
UUID: Faded-Dream
Last edited:
1 year ago 2023-07-02, 07:45
Last commit: [10c93765] Fix Faded-Dream instruction in README.md (#743)

Faded-Dream is a simple yet elegant theme designed to bring a clean glass-like transparency to the Cinnamon desktop.




Faded Dream is a customized version of Mint-Y-Dark-Blue to have transparency on the panel and menu


My setup (as of June 10th, 2020)

How to install theme

Requirements: Cinnamon Desktop Environment and Git.

  1. git clone https://github.com/anime-is-real/faded-dream-cinnamon-theme.git
  2. cd faded-dream-cinnamon-theme/
  3. cp -r "Faded-Dream"/ ~/.themes/
  4. Launch the Themes application in Cinnamon
  5. Click the desktop theme
  6. Click Faded Dream

My setup

Wallpaper: Mountains Moon Trees Minimalism
Window Borders: Mint-Y-Dark
Icons: Papirus-Dark
Controls: Mint-Y-Dark-Blue
Mouse Pointer: breeze-cursors
Desktop: Faded Dream

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boom542-2 years ago
Amazing theme. It definitely needs a custom colour of your and to be darkened a little bit. And definitely use the papyrus icon theme. Amazing once that is done. Also love the choice of wallpaper so I use it now!
jilaan-3 years ago
also you can check here this is perfect for everyone: https://wallpaperwoo.com/wallpaper/24786/kylo-and-rey-4k
colour-in-space-3 years ago
Love it, thanks. To those that want to change theme colour from dark blue to a colour of your choice: 1. Go here /home/(USERNAME)/.themes/Faded-Dream/cinnamon 2. Make a backup copy of the file "cinnamon.css" in case something goes wrong. 3. Edit the contents of the file "cinnamon.css" (right click -> open with text editor) a) go to search -> replace b) search for: "#5b73c4" (this is the hex for the blue that is being used) c) replace with: "#_______" (after the hash put the hex for the colour you want, for example I'm using #b74c4a which is the red that the mint-y-dark-red theme uses) (you can use a hex colour picking website to find a colour you like) d) click on replace all! e) save and exit 4. In system settings reselect the faded dream theme. To change the menu transparency go to line 212 of "cinnamon.css" (should be the "menu" section of the code) and change 0.50 to something higher (less transparent/darker, eg 0.75) or lower (more transparent/lighter, eg 0.40) (translated from Germuss's comment)
haggen88-3 years ago
thank you! . In my case I changed it to green [#92b372] although the button to activate-deactivate the network connection is still blue.
mshmm-3 years ago
This is just what I was looking for - thank you :) Like others, I have changed the transparency to 0.85.
Mark M.
Mark M.-3 years ago
This is a gorgeous theme. My new Cinnamon default. Thank you for putting it out there.
jaiello69-4 years ago
Here's the link to the Icon theme mentioned, https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme
colour-in-space-3 years ago
Awesome thanks
Magoninho-4 years ago
Best theme
Aaron-dev-4 years ago
dipenSan-4 years ago
Thank you for providing this nice theme. Let's make Cinnamon even nicer.
Germuss-4 years ago
¡Excelente tema! También tuve la molestia de que era demasiado transparente el menu. Para el que quiera modificarlo se hace de la siguiente manera (yo tengo Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon): 1- Instalamos el tema y lo colocamos con el editor de temas 2- Abrimos el archivo cinnamon.css ubicado en "/home/NOMBRE-DE-USUARIO/.themes/Faded-Dream/cinnamon/" (recordar que .themes es una carpeta oculta) 3- Buscamos en el archivo (usualmente usando CTRL + F) la palabra ".menu" (SOLO esa palabra y nada más) Deberiamos ver algo como esto: .menu { color: #f0f0f0; border: 1px solid #202020; border-radius: 3px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50); } 4- Modificamos el cuarto parámetro de "background-color" (es el 0.50) por el valor que queramos (0 = 100% transparente, 1 = 0% transparente. Por ejemplo, yo lo puse en 0.85) 5- Guardamos el archivo (usualmente usando CTRL + S) 6- Presionamos ALT + F2 escribimos la letra 'r' y presionamos ENTER (esto es para reiniciar cinnamon y que aplique los cambios) 7- Listo, ¡a disfrutar! Espero le sirva a alguien, ¡saludos :D !
merriander-4 years ago
Thanks for this theme looks good. The only problem was that I found the menu transparency a bit too much for my old eyes when it open over certain windows, so I went in and edited it from 0.5 to 0.85.
Anime-4 years ago
Yeah the menu can be a tad transparent, even for me, I just really like the aesthetic :D
JimPearson-3 years ago
I like this theme, thanks for creating it. I'm not experienced at all with editing themes, but would like to lessen the transparency as merriander mentioned. Could you point me to the line/locations to make that change? Thanks!
Corfein-3 years ago
Line 212. Replace background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50) on background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)
JimPearson-3 years ago
Thanks! Forgot to make this change until after upgrading to Mint 20.2. Germuss' post helped too. For English only speakers like myself, the file to edit is: /home/(USERNAME)/.themes/Faded-Dream/cinnamon/cinnamon.css
claudiux-4 years ago
Great theme! Thank you.
Anime-4 years ago