Moonlight Clock

UUID: moonlight-clock@torchipeppo
Last edited:
1 week ago 2025-03-14, 11:35
Last commit: [30c83eeb] moonlight-clock@torchipeppo: Add es.po (#1431)

An aesthetic and customizable desklet that can function as clock, weather display, and/or tracker of important dates. Based on Persona 3.



Moonlight Clock for Cinnamon

A multipurpose display for current date, time, weather, and/or custom important events.


  • Two separate lines to display the current date and/or time, fully customizable via strftime
  • Weather information via WeatherAPI, including current temperature and daily chance of rain (requires you to make an account and get an API key)
  • Display one or more countdowns to any important dates of your choosing to keep yourself organized
  • Moon phase display, including a countdown to the next full moon (with optional extra precision, see "Installation")
  • Last but not least, tweak the appearance to your liking: color, size, font, ...


Default look after enabling WeatherAPI. The default font depends on your system configuration.

A few example customizations that can be made with the desklet's settings.

Configuration that replicates the inspiration material as closely as possible.

Click here to get any of the configurations shown above. All featured fonts are free, and either commonly found by default on Linux Mint machines or available on Google Fonts.


Download or clone this repo, then put the moonlight-clock@torchipeppo directory (contained in the files directory) into ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets/

Optional: run the Python script from my personal repo to generate more precise data for the moon phases

Design goals

  1. Combine the style of the UI from the video game "Persona 3" and Linux/Cinnamon conventions into an effectively useful desktop widget
  2. Provide value to as many users as possible
  3. Keep the option to stay close to the source material, wherever this doesn't conflict with the above points

Bug reports, feature requests, and contributions

Feel free to open issues or pull requests on the Cinnamon Spices repo or my personal one!


Developed, tested and extensively used by the author on Cinnamon 5.0.7 and Cinnamon 6.0.

Likely to work in near-future versions. Unlikely to work in too many older versions due to a simplification made for ease of maintenance.

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Nekkowe!-1 week ago
(In case you're curious, here's my settings for now, though I'm still fiddling with the fonts and colours and such:
Nekkowe!-1 week ago
Oh, this is wonderful! I'm having a lot of fun messing around with the settings, being able to change each line with the strftime syntax is awesome, and I'm really happy that the colours are customizable. Even the transparency! Hands down my favourite desklet. I've customized mine to be as "extra" as I could manage. The one thing I'm having some trouble with is styling the bottom row - it'd be nice if there were more exposed settings for adjusting the font, colour and line spacing of the extra "countdowns in secondary text" separately. I'd also love the ability to add a prefix and suffix ("in [x] days", "[x] days left", etc.) around the day numbers. (On that note, between the Cinnamon Spices repo and your personal one, which do you prefer for pull requests?) (And as an aside, which fonts did you use for the middle row on the center and bottom left examples, they look gorgeous!) Thank you very much for your work on this!