
UUID: Cinnamenu@json
Last edited:
1 month ago 2025-01-03, 09:31
Last commit: [55005e0b] Add and Update Italian translations (#6729)

A flexible menu with grid or list layout options, file browser and emoji search.




Cinnamenu is a full featured alternative to the standard Cinnamon menu with grid layout and customisation options.


  • Fuzzy searching for app names.
  • Filesystem browser and home directory file search.
  • Emoji browser & search.
  • Customisation options:
    • Resizable.
    • View apps in a list or grid.
    • Options on where to show session and favorite app buttons.
    • Change icon sizes.
  • Browser bookmarks and history search
  • Web search suggestions & Wikipedia search.
  • Built in calculator. This is evaluated as a javascript expression so all javascript operators and Math functions are valid, including constants: E, PI and functions (trig) sin, asin, sinh, asinh, cos, tan, etc. and cbrt, exp, floor, log, log10, pow, random, round, sqrt, etc. All angles are in radians. (see here for list of operators and here for list of constants and functions)

Key navigation (optional)

  • Return/Enter — Activate currently highlighted item (same as left clicking on item.)
  • Ctrl-Enter/Menu key — Open/close context menu of currently highlighted item.
  • Arrow keys/pg up/pg down — navigate between items.
  • Tab/Shift-Tab — navigate between apps ⇨ categories ⇨ sidebar.
  • Esc — Close menu or context menu.

Expert features (optional)

  • Shift-Enter — Run currently highlighted application as root user.
  • ctrl-p — Open launcher properties dialogue of currently highlighted application.
  • Ctrl-d — Open .desktop file of currently highlighted app in default text editor (opens file in user mode.)

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FlyingSaturn-1 month ago
Thanks a lot for this!
Linux-1 month ago
Hi Really like the menu but hope there will be folder support soon for the appgrid. I only use the menu with appgrid but have alot of applications installed.
TheVzTec-1 month ago
Hello, if you have a problem where you are using hide the panel and when you click on the super key some of the menu is under the panel it's an easy fix just turn on Use menu animations on configurations I just randomly found this out and decided to post it in case anyone else has this problem ( MENU PROBLEM FIX ) ( MENU PROBLEM FIX ) ( MENU PROBLEM FIX ) ( MENU PROBLEM FIX ) ( MENU PROBLEM FIX )
cantamar-1 month ago
I love Cinnamenu, however I have been having hangs of the whole UI while using it. I'm using LM22 with Cinnamon on an AMD Ryzen 2500u based laptop. Is there a log I can use to check if CinnaMenu is having issues? Thank you for an amazing MiniApp.
cantamar-1 month ago
Disregard, I have found the culprit was a program called ZapZap. Thank you for a fantastic addition to Cinammon!
Skullckoor-3 months ago
Is it possible to move the variables "maxItems", "maxRecentApps" (currently 903, 904 lines) from applet file to configuration file (and the settings window)? I prefer to use the values ​​12. Divisible by 3 and by 4. Maybe someone needs fewer/more "lines" or a divisor by 5. Now with each update need to manually edit the applet file. Otherwise, everything is just super. Special thanks for the "Expert features" hotkeys.
Skullckoor-3 months ago
Forgot to write. "folder-categories" supports not only the home folder, but also several different starting points. There is no way to set them in the settings menu. Only manual editing of the config. Yes, I want a lot.
fredcw-3 months ago
With folder-categories, you can right click on any folder in the menu and choose the option "Add folder as category". And to remove a folder-category, you can right click on the folder in the categories list and click "Remove category". Regarding maxItems, I don't like to add a config option unless I think a lot of people will want it for two reasons, code maintainability and perceived complexity of the applet/config options. The function getNumberOfItemsToFitColumns() takes a minimum value and increases it to avoid otherwise empty spaces, e.g if the menu width allows for 5 columns of icons then getNumberOfItemsToFitColumns(6) will return 10. Perhaps I should increase the default minimum value of maxitems, currently 6? Perhaps 10 would be better?
Skullckoor-3 months ago
Oops. Thanks. I didn't notice the option to add folders via the menu. Changing the value of the constant "variable" to 10 is a moot point. For someone else, one line may simply be superfluous. With 3 columns, this will be 2 additional lines. While I think 10 would be better, there will be those who disagree with me. Tough question. And the survey can't be created properly. Thanks anyway.
draxel-4 months ago
Greatly enjoying Cinnamenu! Especially like setting up more than one instance for multiple uses. One question - I use the Onboard keyboard on my tablet. Opening a Cinnamenu and then beginning to type in the Onboard keyboard causes the menu to close (like clicking away from the menu - definitely expected behavior most of the time but not quite right in this case.) Is there a way to either prevent this for Onboard specifically? Alternatively, can the Cinnamenu be Pinned so that clicking away no longer closes it?
fredcw-4 months ago
Unfortunately, this is handled by the underlying Clutter graphics library and Muffin window manager so I can't change this in the applet. As this issue is the same for the default menu, if you open an issue in cinnamon's github, maybe someone will have a solution or workaround but tbh, I can't think of any way this could be done. It is a genuine use case that I think needs a solution though.
Wong Ponjer
Wong Ponjer-4 months ago
Thank you, this is a very good and easy menu, it can be very extensive and easy to choose.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-4 months ago
How hard would it be to add the File Manager (Nemo) and the Terminal to the right context menu?
fredcw-4 months ago
It would be fairly easy but is there a reason you prefer not to add these to favorite apps on the sidebar?
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-4 months ago
I found it, but I'm now sure I can't.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-4 months ago
I'm sure I can do it myself, I just need to know which file to edit. I looked at several and have yet to find it.
fredcw-4 months ago
There's no file to edit, just drag and drop your terminal app icon in the menu onto the sidebar, same with the Nemo app icon. Or you can right click on any app in the menu and select "Add to favorites". Also, make sure that the option "Show favorites on sidebar" in config ("Layout" tab) is set to show apps.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-4 months ago
No specific reason, except I seem to right-click a lot more. Must be arthritis or something.
mhndckngyn-4 months ago
There is a slight delay when I open it with keyboard shortcut, which the default menu doesn't have. Anyway, thanks for this great applet.
fredcw-4 months ago
I can't reproduce this. How long is the delay? Bare in mind that with the mouse, the menu opens on mousedown while with the shortcut it waits for key up.
Marquis Davis
Marquis Davis-4 months ago
I'm on Arch Linux, and when I right click on an app and then click "App Info", it does pull up Pamac but it doesn't actually pull up the app info in Pamac. I'm using Pamac Classic on Arch Linux.
fredcw-4 months ago
Unfortunately, pamac-classic doesn't seem support opening on a specific application page so this feature only works with pamac-gtk and pamac-gtk3 at the moment. Perhaps I should remove this menu option if pamac-classic is installed?
Marquis Davis
Marquis Davis-4 months ago
You're right. I installed the regular pamac and App Info works. There used to be a pamac-gtk3 but it looks like it's been removed.
Marquis Davis
Marquis Davis-4 months ago
Dang, that's a shame. I kinda had a feeling that might be the case. So the none classic version of pamac works with this?
fredcw-4 months ago
Ah, it seems that pamac-gtk3 is in manjaro repos only then, it's the one I use. I stopped using pamac-gtk because it uses libadwaita (no theming). However, I just installed libadwaita-without-adwaita-git (AUR) so I can theme libadwaita now. vinceliuice has some great gtk themes that support libadwaita, I'm currently using Orchis-light.
fredcw-4 months ago
Actually, libadwaita apps can still force dark or light mode without any way for the user to change it. Time to abandon libadwaita altogether, I think.
Marquis Davis
Marquis Davis-4 months ago
I definitely abandon it. But I agree, it pamac classic is installed this option should be removed. Maybe add the "Properties" option like in the regular mint menu?
kvlineman-5 months ago
that is cool
kirkserverhl-5 months ago
this is comment 669, nice
iso-l588-5 months ago
Wonderful addition to Cinnamon - thanks a lot for creating this! I think it works best with "Applications view mode" set to "list" and "Sidebar location" set to "left", as the keyboard navigation then flows elegantly left to right or up to down and back to start. With this setup only the Plasma Legacy Kickoff menu rivals yours for best keyboard navigation! However, when the Sidebar is located at the bottom I don't find the keyboard that intuitive, as you have to go arrow down from the sidebar to get to categories. No big deal though, I prefer the above setup anyway.
mmcdonald3009-6 months ago
Here's how to use gschema override to make Cinnamenu the default for the existing user (created during setup ) and all new local users. Not tested on wayland, nor in an enterprise login environment. I'm always happy for constructive feedback...
Xeknos-6 months ago
Love this applet. I don't like categories in my menus, and this was the first applet that let me turn those off.
Bioeless-7 months ago
Really nice but I have this issue where, when I open the menu, everything freezing for a split second, still long enough to be pretty noticeable. Not a major issue but kinda annoying. It could just be something with my system as well.
Danhicsuntdracones-7 months ago
I am having the same issue on LM 21.3, even YT videos freeze for that split second. I use a low-end laptop so I thought it could be a resource thing, but could be worth checking it. Other than that the applet works great!
fredcw-7 months ago
Thanks for reporting. I've opened an issue on github.
