Spices Update

UUID: SpicesUpdate@claudiux
Last edited:
2 days ago 2025-02-15, 04:52
Last commit: [d33218ef] SpicesUpdate v7.8.0: Tooltip bug fixed (#6871)

Warns you when installed Spices (actions, applets, desklets, extensions, themes) require an update or new Spices are available.



Spices Update


In order to be sure to download the latest version of Spices Update, use this link rather than the Download button at the top of this page, or use Spices Update v4.1.0 or greater.


Usable with all versions of Cinnamon since v2.8.

Fully supported by the author, in continuous development and in continuous use on several machines, working with Linux Mint , Fedora , Archlinux , openSUSE Tumbleweed or Debian 10 .


Cinnamon Spices are Applets, Desklets, Extensions, Themes... and Actions (for nemo, the file manager)

You usually check updates for the Spices using Cinnamon Settings. But, like me, you do it too seldom.

Cinnamon 3.8 -> 4.6 (Mint 19 -> Mint 20)

The highly configurable Spices Update applet can play these roles:

Roles Cinnamon 6.0+ Cinnamon 4.6+ Cinnamon 4.2+ Cinnamon 3.8+ Cinnamon < 3.8
Warn user when Spices need updates checked checked checked checked checked
Warn user when new Spices are available checked checked checked checked checked
Display in a badge near the applet icon
the number of Spices needing update or just born
(except for Cinnamon 2.8)
checked checked checked checked checked
Give user direct access to Cinnamon Settings
about Applets, Desklets, Extensions and Themes
checked checked checked checked checked
Open directly the Download tab of Cinnamon Settings
about Applets, Desklets, Extensions and Themes,
with Spices ordered by 'Upgradable'
checked checked checked checked unchecked
Make user sure to download the latest version
of a Spice that has an available update
checked checked checked checked unchecked
Allow user to renew the download of a Spice,
to be sure to get its latest version
checked checked checked checked unchecked
Allow user to ignore the updates available
for spices whose update is not desired
checked checked checked checked unchecked
Force refresh data about new Spices and available updates
or open all System Settings useful to perform the available updates
by a simple middle-click on its icon
checked checked checked checked unchecked
Update all Spices from a category (Applets, Desklets...)
by pressing a button in notification
unchecked checked checked unchecked unchecked
Forget all new Spices from a category
by pressing a button in notification
checked checked checked unchecked unchecked
Filtered and formatted tooltip content checked checked unchecked unchecked unchecked
Network monitoring checked checked unchecked unchecked unchecked
Manage Actions for nemo checked unchecked unchecked unchecked unchecked

Cinnamon 6.4

Do not check private Spices. A private Spice is a Spice that is not listed on the Cinnamon Spices website.

Cinnamon 6.0

Update all Spices from a category (Applets, Desklets...) using the Update button in Cinnamon settings for this category.

Actions for nemo are now taken into account.

Cinnamon 2.8 -> 3.6 (Mint 17.3 -> Mint 18.3): some features are reduced

  • The Spices configuration window does not open on the second tab, but on the first one. You will need to click on the second tab (Download) and choose yourself sorting the Spices by date.

  • The Settings window of this applet does not contain any tabs.

  • In the settings of this applet, you can not access Spices lists to disable their monitoring. Therefore, all installed Spices are monitored.

  • The script generate_mo.sh (in the scripts folder) allows you to install all available translations. Restart Cinnamon after execution.

  • If the Symbola_Hinted font can not be automatically installed, then execute the script ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/scripts/install_symbola_on_Arch.sh; after that, eventually, open with Nemo the ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/fonts/Symbola folder and double-click on the Symbola.otf file and install it with the just opened gnome-font-viewer.


Please note that this applet helps you to install all the required dependencies, if necessary.

So you should not have to run any of the commands listed below.

Distro Symbola font notify-send (*)
Fedora sudo dnf install gdouros-symbola-fonts sudo dnf install libnotify
Arch yay -S ttf-symbola or pamac build ttf-symbola sudo pacman -Syu libnotify
Linux Mint, Ubuntu sudo apt install fonts-symbola sudo apt install libnotify-bin
Debian (with root rights) apt install fonts-symbola apt install libnotify-bin
openSUSE sudo yast2 --install gdouros-symbola-fonts sudo yast2 --install libnotify-tools
Gentoo sudo emerge media-fonts/ttf-ancient-fonts::guru sudo emerge x11-libs/libnotify

*() Not required for Spices Update version 6.0.0 and higher, except for Gentoo.**


There are five tabs in settings. Six for Cinnamon 6.0+.



The first tab, General, allows you to:

  • Select the Time interval between two checks (in hours). The first check can optionally take place one minute after starting this applet.

  • Select the way to warn you:

    • by changing the icon color and/or

    • by displaying messages in the notification zone.

    • You can also choose the type of notification: Minimal or With buttons to:

      • Open the Download tab in System Settings,

      • Open the Download tab in System Settings, then Update All Spices (by checking the appropriate box),

      • Refresh all data.
      • If desired, the notification may contain the description of each update or new Spice.
  • Select the Type of display of the icon: with or without text? Removed since v6.3.0. It is definitively Without!

  • Hide the icon applet while nothing is to report. Please note that Spices Update settings are only accessible when the applet icon is visible or by opening the System Settings-> Applets. (See screenshot below.)

  • Set the maximum width of the tooltip (in percentage of the screen width). New in v6.3.0. If a line takes up more space in width, then it is displayed on multiple lines instead of being truncated.


Applets, Desklets, Extensions, Themes, Actions


About the contents of the other tabs (Applets, Desklets, etc), please look at the screenshot above and note that the list of installed Spices is automatically filled at startup; a Refresh button allows you to refill it and refresh data about updates.

Warning: Trying to change the name of a Spice or delete a row is useless; it will have no effect. This row will reappear during the next refresh.

If you do not want to install future updates for one or some Spices, simply uncheck each first box of these Spices (or set them to FALSE). There are at least two reasons for that:

  • A Spice is fine for you, and you do not want to be notified of any changes.

  • You are a developer working on a Spice and you want to protect it during its development.

From Cinnamon 3.8, you can renew the download of a Spice to be sure to get its latest version checking both boxes (or setting both switches to TRUE) then clicking the Refresh button.


In the menu of this applet:

  • A Refresh button allows you to force checking the availability of updates for your Spices;

  • A dot appears in front of each type of Spice when at least one update is available;

  • A click on a type of Spice (Applets, Desklets, etc) opens the Download tab of the corresponding page in Cinnamon Settings, with Spices sorted by date or "upgradable" (last available update first);

  • When new Spices are available an option Forget New Spices appears; clicking it will clear these notifications of new spices, until others arrive;

  • When updates or new Spices are available an option Open useful Cinnamon Settings (to perform updates) appears;

  • A Configure... button opens a submenu to directly access the different tabs of the Spices Update Settings.


Icon & tooltip

The color of the icon changes when at least one of your Spices needs an update. (You can select which color.)

From Cinnamon 3.8, the icon rotates and its color darkens while data are being refreshed.

A Middle-Click on applet icon:

  • Performs a Refresh when no available updates are reported.

  • Opens all useful Cinnamon Settings, when Spices updates are available, to allow the user to perform these updates.

The tooltip (the message displayed hovering over the icon) contains the list of Spices to update, if any.



There are two types of notifications: Minimal or With action buttons. Each of them may or may not contain details: the reason for an update or the description of a new spice.

Minimal notifications

Here with the reason for update:


Notifications with action buttons

They have at least two buttons: firstly a button to open the System Settings page to download updates; secondly a button to refresh notifications.


Optionally a third button can appear between them, in notifications about updates:

  • Update it or Update them all, to open the System Settings page to download updates then automatically install these updates. Please note this button disappears in Cinnamon 6.0+.

This third button is always present in notifications about new Spices:

  • Forget it or Forget them all, to ignore these new Spices.

New in Spices Update v6.0.0: these buttons can be displayed as icons.



