5 years ago
No, I just gave up on it ....
callagg2-5 years ago
No, I got it working - how - I've no idea :-( I just start installing other desklets (the top 3 or 4) then uninstalled and reinstalled Google Calendar again, but as Zip9 said above, i went into the Configure and selected my gmail address as the calendar name, and it seemed to work. I previously tried selecting only one calendar before and it didn't work - so no idea why it works now. I have eleven google calendars so maybe it was given problems because there were several calendars who knows!
taimaiduc-6 years ago
Can you support multiple Google account ?
David Furmánek
David Furmánek-6 years ago
Hi, are you planning to support Google Tasks in calendar? Currently Tasks are not shown when using cli with --list-calendars. Google is probably mixing two features here, but it would be nice to see also scheduled tasks :)
Zoli-6 years ago
LM19.1-Cinnamon4.0.9 I did the above points "Installation" 1 to 4. The screen just flashes once and nothing happens... Why doesn't it work on my computer?
Zoli-6 years ago
Now it works with my calandars, but the big question is: WHY does it not work with the email address of my girlfriend, who has shared her calendar with me (and whose I can see in a browser without problems) ??? Her email address one that is listed among the accessible calendar names (in the output of the above python command).
Zoli-6 years ago
(I mean, an email address that is listed as _a valid calendar name_ in the output of the calendar-listing Python command. The desklet simply ignores it, as if it weren't there... even worse, the desklet stops functioning as soon as an email address is included in the list of calendars to show.) Question #2: About eminders... Why doesn't the desklet show reminders? (They are important part of Google Calendar, I myself use them extensively.)
Gobinath-6 years ago
Hi, A similar problem has been reported earlier. At the moment I don't know why. Could you please install gcalcli and see if it can retrieve all your events?
Zoli-6 years ago
"gcalcli agenda" correctly list the events for both friends. (The desklet doesn't.)
Zoli-6 years ago
"Authentication successful. Access Title ------ ----- freeBusyReader owner rejtelyek owner elmaradt események owner könyvtár owner Zoli naptár owner (evfordulo [friend]) owner évfordulók [család, közeli] reader reader Ünnepek reader XY-name Facebook-eseményei reader My-name Facebook-eseményei" Above is an excerpt of the output of "gcalcli list". As you can see, there are two items that consist only of an email address. (Those r the ones the desklet ignores.) What do you mean by "see if it can retrieve all your events" ?
Gobinath-6 years ago
"see if it can retrieve all your events": gcalcli agenda should print events from all your calendars. Please wait until the recent PR is merged into the project. Meanwhile, please open a new GitHub issue at
kendoori-6 years ago
Wow, what a great Desklet!!
claudiux-6 years ago
Great desklet !!! Many thanks to Gobinath (@slgobinath)! It works well now with Cinnamon 4.0. Good job!
Gobinath-6 years ago
Thank you for your contributions @claudiux!
spaceserver-6 years ago
the cinnamon 4.0 update broke the desklet.. i could not manage to downgrade cinnamon to v3.8 on my archlinux as downgrading my cinnamon breaks itself.. Really tricky situation & i suppose the desklet to not be updated until Linux Mint releases a new version with the new cinnamon 4.0 I wonder if the Dev of this cool Desklet can be convinced to use a Linux distro that uses the current Cinnamon version instead of the old one.. 4 example: I used Linux Mint, too before i decided to have something more advanced, something that is rock-solid oldschool back-to-the-roots.. So..Arch-Linux is where i moved over & that was one of the best decissions i 've done in my Life.. Even though i have some work now to downgrade all of the cinnamon-related packages for getting 3.8 to work again.. Cheers
Gobinath-6 years ago
Hi, I did use Arch on my office pc but I am too reluctant to install it on my laptop because still, it is cutting edge (I have managed to crash Arch few times but never with LM). Anyway, I will install Arch in a VM and try my best to keep the desklet updated with Cinnamon. Now I am working on a new branch which removes gcalcli dependency and add some more nice features like differentiating the calendars. However, my PR is waiting for a long time since the repo maintainer could not run it. I even tested this branch on LM 19 which has Cinnamon 4. I would appreciate it if you can install the desklet from: To install from source, you need to install the dependencies, download the entire repository, and copy the files/ folder to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/
ErwinBaeyens-6 years ago
It seems that the desklet has a problem with cinnamon 4. After logging in the screen stays black and the cinnamon process goes to 100%
Gobinath-6 years ago
Hi, Could you please check the latest version. I couldn't reproduce this issue in LM 19.1 with Cinnamon 4. If it doesn't work, please open a GitHub issue.
bambulko-6 years ago
1. I have more calendars, but I want to see only the one called "René Frick." How to view it? 2. How to view a reminder? 3. Calendars can not be used or can be set different for a specific calendar? Thanks
Gobinath-6 years ago
Hi, Please check the FAQ 2
callagg2-6 years ago
Fantastic desklet - maybe a bit awkward to set up, but definitely worth it. Thank you for this.
