Opacity Slider

UUID: opacity-slider@neatnit
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-08-19, 00:30
Last commit: [90e19825] Add Portuguese translations (#709)

Change a window's opacity from the title bar right-click menu.



Opacity Slider

Right-click on any window's title bar to tweak its opacity! Works great in conjuction with the existing 'Always on top' option.

This even works on some windows that don't have a title bar, such as Firefox's Picture-In-Picture videos.

Changing window opacity without this extension

Cinnamon also has a built-in way to change window opacity. You can enable it in System Settings -> Windows -> Titlebar. Under Actions, set Action on title bar with mouse scroll = Adjust opacity. Then you can adjust opacity with the scroll wheel while hovering over the title bar.

This however can be less convenient and much less precise, and it doesn't work for Picture-In-Picture. Opacity Slider works with or without this option enabled.

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Ruben Velasco Guerrero
You are big my broo, this extensión is very util and help me with the stetic of my operating system
Gladdl-3 months ago
Nice work! Is it possible to make everything but the font transparent?
Zisis Lazakis
Zisis Lazakis-3 months ago
I never imagined that i need this extension, thanks!
Bruno Medeiros
Bruno Medeiros-7 months ago
Nice! Exactly what I needed. Planning on keeping the opacity state of windows permanent any time soon?
Nitai Sasson
Nitai Sasson-7 months ago
What do you mean by permanent? Across reboots? That's a much bigger task than it might sound like, but I'll consider it.
Schplook-6 months ago
I'd also like this feature.
Schplook-6 months ago
Actually, it isn't something I really need. I've found another way to adjust opacity of the elements I wish to make permanently translucent, and I don't need to adjust them frequently. Nevertheless, I like this extension for what it does.
Jalen-1 month ago
Any chance you could explain this method? I would also like to achieve this. Thanks!