Timer with notifications

UUID: cinnamon-timer@jake1164
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-11-12, 16:04
Last commit: [bbc1bdf5] Language update Finnish (#6565)

A timer app with visual and auditory notifications.



Countdown Timer

A simple countdown timer app, modeled after a kitchen timer. I wanted something easy to remind myself to get up every hour and stretch. To jazz it up a little the timer can play a sound, flash a message, open the applet menu, or display a confirmation dialog on the screen. You can display several notifications at once, such as displaying the confirmation dialog while playing an alarm sound.

All settings can be changed by right clicking on the icon and selecting configure. Changes are immediate and you dont need to restart cinnamon for them to take effect.


0) Add sox play if you want sound capability: sudo apt-get install sox

1) Extract to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets

2) Enable the applet in cinnamon settings


  • if you want change panel icon color, edit stylesheet.css.

    File path



    .timer-running .system-status-icon {
            color: orange;



  • 1.3.1

    • Fixed bug. (Panel icon status incorrect when timer has expired once)
  • 1.3.0

    • Added auto loop.
  • 1.2.0

    • The time of the alarm is displayed (configurable).
    • Changed the order of the default Preset Times to be strictly descending.
  • 1.1.3

    • Added support for Cinnamon 4.0
  • 1.1.2

    • Added legacy support for Cinnamon 2.6 - 3.2 (No dropdown or slider settings in settings window)
  • 1.1.1

    • Changed Preset Times to include separate time spinners for hours, minutes and seconds.
  • 1.1.0

    • Moved slider intervals into cinnamon-settings.
    • Moved Preset Times into cinnamon-settings
    • Added a Label that will override the default label and be displayed in the selection menu.
    • Added a custom message per preset that will override the global message and display when complete.
    • Changed the sound selector to use the built in cinnamon-settings sound selection dialog.
  • 1.0.0
    • Took over applet from @axos88.
    • Fixed settings to use cinnamon settings.
    • Made audio setting more user friendly.
    • Made the timer persistant over a reboot.

Forked from axos88@countdown-timer: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/applets/view/280 Forked from timer-notifications@markbokil.com: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/applets/view/68