Gobinath-6 years ago
Thank you very much!
thob-6 years ago
Very nice, works fine for me. There's just one thing I'm missing: location info MAybe you can consider this as optional
Gobinath-6 years ago
Hi, Now the desklet supports location information. Please update your copy.
Zamlet-6 years ago
For the most part, I think this desklet is on the right track, but I have three concerns: 1) I, too, see the "No events found" display frequently. Clicking it does not always work to restore the event listing. My internet connection is always on and rock-stable. I think there's still something internally to the desklet that isn't quite working right. 2) I would like to be able to resize the desklet, as it's taking up way too much space, but I cannot find any way to do so (except perhaps hacking the source and recompiling, which is beyond my skill). Shrinking the text down to unreadability isn't an option - my eyes are bad enough already! 3) (Feature request) Would it be possible to include a small monthly calendar? It doesn't even need to be interactive - I just want the month displayed as part of the desktop background. I was surprised to find no other desklet in the default Mint set that does this.
Auerilas-6 years ago
I looked into the "Today" issue. The problem is with "all day" events seemingly being marked with a time of 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. Thus, any event scheduled as "all day" has been flagged as "started" by google (or gcalcli). Running gcalcli --nostarted from the command line hides these events. After looking into desklet.js, I found that this is what the desklet was doing (line 157, command.push("--nostarted");). Commenting out that line shows all events for the day, including 'all day' and any prior scheduled events. Commenting out this line resolves this issue. I'm not good enough to know how to separate 'all day' events from 'prior' events, so in the mean time can I suggest a configuration option that toggles --nostarted? A simple check box that turns this flag on or off?
Auerilas-6 years ago
Hi, great desklet. However, I can't get it to show "Today" / current date. Also, selecting the specific calendar doesn't seem to work anymore. Full xsession-errors and screenshots here:
dinobagio-6 years ago
Hi, I just moved to Mint 19 and I can't make G. Calendar Desklet to work as good as previously. Actually I've updated it so that I could have the config working again. Thanks. But now, I can only have the desklet working by using default parameters. Please tell me how I can specify calendars to use, what should be the right syntax ? When I try on my own, it outputs lots of INVALID DATE errors.
Gobinath-6 years ago
I confirm the bug. It looks like the gcalcli arguments have been changed. I will update the desklet soon. Thanks for pointing this out.
dinobagio-6 years ago
Could it be because --calendar options must be specified before agenda command with gcalcli ? Im not an expert in code but it seems you're pushing the option at the end of the command, and therefore after the agenda command, which I tried and doesn't work with gcalcli.
Gobinath-6 years ago
Thank you for pointing this out. I have submitted my fix in PR #321. Once it is merged, you can specify calendar names separated by a comma.
Gobinath-6 years ago
The PR has been merged. Please update the desklet.
dinobagio-6 years ago
It does work better now indeed. Thanks a lot. Would it be possible to implement a colorize option according to the related calendar ?
franckgaga-6 years ago
Nothing happen when clicking on the "Config" button of the desklet on Linux Mint 19 (Cinnamon 3.8) i.e. the config dialog doesn't show up
Gobinath-6 years ago
Fixed in the last commit. Please update the desklet.
franckgaga-6 years ago
Indeed, it is fixed. Thanks!
luukvbaal-6 years ago
Is it possible to use --detail_location information in the desklet? If so, how? Thanks in advance.
luukvbaal-6 years ago
Included it myself in the source code; works great for my purposes now. Thanks for the desklet!
luukvbaal-6 years ago
Except for that the "Configure" button doesn't work for me. Clicking doesn't open the configuration panel for me and I'm unable to access this. Any ideas what might cause this?
Gobinath-6 years ago
Hi, Did Configure button work before modification? I will add support to the location once I get some time (hopefully after July)
AmaoThree-6 years ago
I have the same issue. The configure never work for me. I use Archlinux+Cinnamon
luukvbaal-6 years ago
No doesn't work before modification either, just reinstalled to check. It does work for other desklets, weird.
Gobinath-6 years ago
I will have a look at this issue.
Gobinath-6 years ago
Fixed with the last commit.
Gobinath-6 years ago
Fixed in the last commit. Please update the desklet.
Grigorijs-6 years ago
Great desklet. As wrote before doesn't work "auto update". Can you add a possibility like: changing width of the desklet Thanks.
Grigorijs-6 years ago
The function "Update every" works correct. My mistake =)
xircon-6 years ago
Any chance of a bump to version 3.8 :D Won't run anymore and I am missing it already.....
