
UUID: Adapta
Last edited:
1 year ago 2024-03-01, 07:13
Last commit: [1acded21] Add cornerbar styles to Adapta and Adapta-Nokto themes (#786)

A light theme based on Material Design Guidelines. Cinnamon, Metacity, GTK2, GTK3.18, & GTK3.22 themes are included.




A light theme based on Material Design Guidelines. Cinnamon, Metacity, GTK2, GTK3.18 and GTK3.22+ themes are included.


This is a build of Tista's Adapta theme made for Cinnamon Spices.

Version / Modifications

Original Source Code

Fork for this build

This build is based on Adapta version with the following modifications.

  • Retain support for GTK 3.18
  • Stylesheets distributed in deobfuscated .css format
  • Build includes Cinnamon, GTK 2.0, 3.18, 3.22 & Metacity-1 themes only
  • GTK3.18 & 3.22 - added support for different colored backgrounds in Nemo dual pane view
  • GTK3.18 & 3.22 - cleaned out irrelevant third party styling related to non-Cinnamon desktop enviroments.
  • Scripts - script included to fix issues with firefox and dark themes
  • Cinnamon - fixed workspace-switcher applet on vertical panels
  • Cinnamon - fixed to menu theming for cinnamenu compatibility
  • Cinnamon - cinnamon 4.0 grouped window list applet theming by @jaszhix & @smurphos
  • Cinnamon - support for Cinnamon 4.0 windows overview theming
  • Cinnamon - fixed keyboard applet on vertical panels
  • Cinnamon - fixed off-centre media-key osd
  • Cinnamon - added spacing to menu-favorites-box to distinguish scrollbox from system-buttons
  • GTK 3.22 - Add a minimum height to headerbars.
  • Cinnamon - amend panel label text alignment to support centred labels on multiline calendar applet labels
  • Cinnamon - simplified grouped window list thumbnail theming in preparation for Cinnamon 4.2
  • Cinnamon - support for users on Cinnamon 4.6 and later to set the base theme font size and family via the Font Selections settings module
  • Cinnamon - added script to allow users to revert to theme controlled font size and family with a choice of base font-size
  • Cinnamon - change all theme font-size declarations to scalable units
  • Cinnamon - fix the calendar applet's menu scaling to accomodate different font-sizes
  • Cinnamon - fix the sound applet's menu scaling to accomodate different font-sizes
  • Cinnamon - increased contrast for grouped window list / window list boxshadow to indicate open unfocused applications
  • Cinnamon - increased contrast to indicate active and inactive windows in workspace-switcher applet
  • Cinnamon - alt-tab window preview mode - shade backdrop so the previewed window pops
  • Cinnamon - virtual keyboard - usability tweaks
  • Cinnamon - 4.6.x stock menu - add a height declaration for the app description box, and reduce margins
  • Cinnamon - add a helper script to revert above change for users still on 4.4.x or earlier
  • Cinnamon - support for Spacer applet theming added in Cinnamon 4.2
  • Cinnamon - workspace switcher applet - better distinguish empty workspaces in simple button mode.
  • Cinnamon - minor tweak to pop-up menu sizes to better match GTK menus
  • Cinnamon - incorporate @fredcw patach to menu category hover color for Cinnamenu
  • Cinnamon - add support for calendar with events in Cinnamon 5.2
  • Cinnamon - support for new Run Dialog theming in Cinnamon 5.2


This theme is distributed under the terms of the GPLv2.0 license

Assets in svg format are distributed under the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license

Cinnamon thumbnail includes a depiction of icons from Sam Hewitt's Paper Icons licensed under CC-SA-4.0

Wallpaper in screenshots is from Adapta Backgrounds licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 license


Install via Cinnamon's Themes module in Cinnamon settings or download from Cinnamon Spices and unzip into your ~/.themes directory.

Select the theme as your Desktop, Controls and Window Borders in the Cinnamon Themes module.

To allow the GTK2, GTK3 and Metacity1 themes to apply to GUI apps running as root run this command in your terminal after installation to create a symlink to the theme in the local system theme directory.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/themes; sudo ln -s ~/.themes/Adapta /usr/local/share/themes/


This theme is compatible with Cinnamon versions 3.2.x, 3.4.x, 3.6.x, 3.8.x, 4.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.8.x, 5.0.x & 5.2.x

The GTK3 themes require GTK 3.18.x or 3.20.x+

Cinnamon Theme Font-Size

For Cinnamon version 4.6.x and later the Cinnamon theme's font characteristics van be set via changing the default font in Font Selection settings module available from the menu.

