UUID: Windows-10
Last edited:
8 months ago
2024-07-03, 13:09
Last commit: [deb84404] Remove unnecessary permissions and update scripts (#813)

Simple theme to emulate Win10 on your Cinnamon machine.
Windows 10 theme for Cinnamon
GTK theme based on the appearance of Win32 apps on the Windows 10 platform using the default color scheme. There is also a dark version available.
Upstream Maintainer : Elbullazul Upstream Repo : B00merang Theming Cinnamon Spices Maintainer : Smurphos
Supported platforms
- Cinnamon
- Gnome
- LXDE/Openbox
- Xfce
Manual installation
Go to releases, download the latest .zip
file and extract it to the themes directory i.e. /home/USERNAME/.themes
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