Any translation is welcome. Please help many users by translating messages into new languages or improving / supplementing existing translations.

Available translations

Status of translations

Thank you very much to all of translators!

How to offer a translation

  1. Create an account on Github.

  2. Fork the cinnamon-spices-applets repository.

  3. In your fork, create a branch (named like SpicesUpdate-YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE) from the master one.

  4. On your computer, install git and poedit.

  5. Clone your branch on your computer:

    git clone -b SpicesUpdate-YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE --single-branch https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT/cinnamon-spices-applets.git SpicesUpdate-YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE

  6. Open the SpicesUpdate@claudiux.pot file (which is in the po directory) with poedit and create your translation. You obtain a YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE.po file.

  7. On Github, upload this YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE.po file at the right place into your branch then go to the root of your branch and make a Pull Request.


Automatic Installation

  1. Use the Applets menu in Cinnamon Settings, or Add Applets to Panel in the context menu (right-click) of your desktop panel.
  2. Go on the Download tab to... download this Spices Update applet.
  3. Go on the Manage tab to install this Spices Update applet on a panel of your desktop.

Manual Installation:

  1. Install the additional programs required.
  2. Download the latest version of Spices Update from the Spices Web Site.
  3. Unzip and extract the folder SpicesUpdate@claudiux into ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
  4. Enable this applet in System Settings -> Applets.
  5. You can also access the Settings Screen from System Settings -> Applets, or from the context menu of this applet (right-clicking on its icon).

Tips to solve some problems

Sometimes, you experienced this problem: After updating your Spices, the Spices Update icon is not refreshed and still shows the same number of Spices to update. Another symptom of this problem: when you unzip a zip file with nemo, you have to refresh (F5) the contents of the folder to see the subfolder created by this action.

NB: This problem is not due to this applet!

The solution exists!

  1. Edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf: sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
  2. Add this line: fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1000000
  3. Save this file (Ctrl-X, then confirm by Y)
  4. Reload the changes: sudo sysctl -p (or reboot).
  5. Use the Refresh button in this applet menu.
  6. Enjoy! This problem will no longer exist.