Gobinath-6 years ago
On the way :-) Already sent the pull request
Zzombiee2361-6 years ago
Nice desklet. But could you cache the event? So it wouldn't show little window saying "no event found". It kinda bother me to see that little window everytime i went offline.
Gobinath-6 years ago
+1 great idea It needs some time to implement. I am little busy right now. Will implement once I get some time. Thanks
franckgaga-7 years ago
Excellent Desklet! I have two suggestions : - Long event name should be truncated (maybe with a configurable length parameter). The desklet always take the size of the lengthiest string which can make it huge ! - Local language should be use for month, weekday, etc. My Linux Mint 18.3 is in french but everything is in english in the Deklet. Thanks for your time !
Gobinath-6 years ago
"lengthiest string" problem will be fixed after merging my recent pull request "No French support" Still this desklet is not translated into French. If possible, could you please translate it? Thanks
franckgaga-6 years ago
Yep I'm working on that, Thanks !
ifb777-7 years ago
I love this Desklet. I have a problem though, the Desklet will not populate on boot up. All I get is a small window saying "Nothing to show (or words to that effect.). To get it to populate, i have to open configure, add calendar name, close configure, reopen configure delete calendar name, close configure and click on the small window. Any ideas as to how to fix this. I have unstalled and reinstalled to no effect TIA:)
Gobinath-7 years ago
It happens if the Internet was not available at startup (mostly due to delays in connecting WiFi). In such cases, just click on that small window and give few seconds. It should populate the events.
Roggero Leon Leon
Roggero Leon Leon-7 years ago
ive made all steps. but the widget wont retrieve any task from my gcalendar :/
Antony Karlytzky
Antony Karlytzky-7 years ago
Thank you. Took about 10 minutes not knowing what I was doing but it is now working. Appreciate it :)
Antony Karlytzky
Antony Karlytzky-7 years ago
I have noticed that it will not pull 'Reminders' from Google calendar only 'Events'. Know any way to fix that? Also it doesn't seem to refresh itself without me actively clicking on the desklet.
Piotr Bentkowski
Piotr Bentkowski-7 years ago
I've bumped into a problem. When running `gcalcli list` I got a message: File "/usr/bin/gcalcli", line 196 print "ERROR: Missing module - %s" % e.args[0] The reason is that gcalcli is written in Python 2 and my main Python in the terminal is 3.6 . The solution is easy. Type: sudo xed /usr/bin/gcalcli and change the first line from #!/usr/bin/env python to : #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 And it runs fine!
Keith Poore
Keith Poore-7 years ago
The desklet won't install. gcalcli works fine. I checked all the permissions and everything seems fine. Any ideas?
cragsterz-7 years ago
I just registered a new google account. how to connect the desklep to this new account? when i type gcalcli list, it list my old account but it do not load any web page.. what im i doing wrong?
Stebs-7 years ago
Works so far on Cinnamon 3.6 (Manjaro) Only thing missing is "Today", Calendar starts at "Tomorrow" (current day is also missing in output.txt) gcalcli agenda does however show entries for today...
Márk Süle
Márk Süle-7 years ago
Super! Thanks!
zeropointo-7 years ago
I found that I could not set the Interval in the configuration without it reverting back to 7 days. The solution was forcing the desired value (e.g. 30 days) in the source code by commenting out lines 184 and 186 and editing line 185. Here's a screen capture of the change:
ZeroPointO-7 years ago
It appears that I can't change ANY values in the configuration dialog. I also noticed the value that I previously changed flipping back and forth between 7 (default) and 30 (configured) rapidly in the dialog. I loaded up the weather desklet for comparison and had no issue changing configuration values there.
Gobinath-7 years ago
Hi, Can you check the permission of this directory: ``` .local/share/cinnamon/desklets/ ``` You must have read/write permission to this directory and all of its sub directories.
DiegoBari-7 years ago
I used the desklet and it worked wonders. I find it very useful. Now shows me the message "No events found". On the other hand, gcalcli works well in the terminal. I have tried what the hypergargalesthesia user says but nothing works. Checking the file /.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/ I see that it is empty. Any idea how to make the desklet work? Thank you
Gobinath-7 years ago
Hi, Can you check the permission of this directory: .local/share/cinnamon/desklets/ You must have read/write permission to this directory and all of its sub directories.
Hello, it's a nice desklet; however, it shows no event. I tried the gcalcli --refresh --nocache agenda --detail_length --nostarted --tsv already. But stil... Plus, the things it shows are birthdays, holidays, and events. How about reminders?
