Cinnamon Maximus

UUID: cinnamon-maximus@fmete
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-12-21, 20:36
Last commit: [42304549] Extensions - French translation (#798)

Undecorate windows as you like.

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Noot-heen-2 months ago
Good morning/afternoon/evening. I come here to report an issue: it seems that this extension does not work properly, or at the very least it does not work as shown in the preview image above. When I maximize a window, it gets undecorated alright. But the issue is that I no longer have access to the minimize, maximize and destroy button in the panel like shown in the example image. At first I thought it was because my main panel was already cluttered with various applet and other applications so I moved it to the bottom of the screen and created an empty secondary panel at the top. But it did not resolve the issue, which is that the decorations disappear but they are no longer accessible. With some applications like the file manager, this is still okay as I can drag the menubar to force the window to unmaximize and I have access to the 3 buttons again. But this trick does not always work, like for example in the new (LM22.1) version of the Console where the menu bar has been removed by default, or in other applications like System Settings where there's no menubar. But I have also found a counter to that absence of menubar: it looks like I can still drag SOMETHING from the top of the screen but I have to be VERY PRECISE with the click as I can only drag, like, the 3 1st rows of pixels from the top of the screen (no joke + secondary panel removed). But that workaround is also not foolproof as there exists applications the kind of Firefox where there is no menubar visible by default too and I can't click-and-drag anywhere on the top of the screen as the default behavior for that is dragging a Tab. I have to find a little blank area like in-between Firefox's min,max,kill button and the "new tab" button ; but that space gets smaller as I have more tabs too. Another issue I have also found is the two first configuration options are inconsistant or redundant. I paraphrase here as my interface is written in french, but the "Delete decorations only by keybind" doesn't do anything, and "Use the keybind to toggle the current window decoration" once activated spawns a suboption where I can configure the keybind. In other words, the second option does what I, as a user, think the first option should do. My demands: fix the options redundancy problem if the desired behavior is that the window's decorations become part of the top panel, then please fix the issue on non-freshly installed systems. if not, please explain to me how I can achieve the same result as the portrayed image. if that drag from the top of the screen is a feature, there should be a slider in the options to adjust the dragable area from the top of the screen. I have also noted that double-clicking in a blank area only works for maximizing/unmaximizng when the blank area is a dragable area; the case of Cinnamon-Maximus' Configuration Menu window, but not the case of System Settings window. and finally, please add more informations here for this extension: how to use, what it can do (features), what it can't, what each of the configuration does --------------------------------------- Cinnamon: 6.4.6 Linux Mint: 22.1 System has been gradually updated since LM 21.3
Evgeniy Tereshchenko
does not work with cinnamon 6.2.7. Does anyone know an alternative?
Igor Santos
Igor Santos-5 months ago
Working (mostly) fine in a fresh install of 6.2.9.... Except for an issue with various window types causing double borders
Joan Spark
Joan Spark-1 year ago
works surprisingly well (makes it possible to run windows programs nearly native - by hiding the virtual box maximized window titlebar) on my Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon v5.6.8.
Constantine-1 year ago
LMDE-6 x64 "Extension cinnamon-maximus@fmete is not compatible with your version of Cinnamon"
peachy-1 year ago
Is someone going to tell us how it works? even a crumb of knowledge would be nice
peachy-1 year ago
I am a fool. I needed to enable it in extensions by hitting the +, i see there is a whole gui with settings, thank you very much that is more than enough.
mash-00-1 year ago
Hello and thanks for this. Works great now on LMUE 21.1 Cinnamon 5.6.8 Only started to use it together with another applet called "Window Buttons With Title 2" ("removed, unmaintained and zero scored", however I can confirm its working great so far.) - which I feel unleashes the true power and potential of Cinnamon Maximus. I think this info could be useful here in case somebody is interested, since it is not very easy to find but makes them both Cinnamon Maximus and "Window Buttons With Title 2" a true gem. They just complement each other beautifully together with Smart Panel - its a clean, polished UX I do not want to lose ever again. For people intertested, I will just leave these two links here: BR
Igor Santos
Igor Santos-1 year ago
Works great most of the time (not with Chrome apps), and it DEFINITELY needs a README and instructions on how to grab "app names" and etc. This seems to be made for geeks and devs, not end-users, as shown in some other comments complaining about the lack of instructions. Other than that, it's definitely a savior of screen real estate :)
nhamawi-2 years ago
At first, I did not know what exactly this was "undecorating" as there is no explanation anywhere as to the exact intention of this extension. At first I did not see anything as there are ZERO instructions on how to make it do anything. Then I discovered a keyboard short cut--which is supposed to be "Experimental" (clearly, not related to core functionality), and I found that on certain windows, it makes the title bar disappear! Who would have known! Amazing! So it takes some detective work on why exactly you would want this (not exactly great marketing) but once you know, it can be useful to make the title bar disappear.