He-Zu-8 months ago
@hudavendigard you have made a nice theme. may i ask which icon theme you are using.
fredcw-8 months ago
I think it might be the Candy icon theme. If not, it's very similar.
semaj124-9 months ago
I love it, I always use it as my go to menu. One thing I would love is an option to have the panel hide when I open the menu. If that could be done in the future I'd appreciate it.
Nick Spiker
Nick Spiker-9 months ago
Any reason on why ctrl-p and ctrl-d aren't in the right click menu? I've been using this for a year now and kina want to strangle whoever hid the .desktop and launcher edit behind keyboard shortcuts instead of just the right click menu. Unless of course there's some restriction I don't know about...
Nick Spiker
Nick Spiker-9 months ago
Other than that, wonderful and thank you!
fredcw-9 months ago
Er.. I might be the one to strangle then xD. The reasoning was that I think it's more of a "techie's" feature and so should be hidden from normal users to avoid the applet seeming too complicated for or not designed for "non techies". I guess I could have implemented an "expert features" toggle to enable these options in the context menus but that would have been more complicated to implement. Maybe a notification of the new features when upgrading would have helped as well. In any case, thanks for the feedback, glad you like the applet.
ttjimera-9 months ago
Thanks for this wonderful alternative to Cinnamon stock menu. I prefer this one over the stock menu and I have been using it for the past few years. But is there any way that I can sort the application in Favourite apps? I could not find any option to do so. Each time I add a new favourite app, I have to manually reorder apps into sorted order.
fredcw-9 months ago
Hi, thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, there's no way to automatically sort the favorite apps atm. You can however drag and drop the apps in the category or on the sidebar.
bOsO400-11 months ago
First applet I install
watzki78-11 months ago
Echt schön gemacht :) Danke dafür !!!
fredcw-11 months ago
ConnivingKhajiit-11 months ago
Thanks for this, its fantastic. Literally made a github account to comment this. One feature I would love is collapsing the menu if you hover off of it for x milliseconds. Would synergize well with the hover to show feature.
fredcw-11 months ago
Thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure about this one. I think most people would think it was a bug if the menu closed unexpectedly. I can see the use case and could add an option but I don't like to add an option unless I think it would be popular.
GraveUypo-11 months ago
As a brand new linux mint user who has finally started the process of ditching windows forever, this is a godsent. I love it. Wasn't hard at all to make it look and feel like what i wanted.
fredcw-11 months ago
AdvApp-1 year ago
This is awesome. Thanks for making this available. I'm impressed with what you've done but even more impressed that you actually respond to comments!
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks. I use the applet spices-notifier@germanfr to know when messages are left here. I think most applet devs are probably unaware of this applet and therefore don't know when people leave messages. I think we need a better spices website because many people are leaving messages here only for nobody to ever read them.
Joan Spark
Joan Spark-1 year ago
Slick tool and lots of options. Superb work, beats the included menu hands down imho. The stylesheet.css commentary is top notch too. A question/observation (coming from Win7): In Win7 the the [Quit] button was a combo with the last chosen / preferred option (say 'Shut Down') directly accessible next to a menu button [>] (to chose from all options available). The extension 'Shutdown Menu With Icons' has the latter capability (selecting the quit option without relocating the menu to the middle of the screen), but lacks the former - which is understandable as the [Quit] button there is sitting right on the panel. But for Cinnamenu a direct [Shut down] button (next to the Quit options menu button) would be safe enough, no?
fredcw-1 year ago
Yes, ideally you could choose which buttons to show, shutdown, restart, hibernate, etc. but this would also increase the complexity of the applet which has its own disadvantages. I can't promise anything rn but I might give this some thought at some point when I have time. Thanks for the feedback.
cvdmint-1 year ago
Best Menu for Linux Mint , maybe a feature for next update , paste text (copy and paste) in search bar is not possible. Thanks for this Applet
Moilleadoir-1 year ago
Paste works for me.
Joan Spark
Joan Spark-1 year ago
cvdmint probably means via mouse? [Ctrl]+[V] and [Ctrl]+[C] works for me as well.
FathomRaven-1 year ago
Small issue: Using `Shift-Enter` to run a program as root shows the error 'Failed to execute child process "gksu" (No such file or directory)'. As far as I can tell, gksu is now deprecated. Possible alternative is pkexec? Otherwise the menu is fantastic, thanks for all the work you've put into it!
fredcw-1 year ago
I tried pkexec before and I couldn't get it to work so I don't really know how to fix this :/
caterfully-1 year ago
This is a really excellent applet that is very well maintained
caterfully-1 year ago
Sorry, was cut off there: This is a really excellent applet that is very well maintained
caterfully-1 year ago
One more time, apparently this site doesn't like emojis!: This is a really excellent applet that is very well maintained. A minor request though, any chance you could add an option to make the search field appear at the bottom of the menu? I haven't been able to find a way to do this. Keep up the great work!
fredcw-1 year ago
Having the search bar at the bottom while the sidebar is at the top would actually be more difficult to implement than you might think. I'll have a look at it when I have time but I can't promise anything rn. Thanks for the feedback though.
Ribelio-1 year ago
just wanna leave some positivity here since not only is the applet itself great, the work of maintaining it and replying to feedback is very impressive too :3
fredcw-1 year ago
xD thanks.
Luiz Felipe
Luiz Felipe-1 year ago
I've been using it for over a month, practically since I installed Linux Mint on my laptop. Simply the best menu for a modern system. However, I miss a context menu like the standard Linux Mint menu. Would it be possible to put it on Cinnamenu?
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I not sure what you mean. What feature would you like in the context menu?
Camelo Azull
Camelo Azull-1 year ago
I don't know if I expressed myself correctly, but when you right-click on a program in the original Linux Mint menu it gives you shortcuts to access something within the program. For example, when you do this with LibreOffice Writer, it gives you the option to create a new document, when you do it with Firefox it gives you the option to open a normal or private window. Although it may seem a little silly, this can help a lot with productivity.
fredcw-1 year ago
Ok, thanks for the suggestion. I didn't add this before because I wasn't sure if anyone would find it useful.
MahdiRajabkhah-1 year ago
i am new to Linux , can you teach me how to apply this?
fredcw-1 year ago
Of course. Right click on the panel and select "Applets" then click on the "Download" tab, find Cinnamenu and click on the download button. Go back to the "Manage" tab, select cinnamenu and then click on the + to add it to your panel. You can then right click on the panel again to select "Panel edit mode" so that you can move the applet to where you want it. You can also right click on the default menu applet to remove it from your panel.
erwn-1 year ago
Crashes Cinnamon LM 21.3 I had to deactivate it.
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi, I can't reproduce this. Can you open an issue on github so I can get more information.
erwn-1 year ago
Thanks for your effort to find out the reason of the crash and to mitigate the problem so that I can use Cinnamenu again. Who informs the developers of libgda that there is a need for an adaptation? Do you plan such an activity?
Xander Harris
Xander Harris-1 year ago
So much better than the regular menu, this applet is why I keep using Cinnamon. Thanks!
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback.
thieninox-1 year ago
cannot perform subtraction operations, such as 3-2
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks. I'll have a fix in the next update. btw, it works ok if you put a space on either side of the minus.
jakeHL-1 year ago
I don't think that's correct: Good applet otherwise
fredcw-1 year ago
Still quite close though ;) But seriously, this is a result of how calculations are done on a processor and I need to remove the rounding error. Thanks.
jakeHL-1 year ago
Bug got fixed after recent update, thank you.
archiebug-1 year ago
Hi- I noticed when I use the emoji feature (click to copy to clipboard), I notice that the clipboard is empty (nothing happens when CTRL+V is used). I went into xsessions-errors and found the following error: (cinnamon:1703): St-CRITICAL **: 10:03:33.008: st_clipboard_set_text: assertion 'meta_selection != NULL' failed Any ideas? I'm using Cinnamon 6 on Archlinux. Thanks-
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks, I didn't notice this. Probably due to some changes in cinnamon 6. I'll have a fix ASAP.
fredcw-1 year ago
I think this may have been fixed in cinnamon so it's a matter of waiting a few days until the next cinnamon update for arch based distros. I don't think there's much I can do in terms of the applet.
archiebug-1 year ago
all fixed in v6.0.2 of cinnamon.
archiebug-1 year ago
Thank you for the reply. I'll wait for the next update and let you know. :)
adrummer354-1 year ago
How do I organize the grid of apps in the main menu? It seems the drag and drop randomly moves apps around?
fredcw-1 year ago
Sorry, but there's no way to do this atm. The apps are only arranged in alphabetical order with the settings apps separated from the normal apps. You can list the normal apps and settings apps together by right clicking on a blank part of the list area but it's still in alphabetical order.