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Dave Vasilevsky
Dave Vasilevsky-21 hours ago
I'm still getting the black screen on 7.8.0.
claudiux-2 weeks ago
v7.6.6 is here. There are no more errors on restart (Cinnamon 6.x).
felipearaujoedf-2 weeks ago
Ao instalar o apllet "Spices Update", passei a receber a seguinte mensagem: ... Você está atualmente rodando em modo de recuperação. "Se você suspeitar que a origem da falha é uma extensão local, applet ou desklet, você poderá desativar os complementos baixados usando a caixa de seleção abaixo. Deseja reiniciar o Cinnamon?" ... Depois que instalei esse applet, veio uma notificação pra instalar um tipo de fonte no Mint, eu instalei... Acho que foi esse o bug. Pq eu removi o applet e continua o problema.. E mexeu em toda minha interface gráfica, esmo desinstalando... me causou um grande transtorno. (segue WPP)... 7 5 9 8 8 8 2 6 2 6 1
claudiux-2 weeks ago
Bonjour Quelle version de cette applet ? Quelle version de Cinnamon ? Si le problème persiste après désinstallation de cette applet, c'est qu'elle n'en est pas la cause. Toutefois, je vous encourage à ouvrir un ticket de résolution de problème (bouton "Issues") en haut de cette page. Veuillez fournir le contenu de votre fichier `~/.xsession-errors` (dans l'"issue" que vous aurez ouverte, surtout pas ici). Que signifie WPP ? Que signifie la suite de chiffres terminant votre message ?
Konstantin Svist
Konstantin Svist-2 weeks ago
7.6.2 not working for me. Black screen with cursor, and nothing else. I see this error in the journal: "Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. [...]" following init messages from SpicesUpdate. Version from several weeks ago did not have this issue. Using Cinnamon 6.0.4
claudiux-2 weeks ago
Please try v7.6.4.
Helmut Stult
Helmut Stult-3 weeks ago
@claudiux Thank you very much - the version 7.6.2 works perfectly again!
claudiux-2 weeks ago
Your detailed description of the problem helped me to solve it. Thank you very much.
thereelRTM-3 weeks ago
OS: Linux Mint 22.1 x86_64 Host: Laptop 16 (AMD Ryzen 7040 Series) Kernel: 6.8.0-51-generic DE: Cinnamon 6.4.5 (X11) I think that there was an issue with my system when I updated. The screen was stuck black and didn't allow me to interact with the GUI. I had to disable the applet after booting safe mode. I understand that bugs happen so I have the LookingGlass logs to see if it helps out! dbus-update-activation-enlvironment: setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DISPLAY=:0 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/home/ryker/.Xauthority /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30x11-common_xresources: line 16: has_option: command not found /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75dbus_dbus-launch: line 9: has_option: command not found dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90x11-common_ssh-agent: line 9: has_option: command not found dbus-update-activation-environment: setting SHELL=/bin/bash dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg/xdg-cinnamon:/etc/xdg dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LANGUAGE=en_US dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DESKTOP_SESSION=cinnamon dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge dbus-update-activation-environment: setting PWD=/home/ryker dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=cinnamon dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LOGNAME=ryker dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GPG_AGENT_INFO=/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/home/ryker/.Xauthority dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/lightdm-data/ryker dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GDM_LANG=en_US dbus-update-activation-environment: setting HOME=/home/ryker dbus-update-activation-environment: setting IM_CONFIG_PHASE=1 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LANG=en_US.UTF-8 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting CLUTTER_IM_MODULE=ibus dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user dbus-update-activation-environment: setting USER=ryker dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DISPLAY=:0 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting SHLVL=0 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting QT_IM_MODULE=ibus dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GTK3_MODULES=xapp-gtk3-module dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/cinnamon:/usr/share/gnome:/home/ryker/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share dbus-update-activation-environment: setting PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin dbus-update-activation-environment: setting GDMSESSION=cinnamon dbus-update-activation-environment: setting DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus dbus-update-activation-environment: setting _=/usr/bin/dbus-update-activation-environment cinnamon-session-binary[1561]: WARNING: t+0.03353s: Could not read /etc/xdg/autostart/sticky.desktop: Could not parse desktop file sticky.desktop or it references a not found TryExec binary discover_other_daemon: 1discover_other_daemon: 1discover_other_daemon: 1dbus-daemon[1757]: Activating service name='org.a11y.atspi.Registry' requested by ':1.1' (uid=1000 pid=1721 comm="/usr/libexec/ibus-x11 --kill-daemon" label="unconfined") dbus-daemon[1757]: Successfully activated service 'org.a11y.atspi.Registry' [cinnamon-settings-daemon-smartcard] Failed to start: no suitable smartcard driver could be found [cinnamon-settings-daemon-smartcard] Failed to start: no suitable smartcard driver could be found /usr/bin/cinnamon-launcher:56: DeprecationWarning: This process (pid=1888) is multi-threaded, use of fork() may lead to deadlocks in the child. self.cinnamon_pid = os.fork() Gjs-Message: 21:44:25.923: Profiler is disabled. Not setting up signals. Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.024: JS LOG: About to start Cinnamon (X11 backend) Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.091: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Cinnamon.AppSystem.get_default() started in 0 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.092: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] loading user theme: /usr/share/themes/Mint-L-Dark/cinnamon/cinnamon.css Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.099: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] added icon directory: /usr/share/themes/Mint-L-Dark/cinnamon Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.104: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Set up Touchegg client Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.237: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] NetworkManager agent: enabled Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.240: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Polkit agent: enabled Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.240: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] SSH agent: enabled Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.247: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] loaded at Wed Jan 22 2025 21:44:26 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time) Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.247: JS LOG: Cinnamon started at Wed Jan 22 2025 21:44:26 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time) Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.256: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] DeskletManager started in 1 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.256: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] SearchProviderManager started in 0 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.312: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet removable-drives@cinnamon.org in 16 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.313: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: tray Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.314: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet systray@cinnamon.org in 2 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.315: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet separator@cinnamon.org in 1 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.325: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet cornerbar@cinnamon.org in 10 ms ** (at-spi2-registryd:1778): WARNING **: 21:44:26.334: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.gnome.SessionManager.AlreadyRegistered: Unable to register client ** (at-spi2-registryd:1778): WARNING **: 21:44:26.334: Unable to register client with session manager Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.351: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet printers@cinnamon.org in 26 ms Cannot register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.369: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet calendar@cinnamon.org in 18 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.377: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet keyboard@cinnamon.org in 8 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.380: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: notifications Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.384: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet notifications@cinnamon.org in 7 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.413: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet gpumonitor@axel358 in 29 ms (cinnamon:1934): Gjs-WARNING **: 21:44:26.424: Some code called array.toString() on a Uint8Array instance. Previously this would have interpreted the bytes of the array as a string, but that is nonstandard. In the future this will return the bytes as comma-separated digits. For the time being, the old behavior has been preserved, but please fix your code anyway to use TextDecoder. (Note that array.toString() may have been called implicitly.) 