Juan Montoya
Juan Montoya-2 years ago
Finally it's working on Linux Mint 21. I missed this extension a lot!
Sergio Fernández García
Thank you :)
LeosBitto-2 years ago
I have prepared fix for Linux Mint 21 beta, if anybody is interested:
Sergio Fernández García
thank you :)
LeosBitto-2 years ago
It does not work on Linux Mint 21 beta: info t=2022-07-14T19:46:07Z [maximus] startUndecorating error t=2022-07-14T19:46:07Z [Error: No signal 'maximize' on object 'CinnamonWM']: Failed to evaluate 'enable' function on extension: cinnamon-maximus@fmete error t=2022-07-14T19:46:07Z [cinnamon-maximus@fmete]: Extension cinnamon-maximus@fmete: Could not create extension object. [cinnamon-maximus@fmete]: Error importing extension.js from cinnamon-maximus@fmete
Baron Leonardo
Baron Leonardo-2 years ago
can you please add a way to undecorate the borders as well ?
Martin W
Martin W-4 years ago
Hi! Great extension! Could you add a setting to turn off automatic undecorating/decorating when maximizing/restoring window? In my use-case I want to do it manually only. I commented out the content of functions "onMaximize" and "onUnmaximize" to get this behavior for now and it works great, but a settings switch would be nice :-) Also, I could not get the ignore list to work. I added firefox so content of ignored apps had "chromium,firefox" and turned on to use the ignore list. It did not work, even after restarting Cinnamon?
Martin W
Martin W-4 years ago
Commented out "onWindowAdded" and "onChangeNWorkspaces" as well to get my desired behavior.
Jaxx Armstrong
Jaxx Armstrong-4 years ago
This extension now works good on Linux Mint 19.3, but with an added twist when undecorating (with a hotkey) windows. When undecorating it removes the titlebar etc, but also adds a quite annoying border around the window that cannot be removed afaik. How to fix this, please?
Gilberto Agostinho
Gilberto Agostinho-4 years ago
Hi, similar to what other user reported, I also get a black stripe across the screen whenever a program extends for the whole width of the screen (e.g. maximised, or when tiled to the upper half or bottom half). See below: Strangely enough, this does not happen when a program extends just part of the width of the screen: My Cinnamon version is 3.6.7.
UnduGT-4 years ago
Can you please add a mode in which the extension does not undecorate any window. So the only way to undecorate a window is to use the hotkey or a whitelist.
Anton Danilov
Anton Danilov-4 years ago
In the ignore list you can write wildcard for any application ```.+```. In this case you will have ability to undecorate window with hotkey. I think the whitelist isn't higly demand.
oponkork-4 years ago
What's the wild card? I tried the following ```.+``` * .+
Anton Danilov
Anton Danilov-4 years ago
Sorry. The parser doesn't implement the markdown syntax. Yes, .+ is enough to achieve what you want.
oponkork-4 years ago
Got it, had to reload the extension after using .+
petulko11-4 years ago
thank you for excelent extension. Please send me link for minimise/maximise/close buttons/windows name applet thats working in Mint 20. Thank you!
Anton Danilov
Anton Danilov-4 years ago
What do you mean? I'm not sure I've understood you correctly. Personally, I don't use these buttons, because prefer the keyboard shortcuts (you can set the most suitable combinations for you in `Preferences`->`Keyboard` dialog, tab `Shortcuts`, category `Windows`).
Metafarion-4 years ago
Am I missing something, or is there no documentation anywhere of how this extension is supposed to work?
It's suggested what the extension functionality is so intuivity, so the documentation is unnecessary.
Howard-4 years ago
I loaded it. Could not see that it did anything at all. So unloaded it.
Matthew Stephens
Matthew Stephens-5 years ago
Just got a computer with Linux Mint and confused to all ....... Sorry guys I'm working on it..
pje900-5 years ago
Hi, thank you for this extension! How do I add window controls to the top panel?
Rubem Pacelli
Rubem Pacelli-5 years ago
It's don't work for Linux Mint 19.3!!!
GeorgeKalovyrnas-5 years ago
It's not working on 19.2 Is there any way to get it running?
