UUID: Faience
Last edited:
3 years ago
2021-04-11, 12:38
Last commit: [7232c4d1] create menu-category-button-hover class... (#697)

A dark panel theme with light menus and blue highlighting
Faience is a complete desktop transformation that includes an icon theme, a GTK/window theme, a Gnome Shell theme and now also a Cinnamon theme. All credit to theme author tiheum, I've just ported the Gnome Shell theme to Cinnamon. (There is a Faience theme knocking about in here already (hence the + in Faience+) but that was made from an old version of Faience.)
Font: ubuntu
Icons: Faience Azur
GTK/window theme: Faience
Wallpaper: Also Calm
To install the Cinnamon theme
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bimsebasse/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cinnamon-theme-faience+
To Install the GTK/window theme and the icon theme
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install faience-theme faience-icon-theme
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