Ambiance Minty

UUID: Ambiance-Minty
Last edited:
6 years ago 2018-04-19, 11:51
Last commit: [bf499ab9] Add License Value (#409)

Old Minty with Ubuntu Orange over Mint Green (Cinnamon Theme Only)

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juhguhwuh-5 months ago
Very cool.
Mpc46-3 years ago
I really like it, but it feels like the orange is way to saturated and makes things, hard to read
Th3Pr0ph3t-6 years ago
I installed it and didn't see any window border, controls nor icons theme, only the task bar and start menu.
The feren OS Dev
The feren OS Dev-6 years ago
...updated the description to mention that it's a Cinnamon Theme only. The other bits are just the unmodified Ubuntu 'Light Themes' Ambiance/Radiance themes from Ubuntu 16.04...