Magic Lamp Effect

UUID: CinnamonMagicLamp@klangman
Last edited:
4 days ago 2024-10-04, 09:32
Last commit: [24c32932] [CinnamonMagicLamp@klangman] Fix for restore/maximize effects (#762)

A minimize/unminimize magic lamp effect based on hermes83's Gnome extension




A compiz like magic lamp effect for the Cinnamon desktop based on hermes83's Gnome extension ( Please see Feedback section below to report issues, DO NOT open issues on hermes83's Gnome extension github

This Cinnamon extension will create a Magic Lamp minimize and unminimize effect


Cinnamon 5.6.8 (Mint 21.1) or better.

To properly animate in relation to the window-list icon, you need to be using a window-list applet that sets the icon geometry. Otherwise the animation will animate from/to the middle of the monitor on the Cinnamon panel edge rather than an animation specific to the window and it's window-list icon. The pre-installed "Window list" and "Grouped window list" applets work fine as does "Cassia Window list" (version 2.3.2 or better). CobiWindowList does not currently set icon geometry.

This extension requires no other packages other than what is included in a default installation of Mint 21.1 or better.

Known issues

For some reason the Steam client does not support window cloning when minimized, therefore the "minimize" effect will show a blank/black window rather than the correct window contents. I have not seen any other applications show this behaviour.


  1. Right click on the cinnamon panel and click "System Settings"
  2. Click on the "Extensions" icon under the "Preferences" category
  3. Click the "Download" tab and then click the "Magic Lamp Effect" entry
  4. Click the "Install" button on the right and then return to the "Manage" tab
  5. Select the new "Magic Lamp Effect" entry and then click the "+" button at the bottom of the window
  6. Use the "gears" icon next to the "Magic Lamp Effect" entry to open the setting window and setup the preferred behaviour


Please leave a comment here on or you can create an issue on my "Cinnamon Magic Lamp" development GitHub repository if you encounter any issues with this extension:

This is where I develop new features and test out any new ideas I have before pushing to cinnamon-spices.

If you use this extension please let me know by "liking" it here and on my Github repository, that way I will be encouraged to continue working on the project.

Icon based on an icon by Nikita Golubev (



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Juan-Lutz-1 week ago
GREAT JOB, Finally ! Thanks
MarcoB0049-1 week ago
Great job! I love it! THANKS!
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-1 month ago
The effect itself looks amazing! It's too bad we have to disable the "new window" effect as well (because it's tied to the unminimize effect). That makes opening a new window look really out of place with all of these cool, fancy effects going on with everything else.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
With the new version 1.0.2, Magic Lamp no longer requires you to modify Cinnamon Effect setting.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
Ya, that is unfortunate. I have two possible solutions for this. 1. I have a prototype port of Burn-By-Windows to Cinnamon which will all you to use a host of new window open/close effects. This should be available in a week or two from cinnamon-spices depending on what issues I hit during testing. 2. While porting Burn-My-Windows, I saw some window manager hacking techniques that should allow me to disable the Cinnamon setting automatically (and just during an unminimize operation) so I might be able to use this in Magic Lamp so you can keep the new-window animation enabled. So stay tuned to see how these things pan out.
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-1 month ago
Awesome! Looking forward to trying it! Loving your work so far, Kevin!
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
My Cinnamon port of Burn-My-Windows is now on Github for testing if you're interested:
angelotux-1 month ago
now all that's missing is a cube like the one in gnome
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
@angelotux I just pushed a fix for DesktopCube (v 1.1.0). It should be working 100% now as well.
angelotux-1 month ago
fantastic burn my windows
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-1 month ago
Tested it: Love it! And it appears the issue with Magic Lamp is fixed as well! My desktop hasn't been this awesome since way back in the Compiz days :)
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-3 weeks ago
I just noticed another (minor) issue. When I start my system with Magic Lamp enabled, the window maximize effect (the window growing to fill the screen when I click the + widget, if that makes sense) no longer functions. The window just pops into its maximized position instead of doing the effect animation. However, if I go into the extensions settings, disable Magic Lamp and then re-enable it, then the maximize effect works as expected. Again, it's a minor issue, and I have a manual work-around, but I just thought I'd bring it up in case there's an easy fix for it.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-3 weeks ago
This extension does not provide a maximize effect, so are you saying that this extension seems to get int the way of the normal maximize effect? Are you also running "Compiz windows effect" because it does have a maximize effect?
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-3 weeks ago
Yes, I'm saying that it gets in the way of the normal Cinnamon maximize effect. That said, I am also running Compiz windows effect. I will turn that off and see if that makes a difference.
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-3 weeks ago
Ok, I just checked. I turned off *all* extensions except Magic Lamp. It still interferes with the normal Cinnamon maximize effect. Oddly, now that I've turned off all other extensions, I can no longer get the effect back by turning Magic Lamp off and back on again, like I could before.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-3 weeks ago
I believe that the issue is in "Compiz windows effect". It was hitting an exception when disabling the extension and failing to remove all the effects. I applied a fix for that. Can you check to see if that address the problem you are seeing??
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-3 weeks ago
I'll test it out and see if I can recreate what you are reporting here. Thanks!
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-2 weeks ago
Yes, it seems to be working fine now, so far. Awesome! Thanks!
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-6 days ago
Odd. It's suddenly happening again. I can live without the maximize effect, I suppose. It's just nice to have it all working, if possible.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-5 days ago
Is it the "Compiz windows effect" maximize (bounce) effect that you are missing, or are you talking about the default smooth size expand effect without "Compiz windows effect" installed?
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-5 days ago
I'm talking about the default smooth size expand effect. I was experimenting, and turned off all extensions, then turned them on one at a time. The Magic Lamp Effect extension is the only one that causes the default expand effect to not work. Oddly enough, if I turn on Magic Lamp *after* turning on Burn My Windows, the default expand effect returns, and everything works as expected. Unfortunately, it acts like Magic Lamp loads before Burn My Windows, because when I log into Cinnamon or restart Cinnamon, it won't work until I turn off Magic Lamp and turn it back on so that it's loaded after Burn My Windows. (I hope that makes sense.)
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-5 days ago
I was able to recreate the issue. I'll look into it.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-5 days ago
I see the problem now. I'll fix in my github right now and then in cinnamon-spices tomorrow assuming my testing goes ok. Thanks for you persistence with tracking now the problem and describing it enough so I could recreate it.
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-4 days ago
Seems to work perfectly now! Thank YOU so much for working on this project and making this such an amazing and fun extension!
Lani2882-1 month ago
Nice extension. Working good on all our three laptops. Two laptops with intel intergrated GPU and one with AMD.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
Glad it's working well for you.
angelotux-1 month ago
It Is possibile burn my Windows effect?
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
My Cinnamon port of Burn-My-Windows is now on Github for testing if you're interested:
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
Yes, I should have some code up on github soon for testing (maybe within the week, depending on how things so). I have 14 effects working so far. Some might need some API changes to work, but 14 is a good amount for now.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
Not sure.. I'll look into it.
claudiux-1 month ago
Great extension! Thank you very much.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
And thank you for the many excellent applets of yours that I use daily.
angelotux-1 month ago
thanks for the magic lamp
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 month ago
I am glad you like it.