Create a desktop shortcut

UUID: create-desktop-shortcut@anaximeno
Last edited:
1 month ago 2025-02-21, 07:02
Last commit: [ce0771d3] Add Ukrainian translations (#621)

Creates a shortcut of folders, applications, files, and others, on the desktop folder.



Create Desktop Shortcut

Creates a shortcut of folders, applications, files, and others, on the desktop folder.

Installation Instructions

It is highly recommended that you install this action through the actions settings module available by default starting from LM 21.3 and in the updated versions of LMDE 6 (write actions on the app menu to find this module), however, if that is not available or accessible for any reason follow through the following procedures to install this action in your system:

  1. The following dependencies must be available on your system: nemo, xdg-user-dirs, python3, bash, and gtk3, if you are on a more recent version of Linux Mint it is very likelly that they are already installed on your system,

  2. Download the package of this action from the cinnamon spices web-site,

  3. After downloading the package open the terminal in the folder the where the downloaded file is located and run the following commands to install the action on your system:
unzip -d ~/.local/share/nemo/actions
cd ~/.local/share/nemo/actions && cinnamon-xlet-makepot -i create-desktop-shortcut@anaximeno && cd -1

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RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-1 year ago
I don't know why, but it doesn't seem to change the context menu for me. I think it worked once, I removed it, and then put it back. When I put it back, it no longer changed anything.
Anaxímeno Brito
Anaxímeno Brito-1 year ago
Hi, you can report an issue at if could not find the solution.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-1 year ago
I'm sorry. Never mind. I was looking at the desktop context menu instead of the context menu within Nemo.
satreks-1 year ago
I don't know if I should post this here or elsewhere... if you have a more suitable place, please let me know. My question is simple, how do I install the actions? I'm a beginner in the Linux world that's why I ask this very basic question.
satreks-1 year ago
Question resolved, thank you everyone.
Anaxímeno Brito
Anaxímeno Brito-1 year ago
Hi, initially the installation should be made through the actions module available by default starting in LM 21.3 and the most updated version of LMDE 6, but I will put some install instructions in the README for those who want to install this directly from this web-site, anyway good work on getting it installed on your system!