Muhammad Ali Kalantari
it's really laggy, opening the menu and (specially) searching makes the whole screen freeze.
fredcw-1 year ago
I can't reproduce this. I've opened an issue for this Thanks.
irvng-wav-1 year ago
Now I can't go back to the default Cinnamon menu. Your applet is amazing. Just wanted to express my appreciation and gratitude. Thank you for developing this!
fredcw-1 year ago
Ranie Santos
Ranie Santos-1 year ago
Emoji search is broken. The menu shows me applications when I do `e <emoji name>` but I only want to see emoji results.
fredcw-1 year ago
Fixed in the last update. Thanks.
quadransmuralis-1 year ago
Hello, When I use "b" to search my bookmarks, Cinnamenu returns lots of Applications and Files so that the bookmark I am looking for is out of sight without scrolling. Surely if I prefix with "b" Cinnamenu should only return bookmarks? One solution might be to limit the search results? Thanks for this useful applet!
fredcw-1 year ago
Fixed in the last update. Thanks.
fredcw-1 year ago
Not sure what to do about this. Problem is that someone might be trying to search for "b list celebrities" or "b flat major" or "b vitamins". A solution some search engines use is to use something like "!b " as a prefix but that's more time consuming to type and perhaps harder to remember, not sure.
RelTheBell-1 year ago
Can I move it so it's in the same place as the regular menu?
RelTheBell-1 year ago
Nevermind, I'm a dumb and have figured it out.
firubat-1 year ago
Really nice applet, I was hoping I can use it to replace a third-party app-launcher / file-finder (ulauncher/albert) but unfortunately it lacks some features in the file search, if they could be integrated that would be awesome: - narrow search by file extension (e.g. adding ".pdf" will show only pdf files) - unlimited number of results - remember previous selections and give them priority - ignore certain file extensions. Keep up the good work!
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks for the suggestions. "- narrow search by file extension" I guess you can already search for a file extension e.g. ".pdf" but then that doesn't help with the filename. Maybe two search terms separated by a space would work? e.g. "my_resume pdf" - unlimited number of results, I guess I could add an option for this. - remember previous selections and give them priority. I think it already does this to some extent because a previously opened file should be in the system's "recently used" list and these are given priority over other file search results but maybe this could be improved? - ignore certain file extensions. I think this might be complicated to implement both in terms of the search algorithm and the UI but I'll give it some thought. Thanks.
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf-1 year ago
What an amazing job thank you so much :-)
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks. You're very welcome.
IronGreninja-1 year ago
Hello! When I turn on intelligently hide panel and press the super key, the the bottom of the menu gets cut. Is there a way to delay opening the menu so it doesn't get cut or set its position so it always opens above the panel? Also, setting the sidebar location sets the search bar position too. On left/right, the search is on the bottom and on top/bottom, they are together. Can they be set independently? like sidebar on the left and search bar on the top.
fredcw-1 year ago
Sorry, I'll fix this in the next update.
Pokegirl Gamer
Pokegirl Gamer-1 year ago
Hi there, I was wondering if you could tell me how to get this icon back? Recently, I upgraded from Linux Mint 21.1 to 21.2 and this caught my attention, And I'm not happy seeing it having the no icon :( I was used to seeing "All Applications" having an icon... Link to the Image: And here's how it looks now... Link to the Image: Is this Linux Mint's bug? Thank you!!
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi, yes I changed this so that it uses the same icon ("cinnamon-all-applications") as the default cinnamon menu applet whereas before I used the icon for "computer". I also prefer the old icon but I suppose "cinnamon-all-applications" is the more appropriately named icon. If you're using a custom icon theme, you could add an icon to it that you think is more suitable. Or if it's not a custom icon theme, you could try asking the theme's developer to add an appropriate icon to the theme. As this is a relatively new icon, not many icon themes have added it yet so the fallback monotone icon is used instead.
Pokegirl Gamer
Pokegirl Gamer-1 year ago
Woah! If so, where to place the custom icon?
fredcw-1 year ago
Which Icon theme are you using because different icon themes have different folder structures? Also, If you installed the icon theme with software manager or using apt-get then you'll need to copy your theme from `/usr/share/icons/` to `~/.icons/` first. It's best not to alter a system theme, it's much safer to copy it to your home folder first. A theme with the same name in `~/.icons/` will override the one in `/usr/share/icons/`
Pokegirl Gamer
Pokegirl Gamer-1 year ago
Is it possible to change the default (All Applications) icon with my custom icon?
Pokegirl Gamer
Pokegirl Gamer-1 year ago
I'm using the Nordzy Icons.
fredcw-1 year ago
Edit: I mean, rename the file to "cinnamon-all-applications.svg" or .png depending on what type the original file was.
fredcw-1 year ago
Let's say you're using the theme Nordzy-orange. If your theme isn't in ~/.icons then you need to copy then entire theme folder (Nordzy-orange) from /usr/share/icons first. When you've done that, you need to copy the icon you want to use into the folder ~/.icons/Nordzy-orange/categories/32/ then rename the file to "cinnamon-all-applications". The final thing to do is update your icon cache otherwise you won't see a change. Do this with gtk-update-icon-cache /home/<USER_NAME>/.icons/Nordzy-orange (<USER_NAME> is the name of your home folder) It should say "Cache file created successfully". Then restart cinnamon.
Pokegirl Gamer
Pokegirl Gamer-1 year ago
Do you have Discord Server by chance? So i wouldn't wait long to receive your replies? Also, What are the platforms available for you? THANKS AGAIN!
Pokegirl Gamer
Pokegirl Gamer-1 year ago
Hey Fred, thank you for the time replying my messages. Unfortunately, this method broke my entire system cos I cannot install new themes after this. I found some issues/bugs with the latest mint update, so downgraded from 21.2 to 21.1. Now I don't have to make an icon cache for me to see the icon computer thingy cos it's back already from my Cinnamenu again. Kudos to your work, mate!
DiagnosiZucchero-1 year ago
Hi, is there a way to manually add a launcher to the menu, without adding it to the desktop first?
fredcw-1 year ago
Yes, you can do this with the menu editor (button at bottom of layout tab in config) if the know the name of the program file.
2jh3cjgr4-1 year ago
Hi, the most recent update seems to have messed up my menu a bit: the apps are no longer in alphabetical order, and the word "settings" is floating in between the icons. Could you please look into this?
fredcw-1 year ago
Yes, this is deliberate. I've separated the normal apps from the "settings" apps (ones that would normally be found in Administration and Preferences categories. But they should still be in alphabetical order within these new categories. I thought that this would be more useful since there are a lot of preferences items which perhaps distract from main applications you have installed or may be looking for.
caterfully-1 year ago
(My apologies, part of my previous message was cut off because I put emojis in it, so here it is again, in full): I really appreciate all the work you've done on this, but it'd be really nice to be able to put things back the way they were before the most recent update! Specifically the "settings" thing that 2jh3cgjr4 mentioned above; I'd like to be able to have all my apps in alphabetical order and not split by any sort of category in the grid-style list. Even if I edit the desktop files of the various apps, "settings" still appears even if there aren't any apps in that category. I'd be much obliged if you'd consider putting that part back to the way it was. Otherwise, I really like being able to hide the categories (I never did quite see the point of those), which is something I'd been wanting to do for awhile now, so thanks for making that a reality.
caterfully-1 year ago
Oh boy. I really appreciate all the work you've done on this, but it'd be really nice to be able to put things back the way they were before the most recent update!
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback. In the next update, I'll add an option to use the old style and if this change proves unpopular (which so far seems to be the case) then I'll change it back. I'll probably add the option in a context menu where you right click on a blank part of the applications area.
caterfully-1 year ago
Fantastic! Thank you! Reminds me of the old (I think) Pantheon menu, which I've missed having for quite some time.
voidiums-1 year ago
Hello, Thanks for your efforts to make a better linux mint menu, I really like it's simplicity and practicality but I do have one small problem...I want the simplest for possible (just the search bar and the app grid) no session controls, and more importantly no category section, I want the app grid to occupy the whole area, just like how chromOS menu looks like, is there any way to disable the category section altogether ? if not, are there any plans to add such option in future releases ? Thanks in advance.
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi, thanks for the feedback. A few people have ask for this. Tbh, rather than trying to adapt Cinnamenu, it would be easier to create a new menu applet with the features you suggest. While I can't promise anything, I have been thinking about this for a while so I might get around to doing this sometime.
voidiums-1 year ago
Thanks for the quick reply, I hope this "sometime" is soon enough ^_^
DangerDarrell-1 year ago
Hello, Firstly I wanna say thank you for such an awesome applet, I've used it with literally every Mint build I've had. I'm currently having an issue within Mint 19.1 when trying to add Cinnamenu, I get the error "Something went wrong while loading Cinnamenu@json. Make sure you are using the latest version, and then report issue to its Developer". Any help is appreciated, sorry if this has been covered or something noob on my end (It's too early for this lol). Best, Darrell
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback. Sorry about this bug, it seems I introduced it back in January and it affects mint 19.1 and possibly 19.2. I'll submit a PR to fix this now and hopefully it should be available within a day.
ay-jo-1 year ago
Hi, I enjoyed this applet but updated it about more than a week ago and it is not loading now. If I remove and readd it, I get a rectangle flyout from my dock then disappears. Nothing happens when I click the settings. Doesn't work after updating and resinstalling. Also tried restarting. Using Linux Mint 20 Ulyana with 5.4.0-152-generic kernel.
fredcw-1 year ago
Sorry about this. I'll submit a fix right away but I don't when it will be merged, it can take weeks sometimes for Mint to merge updates. In the meantime you can do the following: In the file /home/<USER_NAME>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/Cinnamenu@json/4.0/applet.js on line 372 it says: _onShowHomeFolderChange = () => { change this line so it reads: _onShowHomeFolderChange() { and save the file. Then restart cinnamon or log out and back in. Again, sorry about this, it's due to an oversight on my part.
ay-jo-1 year ago
That worked! Thanks for the quick reply!
