Transparent panels

UUID: transparent-panels@germanfr
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-25, 15:05
Last commit: [eb5f2d1e] Finnish translation updates (#690)

Transparentize your panels when there are no any maximized windows



Transparent panels - A Cinnamon extension

Transparentize your panels when there are no any maximized windows


Supported themes

Transparent panels supports every theme in principle, but there are some themes that may not fit well. For such cases, the authors (or users) of the theme may override the panel-transparent, panel-transparent-with-shadow and panel-semi-transparent classes in their cinnamon.css, which can be enabled in the extension preferences with the option "use current theme styles".


Cinnamon Spices

Download it from here or search for "Transparent panels" in your Cinnamon extension settings.

From source

To download the source and install it, execute the following as a normal user (you will need git).

$ git clone
$ cd cinnamon-transparent-panels/ && ./ install

The above will download the source from Github and it will be copied to your ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/ folder. If you don't have git installed, you can download a zip from here, extract it and run $ ./ install.


See the list of changes on Github:


If you find any bug you can file an issue in the Github project page:

Make sure you have an updated version of Cinnamon and try to explain the more detailed you can what the problem is (don't just say "it doesn't work" because that doesn't help at all).

Please, do not post issues in the comments of the Cinnamon Spices website because it doesn't have a notification system and I rarely see it.


Contributions are welcome, also in form of translations. Please, submit pull requests to the repository not the spices repository, which is only a distribution channel (not even a mirror). What is in there is automatically generated and overwritten.


1) Is it possible to keep transparency always?

Yes, but you don't need this extension to do that. You can remove the background of your panels in the theme's cinnamon.css, and it will probably work better.

2) System warns this extension isn't compatible with the current version of Cinnamon.

Load it anyways. I have to update the list of compatible versions each time a new version is released, so I may have missed it but probably it still works. If it doesn't, please file an issue.

3) It doesn't work!

First, make sure you have the latest version of Cinnamon (or at least not a prehistoric one). I do not mantain backwards compatibility for too long, but I mark some points in time when the extension worked for that version. If you have an old version, find here a release that is compatible with your version of Cinnamon and install it manually. If it still doesn't work or you already had an updated version, please file an issue.


This extension is free software and it's licensed under GPL3. You should have received an unobfuscated copy of the source code. If you don't, you can get it on

Transparent panels - Cinnamon desktop extension
Transparentize your panels when there are no any maximized windows
Copyright (C) 2016  Germán Franco Dorca

