Windows 10 Light Theme

UUID: Windows-10
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-03, 13:09
Last commit: [deb84404] Remove unnecessary permissions and update scripts (#813)

Simple theme to emulate Win10 on your Cinnamon machine.




Windows 10 theme for Cinnamon

GTK theme based on the appearance of Win32 apps on the Windows 10 platform using the default color scheme. There is also a dark version available.



Upstream Maintainer : Elbullazul Upstream Repo : B00merang Theming Cinnamon Spices Maintainer : Smurphos

Supported platforms

  • Cinnamon
  • Gnome
  • LXDE/Openbox
  • MATE
  • Xfce

Manual installation

Go to releases, download the latest .zip file and extract it to the themes directory i.e. /home/USERNAME/.themes

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richo-1 year ago
gracias (thanks)
Jyusup-2 years ago
I like this theme
huntantr-4 years ago
This is a great theme, but would like to make the popups solid instead of transparent. How can that be controlled? Thanks
ivanaponi-4 years ago
Nice and scary at the same time
Shubhendu Sinha
Shubhendu Sinha-6 years ago
nice theme
Brenton Horne
Brenton Horne-6 years ago
Works on 18.3 for me anyway (with 1600x900 display, if relevant), but squashes the menu button and its associated text: I also think the panel is too wide, but that is easy for me to fix by editing its cinnamon.css file.
Th3Pr0ph3t-7 years ago
In my case it works fine. And I like it. I hope it does not inflict intellectual property.
Siamak Shakibaee
Siamak Shakibaee-7 years ago
An error occurred during the installation of Windows-10. Please report this incident to its developer. Details: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmp8KlWpt/Windows-10'
Nathan Peters
Nathan Peters-7 years ago
I'm trying to install this from the theme manager and get the following error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpVXF5fU/Windows-10'
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique-7 years ago
Not work :( Detalhes: [Errno 2] Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado: '/tmp/tmp_8XU3w/Windows-10'
CaptainSnowball-7 years ago
Hey I got this: Details: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmp3cLWpK/Windows-10'
GameOnLinux-7 years ago
Wow, This theme is really Good, with the Transparent Panel extension + cinVIIIstartMenu , this is definitely a Keeper. And thanks Abhiram Shaji for the Tip ..
Abhiram Shaji
Abhiram Shaji-7 years ago
This is the best theme for cinnamon.For those who are complaining about the static windows icon ; move the menu to the place when the windows icon is,right click and select configure,enable custom icon and delete the characters from text. Close the window and you can use the static windows icon as the menu.
I love the Menu and panel, but why is the Windows Icon static?? I really have no desire to replicate Windows, as I have your theme mixed with the Chrome OS theme for a basic modern dark/bright hybrid but I can't replace the Windows Icon with my own. Please fix this.
Jerry Ferreira
Jerry Ferreira-7 years ago
Wow, this theme is amazing!