FireStarW-1 year ago
Hey, like this menu but a recent update changed to folder behavior from when they get clicked on, they now open a menu of options, where as before it simply opened the folder in Nemo. As a bit of feedback, I liked having a quick way to open a folder I already knew the name of.
fredcw-1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback, I'll change it back to the way it was.
hudavendigard-1 year ago
Hi Fred! I'm very newbie at Linux and trying to make my own theme. So i started to figure out cinnamon theme css codes. Here is my first theme: i really like your applet and trying to make some changes on it. Is there a way to delete all categories menu? i only want apps grid and search entry button.
fredcw-1 year ago
You can do this: .menu-categories-scrollbox { width: 0px; } but the problem is that without that category buttons, you lose some of the functionality of the applet like recent files/home folder/emoji browser/favorites, etc categories. A few people have asked me how to get rid of the category buttons so I think this would be a popular layout option that many people would like. But my problem is that how would I then still make available the missing functionality of the applet. Or maybe it's ok if that functionality is not wanted by the user. Another idea I've considered is to make another separate and much simpler applet without categories and without the other features for people who want that.
hudavendigard-1 year ago
First of all, thank you for your help. I'm very close to the design I want. I will ask you for help in two more issues, one small and one big. with the code given by you .menu-categories-scrollbox { width: 0px;} i managed to hide categories scrollbox and scrollbar. now my launcher looks beautiful. As you see the shut down the shutdown buttons still exists and i couldn't find how to hide them. This is the small problem. And the big problem is app icons grid locations. i tried margin-top and margin-bottom and they are working properly but margin-left and margin-right not working properly. when i add margin between app boxes (left and right) the engine of applet not working properly. one or two icons disappeared. please look at the screenshot. the launcher looks very crowded and i want to add margin (left - right) without changing icons size in settings and without changing the apps scrollbox area. im trying to make a 7x5 grid on the same area. is it possible to do this in theme css code or applet js code?
fredcw-1 year ago
For the sidebar, you can use: .menu-favorites-scrollbox { width: 0px; } For the button widths you'll have to change the applet code as there's no way to do this in css. Around line 585 of appsview.js is the line: const minColumnWidth = Math.max(140, this.appThis.settings.appsGridIconSize * 1.2); where you can adjust the values. Btw, for mint 21.1, change the code in "4.0" folder, "5.8" folder is for Mint 21.2 when it comes out. Remember though that if you update the applets, your changes to the code will be overwritten by the new versions in the update. Also, restart the applet or cinnamon after code changes. I like what you've done so far, it looks good.
hudavendigard-1 year ago
Thank you so much :) This is the final:
NathanCampioni-1 year ago
Sorry, I am annoying, I know. (btw you seem amazing as you answered almost immediately before) I wanted to manually change some icons in the menu as I've changed a theme in cinnamon and some ended up with not fitting icons, so I went in the Main Menu editor through the Cinnamenu button (open the menu editor), but the icons for "All Applications", "Places" and "Recent" cannot be changed, how do I change those?
fredcw-1 year ago
Sorry, but there's no way to do this atm unless you change the code of the applet. But any changes will be lost when you update the applet.
NathanCampioni-1 year ago
Ok thanks!!
NathanCampioni-1 year ago
What is the behaviour of ^ in the calculator, I would have expected it to exponentiate, but it has a wierd beheavior that I'm not capable to map to a function?
fredcw-1 year ago
It's the bitwise XOR operator. The expression is evaluated as a javascript expression so all javascript operators are valid. For exponentiation, you can use pow(x,y) or x**y
NathanCampioni-1 year ago
Oh also I have a question, how do I make it so that an app that I installed (Popcorntime) doesn't fall under other, but in the category sound & video?
fredcw-1 year ago
You should be able to do this in the menu editor (bottom of first tab in cinnamenu config) although it does have a few bugs.
NathanCampioni-1 year ago
Hi, very nice work with this menu. If only a few features could be added it would be amazing: - the ability to costumize the favourites order more than only having them in a list, maybe with sapces in between. - the possibility of having the panel rise when using Super to show the menu as for the standard cinnamon menu, I know this is more difficoult as this is an applet, but if you could provide a script that could be used as a shortcut activated by Super it would be dope. (I've been trying to do it myself but I didn't manage) Love it!
fredcw-1 year ago
>maybe with spaces in between. This would be difficult to implement. Also, what would happen if you resized the menu, would the spaces move around like they were spaces in a list? >the possibility of having the panel rise when using Super Do you mean the autohide panel? The problem is that the panel hides part of the applet and I couldn't find a way to fix that. I'll look at it again.
NathanCampioni-1 year ago
didn't think about what would happen with resizing Yeah I mean the autohide panel, is it maybe possible to first have the panel rise and then with a little, but almost unnoticeable, delay toggle the menu? Even if that wouldn't work and the bug persisted it would be better than not having the feature of the panel come up when toggling the menu (at least for me). The bug is present even in the main cinnamon menu so I think it would be understandable to have it also in yours.
carlitosrobertus-1 year ago
Is there a way to remove the power off, log off and screen lock buttons?
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi. Sorry, there's no way to do this atm except by changing the applet code.
carlitosrobertus-1 year ago
I'll try change the code. Thanks!
André-1 year ago
on category "Places" most folders open inside the menu itself instead of opening in a new window. could you add some setting to change this behavior please?
fredcw-1 year ago
Yes, I changed this behaviour in the last update. The Nemo bookmarks didn't have a context menu before so there was no option to open the folder in the applet instead. Now it opens in the applet by default and there is the option to open it in nemo in the context menu. Perhaps the old behaviour would be preferable to most people, I'm not sure.
André-1 year ago
For me it is, an option would be nice. For now i've reverted to v5.3
Kay-1960-1 year ago
very good, using it instead the original menu, because is really better But two question - it is possible to add "Show Media folder" in the same way "Show home folder"? - it is possible to do favorites under cantegories in one column like this: 1. categorie n. categorie Line for spacer 1. Favor 2. Fovor n. Favor
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi. Yes, you'll be able to add any folder as a category. This is something I've just been working on - update coming soon. I'm not sure that adding favorites to the categories is necessary as you can have them on the sidebar. Thanks.
Kay-1960-1 year ago
at first I don't understand your answer, but thank you very much for the picture on top - too - . I see, you have one a category "Favorite Apps". That's is a good way for me, to hold the width of the Menu [b] preferably small [/b] and having my favorites preferably near in access.
Mike-Desant-1 year ago
Hello, in my opinion this is one of the best applet for Cinnamon, I especially like how it looks while title style is enabled. I also have some suggestions: 1) Please add option for changing maximum primary results, as of now it is hardcoded to 10, it would be nice if there was an option to change 'primaryResults.length' in settings. 2) Viewing files in search results is excellent feature but it should be possible to exclude some paths from displaying its contents – for clarity or privacy reasons. 3) Having support for search engines is great but when “Web search suggestion” is enabled everything user types in the menu is sent to search engine provider (google by default!) with can be problematic for privacy conscious people. “Web search suggestions” option should be disabled by default and upon activation there should be note informing about sending away all locally typed queries. 4) It would be nice to change order of favorite files in sidebar. Currently it is possible to do that with apps but not with files for some reason. Adding separator between favorite apps and files is also worth considering. I hope my feedback was constructive and not too hard to implement, thank you for your work.
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi, thanks for the feedback. The problem with adding more options to the config dialog is that it may make the applet seem more complicated and possibly confusing for some users, makes it's harder to find the option you're looking for and could even put some people off using the applet altogether, while for other users it's the more options the better. So I think there is a balance to be struck between adding options that perhaps many users will find useful and trying to avoid having too many which may make the options seem too daunting for some users. 1) I could be wrong but I think this is one of those options that only a small number of people would find useful. The alternative is to make this an option that can only be changed by editing the json config file directly. 2) This option would add a lot of complexity to the config dialog, probably requiring a whole tab to add/delete folders. Unless I thought this would be a popular option, I'd be reluctant to add it. There is however a setting for the search start folder so you change it from the default (~/) which you can change by editing the config file. 3) This is a good point that I didn't think about. I think you're right that it should be off by default with some kind of note about privacy. 4) The current order is alphabetical, which is the same as how Nemo displays them. I think ideally it should be possible to change the order, but you're right, this would indeed add some code complexity. I'll give it some thought. I think you're totally spot on about the extra separator, thanks.
Mike-Desant-1 year ago
Hello fredcw, your counterpoints about settings and code complexity regarding my first two propositions are complicity valid. Let me instead suggest that if search results are by default displayed in 4 columns 'primaryResults.length' should be also set to multiple of 4 by default: 8 or 12 or 16 not 10. Also I would agree that option in json config file would be good compromise because it would allowed for custom values to survive addon updates without increasing config dialog clutter. Overall as a new user I am a very happy with this applet and I am planning to keep it on all my cinnamon desktops, cheers.
fredcw-1 year ago
I decided to go with DuckDuckGo for search suggestions instead of google because DuckDuckGo say that they do not record IP addresses. I set primary results to fill the available columns with a minimum of 10 results. Thanks.