0 byte_array_to_string() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/misc/fileUtils.js line 211 > Function":103:25] 1 is_theme_dark() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/misc/fileUtils.js line 211 > Function":82:25] 2 set_icon() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/misc/fileUtils.js line 211 > Function":69:29] 3 FW_CONTROL() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/misc/fileUtils.js line 211 > Function":25:13] 4 main() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/misc/fileUtils.js line 211 > Function":109:11] 5 createApplet() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js":599:24] 6 addAppletToPanels() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js":373:33] 7 finishExtensionLoad() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js":99:13] 8 _init/<() ["/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js":286:31] Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.430: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet fw_fanctrl@juleskreuer.eu in 17 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.433: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet xapp-status@cinnamon.org in 3 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.439: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded extension transparent-panels@germanfr in 6 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.439: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] ExtensionSystem started in 184 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.473: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet gpaste-reloaded@feuerfuchs.eu in 34 ms Nemo-Message: 21:44:26.488: nemo-desktop: session is cinnamon, establishing proxy Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.492: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: panellauncher Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.494: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet panel-launchers@cinnamon.org in 21 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.522: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.527: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet betterlock in 33 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.536: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Role locked: windowattentionhandler Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.537: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Monitor Watch List updated: [0] Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.538: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet grouped-window-list@cinnamon.org in 11 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.548: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet power@cinnamon.org in 10 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.558: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet bluetooth-battery@zamszowy in 10 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.571: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet temperature@fevimu in 13 ms csd-power-Message: 21:44:26.594: gnome-rr not supported for display backlight, using backlight-helper for future calls Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.594: JS LOG: calendar@cinnamon.org: Calendar events supported. Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.615: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet sound@cinnamon.org in 44 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.655: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet network@cinnamon.org in 40 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.701: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet Cinnamenu@json in 46 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.701: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] AppletManager started in 454 ms Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.703: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Cinnamon took 679 ms to start Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.723: JS LOG: Unknown network device type, is 32 Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.731: JS LOG: Unknown network device type, is 30 Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.747: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (16x16px) (cinnamon:1934): St-CRITICAL **: 21:44:26.813: setup_framebuffers: assertion 'height > 0' failed (cinnamon:1934): St-CRITICAL **: 21:44:26.814: setup_framebuffers: assertion 'height > 0' failed Gjs-Message: 21:44:26.883: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] GPU offload supported: false Gjs-Message: 21:44:30.962: JS LOG: Enabling WindowAttentionHandler blueman-applet 21.44.32 WARNING PluginManager:150 __load_plugin: Not loading PPPSupport because its conflict has higher priority blueman-applet 21.44.32 WARNING PluginManager:150 __load_plugin: Not loading DhcpClient because its conflict has higher priority Gjs-Message: 21:44:32.227: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding XAppStatusIcon: :1.111 (:1.58/org/x/StatusIcon/Icon) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.391: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: systray@cinnamon.org/3 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.392: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: notifications@cinnamon.org/5 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.392: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: printers@cinnamon.org/6 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.393: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: removable-drives@cinnamon.org/7 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.393: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: keyboard@cinnamon.org/8 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.393: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: network@cinnamon.org/10 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.394: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: sound@cinnamon.org/11 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.394: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: power@cinnamon.org/12 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.394: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: calendar@cinnamon.org/13 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.395: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: cornerbar@cinnamon.org/14 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.396: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: fw_fanctrl@juleskreuer.eu/29 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.396: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Reloading applet: bluetooth-battery@zamszowy/31 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.401: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.429: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.433: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.434: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.438: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.438: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.438: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.439: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.439: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.439: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.439: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.440: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.440: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.440: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.440: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.440: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.441: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.441: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.442: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.442: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.442: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.442: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.442: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.443: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.454: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.455: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Adding systray: input-method (32x32px) Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.498: JS LOG: calendar@cinnamon.org: Calendar events supported. Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.504: JS LOG: Unknown network device type, is 32 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.510: JS LOG: Unknown network device type, is 30 Gjs-Message: 21:44:41.744: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded applet SpicesUpdate@claudiux in 244 ms (cinnamon:1934): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 21:44:41.907: Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. This is most likely caused by not destroying a Clutter actor or Gtk+ widget with ::destroy signals connected, but can also be caused by using the destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs. Because it would crash the application, it has been blocked and the JS callback not invoked. The offending signal was changed on GInotifyFileMonitor 0x557b797a3de0. == Stack trace for context 0x557b78104db0 == (cinnamon:1934): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 21:44:41.908: Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. This is most likely caused by not destroying a Clutter actor or Gtk+ widget with ::destroy signals connected, but can also be caused by using the destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs. Because it would crash the application, it has been blocked and the JS callback not invoked. The offending signal was changed on GInotifyFileMonitor 0x557b797a3de0. == Stack trace for context 0x557b78104db0 == (cinnamon:1934): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 21:44:41.908: Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. This is most likely caused by not destroying a Clutter actor or Gtk+ widget with ::destroy signals connected, but can also be caused by using the destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs. Because it would crash the application, it has been blocked and the JS callback not invoked. The offending signal was changed on GInotifyFileMonitor 0x557b797a3de0. == Stack trace for context 0x557b78104db0 == {The last paragraph would just repeat}
claudiux-3 weeks ago
Is this fixed with v7.6.2? If you notice a black screen immediately after updating, please restart Cinnamon with Ctrl+Alt+Esc. This should be the last black screen you see because of this applet.
Helmut Stult
Helmut Stult-3 weeks ago
Fix 7.6.1 does nothing. Cinnamon no longer starts - the screen remains black. I can only shake my head at this - do you actually test before publishing? Apparently that is not the case.
thereelRTM-3 weeks ago
Although, there is a real issue with the newest update, there is no reason to be unkind about it. The development process is very difficult and issues are bound to happen, especially with Linux. You just need to boot into safe mode and disable the applet. Then, go to your "~/.xsession-errors" and paste the syntax
claudiux-3 weeks ago
I find you particularly disagreeable. All you do is criticize, and when you open an issue, you don't provide any useful information; you just say “it doesn't work”, without providing proof or an example, without an error message. And yes, before publishing it I test my code on several virtual machines, with several versions of Cinnamon. I ask you to respect me. It's the least you can do.
claudiux-2 months ago
If you notice an abnormal latency (around 10 seconds) when you click on a checkbox in a list of this applet's settings, this is a Cinnamon bug that has been corrected in Cinnamon 6.4.1 (LM 22.1). If you're already on LM 22, Cinnamon 6.2.9, you can easily upgrade to LM 22.1, Cinnamon 6.4.1. To know your version of LM: <code>cat /etc/os-release</code> To know your version of Cinnamon: <code>cinnamon --version</code> To upgrade from LM22 to LM 22.1, replace the word “wilma” with “xia” in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list with root rights. Save this file. Execute these commands: <code> apt update apt install --reinstall mintupdate mintupdate </code> Proceed with all updates. Once the update is complete, reboot the computer.
claudiux-9 months ago
v7.4.0 is here! It respects the delays between two downloads imposed by the Spices server. While updates are being made or Spices are being forgotten (by downloading their images) SpicesUpdate takes on a different color (green at first, but you can change it). Enjoy it!
claudiux-10 months ago
v7.3.0 also checks for updates to your nemo actions!
claudiux-10 months ago
v7.1.2 is here. Now this applet also works on distributions that don't use mintupdate (Arch...).
ocobblepot-9 months ago
Confirm that it's working great here on Arch Linux. Thank you for your work updating this applet
claudiux-10 months ago
v7.1.0 for Cinnamon 6.0 is here. It fixes many bugs. TODO: 1. Make efficient the Update All button in notifications. 2. Take into account the Nemo actions.
