Wobbly Windows

UUID: wobbly-windows@mecheye.net
Last edited:
4 months ago 2024-11-04, 15:57
Last commit: [8b679c57] Add Finnish translations (#768)

Compiz shall live again!

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Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-6 months ago
I applied a fix that should address the problem where artifacts were left behind when using this applet. The "Compiz windows effect" applets still works better than this one, but at least now this one does what is was intended to do and is not "broken" any more on Mint 20.1+.
Abderrahmane BENHALIMA
Literally broken :( it really needs a fixe
D4rkKaizen-1 year ago
broken Mint 21.3
TioVkZ-1 year ago
Al fin ventanas gelatinosas en LinuxMint... apenas lo instale y no le veo falla alguna. Seguiré al pendiente, por lo pronto ¡muchas gracias! :D
TioVkZ-1 year ago
Ah... lo siento, esta no era la extensión que me funciono. Esta rota y la desinstale :/
DUKE-2 years ago
Broken in a while...
Haikal016-2 years ago
broken in vanessa :(
Juan-Lutz-2 years ago
Thank you for the indication. I followed it and amazing "compiz" is alive again !
Juan-Lutz-2 years ago
... Thank to Helmes83 nod doubt.
Tyler Bouchard
Tyler Bouchard-2 years ago
Cinnamon 21 + Nvidia 515 results in after images. Hopefully it can be fixed. Compiz shall be remembered!
fasi747-3 years ago
This is broken since long in latest mint, please fix it or remove it.
Radu Ursache
Radu Ursache-3 years ago
completely broken
eperulli-3 years ago
This extension is completly broken. Sometimes, it hangs the system
angelotux-3 years ago
the extensions for gnome wobbly and magic lamp work well too bad for cinnamon it can't have these nice effects. ps mint the best
d0wn-3 years ago
Forgot to mention: Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon Cinnamon Version 5.0.5 Kernel Version 5.11.0-37-generic Not sure how much it matters since this issue is effects versions dating back months, but no harm in including it I suppose.
d0wn-3 years ago
Same here, unfortunately while it works initially (albeit leaving artifacts behind when moved around), after disabling and re-enabling it stops working entirely.
Joshua Hellwege
Joshua Hellwege-3 years ago
broken for me on mint 20.1 cinnamon too, goes all glitchy when its dragged around, pretty much unusable Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon Cinnamon Version 4.8.6 Kernel Version 5.4.0-77-generic
Alfenstein8-3 years ago
Don't work in Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon. Leaves artifacts and then just stops working.
TheWhiteWolfe-4 years ago
under Mint Ulyssa 20.1 it runs well at first, but then the whole system hangs, which can only be fixed with a hard reset. Only extensions that work under Mint should be stored in the extension. Any hard reset are poison for the system
Juan-Lutz-4 years ago
Here the link of the last Discussion in a Linux Mint Forum https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=208&t=336948&p=1933762#p1933762
Juan-Lutz-4 years ago
This seems to be the only "compiz-like" animation that doesn't work on Cinnamon LM 20. I would be surprised if the functionality is revived for future versions of Cinnamon.(i.e. 4.8?). In any case is pity not count with this beautiful effect in Cinnamon. Is not like that?
4E71-NOP-4 years ago
@ivanaponi : Because we can!
ivanaponi-4 years ago
David-4 years ago
Doesn't work on plasma
relanzieri-5 years ago
This only works on XFCE, right? Here on my Cinnamon does not work, and the XFCE version that I installed on a notebook, weaker than my PC, works perfectly
Juan-Lutz-5 years ago
Please it will be appreciated an "update" to this extension !!! THX
Juan-Lutz-5 years ago
I followed up the instruction of Sadi Yamusak, but after reboot, appears the login screen I type my password and then black screen with the mouse only.... So for me it doesn't work. System LM 19.2, Cinnamon version with Nvidia card and recommended driver installed. So I recovered back to an operative system with Timeshift and delete the extension :-(
Corbin Auriti
Corbin Auriti-5 years ago
This is really glitchy, laggy and stuttery, leaving atrifacts behind it. Needs some updating.
Sadi Yumuşak
Sadi Yumuşak-5 years ago
Notes: 1) It works after adding the line "CLUTTER_PAINT=continuous-redraw" to the file "/etc/environment" AND ther rebooting the computer. 2) It supersedes the extension "Opacify Windows" (which fades out the current window that the user is resizing or dragging) so the user cannot have both of these two windows effects.
Sadi Yumuşak
Sadi Yumuşak-5 years ago
Strange, doesn't work here on Linux Mint 19.1 64-bit, although I've added "CLUTTER_PAINT=continuous-redraw" to "/etc/environment" :-(
RobertBorst-6 years ago
Hi, It seems to work with the CLUTTER_PAINT=continuous-redraw option on Linux Mint 19.1 64 bit. It leaves some shadows it you move too fast
rtlewis1-6 years ago
Well, for those who can benefit from this new fix, it looks like new life has been given to the WW extension - at least on the machines I've tested. It works nearly as well as the original Compiz version, mainly just a little slower/wobblier. The l33tlinuxh4x0r fix will increase CPU load marginally (but so does Compiz for that matter). Just add (in root) the following line to: /etc/environment CLUTTER_PAINT=continuous-redraw Cheers!
Pete Franklin
Pete Franklin-7 years ago
Loved the effect in LXCE WITH cOMPIZ. Wish I was a programer. Can anyone help?
LightningStalker-7 years ago
Please update for Mint 18.2 and make Compiz live again!
Antonio Sanhueza
Antonio Sanhueza-7 years ago
The ghosting effect can be eliminated (from https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/669/wobbly-windows/): Add the line CLUTTER_PAINT=disable-clipped-redraws:disable-culling CLUTTER_VBLANK=True in /etc/environment file.
Navet56-7 years ago
This extension doesnt work on LInux Mint 17/17.1/17.2/17.3/18/18.1 and probably after, please fix this extension clem
Shinglywingly-7 years ago
It doesn't work well for me unfortunately. I'm using Antergos with Cinnamon 3.4; It wobbles fine, but it shows "ghosts" of the window while moving similar to how older versions of windows would show copies of the window you dragged around the screen. Is there any way to fix this?
Itoh Takayuki
Itoh Takayuki-7 years ago
This did not work suddenly Metadata.json has written up to 3.2