ClockTow desklet

UUID: clockTow@armandobs14
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-03, 11:09
Last commit: [07bb2596] Remove unnecessary permissions (#1220)

A fork desklet that displays the time

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webdev866-4 months ago
What about if i want to change the time color to another color?
webdev866-4 months ago
How can i change the color of the background from black to Transparent?
Lichsvx-1 year ago
Para cambiar formato de 24 hrs a 12 hrs editen el archivo desklet.js en /.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/clockTow@armandobs14 y buscar la function - let hourFormat = "%H"; y cambiarla a let hourFormat = "%I"; ----------------------------------------------------------- To change format from 24 hrs to 12 hrs edit the desklet.js file in /.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/clockTow@armandobs14 and search for the function - let hourFormat = "%H"; and change it to - let hourFormat = "%I";
richo-3 years ago
piotr-artur-3 years ago
@narayama-Dias. I have solved it by changing in "/home/my_user_name/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/clockTow@armandobs14/metadata.json" line >>"prevent-decorations": false<< into >>true<<. Then I restaret cinnamon and voila- the annoing back grond has desapeared Yo lo resolví cambiando en matadata.json la linea revent decoration"de >>false<< en >>true<<. Luego de reemprender el cinnamon desaparecio y el fondo. Saludos
narayama-Dias-4 years ago
ClockTow desklet has a black background, how do I solve it?
narayama-Dias-4 years ago
O meu está com o fundo preto, como resolvo isso?
Nilton Gonçalves Medeiros
Há um bug, a partir das 23 horas (11 pm), mostra o dia seguinte da semana e não o dia atual. Para o dia da semana deve estar consultando o fuso horário errado, mas mostra a hora corretamente. There is a bug, from 23 hours (11 pm), shows the next day of the week and not the current day. For the day of the week you should be querying the wrong time zone, but it shows the time correctly. Test performed on Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon, UTC -3: Brasília - BR ...
Antoine Regembal
Antoine Regembal-5 years ago
Hi, should be updated because I can't configure it. Can't we configure the desklet by modifying the code ?
Antoine Regembal
Antoine Regembal-5 years ago
Nevermind, I could configure it :)
Gnyav-4 years ago
how do you configure it? i don't see the configure icon... i'm kind of new to all this :) should i find it's file and configure it there?
metrolan-4 years ago
Yes, you must configure by editing its file
relanzieri-5 years ago
This desklet is great, gives a nice touch to the desktop. I don't understand why there is so much crying complaining about the 12h / 24h format. Okay, that's how it is!
Jorge Garrido
Jorge Garrido-6 years ago
This clock let diferents local zone time? My issue is that I need severals clocks in the desktop showing times from diferents world local zones
Adriano Santana
Adriano Santana-7 years ago
good and complete, i like it.
Zer01-7 years ago
Need 12 hr..
Marcus Good
Marcus Good-7 years ago
Is there a way to make it 12hr instead of 24hr? Otherwise, fantastic.
Bora Ön
Bora Ön-7 years ago
Better than the default one.