CPU Load

UUID: cpuload@kimse
Last edited:
4 months ago 2024-11-08, 07:34
Last commit: [705f3941] Add Finnish translations (#1307)

Displays CPU load



CPU Load desklet for Cinnamon

Displays CPU utilization per core.

This desklet goes well with the diskspace@schorschii desklet.

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sobmicha-1 year ago
Your indicator has added more cores to my CPU than it really has: https://i.imgur.com/7b1O6EO.png The two cores shown in the info system (and also by the manufacturer) suddenly became four.
cylentstorm-1 year ago
That's 2 threads per core, friend. (AKA Multithreading)
cylentstorm-1 year ago
*(That i3 has 2 physical cores with 2 logical cores each, so 2x2=4 simultaneous threads)
krasotaa-2 years ago
This applet crashes as soon as I add it to the desktop, by default it displays all threads (here there are 12), and another problem is that the text loses alignment whenever the computer resumes from sleep.
EvilSupahFly-2 years ago
I'm just wondering if it would be possible to add an option to show the temperature of each core. For example: 100% Core 5 42.1°C
kimse-3 years ago
Thanks for all the wonderful comments. To people reporting bugs here, this is not the right forum to do that, use Github for that - click the "issues" button next to the download button on this page.
Venofbagda-3 years ago
I wish change the color font,it's is very bad to see and I did't find how change it in desklet.js,I manage to change the font size,which helped a little,but it would be nice if I could put opaque white.I wait a update.
kimse-3 years ago
Good idea, this will be possible soon. Stay tuned: https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon-spices-desklets/pull/699
FreeBSD-fan-4 years ago
Pretty awesome. Could you put the CPU temperature on an inner ring?
SekoiaTree-4 years ago
This desklet crashes cinnamon in the newest version (multiple desklets, applets and extensions are broken, just reporting the bug)
Krishna Nallani
Krishna Nallani-4 years ago
Can I place the desklet below my desktop icons??
Boored-Dude-4 years ago
I really like this desklet. But is is possible to include a dark shadow to the text in the app? Preferential to be an option to switch on oder off. It would highly increase the visibility over bright backgrounds. Thank you for your work! Version 0.5 (2020-07-15 21:40:04)
gromit60-4 years ago
I installed it recently on my Linux Mint 19.3/Cinnamon 4.4.8 and it gave the same warning message as Hyperion. In my case after being left idle for some time (no sure how long) the desktop freezes with the exception of the mouse pointer which continues to work but clicks will not do anything. Only way to recover is cold boot and I have now removed it - pity though as it was a handy little desklet.
Hyperion-4 years ago
Displays a warning mesage "This desklet contains function calls that could potentially cause Cinnamon to crash or freeze". The similar one, Disk Space, has no such warning. I'm on Linux Mint 19.3, Cinnamon 4.4.8
negout-5 years ago
Won't display on my system: linux mint 19.3, cinnamon. I tried logging out and back in. That did not help. I tried restarting, no help. I had a look in System Monitor to see if it is loaded. I could not see it and searching in system monitor, was not found. I also tried to start it from terminal but got command not found when inputting: cpu-load and cpuload.
timovartiainen-5 years ago
Nice can you make more
83c577nbybd8zb-6 years ago
Sweet. I use it everywhere. Desktops, laptops, Mint and Manjaro, works great. I'd like an option for just one number/circle with the total load. And the unused area completely transparent, or where in the source to update?
Serdar-6 years ago
Thank you Nice application
Georg-6 years ago
Thanks for this fork. I love it!