Green-linux-1 year ago
Hi ! thank you very much for this applet which is very useful. i have nevertheless a small suggestion; would it be possible to add Qwant ( to search engines for the web? It is a European search engine that respects privacy. Have a nice day! :)
fredcw-1 year ago
No problem. I'll try and include this in the next update. Thanks.
Tuxman2-1 year ago
I translated the whole Cinnamenu.pot file in French (203 strings). The old one (fr.po) was not update since a long time. How can I send you the new fr.po file ? It is full transated in French. Thanks.
fredcw-1 year ago
Also, you may want to check that the .po file is up to date with the latest .pot file. You can do this with Poedit program. Load the .po file and go to Translation>Update from POT file... and select Cinnamenu@json.pot which is in the same folder as the .po files.
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi, my email address is on my github page. Thanks.
fliptoback-1 year ago
Really like cinnamenu. How do i make it such that it does not dock to the panel but will float on the screen like any other app? Using linux mint cinnamon.
fredcw-1 year ago
Unfortunately, this is not possible atm, applets are only designed to be adjacent to a panel.
fliptoback-1 year ago
thanks bro for letting me know. Any app that looks like cinnamenu but is not fixed to the panel?
fredcw-1 year ago
No, there's only 3 menu applets for cinnamon, the 3rd one being CinnVIIStarkMenu. While it would be technically possible to have a free floating menu, it would involve overriding parts of the cinnamon API, which would be quite difficult, for me at least. The other possibility is app launchers which are not cinnamon specific like Ulauncher, but it doesn't look anything like Cinnamenu and just pops up a search bar in the middle of the screen.
Tuxman2-1 year ago
Hello, cinnamenu is great. I would like to see some features in the next version: 1. Allow the user to disable or enable the category list. Especially when we use the grid view to display the applications. It can be useful for people who have touchscreen. So people can have all application icons on the screen only like we can see in the Gnome menu. 2. Define a length for the search bar and allow the user to disable or not the sidebar. Once again, I thinking to have something similar as Gnome Menu (little search bar on the top of the screen with all application icons). 3. Allow the user to define a custom icon for power buttons (screen lock, log out, shutdown) and allow the user to disable or enable these ones (like we can disable the favorites buttons). Thanks.
fredcw-1 year ago
A few people have asked for features like this (Gnome shell like) but tbh, the additional complexity to the applet would mean that it would probably be easier to make a separate menu applet in the style of Gnome shell.
grants169-1 year ago
Really like Cinnamenu, thank you. Couple issues however. First, I use a vertical panel on the left side of screen with Cinnamenu pinned at top left corner, if that is a factor, I don' t know. Cinnamenu window boundaries are not respected. If I open the menu and click outside of the menu window, specifically below the menu window, it will launch an app as if I was clicking in the menu window. To resolve this, I have expanded the window to vertically cover the entirety of my vertical screen, forcing me to click to the right of the menu to avoid inadvertent program launching. Second, after powering up my computer in the morning, Cinnamenu is very snappy opening as it should. But by the end of the day it becomes slow. It can take a couple seconds to open and sometimes as long as 5 seconds to open. I have tried restarting Cinnamon (Ctrl-Alt-Esc) to see if that fixes it, but to no avail. I have the same 2 issues on 2 seperate computers, one of which was just freshly installed. Apologies if these are know issues, I haven't had time to go thru everything yet. Thanks for your dedication to this wonderful spice.
fredcw-1 year ago
Hi, thanks for the feedback. The clicking on apps outside the menu is a known issue with Cinnamon and also happens in the default menu. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix this. The second issue is more concerning for me. Does this slow down also happen with other applets or in others ways with your system in general or is it just Cinnamenu? Perhaps you could try adding the default menu to your panel and see if that is affected as well. It's strange that restarting Cinnamon makes no difference as doing so also restarts all the applets. If restarting cinnamon doesn't fix the problem then I'm tempted to think that the issue is not with cinnamon or the applet but maybe some graphical/driver issue. But then it's also odd that it happens on 2 different computers (⊙_☉). Btw, you can open an issue on github if you find that easier
grants169-1 year ago
Thank you for the reply. Good to know about the window issue. The slow cinnamenu opening was driving me nuts so yesterday I was very particular in noticing exactly when it started. Turns out after mounting a slow WebDav share in nemo is when it starts. I'm assuming the menu is searching for items within the webdav share at open. Now the resolve for this is to unmount the webdav share when I'm not using it, or maybe there's a way to tell Cinnamenu to ignore it?
fredcw-1 year ago
Actually, thinking about it, the file search only happens when you type something into the search bar, not when opening the menu. I'll look into it.
grants169-1 year ago
It happens when just opening the menu. I know about turning off searching home folder and that does prevent the slowness, but I'd like to leave that functionality for files in my local home folder. I'm guessing it's not searching files in the share when opening, but it's trying to make a connection. I blame Nextcloud in particular actually, the webdav share for it is constantly slow even after following all advice to make it as fast as possible. I should just smb or nfs to the nextcloud share instead of using its webdav, that would solve it all for me, all that I'd lose is versioning and that's not really important.
fredcw-1 year ago
Yes, the workaround is to turn off "Search home folder" option on the search tab in cinnamenu. In the meantime, I'll see if I can find a way to prevent Cinnamenu from searching in non-local directories. Thanks.
Michał D
Michał D-1 year ago
Really good spice. Emoji search is an incredibly useful thing. And I have just learnt that there's a built-in calculator! Thank you, @fredcw! :)
fredcw-1 year ago
peachy-peaches-2 years ago
I'm running into a bug after changing my display scale settings from 100% to 125%. On 125%, Cinnamenu lags when opening and closing. It works normally otherwise, but the open/close lag is very significant.
peachy-peaches-2 years ago
Forgot to add that the display resolution is 2560 x 1440. I added a GitHub issue for this bug anyway.
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks. It's a problem with the desktop theme. I've posted a fix on github.
Fiodor1-2 years ago
Debian Testing: "Cinnamon-subprocess-wrapper" failed.
fredcw-2 years ago
Could you elaborate? When and where do you see this error?
Fiodor1-2 years ago
The error appeared as soon as I installed Cinnamenu and restarted my computer and it appears for a few seconds every time I turn on my computer and enter the cinnamon environment. Sorry for my bad english.
fredcw-2 years ago
I've opened an issue on Github, could you reply there please. Thanks.
Landon-2 years ago
Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon... this will not install. Does this not work with older versions of Cinnamon... or is there another step to installation? Thanks!
fredcw-2 years ago
Yes, Cinnamenu should work with Mint versions from 18.2 onwards. There isn't any additional step, it should be the same as installing any other applet: Right click panel and select Applets. On Download tab of Applets dialogue, select Cinnamenu and click download button. On Manage tab, select Cinnamenu and click "+" button to add it to your panel.
Landon-2 years ago
Thank you! It works!
erwn-2 years ago
I like Cinnamenu very much. Thank you for the development. Today I discovered the following behavior: After changing the screen resolution from 16:9 to 16:10 and back, changing the size of the pixels of the task bar, changing the scale of the screen from 100 to 125% and modifying the grid of the desktop Cinnamenu can be expanded vertically to a very limited extent (LM 21, Cinnamon). Opposed to that the horizontal expansion works perfectly.
erwn-2 years ago
Correction: ..., changing the size of the icons of the task bar, ...
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks for reporting this. I'll try to have a fix asap.
sobmicha-2 years ago
Take a look at these illustrations: and Note the position of the mouse pointer in the screenshots of both applets. Yours completely ignores the decor. This is cumpatibility!
fredcw-2 years ago
This looks like a problem with the cinnamon theme you're using. Please contact the author of the theme to fix this. Btw, which theme are you using, I'm curious to know how this effect is achieved.
AtomicRobotMan0101-2 years ago
100% love it. Thanks dev dude :)
fredcw-2 years ago
No problem, thanks for the feedback..
Andrey-2 years ago
hi hi, can I kindly ask you to add functionality so that the applet also reads the configuration from the ~/.config/cinnamon/spices folder in light of the latest cinnamon update regarding following the XDG rules.
fredcw-2 years ago
Hi, the applet doesn't read this configuration directly, it is done by cinnamon automatically.
Andrey-2 years ago
I did some digging in the code, is it possible to change the validation paths in the _ensureSettingsFiles() function. It sets the variable "configPath" to a specific path to ~/.cinnamon/configs. Perhaps this is the reason that this folder is created every time the applet is loaded. This is the only applet I installed that creates dot files in the main directory of the home folder.
fredcw-2 years ago
You're right, I forgot about this. I'll look into it and thanks for pointing this out.
