
UUID: Moonstone
Last edited:
3 years ago 2021-08-10, 02:57
Last commit: [715f7a08] Moonstone: fix readme manual install section, add index.theme (#711)

Fork of the elegant Mint-Y-Dark theme for Cinnamon Desktop Environment using transparent UI elements.




Fork of the elegant Mint-Y-Dark theme for Cinnamon Desktop Environment using transparent UI elements.




  1. Install via Cinnamon's Themes module in Cinnamon settings or download from Cinnamon Spices and unzip into your ~/.themes directory.
  2. Open the Themes app, and on Desktop select Moonstone.


  1. git clone
  2. cd moonstone-theme/
  3. cp -r "Moonstone"/ ~/.themes/
  4. Open the Themes app, and on Desktop select Moonstone.
  5. optional: Remaining moonstone-theme directory can be safely deleted.


This theme was created and tested with Cinnamon version 5.0.5. Cinnamon versions 4.x.x+ likely work fine but have not been tested, and versions older than that might or might not work.

My setup

Wallpaper: Firewatch Green
Window Borders: Mint-Y-Dark
Icons: Papirus-Dark
Controls: Mint-Y-Dark
Mouse Pointer: DMZ-Black
Desktop: Moonstone


For help customizing the accent color or transparency effect, check the customize-readme.txt file inside the cinnamon folder.

Other info

This theme is based on Mint-Y-Dark, which itself is based on horst3180's Arc theme, and uses the same GUI colors as the former. However, most desktop elements have been given transparency, carefully adjusted so they are not only pleasing to look at, but also usable (ie. not so transparent that it's difficult to read text). Some of these elements are the desktop panel, menu, OSD, window switcher list (alt + tab), grouped window list thumbnail, as well as run dialog box.

gtk3 elements (like program windows) and metacity elements (program title bars) have not been modified. I would love to modify them, but there is the issue of usability in case you have many windows open and overlaid over each other so they probably better left untouched.

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PiotrVVV-4 months ago
Great theme, thank you
P-rth-2 years ago
Love it!
Neal Brophy
Neal Brophy-3 years ago
Very nice. Excellent work. Thanks!