New-Minty (with joined menus)

UUID: New-Minty
Last edited:
1 year ago 2023-08-20, 01:56
Last commit: [1dd5a4e2] Remove line limiting cinnamon menu applet height (#747)

This is a fork of the New-Minty theme with some variations. Original author: zagortenary333 (



New-Minty with joined menus for Cinnamon

This is a fork of the New-Minty theme with some variations.


Move the New-Minty folder into your ~/.themes directory.


The latest version of this theme is on the master branch, and it supports cinnamon version 3.2.

For older versions, check the available releases.


The default font is Liberation Sans with FreeSans and Roboto fallbacks.

To change the font, edit the cinnamon.css file at selector stage (beginning of file).

Menu Icons

Check out the menu-icons dir which contains a lot of cool menu icons. :yum:


The watch script will watch the chosen dirs for changes and recompile sass and reload the theme when a change occurs.

  • Script dependencies:
    • inotifywait
    • sassc

The script creates a link to the New-Minty dir in ~/.themes.

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greybeard74-1 week ago
Working off a Dell Latitude and the theme works great. From folder colors to icons, I hate the standard icons for Mint Cinnamon. Great work.
fabioarturo1984-1 year ago
I love it Look color more green is best Work job! keep up
alleykhajiit-1 year ago
love the theme but nothing coming up for Applications or Icons. What do i need to do?
richo-2 years ago
es super bonito, ojala cambiara todo el escritorio y no solo la barra de tareas.
TheWhiteWolfe-4 years ago
there are themes you like and others you love. Since I am more the type for darker themes. The New Minty contains everything, which I even love very much. The colors are beautifully coordinated and dark green menu had me from the start. Thanks to the developer of this theme so wonderful for me.
janos-r-4 years ago
With the update to 20.1, when you fn+volume, the graphic in the middle of the screen now also includes a % amount. It is a pixel or two cut of on the top, making it look a little weird. I checked on the default mint-y and even there it is a little tight on the top, but not so visible because of the bold font. On new-minty its much more visible. Everything still functional, just a minor thing to improve this already great theme :) Have a great day <3
lacventura-5 years ago
Excelente tema, me encanta...
jsdn-5 years ago
beautiful and my favour as well, thank you so much!
frostyturnip-6 years ago
Best theme I've found for the new Mint 19.1. Minimized windows have a green underline . All other themes with solid black panels seem to only have a spider web thin white outline that is hard to see. Too easy to leave one open and cause an incorrect shutdown. I like the green accents also. Nice job! Thanks!
janos-r-6 years ago
Hi, this is my favorite theme. I love that it is in comparison to "Y-dark" darker and the menu is tighter. I would like to point out two small details now in the new 19.1. 1) The search bar in the menu is ridiculously long. 2) The Redshift icon in the systray is dark in this theme (unline in Y-dark). Otherwise thank you very much for this great theme. I will continue to use and enjoy it :) Merry Christmas.
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-6 years ago
Hi thanks for the feedback. 1) The length of the search bar is now controlled by Cinnamon. There is nothing I can do. It used to look like in the screenshot. 2) Can you post a screenshot in ``?
Vernon-6 years ago
¡Tu tema es perfecto! Me gusta mucho el diseño, la fuente, el color, todo.
Peter Curtis
Peter Curtis-6 years ago
A nice clear theme which is ideal for my small screen 13.3" @ 1920x1080 on my laptop. It will probably become my standard theme on laptops. I am using this under Mint 19 with Cinnamon 3.8.8 with no obvious issues but I note that when I install it using themes it comes up with an 'overlay' saying 3.2 - what does that mean?
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-6 years ago
It means nothing. I forked it more or less when 3.2 was the current version. The original author made the thumbnail and I didn't change it.
CottonEaster-6 years ago
Nice, though, to echo another comment, SpinalTap does come to mind: 'How much more black could it be? And the answer is, "None - none more black"'.
Surja Gain
Surja Gain-7 years ago
Thank you for creating this. It looks awesome and works fine :) Hope you keep updating it with more interesting ideas.
PizzaDude-7 years ago
Same as Dannation below. Every time I try to 'shake things up' and try other themes, I always come back to this one.
Dannation-7 years ago
Still the best of the best after at least 9 months of use. Multiple times I've wanted to 'shake things up' and decided to try several other themes, but in an almost laughably short period of time, I always ended up switching back. Design is consistent, lacking those all too overstated flourishes of bright colors many other 'dark' themes have. I just want to say thank you good sir for making and maintaining this, I appreciate it daily. :D
hjk mkl
hjk mkl-7 years ago
Where is dislike button?
hjk mkl
hjk mkl-7 years ago
Ugly!!! Black and black and black. I am live, not a dead in a cemetery.
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
There are plenty of themes available here. Feel free to use the one that better fits your undead needs :)
webfluence-7 years ago
Awesome work! Thank you for creating this :-)
Band1to-7 years ago
Awesome ! - Works great...
Bima Novendra
Bima Novendra-7 years ago
I've moved the New-Minty folder in the ".themes" folder. but my theme has not changed ? I use debian 9.2.1. please teach me. I used debian a few days ago.
Martin Rys
Martin Rys-7 years ago
gsettings set org.cinnamon.theme name "New-Minty" Alternative to using the GUI.
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
You have installed it. Now you have to choose it in the theme settings. Right-click on any panel, click themes and choose Railway as the desktop theme.
Grigorijs-7 years ago
Hi. Very cool theme. Can you make a blue color on the buttons instead green. Similar like in "Mint-Y-Yltra-Dark" theme. Thanks.
Marco Christiansen
Marco Christiansen-7 years ago
Awesome job! but was the green color on the buttons, not a little more saturated in the old Minty version?
hitlerhitler-7 years ago
Looks nice but it doesn't install correctly for me. For instance the menu's are transparent and the menu button looks the same as standard. Not like in the screenshot. I rebooted but the problem persists. help,
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
You probably running an old version of Cinnamon. It's currently compatible with 3.2 and above. You can find old releases here (though they are for the original theme) If this still doesn't solve your problem, you can open a more detailed issue here:
Moisés Santana
Moisés Santana-7 years ago
I can't install icon. How install the icon theme? (sorry I not speak english)
Germán Franco
Germán Franco-7 years ago
The icon theme is not included. It's called Moka btw.
Kleiver Efraín Fonseca Suárez
Mago de Oz, cabrones! :D
joaobmatias-7 years ago
Awesome! Thank you
KaMyKaSii-7 years ago
Beautiful, I really liked it. Thank you!
Алексей Ситников
Super. Great job!
Clement Lefebvre
Clement Lefebvre-7 years ago
Looks nice indeed