Nepali Patro Desklet

UUID: nepalipatro@deeppradhan
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-26, 22:05
Last commit: [0cf5fa8d] Add Catalan translations (#1252)

Configurable Nepali Patro (Calendar) desklet



Nepali Patro Desklet

Nepali Patro Desklet provides a highly configurable desklet for the Nepali Patro/Calendar (Bikram Sambat), which displays current date and browsable months. It has a number of possible customisations.

Major Features:

  • Desklet language can be set to either Nepali (default) or English.
  • Consists of a day panel and a month panel. Both or one of can be selected to be shown.
  • Various fields of day panel (weekday, time etc.) can be customised.
  • The month panel allows scrolling through various months.
  • Hovering over a date in the month panel shows the Gregorian date as tooltip.
  • Font family and size of desklet text is customisable.
  • Colour of text and background can be set (including different colour for Sundays & Saturdays).
  • Calendar can be displayed as per Nepali TimeZone or the system TimeZone.

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Rai-2 years ago
I made a mistake in the entry, instead of using Bikram Sambat it should have been Vikram Samvat
Rai-2 years ago
I like your desklet, but I have a small issue with the desklet, the desklet is showing only the Nepali Sambat can this desklet be extent to support Bikram Sambat, Saka Sambat, and Bangla Sambat, so that we can use it in India also.
SamirDaai-4 years ago
It shows date of previous day.Please fix gardinus. Nice work by the way :)
Umesh Shrestha
Umesh Shrestha-3 years ago
the showing of the day lag is fixed now.
socoolgunda-4 years ago
date does not match. it shows the date of previous day
Umesh Shrestha
Umesh Shrestha-3 years ago
the showing of the day lag is fixed now.