Gobinath-7 years ago
Hi, Sometimes if gcalcli cannot connect to the internet, the desklet may says 'No events found...'. This happens mostly at the startup if your computer takes time to establish the connection. In such cases, just click on the desklet to reload the agenda. If it is still showing 'No events found', there can be problems in parsing the gcalcli output. In such case, please share the content of `~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/` with me in GitHub. Reminders are not supported by this desklet. The whole purpose of this desklet is just showing your agenda on the wall.
Frank-7 years ago
So, to use your really super idea for a desklet, all we have to do is install this program package, gcalci and then launch it in a Terminal window to configure the user account. One TINY problem: YOU FAILED TO EXPLAIN HOW TO LAUNCH THE BLOODY PROGRAM!! I spent over AN HOUR of my valuable time figuring out how to do something THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXPLAINED IN THE DOCUMENTATION!! you feel bad now? All upset because I chewed on you? GOOD! Maybe next time you'll remember to include ALL of the relevant information in your documentation.
Gobinath-7 years ago
I developed this project for my personal use and shared here in case if anyone else finds it useful. By doing so, I have no benefits except spending my own time to write code answering questions. So I have nothing to feel bad :) Some markup styles are not rendering properly here so now I have shared the link to the GitHub readme as well. Anyhow if you find more ways to improve the document, please go ahead and contribute to the opensource community by updating the document :)
Dávid Franko
Dávid Franko-7 years ago
Well, I have a pretty big problem here. I have installed "gcalcli" then runned Google Calendar desklet, but its empty. I approved connection on google. JBut jst little trasparent empty square appears. I configured it, added calendar name, but it does not work for me :/ . I really like it, but 2 hours passed and I can not get it running.
Dávid Franko
Dávid Franko-7 years ago Something like this
Gobinath-7 years ago
Hi, Could you please check whether you get any outputs for the following command: gcalcli --refresh --nocache agenda --detail_length --nostarted --tsv If the above command prints anything, clear all calendar names in settings and refresh the desklet (Just click on it). Also, check the content of the following file: ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/
Dávid Franko
Dávid Franko-7 years ago
The content of "~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/" is And "gcalcli --refresh --nocache agenda --detail_length --nostarted --tsv" showed
Gobinath-7 years ago
Hi, Why do you use sudo for gcalcli? It should work without sudo. The output.txt is the output when the desklet executes gcalcli. According to that, gcalcli has some issues running without root privilege. I think since you are executing the gcalcli as root, the authentication details are stored in the root home. Try to execute the same command I provided without sudo and then refresh the desklet.
Dávid Franko
Dávid Franko-7 years ago
Well, when I dont use sudo, it says "Premission denied" as following:
Dávid Franko
Dávid Franko-7 years ago
Okay I solved it. I have just changed the permissions of ".gcalcli_oauth" that I can read and write as normal user too. And its now working. Anyway thanks for help ^-^. Love that app
Gobinath-7 years ago
It's my pleasure to help you :-) I hope now you can delete those screenshots which you have shared due to privacy reasons.
Dávid Franko
Dávid Franko-7 years ago
Well, that might be a problem. Could you delete whole section?
Gobinath-7 years ago
Sorry, I also comment here just as a user. No such privileges.
Kacper Nowak
Kacper Nowak-7 years ago
Is available some translations, ex. polish?
Gobinath-7 years ago
Hi, Translation support to Google Calendar Desklet is added by NikoKrause. He also has added German translation. Users are welcomed to translate to other languages.
Gobinath-7 years ago
Not yet. I will consider this in upcoming releases.
Erwin Baeyens
Erwin Baeyens-7 years ago
Nice and practical desklet. On fedora getting needed the gcalcli to work was a bit of a chanllenge. Tip you need to install it using sudo pip gcalcli, and not via the rpm that can be found via as it is severely out of date; version 1.4.5 instead of 3.4.1 that is current. After I figured that out it was just a matter of running "gcalcli list" and approving access to the calendar. One small point of critique; the transparency slider should really work the other way around, so that 0 is fully opaque and 100 is fully transparent.
Gobinath-7 years ago
Thanks for pointing out the transparency slider issue. I have fixed it and the changes are merged to the official repo. Please update the desklet.
Tom Ulrich
Tom Ulrich-7 years ago
Absolutely useful and functional desklet! I just love it in the morning right before I usually check the mails and news to have my appointments at a glance. Just great! Hope many of you hit the "give the developer a coffee" button at paypal ;-)
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-7 years ago
Launching "gcalcli" from the terminal gives me "Error: no command". Running "man gcalcli", I cannot see any information about how to configure a user account, although man pages are always horribly difficult to slog through and understand the syntax of. Perhaps I missed it. In any case, this isn't working. I need more setup instructions.
Gobinath-7 years ago
caebo-7 years ago
You need a command after "gcalcli". So for example type "gcalcli list" to see your calendars. This should open a new window in your browser to authenticate yourself. I had to delete the desklet and create it anew after that.