He-Zu-2 years ago
Hello, I would like to thank you very much for this great menu applet. Keep it up. :-)
fredcw-2 years ago
wolframd-2 years ago
Hello, great menu - thank you so much! With LinuxMint built in menu there will open the list of apps when hovering the mouse over any category, with yours I have to click once. Is there an option to open the app list/panel with a hovering mouse? I couldn't find it... If not: It would be a great addition, I think. Best regards
fredcw-2 years ago
Yes, the option is called "Activate categories on click", it on the "Behaviour" tab. Thanks.
melomane63-2 years ago
Just a subtlety, but I change the "all applications" icon from "computer" to "start-here-symbolic", because with some icons (example papirus) and dark theme it's not very readable. I make this modification with: sed -i 's/computer/start-here-symbolic/' $HOME/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/Cinnamenu@json/4.0/categoriesview.js not a big deal to do, but to do with each update... I write this to propose a possible change or to share the workaround. this is the result:
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. I think the papirus issue is a problem with the icon theme rather than the applet as that same icon is even used in papirus-dark theme. The problem with using a symbolic icon is that you're then mixing color and symbolic icons which I don't think looks so good in most themes. I always prefer to use the semantically correct icon and leave it to the icon themes to correct any issues, not that "computer" is necessarily more semantically correct than "start-here" but "start-here" is rather ambiguous perhaps. Ideally the icon called "applications-all" would be used but while it's present in papirus, it's not in the Mint icon themes, adwaita or many other themes.
melomane63-2 years ago
can be simply used "start-here", this gives the same icon for mint and papirus themes, which is also the same icon found in the default menu... thanks for your beautifull Cinamenu!
fredcw-2 years ago
Actually, the icon used in the default menu is now "cinnamon-all-applications-symbolic" which cinnamon now adds to the default hicolor icon theme. I can't use this icon atm because Cinnamenu needs to be compatible with previous versions of cinnamon whereas the default menu doesn't. In any case, I'm still not keen on the appearance of mixing symbolic (or monochrome) icons with color icons but I'll give it some more thought.
Lila-2 years ago
I love this menu, but I was wondering, how can I add transparency to the menu?
fredcw-2 years ago
There are a few cinnamon themes that have transparency, e.g. Elegance, Numix-Cinnamon-Semi-Transparent. Go to System settings>Themes>Desktop. Unfortunately, Cinnamon doesn't yet have transparency with a blurred background like you get in windows or macos but that's a matter of taste anyway.
Mikko-2 years ago
Great applet, love the customizability! It would be nice if it respected the gsettings "org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal" rather than defaulting to gnome-terminal when launching terminal applications.
fredcw-2 years ago
The applet doesn't actually handle this, it uses cinnamon's appSystem to open the apps. For each app in the menu, there's an associated .desktop file which is used by cinnamon to find out how to run the app. As far as I know, it does use the default terminal specified in gsettings. At least, I guess, unless another terminal is specified in the .desktop file. I guess the thing to do is check the associated .desktop file for the app. It will be in /usr/share/applications, or if it's a custom launcher, in ~/.local/share/applications. If it's a custom launcher, the filename will start with "alacarte-made- ... .desktop". Normally there would be a line in the .desktop file which reads "Terminal=true" if the command is to be run in a terminal. And I presume this should use the default terminal. If it doesn't then I'm not sure why that is.
SantaFe88-2 years ago
Is there any way to hide/remove the search bar in Cinnamenu? I never use it, and was hoping there was a way to remove it. Thanks & Thank You.
fredcw-2 years ago
Unfortunately there's no way to do this atm.
NielsJac-2 years ago
Disappered from the panel after last update. Error code in Looking Glass: error t=2022-08-19T21:40:39Z [Cinnamenu@json]: Requiring Soup, version 2: Requiring namespace 'Soup' version '2', but '2.4' is already loaded [Cinnamenu@json]: Error importing applet.js from Cinnamenu@json
Hiteshldt-2 years ago
Disappeared from the pannel after the update, cinnamenu applet setting is not working either, showing a temporary short effect on the right of pannel, but the applet is not added
fredcw-2 years ago
Bug fix update is available now, sorry about that.
ybolu-2 years ago
Disappeared from the panel after last update. :( I like the Cinnamenu
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Sorry about the bug.
ybolu-2 years ago
Thank you for the applet and fixing the bug quickly.
dazzat1960-2 years ago
This has stopped working with the latest cinnamon update. Hopefully a fix will be implemented very soon as this is the best start menu I have seen and is super useful and customisable.
fredcw-2 years ago
Yes, the bug fix update should be available now.
bigbuka-2 years ago
This is a great menu that I have used for over a year! However, it appears as of today it stopped functioning with the latest cinnamon update. The applet no longer appears on the menu and you cannot edit the settings in the applet window. Hopefully this can be fixed.
fredcw-2 years ago
Yes, sorry about this. I have fixed the bug and the updated version should be available now.
Edilbert Nunes
Edilbert Nunes-2 years ago
Is possible to provide an option to hide the name of the applications? leaving only the icon. Thanks Cinnamenu is perfect !!!
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-2 years ago
I love this menu!!! However... Ever since my update to Linux Mint 21 and what I thought was a similar-timed Cinnamenu update, Cinnamenu's opening animation seems a *lot* more jerky. I'm not sure if this is a Cinnamon problem or a Cinnamenu problem, but all other panel applet menus seem perfectly smooth. This is a minor issue, as all other functionality seems fine, but it's just not quite as nice as it was before.
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks, I'll look into it.
DevonMaze-2 years ago
one of the best Mint Cinnamon Applets but could you add the option to disable the category list? I use your Menu with the grid view and I usually hide or uninstall the programs I don't use and I have pretty much the categories semi empty ... I would like to remove that list so that when I open the menu I only have the app grid
melomane63-2 years ago
there are somes errors in fr.po , impossible for me to direct contact "Claudix" 141 msgid "Applications and files" 142 msgstr "Candidatures et fichiers" but should be : "Applications et fichiers" 156 msgid "Trash" 157 msgstr "Déchets" but should be "Corbeille" thank you for your wonderful Cinnamenu!
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks, I'll add these changes. btw, my email address is on my github page if you want to send me a .po file.
arnold-loudly-2 years ago
One of the first tweaks I make to my Mint panel is this replacing the default menu. Just a menu but as full featured as you could ever hope....and has never ever let me down. Perfect for Mint.
fredcw-2 years ago
Thank you for making this, but is there a way to add infinite scrolling or more slots for search results? 10 results max seems a bit limited to me.
fredcw-2 years ago
There isn't a way to do that atm except to edit the applet.js file but any change would be overwritten each time you update the applet. On line 1210 and line 1211 in applet.js is the number 10. You could change this to something else, save the file and restart cinnamon. Thanks for the feedback. I'll give it some thought.
quadransmuralis-2 years ago
I've been using Cinnamenu on lmde elsie (debian 11) and it works brilliantly. I'm still struggling a little with search results including a given file on pCloud drive plus the same file in a local pCloud synced folder (synced locally in case pCloud goes down when I'm in a meeting). The Cinnamenu search result shows both copies without any means of distinguishing which copy is which. A search in Nemo for example returns both copies together with the file path for easy identification.
fredcw-2 years ago
The file path is shown in the tooltip if you have tooltips on. Apart from that, I can't really think of another solution. If you have any other suggestions on how how this might be fixed, I be glad to hear them.
Edilbert Nunes
Edilbert Nunes-2 years ago
Work perfectly Debian 11 testing.. sugestion: Is possíble includes an option to resize or choose the column quantity on painel? thanks
Christopher McAllister
To get more columns you can simply drag the menu from the side or corner; as you drag it wider it will add columns
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. Not sure what you mean by "column quantity". Do you mean just the width of the panel button? You can change the size of the panel icon in the settings and add a label if that helps.
Paul Brema Walyaula
i have auto hide panel setting on... when i press the windows button the transition is not smooth. however if u add the feature/ option of opening the menu without forcing the panel to come out(like the default cinnamon menu) under behavior other wise.. its very good work
fredcw-2 years ago
I might have to not show the panel when using the win key anyway because it's not working properly atm on mint 21 beta. I can't reproduce transition issue so not sure how to fix it, sounds like a performance issue.
cvdmint-2 years ago
Popup animation does not work very well anymore , it was ok in version 4.15.4 , hope you can fix it.
fredcw-2 years ago
Do you mean the opening and closing of the menu? It all seems normal to me. I've tested on mint 19.3 and Mint 21 beta. What OS are you using?
cvdmint-2 years ago
I am on 20.3 and its on opening , closing is normal , on mint 21 beta it works normal .
fredcw-2 years ago
Tried it in Mint 20.3 live session but I can't reproduce this. Do other applets work as normal? If you like, you can open an issue on github and post a video/gif of the problem. What do you mean by "not work very well"?
yngvhi-2 years ago
That was an quick fix. Thank you. I didn't realise how much I relied on Cinnamenu until I spent a day without it. The default menu was... frustrating. Keep up the good work!
quadransmuralis-2 years ago
Hi Fredcw, I'd like to make a suggestion: would it be possible to have the opportunity of defining a folder other than the "home" folder in the settings? This could limit the number of search results and avoid finding duplicates, if they exist in other folders, for example synced or back up copies. Thanks for all the great work!
fredcw-2 years ago
Also restart cinnamon for the change to take effect.
fredcw-2 years ago
Hi, I'll include this as an option in the config file in the next update. This means that you'll have to edit the config file in ~/.cinnamon/configs/Cinnamenu@json/<some number>.json. Search for the line that contains "search-start-folder" and change the value property. eg. from "value": "/home/fredcw" to "value": "/home/fredcw/Documents". Alternatively you could click the gear icon in the applet's config dialogue and "Export to file", edit that file and then "Import from file". Thanks.
yngvhi-2 years ago
After the last update, it refuses to start. Mint 19.3 Cinnamon 4.4.8 Kernel 5.4.0-120-generic. No idea why.
fredcw-2 years ago
Sorry about that, I'll have an update to fix this ASAP. In the meantime can you change line 23 from s.normalize('NFKD').replace(/\p{Grapheme_Extend}/gu,""); to s.normalize('NFKD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ""); in the file: home/<USERNAME>/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/Cinnamenu@json/4.0/utils.js Save the file and restart cinnamon (Ctrl-alt-Esc). Thanks.
deckerlogan-2 years ago
Thank you for the quick band-aid in the meantime!