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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Kenny-Dave-11 months ago
The level of transparency changes when I have a window maximised. Is this through this, or do I need to look elsewhere to fix it? I was quite confused when getting the transparency, and I'm quite confused now. Any pointers appreciated, thank you.
Nekkowe!-1 year ago
Thank you, this is really nice!
angelotux-1 year ago
will there be the possibility to gradually increase the transparency?
NathanCampioni-1 year ago
I would be interested in having the semitransparent effect even when there is a window maximised, how would I go about doing that? I understood that removing the color in the theme makes it transparent, but how about semitransparent?
I think that it a excellent extension, but for me not works well. In my case I has high consumption of CPU when enabled. Something like 66 to 100% cpu in a entire core only per time, probably caused by my specific laptop configuration, graphics and monitors that gived me a lot of work to keep all working more or less well until now. OS: Linux Mint 21.1 x86_64 Host: Avell G1750 MUV / C65 MUV Standard Kernel: 6.2.9-060209-generic Uptime: 39 mins Packages: 2694 (dpkg), 21 (flatpak) Shell: bash 5.1.16 Resolution: 1080x1920, 3840x2160, 1920x1080 DE: Cinnamon 5.6.8 WM: Mutter (Muffin) WM Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Teal (Mint-Y) Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Teal [GTK2/3] Icons: Mint-Y-Dark-Teal [GTK2/3] Terminal: gnome-terminal CPU: Intel i7-9750H (12) @ 4.500GHz GPU: Intel CoffeeLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile / Max-Q Memory: 3284MiB / 31940MiB
Davis-2 years ago
completely breaks LM 21.1, I was using "Compiz Windows Effect" and maybe that broke something but the extension made my entire desktop unusable since it would cover anything that wasn't the panel. Hope this is fixed soon because it looks nice but unfortunately didn't work for me and was a real hassle to uninstall.
Rok-P-2 years ago
Thank you for an excellent extension! However, in LM 21.1 I noticed, that the transparency is not resumed after screensaver. One needs to go to settings and manually switch transparency for each panel off and back on. Is this an extension issue or would this be a question for Cinnamon team? In LM 20 everything worked ok.
Would it be possible to add transparency too to the Mint Menu? So that the menu would be transparent only when the panels are transparent? And when windows are full-sized, panels use the theme-color and the menu would too. It looks a little bit inconsistent when the panels are transparent, but then you click on the menu, and it's dark.
manusalgam-2 years ago
It worked on LM 21, thanks a lot! and we hope the developer soon officially fix this
Iván Betancourt
Iván Betancourt-2 years ago
Thanks for the fix, works perfectly
Pradipta Kumar Sahoo
The fix work for me. Thank you!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-2 years ago
Pradipta Kumar Sahoo
The fix work for me. Thank you!
gmarchart-2 years ago
hello, Extension did not work under Linux Mint 21. 20.3 it was ok, not for 21. Thanks for fixing that.
jbdodo-2 years ago
bonjour, l'extension ne fonctionne pas sous linux 21 cinnamon 5.4.
Jean BRUDER-2 years ago
Worked fine in 20.3. No more working after the upgrade to 21. Hope a new release will be available soon !
grafzahl22-2 years ago
Hello This is a beautiful Tool. Today, i have problems on two Distros Manjaro Cinnamon 21.3.0 and Linux Mint 21 On this Distros your Tool Crash. I hope you found the problem. Thanks :-)
JaviTech-2 years ago
Buenos dias, sigue roto en cinnamon 5.4.9 - linux mint 21
Bartek1887-2 years ago
Broken on Cinnamon 5.4.8 Linux Mint 21
Bartek1887-2 years ago
eosdev-2 years ago
Not working on Cinnamon 5.4.2 Mint 21:(
Fonzie-byte-3 years ago
Still works splendidly as ever!
richo-3 years ago
the best
Erwbrad-3 years ago
What is the theme in the screenshots? I love it so much and want it.
Syndicoon-3 years ago
Just installed LM 20.2 with Cinnamon desktop. Left all the defaults in place and installed this extension. When I enabled it, nothing happened. The panel did not become transparent. I even selected full transparency and still no change occurred. Am I missing something?
invernosantigos-4 years ago
I loved it ! But he makes permanent changes to the themes. So, wouldn't it be better to make them through aliases, or just create a modified copy of the originals? And I hope you will soon include a button to adjust the transparency of the themes - some, like Faded-dream and Cbblue, are TOO transparent and the text and icons on the fical panel are unrecognizable. For those who had the same problem as me: I managed to solve the problem by customizing the transparency manually using this tutorial: ( ) is in Portuguese, but nothing that google translate doesn't solve. But what I really dreamed of was getting a gradient effect on the panel like the one that appears in the "panel editing mode". Maybe in the future...
JoeJoeTV-4 years ago
Awesome Extension, I only have two suggestions: Would it be doable to add a toggle to enable making the panels opaque again, when having two or more windows tiled, but fully cover the screen. And, it doesn't seem to work, when using the "show desktop" applet, or any alternative. Keep up the good work!
moloch1994-4 years ago
Works perfectly, except for when I use the "show desktop" button. In that case it doesn't get transparent. Only when I minimize windows individually.
moloch1994-4 years ago
I take it back, it does work with the "show desktop" button SOMETIMES
Docmine17-4 years ago
elviolmp-4 years ago
When the windows is maximized, the panel lost transparency. See the video: Is this behavior normal?
elviolmp-4 years ago
Thank you... working fine again! As soon as possible, I will try translate to portuguese/Brazil.
elviolmp-4 years ago
Its causing error when session login... I've disabled at this time. I'll wait for, when possible, put a new (update) version on repository.
Dickanom-4 years ago
Bonjour j'adore cette extension mais j'ai un message d'erreur sous mint 20.. "cette extension n'est pas compatible avec cinnamon 4.6"
Ricky-del-4 years ago
This is a great work,but I would to have transparent panel when a program (like Chrome) is open in full screen.
mshmm-4 years ago
Great extension - thank you for this and continuing to support it.
ivanaponi-4 years ago
can we have a 100% invisible desktop extension please? Then we have an excuse not to work
Peter-4 years ago
Love it! Makes my desktops much more beautiful!
Mirko1984-4 years ago
Must-Have Tool for Linux! Perfect Work! Nothing to complain! Thank you!!!
piterpanter-5 years ago
działa na 19.3 mint cynamon
Tales Araujo
Tales Araujo-5 years ago
It would be awesome if we had the option to manually adjust the transparency level as well, b/c it may seem way too much transparent with some wallpapers.
Your Moms And Me
Your Moms And Me-5 years ago
