
UUID: Adapta-Nokto
Last edited:
1 year ago 2024-03-01, 07:13
Last commit: [1acded21] Add cornerbar styles to Adapta and Adapta-Nokto themes (#786)

A dark theme based on Material Design Guidelines. Cinnamon, Metacity, GTK2, GTK3.18, & GTK3.22 themes are included.




A dark theme based on Material Design Guidelines. Cinnamon, Metacity, GTK2, GTK3.18 and GTK3.22+ themes are included.


This is a build of Tista's Adapta theme made for Cinnamon Spices.

Version / Modifications

Original Source Code

Fork for this build

This build is based on Adapta version with the following modifications.

  • Retain support for GTK 3.18
  • Stylesheets distributed in deobfuscated .css format
  • Build includes Cinnamon, GTK 2.0, 3.18, 3.22 & Metacity-1 themes only
  • GTK3.18 & 3.22 - added support for different colored backgrounds in Nemo dual pane view
  • GTK3.18 & 3.22 - cleaned out irrelevant third party styling related to non-Cinnamon desktop enviroments.
  • Scripts - script included to fix issues with firefox and dark themes
  • Cinnamon - fixed workspace-switcher applet on vertical panels
  • Cinnamon - fixed to menu theming for cinnamenu compatibility
  • Cinnamon - cinnamon 4.0 grouped window list applet theming by @jaszhix & @smurphos
  • Cinnamon - support for Cinnamon 4.0 windows overview theming
  • Cinnamon - fixed keyboard applet on vertical panels
  • Cinnamon - fixed off-centre media-key osd
  • Cinnamon - added spacing to menu-favorites-box to distinguish scrollbox from system-buttons
  • GTK 3.22 - Add a minimum height to headerbars.
  • Cinnamon - amend panel label text alignment to support centred labels on multiline calendar applet labels
  • Cinnamon - simplified grouped window list thumbnail theming in preparation for Cinnamon 4.2
  • Cinnamon - support for users on Cinnamon 4.6 and later to set the base theme font size and family via the Font Selections settings module
  • Cinnamon - added script to allow users to revert to theme controlled font size and family with a choice of base font-size
  • Cinnamon - change all theme font-size declarations to scalable units
  • Cinnamon - fix the calendar applet's menu scaling to accomodate different font-sizes
  • Cinnamon - fix the sound applet's menu scaling to accomodate different font-sizes
  • Cinnamon - increased contrast for grouped window list / window list boxshadow to indicate open unfocused applications
  • Cinnamon - increased contrast to indicate active and inactive windows in workspace-switcher applet
  • Cinnamon - alt-tab window preview mode - shade backdrop so the previewed window pops
  • Cinnamon - virtual keyboard - usability tweaks
  • Cinnamon - 4.6.x stock menu - add a height declaration for the app description box, and reduce margins
  • Cinnamon - add a helper script to revert above change for users still on 4.4.x or earlier
  • Cinnamon - support for Spacer applet theming added in Cinnamon 4.2
  • Cinnamon - workspace switcher applet - better distinguish empty workspaces in simple button mode.
  • Cinnamon - minor tweak to pop-up menu sizes to better match GTK menus
  • Cinnamon - incorporate @fredcw patach to menu category hover color for Cinnamenu
  • Cinnamon - add support for calendar with events in Cinnamon 5.2
  • Cinnamon - support for new Run Dialog theming in Cinnamon 5.2


This theme is distributed under the terms of the GPLv2.0 license

Assets in svg format are distributed under the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license

Cinnamon thumbnail includes a depiction of icons from Sam Hewitt's Paper Icons licensed under CC-SA-4.0

Wallpaper in screenshots is from Adapta Backgrounds licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 license


Install via Cinnamon's Themes module in Cinnamon settings or download from Cinnamon Spices and unzip into your ~/.themes directory.

Select the theme as your Desktop, Controls and Window Borders in the Cinnamon Themes module.

To allow the GTK2, GTK3 and Metacity1 themes to apply to GUI apps running as root run this command in your terminal after installation to create a symlink to the theme in the local system theme directory.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/themes; sudo ln -s ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto /usr/local/share/themes/


This theme is compatible with Cinnamon versions 3.2.x, 3.4.x, 3.6.x, 3.8.x, 4.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.8.x, 5.0.x & 5.2.x

The GTK3 themes require GTK 3.18.x or 3.20.x+

Cinnamon Theme Font-Size

For Cinnamon version 4.6.x and later the Cinnamon theme's font characteristics van be set via changing the default font in Font Selection settings module available from the menu.

For users of older Cinnamon versions the theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users to adjust the base font-size in the Cinnamon theme. This can be useful for users running Cinnamon on relatively high resolution displays with relatively small screen dimensions where the hard-coded theme default font-sizes are too small.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/ again to chose another option including the default

Cinnamon Stock Menu applet in Cinnamon 4.4.x and older

The app description area at the bottom of the stock cinnamon menu applet may not expand appropriately to fit the content in Cinnamon 4.4.x and older when text scaling factor is set > 1.

The theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users toggle an adjustment of the cinnamon.css to mitigate this behaviour.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/ again to revert.

Firefox fix

If you have problems seeing text on input fields in Firefox with any particular theme this problem can be solved by adding a ~/.mozilla/firefox/********.default/user.js file to your Firefox default profile including the line user_pref("widget.content.gtk-theme-override", "Adwaita"); and restarting Firefox.

This forces Firefox to use the GTK default Adwaita theme for rendering all website content.

The theme includes a helper script that creates the file with this content in the correct location. To access the tool open a terminal window and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/scripts/

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MeloncitoSeco-2 months ago
If you update to Linux Mint 22.1 Cinnamon, the system pop ups, like when you shoutdown or when it asks for permission, just becomes transparent and all the text piles up Be aware of this before Updating
mehmet280-2 months ago
I have this issue when I upgrade Linux mint to version 22.1 Xia. Is there a solution for this someone has already suggested?
wgreenathome-2 months ago
I used Cinnamox-Rhino for the Desktop and Adapta-Nokto for the applications in the Mint Themes menu, and the transparent menu issue was solved. Only seems to be an issue on Adapta-Nokto Desktop. Hopefully a fix will come soon. Hope this helps.
SirFoxyFox-3 weeks ago
It looks like 22.1 has been updated on dialog boxes in CSS. If you find and replace every instance of ".modal-dialog" in the cinnamon.css file to ".dialog", it should fix the problem.
IGrayfoxI-2 days ago
Do you know how to fix the transparent volume OSD? Your other fix worked great and it made this theme usable.
amy-4 months ago
minor typo in first paragraph of Cinnamon Theme Font-Size: "van be set," should be "can be set"
Ousman Touray
Ousman Touray-5 months ago
Hey, thank you for the beautiful theme. Sorry for the late and redundant question. But as a newbie (literally 10 mins into downloading LM) how do I set up the gadget for cpu util and other metrics? Having a hard time trying to figure this out.
Wong Ponjer
Wong Ponjer-5 months ago
Thank you, I am very helped and really like this theme. Nice and simple. Cool
whatisyourname69-1 year ago
How can I get the panels to become transparent? Transparent Panels extension does not seem to work on Linux Mint 21.2. Any ideas?
Chris-1 year ago
I installed this theme on ubuntu server with the cinnamon desktop environment and it literally breaks the Themes button in the system settings and I cannot with any method change the theme anymore. I'm going to be reinstalling this lxc container and avoiding this theme unfortunately.
jtbr-1 year ago
Great theme. I only wish there were an icon set that matched the color of turquoise used as the accent color :)
Angel Borislavov
Angel Borislavov-2 years ago
How to get the wallpaper ?
Sergei S. Rublёv
Sergei S. Rublёv-2 years ago
Thank you! Fedora 35 Cinnamon spin
Sergei S. Rublёv
Still good at F39
iamdual-3 years ago
Works well in Mint 20.3
richo-3 years ago
es muy bueno, very good
notauthorized-3 years ago
Excellent work...
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-3 years ago
Please update this theme to the mint-Y theme defaults from the new Linux Mint 20.2 release!
angelotux-3 years ago
wonderful and with the round edges it would be more beautiful and I do not understand why on cinnamon you can not put the round edges both at the top and at the bottom of the window maybe it is a cinnamon problem?
Secret-chest-3 years ago
Well, I prefer it without rounded corners. Also fullscreen will look awful
angelotux-3 years ago
for me the round edges give a modern effect
Arda Iskender
Arda Iskender-3 years ago
Detailed work, hard coded for sure. Thanks for sharing!
Ibrohim Mahmud Hanafi
best theme for dark material theme
Secret-chest-3 years ago
Vladimir Trofimenko
Very very good, thanks!
anondrenched-4 years ago
Hi! How do i get that CPU, download, upload, memory and temp gadget? :P Cant seem to find it. Love the theme! Ps. Downloaded mint repo
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
I've noticed a (probably unintended) change that this theme makes. It adds a small padding (like 1 or 2 px) to the top of Firefox windows (when the title bar is disabled). So while normally the tabs touch the edge of the screen (which makes it very easy to click on them), with this small padding it becomes a bit more difficult to click them.
Peter-4 years ago
Amazing theme! Thanks!
NerdsMaxx-4 years ago
Thanks for this theme!! I loved it!
TimmSkiller-4 years ago
This is so nice! The only place that for some reason doesn't use the theme that I have found so far is in the "Package Sources" GUI‌. I'm using Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia with Cinnamon desktop.
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
Hi - from the readme above... To allow the GTK2, GTK3 and Metacity1 themes to apply to GUI apps running as root run this command in your terminal after installation to create symlinks to user themes in the system theme directory. sudo ln -s ~/.themes/* /usr/share/themes/
densha-4 years ago
