
UUID: Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue
Last edited:
3 years ago 2021-12-26, 09:49
Last commit: [098257f8] Cinnamox update 211221 (#726)

Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue features a soothing blue colour scheme and light text. Cinnamon, Metacity, GTK2, GTK3.18 and GTK3.20+ themes are included along with several interactive bash scripts to allow end-users to tweak theme characteristics.




Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue features a soothing blue colour scheme and light text. Cinnamon, Metacity, GTK2, GTK3.18 and GTK3.20+ themes are included along with several interactive bash scripts to allow end-users to tweak theme characteristics.


Build tools are at Cinnamox-gtk-theme.

Cinnamox-gtk-theme is a fork of Oomox-gtk-theme.

The Cinnamon themes in both Cinnamox-gtk-theme & Oomox-gtk-theme are authored by @smurphos.

GTK2, GTK3, GTK3.20 and Metacity themes in both Cinnamox-gtk-theme & Oomox-gtk-theme are authored by @actionless and contributors.

Licensed under GPL-3.0


Install via Cinnamon's Themes module in Cinnamon settings or download from Cinnamon Spices and unzip into your ~/.themes directory.

The themes are also available via or my Github repository.

Select the Cinnamox theme as your Desktop, Controls and Window Borders in the Cinnamon Themes module.

To allow the GTK2, GTK3 and Metacity1 themes to apply to GUI apps running as root run this command in your terminal after installation to create symlinks to user themes in the local system theme directory.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/themes; sudo ln -s ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue /usr/local/share/themes/


Cinnamon Theme Font-Size

For Cinnamon version 4.6.x and later the Cinnamon theme's font characteristics van be set via changing the default font in Font Selection settings module available from the menu.

For users of older Cinnamon versions the theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users to adjust the base font-size in the Cinnamon theme. This can be useful for users running Cinnamon on relatively high resolution displays with relatively small screen dimensions where the hard-coded theme default font-sizes are too small.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ again to chose another option including the default

Cinnamon Stock Menu applet in Cinnamon 4.4.x and older

The app description area at the bottom of the stock cinnamon menu applet may not expand appropriately to fit the content in Cinnamon 4.4.x and older when text scaling factor is set > 1.

The theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users toggle an adjustment of the cinnamon.css to mitigate this behaviour.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ again to revert.

Titlebar Button-Size

The theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users to adjust the size of the Titlebar buttons. Please note this only affects Windows with a traditional titlebar. It has no affect on on Widows using Client Side Decorations.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ again to chose another option including the default

Cinnamon Theme Transparency

The theme includes an interactive bash script that allows end users to adjust the transparency of the Cinnamon Theme. The default is no transparency.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

If you are not happy with the end result simply run ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ again to chose another option including the default.

If you would like to control transparency of application windows then please check out my opacify windows script

Cinnamon Theme Panel Styling

The themes from the 25/11/18 release onwards have a new default styling for the window-list, panel and (in Cinnamon 4) grouped window list applet.

If you prefer the old styling a helper script is included to facilitate a switch to the old styling.

To access the tool open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

To revert to the new styling simply run ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ again.

GTK2 HIDPI support

If you need HIDPI Support in GTK2 the theme includes a HIDPI version of the gtkrc theme file and a helper script to toggle between the regular and HIDPI version.

To run the script open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

After the first run you can toggle between the two using ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

qt5ct support

If you need support for qt5ct configuration the theme includes a premade qt5ct.conf file and a helper script to install it to the correct location ~/.config/qt5ct/colors

To run the script open a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-T) and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/


This theme is compatible with Cinnamon versions 3.2.x, 3.4.x, 3.6.x, 3.8.x, 4.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.8.x, 5.0.x & 5.2.x

The GTK3 themes require GTK 3.18.x or 3.20.x+

The GTK2 theme requires the package gtk2-engines-murrine or gtk-engine-murrine to be installed. The former is a default package in Linux Mint.

Firefox fix

If you have problems seeing text on input fields in Firefox with any particular theme this problem can be solved by adding a ~/.mozilla/firefox/********.default/user.js file to your Firefox default profile including the line user_pref("widget.content.gtk-theme-override", "Adwaita"); and restarting Firefox.

This forces Firefox to use the GTK default Adwaita theme for rendering all website content.

The theme includes a helper script that creates the file with this content in the correct location. To access the tool open a terminal window and use the following command to make the script executable and launch it.

chmod +x ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/ && ~/.themes/Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue/scripts/

Make your own theme using Cinnamox / Oomox

The repository at Cinnamox-gtk-theme includes instructions to utilise the tools provided to make your own unique Cinnamox based theme.

The Oomox app is a GUI app to design and build themes using the Oomox-gtk-theme. From version 1.60+ this app included a Cinnamon theme based on Cinnamox and has an option to export a Cinnamon theme.

Changelog & Previous Releases

See my Github repository

Additional Screenshots

Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue Cinnamox-Kashmir-Blue

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igorog-3 years ago
This is the BEST theme out of many I've tried! Thorough study of all the smallest details, competent harmonious selection of colors, and .... just simply - this theme is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks a lot!
Juan-Lutz-3 months ago
I absolutely and totally agree.
PaulWADE-4 years ago
Your entire series of Themes are truly great for Mint. Especially, Rhino, Kashmir-Blue, Heather, well, I've used each of them. They bring a very professional look to the Mint desktop. I wanted to thank you for your work. I hadn't looked into the 'spices' website before so I had no idea about the scripts you have included... Lesson learned... :-) Thanks /keep-up/the/ good-work/ -
schnuedel-5 years ago
Love the theme... where can I get the blue background with the stripes?
Steve M
Steve M-5 years ago
Sorry - I can't find a copy on the web anywhere to link you too.....
timvalen-6 years ago
Awsome, same as the other Cinnamox themes.
caseyjp11-6 years ago
The go-to theme on my main system. Outstanding work and appearance.
batmanm0b1E-7 years ago
I love it awesome theme Kashmir Blue
PizzaDude-7 years ago
Garretex-7 years ago
Good theme!!
Felipe Bourlon
Felipe Bourlon-7 years ago
Love it, thank you !!!
Gerard van Opstal
Gerard van Opstal-7 years ago
So beautiful thank you very much, am very happy with it
Absolutely lovely ! I really enjoy this theme. Thank you kindly.
Brian A
Brian A-7 years ago
This theme looks really good, thanks. I'd like to include the background too but I can't see how to get it.
Steve Murphy
Steve Murphy-7 years ago
Hi Brian, Cinnamon Spices doesn't allow us to distribute Wallpapers with themes. This background can be found at