
UUID: watermark@germanfr
Last edited:
4 months ago 2024-07-27, 15:17
Last commit: [67b3a723] Update Finnish translations (#694)

Place a watermark on the desktop.



Watermark - A Cinnamon extension

Place a watermark on the desktop


Included watermarks

  • Cinnamon
  • Manjaro
  • Manjaro Text (Manjaro logo with text)
  • Arch
  • Linux Mint
  • Debian
  • Antergos
  • Ubuntu
  • Linux
  • All Gtk icons, including start-here
  • Virtually any image from a custom location


From the Cinnamon settings

Just go to System Settings > Extensions and search for this there.

From the Cinnamon Spices website

Go to the Cinnamon Spices website, download the package and extract the contents into ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions.

From source

Download the sources from here and run ./utils.sh --install. If it doesn't work, do it manually: copy, move or link the watermark@germanfr folder into ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions.


See the list of changes on Github: https://github.com/germanfr/watermark-cinnamon/commits/master.


If you find any bug you can file an issue in the Github project page: https://github.com/germanfr/watermark-cinnamon/issues.

Make sure you have an updated version of Cinnamon and try to explain the more detailed you can what the problem is (don't just say "it doesn't work" because that doesn't help at all).

Please, do not post issues in the comments of the Cinnamon Spices website because it doesn't have a notification system and I rarely see it.


Contributions are welcome, also in form of translations. Please, submit pull requests to the repository not the spices repository, which is only a distribution channel (not even a mirror). What is in there is automatically generated and overwritten.


This extension is free software and it's licensed under GPL3. You should have received an unobfuscated copy of the source code. If you don't, you can get it on https://github.com/germanfr/watermark-cinnamon.

The included watermark logos are property of their creators. They are not part of this program, so this license doesn't apply to them unless otherwise specified. See the ATTRIBUTIONS file.

Watermark - Cinnamon desktop extension
Place a watermark on the desktop
Copyright (C) 2018  Germán Franco Dorca

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

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Raymond Jacobs
Raymond Jacobs-1 month ago
This is exactly what I was looking for all the time and didn't even know that this was already built in. Thank you man!
richo-2 years ago
me encanta, very good
Gobinath-3 years ago
Fantastic. A little touch that makes the desktop stands out.`1
Ibrohim Mahmud Hanafi
simple but cool
Fromax-4 years ago
Watermark stopped working on Cinnamon 4.6.6 (LMDE 4).
elviolmp-4 years ago
Not working on Mint 20 cinnamon 4.6.x.
piterpanter-4 years ago
działa 19.3 mint cynamon
Your Moms And Me
Your Moms And Me-4 years ago
siiick -ty!
N00BM4573R-4 years ago
Would it be possible to add an option to make the watermark visible in the foreground. So that every time I move a folder or a window of different application in front of the watermark, it would not be covered by that window / folder. Isn't that the real purpose of a watermark after all? #FeatureRequest
Fromax-6 years ago
That's the cherry on top!
Jose Carlos Garcia Diaz
This great, works very well
Jennifer Marmolejos Urbaez
It's really good.
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-6 years ago
I'm glad you like it :)
rpxomi-6 years ago
It works very well. Thank you very much!
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-6 years ago
Thank you!