Hm-5 years ago
nice extension! i want to use a command to toggle Undecorate(to bind a key >_<) would it be comming that?
I've done the new version of extension with that functionality.
Maxcrazy1-4 years ago
I see the border where the window buttons were, only now they don't have anything, it looks like a black stripe, that will have an update or the problem is my configuration?
Anton Danilov
Anton Danilov-4 years ago
Can you share the screenshot? What version of cinnamon do you use?
Anton Danilov
Anton Danilov-5 years ago
I will think how to implement this behaviour.
George-5 years ago
i love it
luis hasbon
luis hasbon-5 years ago
is not working on 19.2, configuration is blocked, has an alert. Restarted not working still.
Juan-Lutz-5 years ago
It has an alert message for possible crashes under LM 19.2 Cinnamon !!
minyaen-5 years ago
Getting the same alert
Anton Danilov
Anton Danilov-5 years ago
Try it again. The last version has been placed a day ago. The alert should not been displayed anymore.
luis hasbon
luis hasbon-5 years ago
but is it working for you?
Ventsislav Radev
Ventsislav Radev-6 years ago
Absolutely great extension. Been using it more than 4 years, didn't notice any problems. Makes screen viewport windows look much better.
Nikolay Basov
Nikolay Basov-6 years ago
Really indispensable extension. Love it! Anyone who need "Undecorate when tile" option to work, just replace line 102 in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/cinnamon-maximus@fmete/extension.js with following (without ---): --- let maxID = null, minID = null, settingsChangedID = null, changeWorkspaceID = null, grabID = null, tileID = null; ---
Andrew Palmer
Andrew Palmer-6 years ago
This extension really helps to making my old Thinkpad with 1600x900 resolution screen a pleasure to use. First I set up the taskbar to be on the side of the screen, but I still didn't really have enough vertical space, so I gave Cinnammon Maximus a try and it solved my problem! Note that when enabling the extension I did get a warning that it is not compatible with my version of Cinnammon (3.8 in Linux Mint 19), but it seems to work fine. The entire title bar, including buttons to minimise and close windows are hidden, but if you just remember that alt+f10 toggles maximise, you can get the bar back easily. Great little extension!
piyushgarg-6 years ago
Works!! on Linux Mint 19 Tara (Cinnamon) as well by changing the metadata.json as mentioned by @hard13
rcrx-6 years ago
Indispensable. Thank you.
M Arafat
M Arafat-7 years ago
How to disable the effect? It maximized nemo file browser, now i want the control icons back what should i do?
Teo K
Teo K-7 years ago
Doesn't work with Mint 18.3! Please fix it. I really like(d) the extension!
Michal J.
Michal J.-7 years ago
Don't work in Mint 18.3 :(
Peter Oluwaseyi
Peter Oluwaseyi-7 years ago
Incompatible to Cinnamon 3.6.6 (Linux Mint 18.3) Please update soon.
hard13-7 years ago
Just edit ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/cinnamon-maximus@fmete/metadata.json and add line "3.6"
SwhGo_oN-6 years ago
Thank you!
Casper Gerritsen
Casper Gerritsen-6 years ago
Yes! thank you!
Exitr-7 years ago
Window button applet is available here:
MarioFlying-7 years ago
I tried some combinations but just couldn't use this extension to only hide titlebars in one single application (Opera Browser). Can Cinnamon Maximus be used for this purpose?
MarioFlying-7 years ago
Ok, I solved by using Devil's Pie 2 . As found in a comment on a Opera Blog old entry: ----- use a windows matching utility like Devil's Pie 2 to strip the titlebar. Install devilspie2 and create a file called ~/.config/devilspie2/opera.lua containing the following: if (get_window_class()=="Opera") then undecorate_window(); end ----- It works.
Baron Leonardo
Baron Leonardo-7 years ago
Where did u get the window-control buttons plugin, I can't find it ?
Luis Felipe Sánchez-Escobar Retamar
Perfect! i think this should be an option in core preferences. Thank you!
moretocome-7 years ago
@Aprianto Nursetiawan: Use applet(s) like @Peter Engeldinger: Works fine with me on Linux Mint 18.2, Cinnamon 3.4.6 :)
Exitr-7 years ago
184 no longer exists (I posted a github link), but works fine for me on 18.2 as well.
Aprianto Nursetiawan
The title bar is gone indeed but so does the window control.. How to get the window control in top panel just like in the screenshot?
Peter Engeldinger
Peter Engeldinger-7 years ago
Great extension, but unfortunately doesnt work under Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya, Cinnamon 3.4.4