Mini-Calc Desklet

UUID: calc@ptandler
Last edited:
1 month ago 2024-11-30, 16:53
Last commit: [7c229c68] calc@ptandler: Add German translation (#1355)

Very simple and minimalistic but yet powerful calculator that evaluates JavaScript expressions.



Mini-Calculator Desklet based on JavaScript Expressions

Very simple and minimalistic but yet quite powerful calculator that evaluates JavaScript expressions. The complete power of JS directly at your hand! ;-)

Original repository:

Keyboard Input

Keyboard input is available after the desklet was raised to top by the defined shortcut (default SUPER+C, can be changed in the desklet settings).

Features and Example Expressions

  • 1 + 2 = 3
  • (1 + 2) * (3 + 4) = 21
  • All functions defined in the JavaScript Math object are included using the with statement (knowing that is not generally recommended using with in JS, but I think here it's kind of convenient):
    • min(1,2) = 1
    • max(1,2) = 2
    • sqrt(16) = 4
    • abs(-1) = 1
    • The trigonometric functions sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), and atan2() expect (and return) angles in radians.
    • Helper functions: degToRad(180) = approx. 3.14, radToDeg(PI) = 180
    • random() returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.
    • Euler's constant: E = approx. 2.718
    • PI = approx. 3.14159
  • You can define variables; this expression will return the assigned value. The variables will keep their value until the desklet is restarted:
    • a=2 = 2
  • You can use the comma , operator to evaluate several expressions and return just the value of the last one. Can be used to define variables:
    • a=2, b=3, a*b
  • For conditional expression you can use the JS ? : operator, e.g. 1 < 2 ? "that's true" : "no, wrong"
  • You can define functions:
    • fib = (n) => n <= 0 ? 0 : (n <= 1 ? 1 : (fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2))), fib(7) = 13 CAUTION: Be careful with recursive functions, I'm not sure if there is a timeout for the evaluation of the expression and if it's quite long. So you can crash your desktop if evaluation hangs ... believe me, I tried ;-)
  • You can use all builtin JavaScript functions and global objects (available in GJS / CJS), such as JSON.stringify

ToDo: Ideas for Further Development

  • [ ] add scrollbar to historyBox if it gets longer (how does this work with St?)
  • [ ] make max number of history entries configurable & ensure not to store more entries in the list
  • [ ] add option to convert locale number format (e.g. 1,23) to JS notation (i.e. 1.23) to avoid errors for those used to one of these formats!
  • [ ] add button and keyboard shortcut for "copy value to clipboard"
  • [ ] add icon to open message box for documentation and introduction that explains some JS expression syntax (e.g. the examples above)
  • [ ] add translations (i18n)
  • [ ] add option to use the result of current expression as new input when pressing Enter key (instead of empty string)
  • [ ] add keyboard shortcuts to show / hide history (e.g. Ctrl H)
  • [ ] add keyboard shortcuts to navigate in history (e.g. Ctrl arrow up / down) - should also show history if hidden
  • [ ] add option to make history persistent and save last N entries it to some sensible place (where? settings?)
  • [ ] add option to clear history
  • [ ] add option to turn off to use JSON.stringify() to display results


version 0.2, 2021-12-08

  • [x] add expression & result history as dropdown with scrollbar (on pressing "enter" + put result as input text and place cursor & focus)
  • [x] add action copy input or result from history to current expression (by click)

version 0.1, 2021-09-21

  • initial version: just simple evaluation

Development Hints

This is the first desklet and also first Gnome app I developed. It was a bit tricky for me to find helpful documentation. Here some things that were helpful for me.


Kind of useful Documentation:



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