claudiux-10 months ago
v7.0.0 is here. This version works with Cinnamon 6.0, even if a few adjustments need to be made.
claudiux-10 months ago
My work on the next version of SpicesUpdate is nearing completion. Still a few details to work out. Thanks for your patience!
Anouar-1 year ago
Works fine, thank you.
claudiux-1 year ago
I'm working on the next version of SpicesUpdate, fully compatible with Cinnamon 6.0, but it's taking a long time and I'm very busy. So please bear with me.
Helmut Stult
Helmut Stult-1 year ago
Unfortunately, SpicesUpdate doesn't work even with the last fix. See also my last post. As already written there, I suspect that it is due to the missing folder for 6.0.
claudiux-1 year ago
I've solved this issue, but before doing a PR, I'd like to better manage the multiple requests sent to this site, so that some of them aren't refused. Please be patient.
Helmut Stult
Helmut Stult-1 year ago
It's been 4 weeks and nothing has been fixed!
claudiux-1 year ago
Version 6.4.3 of SpicesUpdate fixes the problem reported below by Helmut Stult.
Helmut Stult
Helmut Stult-1 year ago
Doesn't work. The applet can be installed, but when you start it, you get a message saying that it is causing a problem. In directory ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux the folder for version 6.0 is also missing
archiebug-1 year ago
Thanks for the update. I gave it a test and now get the following error: [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: this._httpSession.queue_message is not a function [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: Failed to evaluate 'main' function on applet: SpicesUpdate@claudiux/78 Gjs-Message: 10:07:38.804: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/trace] <---------------- download_cache@/home/<user>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/5.6/applet.js:1339:31 get_SU_settings@/home/<user>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/5.6/applet.js:350:22 SpicesUpdate@/home/<user>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/5.6/applet.js:303:14 main@/home/<user>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/5.6/applet.js:2537:12 createApplet@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:597:25 addAppletToPanels@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:372:34 onEnabledAppletsChanged@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:309:26 ----------------> Any suggestions? -Thank you!
Helmut Stult
Helmut Stult-1 year ago
Needs an update for Cinnamon 6.0 very fast - doesn't work with this new version.
claudiux-1 year ago
claudiux-1 year ago
Thanks for alerting me. Logging out then in seems to solve the problem, but I'll look into it.
archiebug-1 year ago
Here is the errorlog from .xsession-errors: [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: Soup.ProxyResolverDefault is not a constructor [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: Failed to evaluate 'main' function on applet: SpicesUpdate@claudiux/72 Gjs-Message: 08:33:57.155: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/trace] <---------------- define_http_session@/home/<user>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/5.6/applet.js:567:68 SpicesUpdate@/home/<user>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/5.6/applet.js:232:14 main@/home/<user>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/5.6/applet.js:2531:12 createApplet@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:597:25 addAppletToPanels@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:372:34 onEnabledAppletsChanged@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:309:26 ----------------> Error started after upgrading to 6.0
claudiux-1 year ago
The problem is with Soup3. I'm trying to solve it.
angelotux-1 year ago
cecxl-2 years ago
doesn't seem to able to detect gdouros-symbola-fonts package on Opensuse, tell me to sudo apt install the font even after I installed the package.
claudiux-1 year ago
Spices Update v6.4.1 is coming soon and fixes this issue.
KE57-2 years ago
Why does the icon keep spinning 'round and 'round and never stop? I have tried middle-clicking it, refreshing it, and uninstalling it and reinstalling it, but none of these things solve the problem. I have also played around with different configuration settings, to no avail. I am stumped...
claudiux-1 year ago
Please try with Spices Update v6.4.0 or v6.4.1.
MarcoB0049-2 years ago
EU/DE Hey @claudiux, das nenne ich doch mal ein FOOS mit spitzenmäßigem Support! Auch die Anleitung, «wie wo und warum», ist super! Das vermisse ich bei vielen anderen hier, leider. Gäbe es hier eine Pro und Contra Rezension von -5* bis +5*, dann würde ich mindestens +10* vergeben! Vielen, vielen Dank für Deine wirklich aufwendige Arbeit hier! UK/Brexitanien Hey @claudiux, that's what I call a FOOS with top-notch support! Also the tutorial, "how where and why" is great! I miss that with many others here, unfortunately. If there were a pro and con review here from -5* to +5*, then I would give at least +10*! Many, many thanks for your really elaborate work here!
richo-2 years ago
Jurien-3 years ago
@claudiux `Cinnamon 5 will provide management tools to check for and perform updates of Cinnamon spices.` ![](https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=4054) #### Does this mean the end of this applet for Linux Mint
claudiux-4 years ago
Dear users of Spices Update, I am working on the next version of this applet, fully compatible with Cinnamon 4.8. Thanks for being patient. Claudiux
scottdd-4 years ago
This applet is great! Makes it so much easier to keep Applets+Desklets+Extensions+Themes up to date, and get news about new ones. It is interesting that one of the most updated applets I have is the Spices Update app itself - that goes to show that the author is committed to the project and keeps working to improve things. Thank you, claudix!
Nik-4 years ago
Is anyone else having occasional cinnamon crashes from this? I'm not positive it's this, but when I had it enabled, Cinnamon went into "fallback mode" several times, till I disabled it. Hasn't happened since, so I assume this might have been causing it. :/
Simonxxx84-4 years ago
Yes, I had to disable it for continuous cinnamon crashes.
mshmm-4 years ago
Same here :( Cinnamon crashes more often on Fedora 33 Cinnamon than LMDE 4 (both with Cinnamon 4.8). For both OSs, the crashes only start after Spices Update is installed from Applets settings, and stop once Spices Update is uninstalled.
aaaaaa123456789-4 years ago
Hey! Nice applet. I seem to be having a rather annoying issue, though: when it refreshes the data, it seems to slow down all of my Internet traffic very noticeably. (For instance, if I'm watching a video, it will immediately start lagging.) This wouldn't be too problematic by itself, except that it also seems to be ignoring my update frequency setting (I have it set to 6 hours) and it keeps refreshing every 10-20 minutes or so. Any ideas of what could be wrong on my side? Thanks!
claudiux-4 years ago
Thanks for reporting these issues. I will try to resolve them quickly.
pabloantunes-4 years ago
A very useful applet. A must have to those how want to customize their system.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Apparently my previous comment vanished, so here we go again. I thought the icon looks weird when refreshing, since the mountains spin with the rest of the icon. I remade it in gif form, here: https://imgur.com/adlRKVD I also wanted the whole thing to be reproducible, so here is a bash script with all the steps: https://pastebin.com/hNxVewAU In case you want to adjust resolution/speed/shape. This was all really educational, so I don't mind if you don't use it :P
claudiux-4 years ago
Hi Andrei, Good idea! This is what I wish I could have done from the start. But I would have seen it a little differently. I suggest: * To increase the transparency of the mountains, so that the arrow can be seen when it passes over them. * That there is never a gap between the central part of the tail of the arrow and the mountains. * That the arrow is never cut. (Make the layer larger.) Then there will be the problem of the implementation, because icons in gif format are not allowed. We can only use svg or png files. Maybe using the 'animate' tag in svg?
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
I did it, here it is: https://pastebin.com/4N5EV6bc (the animation is only visible in Chromium unfortunately - or Chrome, I would expect). I would suggest that if you make any changes to the shapes/margin in Inkscape, you keep the old file and only paste the new numbers with a text editor, because inkscape adds some useless metadata to the files it saves. I've removed a lot of the tags that were otherwise not useful this way. You can change the opacity of the mountain near the end of line 3. And lines 7/11 contain the duration parameter. There would probably be some way to play with the transition speed to actually create some extra svg files for transitions, i.e. acceleration/deceleration when the rotation starts/stops but that's really going into detail, maybe another day :P
claudiux-4 years ago
Thank you very much, Andrei ! Maybe I'll make some changes, but I'll use your artwork in a very next version of SpicesUpdate. FYI, in Inscape you can "save to" a simple svg format, without useless metadata.
claudiux-4 years ago
Version 6.3.0 is here, with many improvements. Enjoy it!
Oldbwl-4 years ago
The Applet works well except that it now ignores the setting to hide the taskbar icon if there are no updates.
claudiux-4 years ago
Thank you for your report. This issue is now fixed.
claudiux-4 years ago
Version 6.1.0 is here! Now SpicesUpdate detects when the Cinnamon server is down. Some issues are fixed. Enjoy it!
Padre2-4 years ago
Hello claudiux, I had an issue with this applet about two weeks ago. After middle-clicking it revolved, produced no results and to stop it, I had to remove from the list of applets. This repeated after running it again. I tried to access GitHub to see if any issues had been reported, but the site was apparently down for maintenance, which continued for several days. To fix it, I removed the package and downloaded it again, which fixed the problem. I assume that some corruption of the files had occurred. In such a situation it would be good if I could communicate with you via e-mail. Can we arrange this?
claudiux-4 years ago
Hello Padre2, I can't find the issue you pointed out to me. Did you not forget to mention me (@claudiux) in the text and put the UUID of this applet (SpicesUpdate@claudiux) in the title? I am thinking about how to fix this problem of corrupted files due to server downtime. The best way to communicate with me about Cinnamon and xlets is to open an issue. Regards. Claudiux
fluntelion-4 years ago
Bonjour, claudiux, The applet has a bug at one point. It doesn't adopt my settings for which Spices an available update should be displayed and for which not. I can uncheck boxes or delete Spices from the lists, the next available update of whatsoever will show all installed Spices in the lists again and they're all checked again.
claudiux-4 years ago
Hi fluntelion, Did you hit the Refresh button after making your choices?
fluntelion-4 years ago
Bonjour, claudiux, et merci pour ta reponse. Yes, I did. What happens is this: When I uncheck themes or remove them from the list and click Refresh, the removed ones are back in the list in the wink of an eye, and each item in the list is checked again. This is the exact opposite of what I want. The funny thing is that Spices Update even detects themes that I once installed to look at and uninstalled afterwards. I suspect that their names are in some file somewhere that is read by Spices Update. Funny but a bit strange, too.