Dawei87-2 years ago
I have recently started using this menu and I have noticed that if you enable the home folder search functionality then hidden files from your home folder will show up in the search. There is an option to show hidden files but it seems like it is only affecting the actual file browser in the menu. Is there a way to block hidden files from showing up in the file search? Thanks for all of the work you have put into this!
fredcw-2 years ago
Yes, the show hidden files option is for the file browser only and the current behaviour of the file search is to find hidden files but not to search in hidden folders. I guess this is something I didn't really give much thought to but it's easy for me to change. I'll make an update so that hidden files are not found when searching as I think this may be the behaviour that most people would expect. Thanks.
Dawei87-2 years ago
That would be great! Thanks for the quick reply! The search functions in this menu make it the most useful applet for me. I do have a couple other requests that I hope would not be difficult to implement. Would you be able to add Brave Search engine as a web search option? Also, would it be possible to add a file browser link to "Computer" under places? I understand that I am making request for a free piece of software that you spend personal time developing. If you have a link I could use to make a donation I would be happy to do so. Thanks again!
fredcw-2 years ago
That's no problem and I appreciate the suggestions. Really it's the feedback I get that makes Cinnamenu what it is. I don't have a donation page but maybe that's something I should think about
Dawei87-2 years ago
Thanks for adding these features so quickly! Everything is working great!
RuboGubo-2 years ago
How about integrate the software store into the menu, so that when you search for "Blender" it would allow you to install the app, would be a massive time saver.
fredcw-2 years ago
There was a search provider that you could install that would search the apt store for packages but it doesn't work anymore. I could look into fixing it but it would only work on apt based distros whereas the cinnamon desktop is supposed to be distro agnostic and it wouldn't work on arch or rpm based distros. I remember looking at it before and couldn't think of an easy way to fix it but I may take a look at it again.
MagnusVesper-2 years ago
This is really helpful! I have an idea for a feature: Add an option to the context menu of apps to open its desktop file. This would come in handy a lot for me at least, since I sometimes want to see the exact command and arguments it launches. Alternatively, having a way to add your own items (like how you can with nemo actions) to the context menu would be nice too. But I know that would require a lot more work.
fredcw-2 years ago
I think this would be an option that most people would rarely use and would therefore make the UI seem unnecessarily complicated for most people. It may be better to just open the .desktop file in usr/share/applications for those who need to. A Nemo action type way of extending functionality would indeed be a good solution but I think you're right, that would require quite a bit of work :p
alcane1959-2 years ago
Hi Fredcw The menu is getting better and working perfectly at Mint Cinnamon. A suggestion and a question...!!! Would it be possible to arrange the icons of the category and the application grid vertically?... one under the other and not sideways The menu in this case would have a design similar to MenuX (KDE-Plasmoid) and Windows 11. Thanks again for the development.
fredcw-2 years ago
Adding more layout options would make the applet more complex and difficult to maintain. It might actually be easier to make a new applet with a different layout. I have thought about this before but tbh, it's a lot of work for something that might not be very popular. In any case, thanks for the suggestion, you've given me some ideas to think about.
Tiago Miranda
Tiago Miranda-2 years ago
Very good applet, but i have one issue report, I'm using it at the middle of panel like Windows 11 but at the first use, using Meta Key, after poweron computer it isn't placed at middle screen but follows the button position, so, clicking in it by mouse, it turns to right position. It doesn't bother me, i'm reporting just for help the development. Thank you for spend your time mainteining it.
fredcw-2 years ago
Hi, glad you like the applet. I can't reproduce the issue and tbf, I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Do you mean that the menu button on the panel moves from the center to the right edge of the panel?
Tiago Miranda
Tiago Miranda-2 years ago
The problem is not the menu button. The menu window that should be placed in the center of screen if the button will in that, right? So, opening the menu through shortcut just after poweron, it appears moved from center.
fredcw-2 years ago
Yes, you're right. Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed in next update.
richo-2 years ago
quadransmuralis-2 years ago
Fredcw, Great update 4.15.5 (2022-04-08 21:07:50) Everything works! Just one thing I've noticed: when no search options are selected, using the prefix "f" sometimes return duplicate entries for the file being searched for. It's almost as though one of the entries is for a recently opened file.
fredcw-2 years ago
Ah, that isn't supposed to happen. Can you test this again but with a different file to see if it's reliably showing duplicates. There is code in cinnamenu to remove duplicate search results (eg. a file search result & a recent file search result) when they refer to the same file.
quadransmuralis-2 years ago
Now using Version 4.15.5 (2022-04-20 08:59:55). I don't seem to be able to reproduce the anomaly any longer! I'll report back if I'm mistaken. Thank you!
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique-2 years ago
Ótimo trabalho.
fredcw-2 years ago
quadransmuralis-2 years ago
Hi Fredcw, I see that recent updates to Cinnamenu have gone well for others (alcane1959) but for me, the browser search seems to have completely stopped working. At about the same time, however, I started using LMDE 5 but I imagine that is irrelevant. Would you have any suggestions? Thx.
fredcw-2 years ago
Thanks for reporting, I'll have a fix ASAP.
alcane1959-2 years ago
Hi Fredcw The update was was wonderful!!!!!! Thank you for your attention and congratulations on the project !!!
jvan1234-2 years ago
This is an amazing applet! I would recommend this to people who are just switching from Windows to Linux. This interface would help them feel right at home!
fredcw-2 years ago
alcane1959-2 years ago
Thank you... I look forward to seeing if it will be possible!
alcane1959-2 years ago
Hello fredcw Congratulations on the project, which I've been using for a long time! One question...would it be possible to open the menu in the center of the screen? like windows 11 (regardless of where the button to open the menu on the panel is located)
fredcw-2 years ago
Hi, someone else asked for this as well. I had a look but couldn't find an easy way to do it. I'll have another look again soon. Thanks.
alcane1959-2 years ago
Hi friend I managed to make the menu open in the middle of the screen, configuration done in the theme by editing the cinnamon.css. I edited and added the commands in the file. .popup-menu, .menu-background { margin-left: 355px; (add) margin-bottom: 15px; (add) } And in the panel configuration.. .popup-menu, .menu { margin: 10px; (add) } great result... and, once again congratulations on your project...!!! I am very satisfied using Cinnamenu!!
fredcw-2 years ago
Nice. In any case, I've figured out how to do it in the applet. I'll make it so that when the applet is placed anywhere in the center zone of the panel, it'll be horizontally centered on the screen. Update coming soon.
nuke101-2 years ago
From Git commit looks like you made the change, but it seems to align to the left for me and not center; not sure if this is just for me though(?) and perhaps my theme is conflicting with it
alcane1959-2 years ago
In this particular case the change was made inside the cinnamon.css file (/usr/share/themes/my-theme/cinnamon/cinnamon.css....but it is not necessary to configure this way because the applet is already updated, configured to center the menu on the screen.
alcane1959-2 years ago
Show !!!!...Great !!! are the best !!...thank's
alcane1959-2 years ago
Thank you... I look forward to seeing if it will be possible!
Roy-2 years ago
fredcw-2 years ago
richo-3 years ago
very good
fredcw-3 years ago
quadransmuralis-3 years ago
I agree with all the praise for Cinnamenu - it really is very useful. Krunner reliably seems to "guess" what I'm looking for i.e. a bookmark or a file. If this learning process is too time consuming to implement in Cinnamenu, what about being able to preface a search string with "b" for bookmark or "f" for file? I keep trying to go back to my old favourite, KDE plasma with krunner but every time I try I give up and return to Linux Mint and Cinnamenu! Thank you for all your work.
fredcw-3 years ago
I've never tried krunner, I'll have a look at it. Thanks.
It's a beauty, simply the best! But there is room for some improvements, and I'll even suggest one : The "recent files" tab is a mess ! It would be better to split the view into 4 columns separated by types -- images, documents, videos, music -- which would help a lot. And it doesn't distinguish newly opened files from saved files or recent downloads, but that could be Mint's shortcoming, as Cinnamenu is just a top-art front-end for a native application. But it would be nice and an amazing advance to have a tab or buttons to distinguish the 3 categories of recent files -- newly opened, newly saved, and newly downloaded; and an option to open them in a Nemo file browser window, which already has this functionality, but doesn't separate files by type. It allows searching by extension ( in the search bar ) but only by a specific extension, like ".png". Separating by file type would require a script to run on Nemo, but it would be a step forward and would make Cinnamenu more than just a front-end, but an improvement to the system.
