UUID: Flipper@connerdev
Last edited:
12 hours ago
2024-09-11, 04:50
Last commit: [
7dfb934f] Flipper@connerdev: Update Dutch translation (#738)
Fancy workspace switching extension
Fancy workspace switching extension
Using the standard workspace switching hotkeys Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right will animate the workspace change with several types of animation effects (configurable in the extension settings)
- Added a fix to make the animation performance better (smoother).
- Replaced usage of deprecated Actor.scalecenter[x/y] with actor.set_pivot_point().
- Fix the panels showing up in an incorrect location when animating (or when holing Ctrl+Alt after a workspace switch), but I still see occasional panel painting issues.
- Added a new setting option to disable showing the panels when animating (as a way to avoid any panel animation issues you might be having)
- Changed the workspace switch OSD to only show after the animation so that there is no odd OSD artifacts while animating
- Changed author to myself since the extension has no maintainer currently
- Ask Cinnamon to play the workspace switch sound (if it's enabled) when switching workspaces
- Free some connections and properly destroy some actors to avoid error messages in .xsession-errors
- Remove some debugging messages that were polluting the .xsession-errors file
- Note: Most changes from now on are only for the Cinnamon 5.4+ version to avoid breaking the older releases which I am not testing
- Updated for Cinnamon 5.4+ (tested on latest as well 6.2.9)
- Added README and CHANGELOG files
- Versions prior to 1.0.1 had no version numbering
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