Love it! Though you made a good point that I'll have to search for the cinnamon.css and turn it all transparent. --that is, if I have the energy to look that up. =P
PedePanoOriginal-5 years ago
Is it possible to have 2 instaces of this extension running at the same time? I want to have diffrent configs for top and bot panel...
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-5 years ago
No, it is not currently possible. But you have two options. You can choose which panels are affected by this extension if that helps, or you can modify the CSS of your theme to change the style of each panel when it is in the transparent state. See the readme for instructions.
mfreeman72-5 years ago
Doesn't seem to work with Cinnamon 4.4
WDVANECK-5 years ago
Looks nice. Thanks.
fluntelion-5 years ago
Germán, you should not try to be wiser than the Linux Mint developer team. When LM displays an urgent warning saying that your extension is not compatible to LM 19.2, then it IS not compatible. Full stop. Furthermore, there is no update available. Click the update icon yourself and you will see. Instead, there is another solution, namely uninstalling the extension and installing it anew afterwards. But this is not an UPDATE, right? Thus you should not have tried to lecture me but have given correct pieces of information. But this is not your long suit, is it?
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-5 years ago
It displays that message when your Cinnamon version does not appear in the list of supported versions in the metadata file. I added it last week, so you (actually) didn't have the latest version. If there is an issue with the updating process of xlets, then report it to the Cinnamon bug tracker. There is nothing more I can do from my side. And I wasn't trying to be rude. If you only say "it does not work" (without providing any more information), and I already fixed the error you are reporting, the only thing I can say is update your applet. Please understand that.
fluntelion-5 years ago
After the upgrade to Linux Mint 19.2, I got an error message saying that an applet, a desklet or an extension did not work and needed an update. It was clear that it was your extension: the panel was opaque. When trying to re-activivate it, I got an urgent warning saying that this extension is not compatible to LM 19.2 , and that activating it could damage the system. Good gracious! :-)) Would you please work on that issue? I do like 'Transparent panels' too much to do without it. Thanks a lot!
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-5 years ago
That issue is already fixed (see the comment below yours). Please update your applet. Also, this is not the place to report bugs. Please, next time do it in the bug tracker, providing all the information needed:
Danilo Ancilotto
Danilo Ancilotto-5 years ago
Just reporting, this applet still does not work on Cinnamon 4.2.2.
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-5 years ago
The issue should be fixed now. There was a delay in the security review system.
Márcio Indau
Márcio Indau-6 years ago
Great extension. Works flawlessly
GNU_Linux_User-6 years ago
This extension is a life-saver. Per-panel transparency: great!
Janne-d-Arc-6 years ago
I love this but the panel is a bit too transparent even with the "semi-transparent" setting, can the transparency level or color be adjusted?
Janne-d-Arc-6 years ago
Okay, I have figured out how to do it but I think it would be great to be able to adjust it from the extension settings. Thank you!
Fonstw-6 years ago
Although it doesn't change much, the fact that my panel turns transparent (with shadow) when I have nothing maximized, really gives it that "finishing touch"! I second what luukvbaal said below, though.
luukvbaal-6 years ago
Could this be made to work for two side by side windows extending over the full height of the screen? Such that the panel would not be transparent in this situation:
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-6 years ago
Indeed yes. I plan something like that in the future, but I can't promise anything.
Radoslav-6 years ago
Excellent extension! The best part: I don't have to add any repoes or run any shells because this extension is easily findable in the Extensions app. :D
Harkl-6 years ago
This little thingy is just great! Works perfectly well on LM 18.3 & Thunderbolt theme. Thank you very much for your work & your commitment.
milangfx-7 years ago
Cesar Olimpio
Cesar Olimpio-7 years ago
Doesn't turn transparent when I use Super+D
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
It does for me. Try restarting Cinnamon.
Humayun Kabir
Humayun Kabir-7 years ago
What is the parameters for "With shadow".. i want copy those parameter to my current theme.... And Thank you, Nice work.
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
You have to include the "panel-transparent" class in your theme to customize it.
Grigorijs-7 years ago
Very cool. With Mint-Y-Yltra-Dark theme works excellent.
Руслан Севрюков please fix the icon in the upper right corner and make the drop-down panel transparent too and this does not work when any window is maximized on the whole screen
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
Does this happen only when this extension is enabled? Please, if that's the case open an issue on GitHub so that I get notified. I don't get notified when people ask here and I probably won't see it. Issues page link:
Rudertier-7 years ago
Great extension. Works flawlessly with the light theme.
Kasper Wynne
Kasper Wynne-7 years ago
hello,is it possible to keep transparent while there is a maximized window?
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
Nope. You have to go the traditional way and use a transparent theme.
Chris D
Chris D-7 years ago
Is there any way to make the panel transparent in a theme like Arc, Pop, or Adapta?
Didier Tranda
Didier Tranda-7 years ago
Merci beaucoup pour la mise a jour pour mint 18.2 cinnamon ça fonctionne nickel ;)
Marcosdw-7 years ago
Does not work on Cinnamon 3.4.4 LM 18.2
Marcosdw-7 years ago
Delete all files Transparent panels reinstall work fine
yochananmarqos-7 years ago
It's not compatible with Cinnamon 3.4 on Linux Mint 18.2. I opened an issue <a href="">here</a>.
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
I already fixed it, I have to push it here. Meanwhile you can just dismiss it. I'ts just a warning but it is fully compatible.
Steve Murphy
Steve Murphy-7 years ago
If you upgrade from 18.1 to 18.2 it will throw an error unless you update the extension immediately prior to the upgrade. If you don't do that it's just a case of removing and readding the extension to get the fixed version.
Thiago Ponte
Thiago Ponte-7 years ago
Doesn't work with Linux Mint 18, Cinnamon 3.0.7
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
Keep in mind that version was old already when this extension was released. Some things may not work because I have no way to test it but the last time I checked it it was working fine. Submit the issue with more details and I'll see what can I do.
IniZio-7 years ago
Lovely extension!