For users of older Cinnamon versions the theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users to adjust the base font-size in the Cinnamon theme. This can be useful for users running Cinnamon on relatively high resolution displays with relatively small screen dimensions where the hard-coded theme default font-sizes are too small.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/ again to chose another option including the default

Cinnamon Stock Menu applet in Cinnamon 4.4.x and older

The app description area at the bottom of the stock cinnamon menu applet may not expand appropriately to fit the content in Cinnamon 4.4.x and older when text scaling factor is set > 1.

The theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users toggle an adjustment of the cinnamon.css to mitigate this behaviour.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/ again to revert.

Firefox fix

If you have problems seeing text on input fields in Firefox with any particular theme this problem can be solved by adding a ~/.mozilla/firefox/********.default/user.js file to your Firefox default profile including the line user_pref("widget.content.gtk-theme-override", "Adwaita"); and restarting Firefox.

This forces Firefox to use the GTK default Adwaita theme for rendering all website content.

The theme includes a helper script that creates the file with this content in the correct location. To access the tool open a terminal window and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Adapta/scripts/

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Adam Maxe
Adam Maxe-2 months ago
Idea from out of nowhere, would it be possible to make a version of Adapta that is based on the new official Cinnamon theme? But that still uses the Adapta colour scheme?
richo-3 years ago
me gusta mas en color negro, pero igual es muy bueno
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-3 years ago
Please update this theme to the mint-Y theme defaults from the new Linux Mint 20.2 release!
Peter-4 years ago
Amazing theme! Thanks a lot! Integrates well with light and dark themed apps.
Adam Maxe
Adam Maxe-4 years ago
Thank god! I was terrified that Adapta would die off now that Tista finally pulled the plug. Thank you for taking over it's maintenance!
ivanaponi-4 years ago
Expo applet on the toolbar is black on black, cannot see the windows with this theme
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
Hi ivanaponi - Are you talking about the expo applet or the workspace-switcher applet?
ivanaponi-4 years ago
It is the Workspace Switcher applet for the multi workspaces, it is black on black and I end up having to use simple numbers instead of the visual representation.
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
Ok - I've adjusted the contrast on those colours for the next update.
ivanaponi-4 years ago
This doesn't work with the ON SCREEN KEYBOARD There are missing keys when using international layouts with non US letters
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
Can you name a problematic layout so I can try and reproduce the issue?
ivanaponi-4 years ago
The layout is a European layout with characters with umlauts and Alt Gr modifiers on a 105 international layout
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
Hi, does the virtual keyboard work with your layout with other Cinnamon Themes? Can you clarify if you are using Cinnamon's native virtual keyboard or Onboard?
ivanaponi-4 years ago
I am using the stock OSK
ivanaponi-4 years ago
This is for the On screen keyboard applet, I have now switched to the onboard keyboard, that works better
ivanaponi-4 years ago
They handle it fine, they have a consistent background to the on screen keyboard, Adapta and variants of it have huge uncoloured holes
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
Can you raise a proper issue here - - screenshots would be appreciated - comparing Adapta top another theme -✓&q=is:issue+is:open+Adapta
Rafael Ferro
Rafael Ferro-4 years ago
In Firefox, the windowed/maximized button doesn't change accordingly, as in other programs. I tried running the script, but it didn't help. I'm using the theme in Linux Mint 19.3, installed via cinnamon's theme module. How can I fix this? Thanks!
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
I think this is a Firefox bug, but will doublecheck. You can workaround it by switching Firefox to use a traditional-titlebar via the customise screen.
Ryan Jentzsch
Ryan Jentzsch-5 years ago
A very nice light theme. Thanks for your contribution!
LinuxOnTheDesktop-6 years ago
I've installed Adapta via Cinnamon, and it had only one - light as against dark - 'controls' theme. I am on Mint 19.1.
Steve M
Steve M-6 years ago
I'm not quite sure what you mean? This theme Adapta is the light version. Adapta-Nokto is the dark version and is a separate download via the Cinnamon themes module.
Janne-d-Arc-6 years ago
I don't know why but using the GTK3 theme causes a white flickering at each startup (just after the startup animation) in Linux Mint 18.3 and Linux Mint 19. I have not seen this with any other GTK theme.
Steve M
Steve M-6 years ago
Hi Janne-d-Arc, Never noticed that before, but I do see it now (and a dark flash with the Nokto variant) on Mint 19. I've just tested the current upstream version and it does the same, and as you say this isn't apparent with other GTK themes. I'll see if I can work out what causes it.
Janne-d-Arc-6 years ago
Thank you! Do you think I should report it as a Cinnamon bug too?