UUID: eKreta@thegergo02
Last edited:
3 weeks ago
2025-01-23, 11:36
Last commit: [a4abbcd6] Add Finnish translations (#1389)

Displays your grades from the eKreta API.
- Automated data reload
- When changing settings, you don't need to reload the desklet.
- Displaying your subject averages
- Grouping by subject categories,
- Coloring your subject by their average (+ Customise the grade ranges),
- Displaying class averages,
- Compare your averages to class averages.
- Displaying your grades
- Group by subject,
- Color your grades by their value,
- Display details about your grades.
- Display your absences
- Color by their type,
- Display every detail.
- Timetable/Lessons
- See your next lesson,
- The current is is displayed in bold.
Coming Features
- Better UI
- Tabs
- Display everything it can fetch from the KRETA servers.
- Translate to other languages (especially to Hungarian)
- You can turn on to show just days you have lessons (in the timetable).
- Changed some visual element in the timetable. (TODO: New screenshots!)
- Added timetable.
- Abstracted a lot of code.
- More organized code.
- Added absences.
- Optimized http request. (For example, I added gZip)
- More organized code.
- Now you can change settings without the need of reloading the desklet.
v0.0.1 (Alpha)
- First release! :+1:
- Display your subject's grade average
- A major code refactor
- Implemented mainloop
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