claudiux-4 years ago
Please try these commands: echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p Your problem is still present?
fluntelion-4 years ago
Yes, it's still there. After a restart of the PC, everything is as it was before.
claudiux-4 years ago
Can you open an issue, giving me all technical details, please?
fluntelion-4 years ago
The operating system used is Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon, Cinnamon version 4.4.8, Kernel 4.15.0-112-generic. Spices Update version is 6.0.2 (2020-08-11). I told a sysadmin at work about the problem. She'll install Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon on her private computer and will take a closer look. As soon as I know more, I'll tell you about it.
claudiux-4 years ago
I just understood your problem. You think deleting a row in the theme list also removes the theme from your ~/.themes directory. But this is not the case. Any action with the buttons at the bottom of the list of themes (or applets or ...) in the settings of this applet has no physical effect. I don't know of any method to hide these buttons, otherwise I would have. To manage your themes, click on the button at the very bottom of this Themes tab.
fluntelion-4 years ago
"You think deleting a row in the theme list also removes the theme from your ~/.themes directory." - No, that's certainly not what I think or would want to be done. :-) Voici le problème en français, pour autant que je puisse m'expimer en fr. : Si je décoche des thèmes et si je ferme ensuite la fenêtre sans avoir cliqué sur Rafraîchir, cette décision (a, b et c decochés) n'est pas sauvegardée. La prochaine fois que j'ouvre les paramètres, tous les éléments sont à nouveau cochés. Quand je décoche des thèmes ou quand j' efface plusieurs d'eux de la liste et clique sur Rafraîchir après, ceux qui ont été effacés reparaissent en un clin d'œil, et chaque élément de la liste est à nouveau coché. (!) C'est exactement le contraire de ce que je veux. As-tu déjà essayé ce que je décris ? Que s'est-il passé ? Si tu n'as pas essayé, que se passe-t-il quand tu essaies ? Tu es le bienvenu pour me répondre en français, je comprendrai. Et autrement, mes excuses pour ma charabia. :-))
claudiux-4 years ago
Spices Update v6.0.0 is here. Please check the settings of this applet; there are changes. Hope you like this version.
claudiux-4 years ago
Dear Users, Sorry for the delay. Finally, the latest version (5.4.0) of Spices Update is here! Enjoy it!
Crouze-4 years ago
It's indeed broken, but can manually be fixed for now. This shouldn't be necessary, let's all hope the author hasn't abandoned this applet... To make it work in Cinnamon 4.6: - modify ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/metadata.json: add 4.6 to the "cinnamon-version" list. - copy folder ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/4.2 (it was the latest in my case, don't know if I should have had a 4.4 as well but it doesn't matter) to new folder 4.6. - in this new folder edit constants.js: on line 27 change the cinnamon version to "4.6.0". - in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/cs, copy folder 4.4 to new folder 4.6. Restart cinnamon. I'm doing this from memory, but that should be sufficient.
claudiux-4 years ago
Hi Crouze, I assure you: No, the author hasn't abandoned this applet. Just... C'est la vie! Thank you for your tip! (Only steps 1 and 4 and restarting Cinnamon were necessary.) This must have helped many users.
Crouze-4 years ago
Good to hear! And an excellent job.
claudiux-4 years ago
Thank you!
Fifis-4 years ago
In Cinnamon 4.6, this is broken. Execution of '/home/avk/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/cs/4.6/cinnamon-settings.py extensions -t 1 -s update' failed:: Failed to execute child process “/home/avk/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/cs/4.6/cinnamon-settings.py” (No such file or directory)
Jonatan Poveda
Jonatan Poveda-4 years ago
Using Cinnamon 4.6.2. From Melange, the error message is: ``` error [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: Extension is not compatible with current Cinnamon version trace <---------------- logError@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:133:17 Extension.prototype.validateMetaData@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:322:19 Extension.prototype._init/<@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:242:17 ----------------&gt; ```
Robin Wheeler
Robin Wheeler-4 years ago
It is not just a change in a jason file as even making that change the applet still does not work properly.
Casey-4 years ago
As of Cinnamon 4.6 this applet is incompatible per lookingglass. (I'm betting there is a .json version line that needs adjusting.)
serkan-maker-4 years ago
hello.I did a turkish translation but i couldn't upload it to github.can you upload thank you. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TZselbtaRXKKObxbD3o_fy74zctZko-S/view?usp=sharing
claudiux-4 years ago
Many thanks to you, @serkan-maker! I will upload your Turkish translation for you. Regards.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Love this! Thank you. Saves me from so much headache. This should be preloaded in Cinnamon.
claudiux-4 years ago
Many thanks to @muzena and @to-ba for their updates to Croatian and German translations!
claudiux-5 years ago
Spices Update v5.3.0 is here! Now, when you want access the Applet tab of the Spices Update settings (to activate/deactivate checking, or to reload the latest version of an applet) simply use the submenu Configure from the Spices Update menu. Same thing for the other types of Spices (desklets, extensions, themes). Enjoy it!
claudiux-5 years ago
I warmly thank all those who appreciate Spices Update and let us know in their comments or by giving it a star (sometimes both!) It really encourages me and represents my only salary, because I spent a lot of time developing this applet, improving it, making it safer, more attractive and easier to use. Some complain that this applet has been updated too often. I remind you that everyone can, in the Applets tab of the Spices Update Settings, choose not to monitor updates for one or more of them. Some of these updates come from improvements in translations or new translations. They are generally not my doing because I always take advantage of another update to include improvements in translations in French and Spanish, including I am the only author. I warmly thank the translators in other languages ​​and I greatly appreciate their volunteer work. Yes, other languages ​​than English are spoken around the world and yes, thousands of users like to be able to read the displayed messages in their own language. I will always respond favorably to requests for help and will always try to correct bugs that will be reported to me (preferably use the Issues button at the top of this page). On the other hand, I will not answer anymore to the messages of the trolls which, sometimes, do not develop anything themselves and use Github only to criticize the work of the developers. Best regards. Claudiux
sojos70-5 years ago
Thanks for this great tool! One issue i'm having for a long time is that updating Spices Update itself doesn't work, when I click update in the Applet screen it crashes. This only happens when I try to update Spices Update, every other update works oké. The only way to update Spices Update is to completely remove it and install it manually. I'm on Mint 19.2 Dutch.
claudiux-5 years ago
This often happens when updating multi-version applets (not just Spices Update), especially when translations are upgraded. This seems to be a Cinnamon bug, but I not found it.
sojos70-5 years ago
Thanks! I probably don't have any other multi-version applets then. I'll investigate further.
claudiux-5 years ago
Spices Update v5.1.1 is here and is now compatible with Python 3.8 (used on Arch).
claudiux-5 years ago
If Spices Update v5.0.0 does not work, please enter these commands: cd ~/.themes touch */metadata.json Then restart Cinnamon.
claudiux-5 years ago
Rather than execute the commands above, run this in a terminal: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/claudiux/docs/master/SpicesUpdate/patch_su_500.sh sh patch_su_500.sh Sorry for the inconvenience.
claudiux-5 years ago
This patch has become useless since Spices Update v5.1.0. All works fine, now.
fluntelion-5 years ago
Unfortunately, nothing works. As with the two previous versions, a notification shows up saying that "an applet could not be loaded by Cinnamon. Plus: The Settings of the applet can no longer be opened.
fluntelion-5 years ago
Here are the details: Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.867: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Installing settings for SpicesUpdate@claudiux Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.869: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/error] Settings key general_next_check_date is missing property default Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.869: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/error] Could not set up binding - settings object was not initialized successfully for SpicesUpdate@claudiux Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.872: JS WARNING: [/usr/share/cinnamon/js/misc/fileUtils.js line 210 > Function 629]: reference to undefined property "general_hide" Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.879: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/error] [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: this.unprotected_applets is undefined [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: Failed to evaluate 'main' function on applet: SpicesUpdate@claudiux/57 Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.879: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/trace] <---------------- populateSettingsUnprotectedApplets@/home/name/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/4.2/applet.js:780:21 SpicesUpdate@/home/name/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/4.2/applet.js:452:5 main@/home/name/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux/4.2/applet.js:1946:10 ----------------&gt; Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.880: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/error] [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: Applet SpicesUpdate@claudiux: Could not create applet object. [SpicesUpdate@claudiux]: Error importing applet.js from SpicesUpdate@claudiux Cjs-Message: 22:12:05.880: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/trace]
claudiux-5 years ago
Please, try that: Open Settings -> Applets and Uninstall Spices Update (not only Remove; all your Spices Update settings will be lost, sorry). Close this window. Open a terminal and copy/paste using right-click: cd ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ wget https://github.com/claudiux/docs/blob/master/SpicesUpdate/downloads/SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip?raw=true -O SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip unzip SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip rm SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip The, open Settings -> Applets and install Spices Update. Close this window. In your ~/.xsession-errors file must appear the two lines: Cjs-Message: xxxxxxxxxxx: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Installing settings for SpicesUpdate@claudiux Cjs-Message: xxxxxxxxxxx: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Settings successfully installed for SpicesUpdate@claudiux Tell me if this has solved your problem, please. Kind regards. Claudiux
