Panchang Desklet

UUID: panchang@india
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-12-01, 08:59
Last commit: [4de3c402] panchang@india: Add German translation (#1363)

Displaying Hindu Panchnage

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Nandkumar Pawar
Nandkumar Pawar-7 months ago
Thanks a lot. Nice desklet. Can you make background editable? I want it completely transparent. Also more customisation will be good..
for now, if you want to change transparency than open stylesheet by typing in command line - xed ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/panchang@india/stylesheet.css and change the 2nd line from `background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);` to `background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);` save file and restart cinnamon by ctrt+alt+esc. Now you will see complete transparent background.
Surely, I am working on it. I am thinking of changing some presentation of it and want to add some extra stuff like sunrise, sunset, major festivals and muhurta, Like when sun rise it shows the picture of a rising sun & giving the customization option say 5 minute before and 10 minute after the sunrise. I am trying to add gati:pal time system which start from sunrise. And the tithi, nakastra shown for current time, while for whole day the tithi-nakastra at sunrise will be valid. But it take lot of work to change the internals
rkm999-4 years ago
Hello Thank you for the beautiful app. It would be better if you could add location and give the basic information like rahu kaal, yamaganda and Gulika times. Also to include Indian festivals with tithi from and to times. Thank you
Thanks for your comment, Surely am trying to add features that depend on location like rahu kaal, sunset, sunrise etc. in the next version of Desklet. But it is not as the replacement of the traditional Calender as they provide more accurate information. My focus is to visualize the thing in animation or graph which we can not see in printed paper calender. Also I have no idea of all Indian festival excluding some major one so i will not include it, however if anyone other interested can contribute to add festival feature.
Rai-2 years ago
May be some short of .ics file can fix this issue but I think this will require peoples participations cause there are numerous festivals celebrated throughout India.