
UUID: WhiteSur-Dark-solid
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-03, 13:09
Last commit: [deb84404] Remove unnecessary permissions and update scripts (#813)

A MacOS Big Sur like theme.




Version: 2023.12.16

Theme supports gtk2, gtk3, gtk4, and cinnamon.

I have uploaded this theme here for convenience only. All credit goes to the original author(s). See https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme for more information.

For theme variations, color variations, associated icon theme, wallpaper, etc see theme homepage linked above or visit theme page on Pling.com


Most easily installed via Cinnamon's Themes module in Cinnamon settings.

To allow the GTK2, GTK3, and GTK4 themes to apply to GUI apps running as root, run this command in your terminal after installation to create a symlink to the theme in the local system theme directory.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/themes; sudo ln -s ~/.themes/WhiteSur-Dark-solid /usr/local/share/themes/


To style libadwaita applications, you'll need to copy the contents of the folder (not the folder itself) ~/.themes/WhiteSur-Dark-solid/libadwaita/ into the folder ~/.config/gtk-4.0/ You can do this using your GUI file manager or use the following command in a terminal:

cp -rf ~/projects/WhiteSur-Dark-solid/libadwaita/* ~/.config/gtk-4.0/

Note that this will overwrite any existing libadwaita theme you may have installed in ~/.config/gtk-4.0/ so you may want to first make a backup of any existing files and subdirectories you have in there if you want to keep them. If you want to return to using the default libadwaita theme, just delete the all the files and subdirectories in ~/.config/gtk-4.0/

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billjk2013-1 year ago
I have been enjoying this theme but am curious as to how I can change the default color from blue to a different one. I have even gone to the github repository and manually installed the theme with no resulting changes. I'm running Linux mint 21.3 with the cinnamon DE obviously. Any help would be appreciated. I figured I would try here before the forum.
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi. Download repo github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme, code (green button)>download zip Extract folder WhiteSur-gtk-theme-master somewhere, e.g. ~/Desktop/ Go to folder, open terminal and run ./install.sh --opacity solid --color Dark --theme purple This should create the purple version. Change "purple" for "all" to get all color versions.
billjk2013-1 year ago
Thank you I ended up running ./install.sh -- theme all then moved the theme files over to my root theme an now they are showing up thank you for the help.