fluntelion-5 years ago
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide. :-) Tout va bien à nouveau : Pas de message d'erreur, et l'applet fonctionne parfaitement. Mais qu'est-ce que cela implique, si tu permets la question. Se pourrait-il que SpicesUpdate que j'installe via Settings → Applets ne soit pas identique à SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip ? Si oui, comment est-ce possible ? ______________________ Thank you very much for your help. :-) Everything is fine again: No notification, and the applet works perfectly well. But what does that imply, if you permit the question. Could it be that SpicesUpdate I install via Settings → Applets is not identically equal to SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip? If so, how can that be? Kind regards, fluntelion
claudiux-5 years ago
Hello fluntelion, Only Spices Update guarantees you to download the latest version of a Spice. Please take a look at https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon/pull/8746 Kind regards. claudiux
fluntelion-5 years ago
Euh... l'actuelle : Cinnamon 4.2.4 dans LM 19.2
claudiux-5 years ago
I tried updating (or doing a fresh install of) Spices Update on multiple computers. Everything is OK. What theme do you use?
fluntelion-5 years ago
Thank you for your reaction, claudiux. Here are some more pieces of information. Having read your answer, I uninstalled Spices Update, installed it anew, rebooted the computer - and got the notification that "a desklet, an applet ... could not be started". Melange said it was Spices Update. I changed the theme from Numix (which I have used for nearly a year now without any issues whatsoever) to LM default, rebooted - and got the notification that ... I deactivated Spices Update, rebooted, and everything is fine. Could the problem have to do with the updates of several packages the last few days? Or, as I thought two days ago, with the latest changes you applied to your applet? What about annulling them and going back to the next-to-last version?
claudiux-5 years ago
Thank you for your answer. Can you open an issue on Github, mentioning SpicesUpdate in the title and me (@claudiux) in the text, using the button at the top of this page, please? Please provide the contents of your ~/.xsession-errors file. Kind regards. Claudiux
fluntelion-5 years ago
Good morning, claudiux, Yesterday night there was an update of Spices Update. This morning, after starting the computer, a notification appears saying that an applet, desklet or extension could not be loaded, and recommends to de-activate it. The LookingGlass protocol says it is Spices Update, malheureusement. :-(
claudiux-5 years ago
Hello fluntelion, What is your version of Cinnamon? I'll retry Spices Update on a virtual box with the same version of Cinnamon. Have a good day.
LinuxOnTheDesktop-5 years ago
Hello! On my (HiDPI system), the panel icon for your applet is the right size but the icon shown when a 'refresh' is happening is too small. Screenshot here (see the tiny icon to the immediate right of the wifi applet and the mouse pointer): https://i.postimg.cc/Hs4f9g4j/image.png Applet version 4.5.0.
claudiux-5 years ago
OK, I found the solution. This issue will be fixed in the next version.
claudiux-5 years ago
What is your version of Cinnamon? Please type in a terminal: cinnamon --version
claudiux-5 years ago
Spices Update v4.4.0 is here! Now, a Middle-Click on its icon: - refreshes all data if no update is yet reported; - opens all useful system settings for Spices requiring updates, if at least one update is reported. This saves a lot of clicks!
claudiux-5 years ago
Many thanks to Dragone2 for the new Italian translation!
Marcel Schlegel
Marcel Schlegel-5 years ago
Thank you for this great plugin which addresses an issue which always bothered me. It would be great if this update check mechanism could be directly integrated in the mintUpdate tool which also checks the system wide packages :)
Phil995511-5 years ago
Applet very convenient. Allows the easy update of alls applets, desklets, extensions and themes instaled. This app offers a basic feature that is missing cruelly at Cinnamon. I hope that Clem integrates it by default in Cinnamon in the future !!!
Martin W
Martin W-5 years ago
claudiux, could you please consider changing so that the "the interval between two checks (hours)" can be increased? Right now the maximum is 24. Would be nice to be able to set it between 0-336 at least.. thanks!
claudiux-5 years ago
Now, you can increase it up to 720 hours (30 days).
Martin W
Martin W-5 years ago
I really like this plugin, but is it really necessary to update the plugin itself almost every day? Please consider updating the plugin on a weekly basis instead and include more changes per update. Thanks!
Hultan (SoftTeam AB)
I don't know if I agree, thanks to this fantastic applet, it only takes a few seconds to update the applets instead of minutes. Without this applets we would have to download it from Git to the right folder (or to be honest I barely even know how I would update the applets without this applet, so I probably wouldn't). So for me, keep on keeping my plugins up-to-date :-)
momo42-5 years ago
Oh, Updating itself is very easy also without this Applet (just 4 clicks instead of 3 - 'MintMenu / System Settings / Applets / Update Button' instead of 'Spices Button / Applets / Update Button') So no need to download anything from Git(hub) or so. What this Applet does is informing you about pending updates - and after that it saves one click. I have to say that while I like the idea of being informed about updates (and having those shortcuts to the existing menus), I'm very annoyed about this applet by now. In the last ~8 months over 95% of the update alarms were for the "Spices Update Applet" itself. In other words: The only purpose for this Update Applet is nagging me to update it. Please don't get me wrong, claudiux! I respect your work and this sort of update notification functionality was indeed missing but you're really overdoing it with your constant updates. Please(!) restrict yourself to one or two larger updates a month to protect the nerves of your users! :-)
James Shackleford
James Shackleford-5 years ago
I very much agree with the sentiment here. Pragmatically, Spices Update primarily serves to notify me of updates to Spices Update. Active development is great, but the constant notifications for minor, incremental updates for the applet itself has made Spices Update more of a nuisance than a helpful tool. Please consider rolling out weekly (or even monthly) updates as suggested by others.
claudiux-5 years ago
This is the history of commits for Spices Update: https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon-spices-applets/commits/master/SpicesUpdate@claudiux Please, tell me what commits are needless? Those who solve issues? Those who make Spices Update compatible with Cinnamon 4.4 or with Arch? Those who improve translations? Those who save a lot of clicks? Those who secure xlets you do not want to upgrade? Now, take a look at the list of the Spices that have been updated for a month. Applets: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/applets/latest (113 for a month!) Desklets: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/desklets/latest (31 for a month!) Extensions: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/extensions/latest (16 for a month!) Themes: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/themes/latest (3 for a month). Spice users have been enjoying the effectiveness of Spices Update for a month.
momo42-5 years ago
I want to add the reason why setting the update interval to ~720h doesn't solve the problem. It is imaginable that a user waits desperately for an update of a specific spice - maybe because it is completely broken on his platform. Setting the interval to 720h could lead to missing the important update for nealy a month and setting the interval low may lead to receiving many notifications for minor Spices Update updates in the meantime ... :-)
momo42-5 years ago
As I said - don't get me wrong! Nobody said that your improvements are needless - but a lot of them should better be packed together as a monthly update or they could come with a real important update. I completely understand that you want to show your progress but too much is too much. I agree that all Fixes for a fundamentaly broken "Spices Update" on a specific platform should come as they are ready. Language improvements, additional features or improvements of existing features should better be delayed until there is an important reason for an update. This way of publishing updates is absolutely usual. Your example of updated Spices is a joke, isn't it? :-) Show us a single user that has more than 30 of them installed. I'd bet most users have the standard ones (that hardly never change) and maybe a hand full of extra spices. And in such a standard scenario most of the update warnings come for "Spices Update" itself. Fact is that a lot of your users feel nagged by the current behavior but not everyone invests the time to write you a note. My girlfriend and my parents simply uninstalled it from their computers. The option for increasing the interval for update checks helped a lot but I really think you should find a better metric for yourself for deciding which update is so important that it cannot wait a month. Let's be clear about that: It's great that you're taking the effort to develop this application. The functionality was desperately needed. And I (and the others who 'complained') certainly don't want to piss you off. But yes, I mean that you have to learn how to distinguish between "really important" and "can wait until the next large update". :-)
Martin W
Martin W-5 years ago
How is this related to what I wrote?
fluntelion-5 years ago
Good morning / afternoon / evening, claudiux, How many updates has this applet of yours had in the last two months or so? Ten? Twelve? I'm mightily impressed. It must be close to perfect by now, mustn't it? J'apprécie ton travail et ton engagement et je t'en remercie beaucoup. [www.deepl.com; avec toutes les conséquences possibles, erreurs incluses :-)) ] Best wishes!
Jurien-5 years ago
Hello claudiux, I have adjusted the Dutch translation but now the new translation has been placed as nl in the po file, while there is also a po.nl file in it.Because (A file with the same name already exists. Please choose a different name and try again.) Could you delete the po.nl file or modify the existing nl.po so that the new updated nl file is seen as an updated translation file. The nl file is the newest and must replace the nl.po file ![Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/slmmL4Q.png"Screenshot")
MarcoB-0049-5 years ago
Hello claudiux, Max Buchholz writes what I can only emphasize and underline! Great work, great tool and many, many thanks for it! Max Buchholz schreibt das, was ich nur betonen und unterstreichen kann! Tolle Arbeit, super Tool und vielen, vielen Dank dafür!
claudiux-5 years ago
Thank you! You encourage me to always do better.
claudiux-5 years ago
