Negate Window on Super+I

UUID: rnbdsh@negateWindow
Last edited:
6 months ago 2024-07-25, 15:05
Last commit: [eb5f2d1e] Finnish translation updates (#690)

A Cinnamon extension that allows to negate the window-color when you press super+i.




Used as a template for Cinnamon-plugin: 0dyseus@CinnamonTweaks

Code for inversion shader:;

Original idea: gnome invert window extention;

Coded from 2AM - 5AM, so don't expect too much, but it works

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qadzek-3 weeks ago
Great extension, very useful for applications without a dark mode.
claudiux-10 months ago
Works fine with Cinnamon 6.0. Thank you!
Marcus Vogel
Marcus Vogel-2 years ago
Fix just has to be merged, the original gnome extension had the same problem.
Marcus Vogel
Marcus Vogel-2 years ago
author here. seemingly broken with cinnamon 5.4.2. gtile is also broken, so it coudl be a cinnamon-thing. i'll work on fixing it in the next week or so
danfarias07-2 years ago
This is truly underrated. Thank you!
Cory Pollard
Cory Pollard-2 years ago
Brilliant extension. I prefer dark mode, but sometimes I just need the high contrast of black on white, albeit for a few moments. Very useful indeed.
slvstr1-3 years ago
THis is the best ever. Cant work without it anymore
Abdunnafi-3 years ago
Very, very useful. Thanks a lot to the dev. Love u.
Adolfo Correa
Adolfo Correa-4 years ago
Best extension ever, very useful, essential for the people that like the dark mode. With this extension we don't need to wait until each of our programs implements the dark mode, we only have to invert the colors of the windows with Super + I. I'm using it with LM 19.2 Cinnamon 4.2.4 and works fine. No problems until now
Carol Nunes
Carol Nunes-4 years ago
On Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon 4.6.6, there is a warning when you try to enable the extension: """Extension rnbdsh@negateWindow is not compatible with current version of cinnamon. Using it may break your system. Load anyway?""" . I gave up for now. I'll try it later
Baesse (Pedro)
Baesse (Pedro)-4 years ago
It think that is fine now. And that warning does not mean it not going to work. I just means that the author haven't tried it in your current version. I used some extensions with this warning without a problem.
Andy Herrman
Andy Herrman-5 years ago
The extension is currently broken for me: [rnbdsh@negateWindow]: Type name Gjs_InvertWindowEffect is already registered [rnbdsh@negateWindow]: Error importing extension.js from rnbdsh@negateWindow I was able to fix it by editing: ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/rnbdsh@negateWindow/extension.js and changing the `name` field on line 18 to something more unique. Changing the name property on the InvertWindowEffect to something else appears to fix it for me.
macarthur628-6 years ago
You can also add a custom key binding to bind "Super+I" to execute "xcalib -i -a" command.
al-mission-2016-7 years ago
Please update metadata.json file to make it compatible with Cinnamon 3.6, i.e. add string "3.6" in the list. After that this extension works just fine with latest Cinnamon.