UUID: slider@mohammad-sn
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-11-27, 05:58
Last commit: [d551401d] slider@mohammad-sn: Update Dutch translation (#784)

Yet another nice transition effect for ws switching.

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Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-5 months ago
Since this extension was breaking the desktop, I applied a change so that it will refuse to operate when the Cinnamon version is 4 or greater. Maybe one day someone will fix this extension, but in the mean time you can use the "Desktop Cube" or the "Flipper" extension to get workspace switching effects.
PiotrVVV-5 months ago
Hi I have created a github account especially to warn you. Once you install this extension all windows disappear and it is very hard to disable it. I had to search for this extension on extension list with arrow keys and using hot corners to show all windows. In this mode you can see your extension list window floating and then you need to count how many times to click down arrow to highlight the extension and disable it.
YelmerZone-6 months ago
English: I installed this extension but it makes the windows invisible, I have managed to solve it easily without using the console, just locate the position of the disable button and press it (although we do not see it, it is there). In this video I show you what I mean: https://youtu.be/hXn1RXYkkuM Español: Instalé esta extensión pero vuelve las ventanas invisibles, he logrado resolver fácilmente sin usar la consola, simplemente ubica la posición del botón desactivar y lo pulsas (aunque no lo veamos, allí está). En este video te muestro a lo que me refiero: https://youtu.be/hXn1RXYkkuM
Jamie Drinkell
Jamie Drinkell-8 months ago
Completely broken and leaves all open Windows invisible. To fix I had to change to different tty with "Crtl+Alt+F1" and run "dconf reset -f /" to reset the desktop, turning off all extensions. Avoid until it's fixed!
Lani2882-6 months ago
All windows become invisible. Saved me from reinstalling. Thankyou.
maddg3241-7 months ago
Thank you so much! Saved me.
SrPrepucio-9 months ago
No sirve en Linux MInt 21 Actualmente estoy en: Distributor ID: Linuxmint Description: Linux Mint 21.3 Release: 21.3 Codename: virginia Me ha roto el escritorio. No abre las ventanas. Quiero dar una solución para volver a la normalidad porque puede ser muy frustrante. Puedes solucionarlo de dos maneras, desde el terminal: Abrir un terminal. Obviamente lo deberás hacer también a ciegas, Escribe 'sudo su' y tu contraseña Escribe ' rm -rf ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/slider* O la manera en la que me tocó hacerlo a mí: Por suerte, el menú sí abre y puedes navegar a la ventana 'Extensiones'. Primero de nada, si tienes varios monitores no verás ni la barra de menú, deberás desconectarlos y quedarte con un solo monitor, reiniciar y seguir los siguientes pasos: Paso 1: Escribe 'Extensiones' en el Menú y Enter. Ahora verás en el panel la ventana abierta. Si tienes la opción de que al pasar el ratón por encima puedes ver la ventana en miniatura estás de suerte. Paso 2: Presiona CTRL + ALT + TAB y podrás ver la ventana más grande, esto nos servirá más adelante. Paso 3: En la barra de Menú, selecciona la ventana extensiones, cuando hagas TAB podrás ver que se van seleccionado tus extensiones, sitúate en Slider. Paso 4: Ahora presiona CTRL + ALT + TAB y con el ratón debes dar a la Papelera rápidamente cuando dejas de presionar el atajo, ya que al mantenerlo presionado el click no es efectivo. Esto abrirá la confirmación de eliminar. Repite el proceso, presiona CTRL + ALT + TAB y rápidamente, justo cuando quites los dedos del teclado haz click en sí. Y todo volverá a la normalidad. Mucha suerte y espero que no pierdas demasiado tiempo en ésta herramienta que revienta monitores, como broma está bien pero como extensión, es un dolor de cabeza brutal y para nada recomendada.
Joshua-1 year ago
Was updated a week ago, yet it's completely broken still. Doesn't work with Linux Mint 21.2 Same issue as DavidBOSS21 and tcubano, where it makes all windows invisible. I needed to randomly click around until I hit the disable button for my windows to come back.
DavidBOSS21-1 year ago
does not work for endevour os cinnamon. screws up the ability to view windows. to disable i had to hover my mouse over the window icon and open the start menu to interact with the window. please either fix this or remove the extension so others don't encounter this issue.
tcubano-1 year ago
DOES NOT WORK WITH LMC 21.1!!! UP!! Almost broke my desktop. The solution was opening the "extensions" app and pressin tab until hitting the "Disable all" button. After disabling this extension, everything came back to normal.
Juan-Lutz-2 years ago
Sad!!!. IT DID NOT WOK ON LMC 21.1
Shazib Rahman
Shazib Rahman-4 years ago
incompatible with the cinnamon(4.4.6)
Falkwings-6 years ago
Don't work after restart, something about missing 'notify-send'.
Falkwings-6 years ago
Installed 'notify-send' (libnotify-bin) it returns another error message that the cinnamon-version is incompatible (v 3.6.6).
Jastria Rahmat
Jastria Rahmat-6 years ago
background trouble on dual screen, it should have the "split for dual screen background" option
Sam-6 years ago
This is pretty nice!!
garfazadeh-7 years ago
Very nice! However, it is a bit laggy and choppy for me. It only renders like <10 frames per second on my machine, even though other animations are smooth.
garfazadeh-7 years ago
A kernel upgrade solved this issue. Now it is working very well.
Björn Lyngbakken
Björn Lyngbakken-7 years ago
Slider doesn´t work anymore since yesterday (december 6th 2017); says there is a problem with initialization. Is there a way to fix this? I´m running 14.04 LTS with cinnamon 2.8 on top.
Jocix-7 years ago
Wow, very nice! :)
Jerry Frazee
Jerry Frazee-7 years ago
Thank You....
Timur Yarosh
Timur Yarosh-7 years ago
Wow, it looks really cool! Thanks.
Rudertier-7 years ago
Cinnamon displays a warning, when installing the extension. But it works great, and gives a nice and rich feel to the desktop. Cheers