Chrome OS

UUID: ChromeOS
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-07-03, 13:09
Last commit: [deb84404] Remove unnecessary permissions and update scripts (#813)

Flat theme emulating the Chrome OS overall feel & look




Chrome OS theme for Linux

Material designed theme based on the latest Chrome OS version


Should you be more privacy-oriented, we have an incognito theme as well:


The Cinnamon Spices Build is based on Upstream Master with the following changes

  • Removed theme elements not relevant for Cinnamon Desktop
  • Added initial support for grouped-window-list
  • Added support for window-list-preview

Maintainer: Elbullazul

Distributor: B00merang Project

Cinnamon Spices Maintainer : Smurphos

License: GPL v3

More info :

Manual installation

Extract the zip file to the themes directory i.e. /home/USERNAME/.themes


  • GTK+ 3.20 or above
  • Murrine and Pixmap theme engines


Contact us @

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Serge Tarkovski
Serge Tarkovski-6 years ago
A variant with Adapta theme colors would be fantastic!
m marcus
m marcus-6 years ago
I cannot be installed in Mint 18.3, the error is: An error occurred during the installation of ChromeOS. Please report this incident to its developer. Dettagli: [Errno 2] File o directory non esistente: '/tmp/tmpJ7rf6Z/ChromeOS'
I love this theme on Linux Mint 18.2, I do have a slight issue with the panel though. This theme only work with bottom panels, top and vertical side panels look horrible. Can you please support other panel layouts please?!
Christian Medel
Christian Medel-7 years ago
will fix, but can't say when
Yusuke Urameshi
Yusuke Urameshi-7 years ago
A dark version of this theme would be awesome
In Linux Mint 18.2 it does have a dark version which is very nice, just go to Themes, and then Settings, and choose the 3rd option for use dark theme if applications supports.