UUID: Discreet-Flat
Last edited:
5 years ago
2019-08-02, 23:50
Last commit: [327c42dd] Fix invisible sound bar (#582)

A dark theme designed to get the best out of flat design, without harming usability
Discreet Flat
Discreet Flat is a dark Cinnamon theme. It aims to get the best out of flat design without harming usability.
I want to create the theme that fits me perfectly, maybe it will fit you too? If not, let me know why!
Install Stylus, then use the command below to generate the CSS. Please do not edit cinnamon.css
$ stylus src/cinnamon.styl -o files/Discreet-Flat/cinnamon
1.2.1 - 02/08/2019
- Fix invisible OSD sound bar (#569)
1.2.0 - 22/11/2018
- Updated for Cinnamon 4.0
- Backported fixes
- Color adjustments
1.1.5 - 26/05/2018
- Add support for having the taskbar at the bottom, left and right
1.1.4 - 22/05/2018
- Added support for Cinnamon 3.6's progress indicator
- Updated for Cinnamon 3.8
1.1.3 - 29/04/2017
- Change the window tab color when it is trying to alert the user
- Updated for Cinnamon 3.4
1.1.2 - 26/12/2016
- Fixed the panel color in edit mode
- Fixed the vertical panels
- Harmonized colors
1.1.1 - 09/11/2016
- Updated for Cinnamon 3.2
1.1.0 - 04/12/2015
- Updated for Cinnamon 2.8
- Improved the workspace switcher and the calendar
1.0.3 - 01/07/2015
- Taskbar fix
1.0.2 - 29/06/2015
- Updated for Cinnamon 2.6
1.0.1 - 12/11/2014
- Updated for Cinnamon 2.4
- Few other fixes
1.0.0 - 28/10/2014
- Edited the taskbar
- Few other fixes
0.9.2 - 25/10/2014
- Edited notifications
0.9.1 - 03/07/2014
- Few fixes and improvements
0.9.0 - ~24/05/2014
- Initial release
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