Love this theme. Thanks for all the hard work. There's just one thing I would like to see changed. For the menu bar on the desktop, it is very difficult to see the light grey line that indicates a program is open. Can you change the color of the line to the theme color instead of a light grey line. Similar to how the default Mint theme does it. Thanks!
Steve M
Steve M-4 years ago
Hi densha, thanks for the feedback. The theme selected color is used to highlight the currently focussed app or to indicate hover. I could potentially lighten the grey to increase visibility but I'd still want to maintain some way to visually differentiate open unfocussed apps from the current focussed app.
dstein-sketch-5 years ago
I love the subtlety of the theme. It's refreshing and nice. Thanks for the hard work!
misgrys-5 years ago
:) nice
Hyperion-5 years ago
What's your cursor theme please?
Steve M
Steve M-5 years ago
From memory I think the one in the screen shot is the breeze-cursor-theme. If you are using Mint / Ubuntu the package is available from the regular repos.
RubenN21-5 years ago
Great theme! Thank you.
vinkaks-5 years ago
Good theme
Nikolas Hagestein
Nikolas Hagestein-5 years ago
Hey great Theme i like it a lot. Thank you for your work!
anupamsaini98-5 years ago
Great theme but theme does not apply to file manager opened with root privileges (I use nemo / nautilus). It burns the eye on seeing a completely white file explorer when opened as root.
Steve M
Steve M-5 years ago
As per the readme...... To allow the GTK2, GTK3 and Metacity1 themes to apply to GUI apps running as root run this command in your terminal after installation to create symlinks to user themes in the system theme directory. sudo ln -s ~/.themes/* /usr/share/themes/
Hartmut Doering
Hartmut Doering-6 years ago
Nice, clean, flat Theme. - To get the applet icons fit perfect on 2k monitors in Mint 19.1 with the new Panel Bar I changed the icon size to 22px till this is taken care of. - Also Papirus-Adapta-Nokta Icons go very well with this Theme
Vernon-6 years ago
Hey, I really like your theme I just have some questions. Is it normal that the volume icon is not centered? It's a little to the right. Also, the software manager is white, is that normal too?
Steve M
Steve M-6 years ago
Software Manager or Synaptic? Synaptic runs as root - to apply spice added themes globally you need to run ' sudo ln -s ~/.themes/* /usr/share/themes/ ' in a termianl as per the read-me. I'm not seeing any offset in the volume icon - that might be down to your icon theme - or maybe you have a spacer in you applets?
Vernon-6 years ago
Sorry, my bad. I don't speak english very well so I don't know how it's called in english but yeah, I run that on the terminal and now it's fixed. But the thing with the volume icon persist. Don't know what could make that happen. Whats a spacer? In my applets I only have Icing Task Manager, Cinnamenu and Color Picker. And when changing to the default theme the volume icon goes back to the center and a little higher (all without changing icon theme). Could it be because I'm on LM 19.1? Anyways, it's not a big problem, I'm just wondering. Your theme is the best!
Steve M
Steve M-6 years ago
No worries - maybe you should post it as an issue with screenshots so I can see if I can work out what is going on. I'm using 19.1 as-well. BTW I can take very little credit for the theme - I've only really added support from Cinnamon 4 in Mint 19.1, and kept it working for users on Mint 18.x - the hard work was done by the original developer who sadly isn't working on the project any more.
Vernon-6 years ago
Done! Oh, I see. But still thanks for making it available for us! I'm really happy with this theme.
Steve M
Steve M-6 years ago
Cheers - I see what you mean now - it's the Media Key OSD (On Screen Display) and you are right i't not centred properly. Easily fixed. Thanks for reporting!
Vernon-6 years ago
Cool! It's fixed. Thanks for all the help!
Seth Bergman
Seth Bergman-6 years ago
Small typo: `chmod +x ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/ && ~/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/` ==> I just removed `/cinnamon/` after the &&.
Steve M
Steve M-6 years ago
Thanks - fixed.
Raul Cote
Raul Cote-6 years ago
Just found it. Just in case anyone wants to add the shadow. On cinnamon.css file add the following class: .switcher-preview-backdrop ie: .switcher-preview-backdrop { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); } Save changes and while doing alt-tab only the selected app will be lighted.
Raul Cote
Raul Cote-6 years ago
Great theme. Adapta Themes are my favourite on Cinnamon, my only complain is that cinnamon "window preview" alt-tab is a very great feature. It put a shadow on the screen and only light the app where you are alt-tabbing, it makes very easy and fast to go through. Adapta Theme don't put the shadows so make this alt-tab option kind of useless as it's more difficult to see where you are. I hope it can be fixed on future updates, it's a great missing detail.
Stephan Helas
Stephan Helas-6 years ago
I miss this feature as well!!
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-6 years ago
Awesome theme!
Quentin DANJOU
Quentin DANJOU-6 years ago
Just a very big thanks for that awesome and full theme! I can't believe I'm the first to leave a comment here. Please continue to support Cinnamon! Work on Mint 19 - Cinnamon 3.8.8 Small bug, it seems that the size of the text in the calendar is a little bit small compared to the given screen capture given on the project repository.