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ironhak-8 months ago
bOsO400-11 months ago
So simple and so usefull thanks
Denisgsv-11 months ago
Its a bit laggy for me, when selecting the durations and when pressing ok on the pop up, is that for everyone or me only ?
Burgess Meredith
Burgess Meredith-2 years ago
Is it possible to provide an applet icon that is visible on light panels please?
kancolle386-2 years ago
You can customize it. Edit ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/cinnamon-timer@jake1164/3.4/stylesheet.css (example) .timer-running .system-status-icon { color: orange; } .timer-stopped .system-status-icon { /* color: lightgrey; */ color: black; } .timer-stopped .applet-label { /* color: lightgrey; */ color: black; }
kajodowe-1 year ago
Thanks MUCH for this info. I was able to change the color to black! Now the app is perfect! I edited the file as you show then removed the applet and re-installed it. It worked! Thanks again!
gr8fldanielle-2 years ago
is there an easy way to set the slider so I can easily set the time for 10 hours and 20 in the future. It changes from hours and minutes to just hours or something. Other than that it's great. How do I set this thing?
richo-2 years ago
es súper útil, es muy personalizable, me encanta, muchas gracias. (It's super useful, it's very customizable, I love it, thank you very much.)
richo-2 years ago
slvstr1-2 years ago
The best! Thanks a lot
tom-bk-2 years ago
Failed to play the alarm sound
tom-bk-2 years ago
Never mind. I failed to read through the installing instructions.
MaxDaniels77-2 years ago
Why can't change the sound, even if i convert to .oga. i can't set another song?
Darker7-2 years ago
I'm seconding Rashkavar, not least because that would let me hack together a sorta scheduler which I'm absolutely baffled that no cinnamon spice exists for. It's honestly something I'd expect the default calendar applet to provide, but no that's a completely different can of worms :Ü™
Rashkavar-2 years ago
If you're still working on this, would it be viable to add a feature that allows you to schedule things based on system time? Less kitchen timer, more alarm clock. For me I'd like to have a reminder to go for a walk at set intervals of the day. For others it might be taking medication, or a reminder that it's an hour from their bedtime and it's time to start finishing things up...etc I know this is a fairly sizable change to how the app would run, but...it's an idea. If you can do it, great. If you can't, I'll figure something else out.
richo-3 years ago
Grzegorz Rajda
Grzegorz Rajda-3 years ago
Very easy and good. Maybe the development will start again for this spice. BTW: Proper ling to the info about date time format now is: https://docs.gtk.org/glib/method.DateTime.format.html
theconfounded-3 years ago
Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon Countdown Timer Error: Execution of 'play -v 0.7/usr/share/sounds/-freedesktop/stereo/alarm-clock-elapsed.oga' failed: Failed to execute child process "play" (No such file or directory) A suggestion would be to add a 5 second preset time titled something like "Test The Timer
kurtmcarter-3 years ago
Absolutely love this simple but extremely useful applet. It now saves me from missing the start time of meetings when my head is down and I'm working away. The only slight enhancement that I would like is to make the selection of the time more granular. RIght now it only allows you to go to 45 minutes, 50 minutes and then 1 hour and in certain 10 minute intervals. I would like the ability to select down to the minute but dragging the slider bar over. That way I can have the timer pop up in 58 minutes as opposed to 50 minutes or 1 hour. The ability to select down to the minute is very important for those of us who are very schedule driven.
mshmm-3 years ago
Very useful - thank you for this.
peetSoft-3 years ago
Lovely timer, I use it every day. Thank you very much !
AlexanderBalson-3 years ago
Awesome applet, has been very handy, thank you! My only wish is for a count-up option, so instead of counting down from a time, an option to start at 0 and count up indefinitely. Is that something only I'm interested in? I wouldn't be surprised...
zeecow-3 years ago
thanks for this, I use it a lot, the only thing I miss is running multiple timers at the same time
Koas-3 years ago
This applet is absolutely great, but it would be perfect if there was some way to add a text to the alarm, so when it reaches zero the pop message said something like "Feed the cat" or "Send report".
Adi Prasetyo
Adi Prasetyo-4 years ago
Thanks for developing this applet :)
k1pp13-4 years ago
The applet works great, but it appears to freeze the system briefly (1 second) but noticeably when the timer starts and stops. What could be the problem?
IRATA!-4 years ago
This is a great App. But would it be possible, to make it loop. For instance. I use it as a desk break, every 30 mins. It would be handy if the timer resets to zero, and then starts again for another 30 mins automatically, and keep the cycle going. Many thanks!
kancolle386-4 years ago
Yes, I think so. We need automatically loop.
edgardoadriano-4 years ago
I signed up only to say that this applets rocks. Muy, muy buena y útil. Many thanks for this!!!!
Jonatan Poveda
Jonatan Poveda-4 years ago
Extension does not load on Cinnamon 4.6.2 Error log: [cinnamon-timer@jake1164]: Extension is not compatible with current Cinnamon version
kancolle386-4 years ago
I got same error with Linux Mint 20(Cinnamon 4.6.6). But, fixed it by myself. Edit this file, and restart Cinnamon! (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/metadata.json "cinnamon-version": [ "2.6", "2.8", "3.0", "3.2", "3.4", "3.6", "3.8", "4.0", "4.2", "4.4", "4.6" ],
Maksym Minenko
Maksym Minenko-4 years ago
Wow, that worked! :) Thank you very much. :)
kraytor-4 years ago
Works well! It would be cool if you could start multiple timers
Nebelkind-5 years ago
LinuxMint upgrade to 19.3 (Cinnamon 4.4.5) unfortunately broke the applet. Fix would be highly appreciated otherwise there will be a lot of burned pizza and brick-hard eggs in this house ;-)
Nebelkind-5 years ago
Working again. Best timer applet out there!
Breezeman69-5 years ago
Again... After upgrading to latest version of cinnamon , version 4.4.2 the timer applet faild to load. I get the following: Extension cinnamon-timer@jake1164is not compatible with current version of cinnamon. Using it may break your system. Load anyway? Followed by No & Yes prompt. Can you please help to fix this?t
Breezeman69-5 years ago
It's working again. Thanks for fixing it. This is truely the best timer applet to run.
invexx-5 years ago
Excellent. Thank you for making it. It would be great if the icon changed to green when the timer is running.
Łukasz Wolnik
Łukasz Wolnik-5 years ago
Thank you for making this applet!
casajake-6 years ago
When the time zero's out the app plays two sounds: the notification set Control Center and a high-pitched, two-tone beep. Can the high-pitched beep be turned off?
domdog-6 years ago
I am in the same position as Breeseman 69 (see below). He describes the situation quite well. I would love it if this could be fixed. I've relied on this applet daily for quite awhile and would love to have it work again.
if-6 years ago
Is there a way to see the original time? It only displays the remaining time and sometimes I forget the one I set. And thanks for the applet! It's very simple and I use it every day!
Breezeman69-6 years ago
After upgrading to latest version of cinnamon , version 4.0.2 the timer applet faild to load. I get the following: Extension cinnamon-timer@jake1164is not compatible with current version of cinnamon. Using it may break your system. Load anyway? zFollowed by No & Yes prompt. Can you please fix it?
gautam3-5 years ago
I am facing similar problem. if you found solution, let me know thank you kind regads
invexx-6 years ago
Excellent! Thank you for making it.
mockturtl-6 years ago
Just ran across your stackexchange comment about the new location of `glass.log` -- thanks!
Vladimir Pavlychev
Vladimir Pavlychev-7 years ago
Wow-effect every day! Very usefull applet. Great job!!! I love it so much. In Linux Mint 18.3 working amazing.
Lorenzo-7 years ago
It doesn't work in Sarah 18.0 In Mint 17.3 worked perfectly.
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson-7 years ago
Absolutely correct.. Version 1.1.2 submitted today is now backwards compatible and will work in cinnamon 2.6 - 3.6.