The version 4.0.0 of Spices Update is here! This applet ensures you to get the latest versions of all the Spices, if you use its menu (clicking on the icon of Spices Update) to update them (only for Cinnamon 3.8 and followings, for the moment). After updating Spices Update, please verify the version number (that must be at least 4.0.0) hovering its icon. If the version number is lesser than 4.0.0, then: 1. Download this zip file https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/files/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip?4fe20058-6c66-4046-9fc2-2ccd14008e55 and save it into your ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ directory. 2. Delete entirely the SpicesUpdate@claudiux folder. 3. Unzip the downloaded zip file. The folder SpicesUpdate@claudiux appears. Delete the zip file. Restart Cinnamon (ctrl-alt-esc) before to use Spices Update. 4. From now, you'll get the latest version of each Spice with Spices Update! Enjoy it!
claudiux-5 years ago
Having forgotten some of the code in version 4.0.0, I created version 4.0.1 which fixes this. Please repeat the procedure above with this zip file: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/files/applets/SpicesUpdate@claudiux.zip?84e821c1-7ff5-4fd8-a833-f8d399a51582. Restart Cinnamon after doing it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Max Buchholz
Max Buchholz-5 years ago
This Tool is amazing! It's Open Source, it does what it declares to do, it is well documented, it's well integrated into Cinnamon, allows the user to control s lot of settings and is in continuous development. I wish more software would be like this.
claudiux-5 years ago
Thank you very much for this great comment!
LinuxOnTheDesktop-5 years ago
Hello! Perhaps I miss something, but I find it difficult to see what is about to be, and subsequently has been, update. For, I see a '1' on the applet's icon, I use the icon to tell Cinnamon to update, a message flashes by about which applet is at issue - flashes past too fast for me to read - and then the update has been installed, seemingly with no record. Also, getting to this page, as against to the inbuilt help text, is harder than is ideal
claudiux-5 years ago
Hello! The description of any change is given by the author of the Spice to update. You can read it using the notification applet, or hovering the Spices Update applet icon. If this object is not shown, then click on the Spices Update icon and select 'Refresh'. Sometimes, a Spice needs to be updated only because its author has modified the README.md file to modify the README section like this one on this page. But the author is not responsible for the management of this web site. You give me the idea to log the descriptions of all the updates...
VandenBergh-5 years ago
Great little tool to keep all your favorite spices up to date. Works well on Linux Mint 19.1 & 19.2. A big thank you to "claudiux" the developer.
claudiux-5 years ago
Available translations: Dutch, Finnish, French, Italian, German, Hungarian, Spanish and Swedish. A big thank to all the translators! Any new translation is welcome!
claudiux-5 years ago
Spices Update v3.0.0 is here! Now, you can also use Spices Update on Cinnamon 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.6! (Mint from 17.3 to 18.3.) Look at CHANGELOG for more details. Enjoy it!
Dragoş-5 years ago
Hello, Claude. Thank you very much for this applet, it's useful and works fine. You got your star up there (at least one from me, at the top of the page :-D ) There are a couple minor issues that you may wanna look into when possible - nothing serious, just aesthetics. 1. When manually restarting Cinnamon, the icon shows up and remains visible although it's set to hide if no updates are available. Maybe you can hook a Cinnamon restart event (or whatever it's called) and review applet's behavior upon that (perform a refresh). Dunno if it's possible - just saying. 2. When an updated (and/or new?) applet/desklet/extension/theme has single quotes in its description, the tooltip in the tray displays those escaped with a backslash. (see here: https://postimg.cc/mPZM9RtM ) No other issues noticed so far. Keep up the good work! :-)
claudiux-5 years ago
Hello Dragoş. Many thanks for encouragements and for the star! I can't reproduce the first issue. What is your version of Cinnamon? The version 2.3.1 of SpicesUpdate is coming soon. (I just made the pull request.) It solves the second issue. Regards.
claudiux-5 years ago
Now, with Spices Update, you can update all xlets, even if you have installed them using the Download button at the top of their page.
claudiux-5 years ago
Using Spices Update is the only one way to do this!
claudiux-5 years ago
(to do it, sorry)
claudiux-5 years ago
Available translations: Dutch, French, Italian, German, Hungarian, Spanish and Swedish. A big thank to all the translators! Any new translation is welcome!
Footbath666-6 years ago
Running Cinnamon 3.2.7 on Mint 18.1. I've never gotten this to work. Appear to have all dependencies and have also tried installing manually. Any suggestions? glass.log: [Applet "SpicesUpdate@claudiux"]: Error importing applet.js from SpicesUpdate@claudiux .xsession-errors: (soffice:32663): Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large :1: parser error : Document is empty /* Spices Update (SpicesUpdate@claudiux) ^ :1: parser error : Document is empty /* Spices Update (SpicesUpdate@claudiux)
claudiux-6 years ago
It's normal, for the moment. This applet is intended to work with Cinnamon 3.8 or 4.0 (Linux Mint 19 or 19.1). Now that the development is finished, I will make a multi-version (which is more complicated to maintain for me).
GoodGuy98-5 years ago
May I suggest you add a comment near the top that this applet only work with Cinnamon 3.8 or 4.0 (Linux Mint 19 or 19.1) at this point in time. How will we know when the multi-version you are working on is available for Linux Mint 18.3 etc?
fluntelion-6 years ago
The last 2 or 3 updates of Spices Update caused a crash of Cinnamon. The message read: "You are now in the recovery mode. Do you want to restart Cinnamon?" Well, I wanted to, and after a few seconds, everything was fine again. - Is this crash 'normal' in the sense of: is it necessary to restart Cinnamon in order to make the updated applet work? Or is it a bug? If so, you may want to know it.
claudiux-6 years ago
This occurs sometimes for all applets, when the translation files to update are too big or too numerous.
claudiux-6 years ago
Can you open an issue and give me the contents of your ~/.xsession-errors.old file &#40;if you do not have restarted Cinnamon again&#41;, please?
fluntelion-6 years ago
Unfortunately I can't. I use BleachBit to have all kinds of crap cleaned. .xsession-errors files belong to what I consider crap (BLUSH), so they're all gone. Sorry. But as you say that such crashes can occur sometimes, I'll take them with equanimity from now on. :-)
claudiux-6 years ago
The latest update to Spices Update, which did not contain any .po files, was made without Cinnamon crash.
Draconicrose-6 years ago
Thank you for adding the ability to hide the icon when there's nothing to update!
fluntelion-6 years ago
Maintenant que je sais que tu es Français, je comprends beaucoup mieux certaines choses: ta gentilesse, ta courtoisie, ta compréhension, ton engagement et la qualité de l'applet - tout cela me fait penser à Clément Lefebvre. ;-) Ce savoir-vivre, célèbre dans le monde entier, c'est bien plus qu'un repas délicieux, non? :-) I did my best to say it in French, but I doubt that 'compréhension' is a good translation of 'obligingness', and I'm afraid that I'm not writing 'Le bon Français'. But you'll understand me nonetheless, won't you?
claudiux-6 years ago
Merci pour ce message qui me va droit au cœur ! Et ton français est excellent, bien meilleur que mon anglais ! Tu m'as fait découvrir 'obligingness', qui se traduit plutôt par 'obligeance' ou 'serviabilité'. There are good guys in every country. You prove it, as well as all those here who encourage me and participate by giving me good ideas, by translating this applet, by participating in its improvement. Thank you very much!
fluntelion-6 years ago
I had been waiting for such an applet for years, and here it is. Great! And it works perfectly well. Thank you for your commitment and your work. :-) Let me propose something. Could you give us the choice to have the symbol hidden when there's nothing to be updated? Like the symbol of the Update Manager? That would be even greater.
claudiux-6 years ago
Thank you for your compliments! Your wish has been granted. Take a look at https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon-spices-applets/pull/2254 ;-)
Jurien-6 years ago
Maybe as extra information on this Website tell how Hide the Icon can be undone.(When icon is hidden, this can only be reversed by doing this in the Applet settings. [img]https://i.imgur.com/FhwhQqm.png[/img]
claudiux-6 years ago
Good idea. I am going to modify the README.md file to explain that.
fluntelion-6 years ago
Now the applet is greater, but you're the greatest. Thank you very, very much. Here are two translations of "Hide the icon as long as nothing is to report" to German. Both are correct and idomatic, but (1) is a little bit shorter than (2) - just in case. ;-) (1) Icon nur anzeigen, wenn Updates verfügbar sind. (2) Icon verbergen, wenn keine Updates angeboten werden.
Mintulix-6 years ago
Great! I always wanted the download tab to be sorted by date as default (or that the chosen sort order would be saved). Thanks, claudiux!
claudiux-6 years ago
Version 1.2.0 is here! Now a click on a type of Spice (Applets, Desklets, etc) in the menu opens the Download tab of the corresponding page in Cinnamon Settings, with Spices sorted by date.
Jurien-6 years ago
Very useful applet. Translated by me in Dutch (nl.po) What I wonder is who makes sure that translations of Applets are integrated.
claudiux-6 years ago
Thank you Jurien (@French77) for your Dutch translation! All the translations are integrated by a member of the Cinnamon team: Jason Hicks (@jaszhix).
yochananmarqos-6 years ago
FYI, ttf-symbola is in the AUR and cannot be installed by pacman. An AUR helper like yay is needed or it can be installed with pamac: yay -S ttf-symbola or pamac build ttf-symbola
claudiux-6 years ago
Thank you for the information. Neither yay nor pamac are installed by default in Arch. I will do otherwise by integrating the Symbola-Hinted font into the Spices Update package.
Bundy01-6 years ago
Hi, just one question: why a dependency on a font? I modified the .js to not have the terminal open. Wouldn't it be possible to use the system font? Thank you again for this aplet.
claudiux-6 years ago
Hi, The Symbola font contains the \u23FF character (eye), which is displayed in the menu when new Spices are available. https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/23ff/index.htm
mockturtl-6 years ago
MarcoB-0049-6 years ago
EU/D Super praktisch, das Applet! Vielen Dank für die gute Arbeit! UK/Brexit --↓ Super handy, the Applet! Many thanks for the good work!
Bundy01-6 years ago
Very useful applet. Thank you.
claudiux-6 years ago
Thank you for all your wonderful messages! This encourages me to continue developing this applet.
SvenRieke-6 years ago
This functionality should always have been native by Cinnamon. One of the most important applets, a must have.
claudiux-6 years ago
German translation is now available. Thanks to @Mintulix!
MrNanook-6 years ago
Great applet, much needed. :-)
Mintulix-6 years ago
This one gets "5 stars" for the well thought out implementation. Great! Missed this since spices have been implemented in the four sections.
claudiux-6 years ago
Thanks to @muzena for the Croatian translation!