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks for the compliment. I think you've got some great ideas here but yes you're right, the info for newly downloaded isn't stored anywhere, only created, modified and accessed times. In fact you can see exactly what what info is stored by looking at the file ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel where your recent file info is stored according to the standard. I could sort by file type like you said and I think this is a good idea. It think maybe arranged in rows rather than columns though because columns would depend on the width of the menu and would be more difficult to implement. I'll give some thought.
Elmar Wine
Elmar Wine-3 years ago
Well done. Classifying the recent category by file types represents a significant improvement. If the displayed folders referred to the listed documents a user would be able to continue the work either by selecting a file or by another document retrieved by a listed directory which can be chosen.
fredcw-3 years ago
Hi Elmar, I'm not sure what you mean. Can you rephrase?
erwn-3 years ago
Hi fredcw, I meant the following use case: The "Recent" Category offers the opportunity to continue working on a document. In addition to that use case sometimes a user want to continue her/his work on a project that means editing another document in the same directory of the displayed document or creating a new document. In this situation it would be useful to offer the directories of all listed documents in the "Recent" Category summarized in a new sub category "directories" similar to the sub categories "Applications", "Documents" and "Images". Cinnamenu currently offers the access to the respective directory of an entry of "Recents" by a context menu (Open respective directory) but this functionality is second best because you have to move the mouse from entry to entry of "Recents" to find the needed directory. PS: I updated de.po referring to the actual pot but I got a lot of changes despite of adding only around 6 missing translations - surprisingly. Was there a fundamental change of the structure after August 2021?
fredcw-3 years ago
I think you mentioned this idea before. Tbh, I'm not sure how popular it would be and I think some people might find it confusing or unnecessary but I'll think about it some more. Yes, I did some restructuring of the applet code so that probably the reason that the strings in the generated .pot file are in a different order.
RickRae-3 years ago
A minor issue with 4.14.22 (2021-12-30 17:22:16) running under Mint 20.3. I have Super L (only) assigned to open/close the menu, because I use Super R for other things. Following an update to Mint 20.3, both hotkeys now open/close the menu (this is stock behavior). Configure>Behavior still shows only Super L, with the second hotkey slot unassigned. Here's the interesting bit: As long as the Configure menu is open, the hotkeys work correctly (i.e. Super R is ignored by Cinnamenu). But as soon as Configure is closed, it goes back to responding to both keys. And: Thanks for a great menu replacement!
fredcw-3 years ago
I don't know what could cause this and I can't reproduce it. Does the same thing happen with the default menu applet or just cinnamenu. Maybe try "reset to defaults" (top right gear icon in cinnamenu settings) and restart cinnamon in case the settings file is corrupted.
quadransmuralis-3 years ago
Is there a way I can get cinnamenu to search browser bookmarks in Vivaldi? (Trying to find an alternative to Chrome.)
fredcw-3 years ago
Yes, it turns out this is fairly easy to do. I will add this in the next update.
Pheinte-3 years ago
Please add an option so we can hide this "Favorites" folder from category menu. It's the folder, not "favorite apps":
fredcw-3 years ago
The favorites category only appears when you have some Nemo favorites which is consistent with the default menu applet. I could add an option to hide it but each additional option makes the options overall just that little bit more complicated so unless I think a number of people would find it useful, I prefer to keep the options as simple as possible.
Andrew Webster
Andrew Webster-3 years ago
Thanks for putting back the 'uninstall' feature!
Draconicrose-3 years ago
I love this applet mostly because the search is so much better than the Cinnamon menu's! I have a problem where it sort of freezes Cinnamon after typing 3-4 letters for a second or two. Not sure what causes it. I have an NVIDIA card and two monitors, and two instances of Cinnamenu.
fredcw-3 years ago
Does this problem go away if you turn off the option "Search home folder" on the "search" tab? I don't know what the cause is but this is the only thing I can think of.
Draconicrose-3 years ago
The problem does go away if I turn off the option to search home folder! Unsure why that is a thing, but I guess I can tolerate it. Searching is the top reason why I'm using Cinnamenu.
fredcw-3 years ago
I've opened an issue on github because I'd like to fix this.
Victor Silva Mendes
Ótimo trabalho. Gostei muito desse applet, muito bonito. Seria muito bom se você pudesse colocar a opção de desintalar os programas ao clicar com o botão direito do mouse assim como é no windows no mas, achei excelente, parabés novamente.
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. I will put back the option to match the standard cinnamon menu for the time being but it will only work on Mint OS at the moment.
Victor Silva Mendes
Já chegou a atualização no meu sistema. Muito obrigado por atender o pedido. Sucesso pra você meu amigo.
Drexl Spivey
Drexl Spivey-3 years ago
I have just installed Cinnamenu on a Cinnamon Desktop on Debian 10. I would like to change the Session Buttons Location, however, I cannot find this option anywhere! Can anyone lend me a helping hand? I think it should be in the Layout and Content section, but it simply is not there.
fredcw-3 years ago
Yes, I think Debian 10 uses an old version of cinnamon and thus cinnamenu. That version of cinnamenu is no longer maintained.
Drexl Spivey
Drexl Spivey-3 years ago
I just installed debian 11 on another system, and it works as expected. Was going to migrate to 11 anyway, so all good.
boopador-3 years ago
Hey, just wanna say that I really enjoy Cinnamenu. It's clean and just generally a nice menu. However, I do have one suggestion. I noticed that there is no way to delete apps from the menu directly and honestly this is almost a deal breaker for me as I found this to be extremely useful in the stock menu on Mint, though I prefer the look and feel of your menu. So I dug through the comments on this page and found that you removed the option to prevent novice users from deleting something crucial to the system. I'm just wondering if you could possibly consider reimplementing this feature. Maybe have it disabled by default but still have a way of enabling it in the settings. Maybe include a bold warning saying that it's intended for advanced or knowledgeable users and enabling the delete setting could cause major issues if you don't know what you're doing..? idk, I just think that not having this option is a major bummer as I would use it very often with the default Mint menu. I would be deeply grateful if you would consider implementing this suggestion as it would make your project a permanent addition to my system. Thanks!!
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. A few other people have asked for this feature so I'll take another look at it.
AdmiralAnimE-3 years ago
Hello. I love this menu, thank you for making it and maintaining it. Is it possible that you add the ability for the favourite programs to be somehow separated in groups? Like just a gap between the groups. Something like the windows 10 tiles. Thank you!
fredcw-3 years ago
Nice idea but I think it would be very complicated to implement. I'll give it some thought though.
Rob Knol
Rob Knol-3 years ago
I love the Cinnamenu! There where a lot of updates in july and august. Only every time Cinnamon has to restart, the screen becomes blurry and vage untill I restart my machine. Than it's normal agian. Is there anyone who also has this issue?
fredcw-3 years ago
I can't imagine what could cause this. Does this only happen when you update cinnamenu? Does the whole screen become blurry or just cinnamenu? Also, if you prefer, opening an issue on github might be easier as you can upload screenshots, etc.
Rob Knol
Rob Knol-3 years ago
Thanks for your answer. I submitted the issue hoping someone find out the solution, Regards!
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-3 years ago
Is there a way to hide specific categories? I have category items in the menu as well as other applets. I *never* look inside those categories.
fredcw-3 years ago
Yes, you can hide certain app categories with the menu editor, "open the menu editor" in settings.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-3 years ago
I knew it had to be something I was missing.
illegalmushroom-3 years ago
Hi, is there a plan to implement hiding session buttons altogether? Meaning the whole favorites / session button section does not appear at all?
fredcw-3 years ago
There's no plan for this atm. The best you can do for now is to make the icons very small.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
Not sure what happened, but recently the search function is very slow. It takes 1-2 seconds to load results and completely freezes Cinnamon while loading.
fredcw-3 years ago
I need more information, can you open an issue on github? Does the problem go away if you disable the option "search home folder"?
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
Strange, it's not happening anymore. If it happens again, I'll try to disable that option.
Mario P. Cardenas
Mario P. Cardenas-3 years ago
Looks nice, gonna try it for awhile.
darkomarko42-3 years ago
is there a way to hide the categorie sidebar?
fredcw-3 years ago
It's not possible to do this atm.
Carlos Fernando Rodríguez Beltrán
¿is there any way to center it like windows 11 menu when open?
fredcw-3 years ago
Not sure how win11 is going to work but the only way to center the menu now is to move the applet to the center of the panel. Maybe this is how win11 is going to work as well?
cvdmint-3 years ago
Move the menu button to the right as much as possible to the grouped windowslist , then add in cinnamon.css .cinnamenu { margin-left:540px; margin-bottom: 8px; } play with the margin-left px to adjust the menu in center.
Stephan Lamoureux
Stephan Lamoureux-3 years ago
I love this applet! I just have one small thing I'm trying to adjust. When I hover over the menu categories like accessories, games, etc. it is not using my theme color. Its using an orage-red color and I don't know where that's coming from. Can I change that? I think it should be the same color as when I hover over the main menu icon.
Mario P. Cardenas
Mario P. Cardenas-3 years ago
What icon theme are you using?
Stephan Lamoureux
Stephan Lamoureux-3 years ago
that is numix-circle
fredcw-3 years ago
Yes this is a problem with some themes. If you tell which theme you're using, I can tell you how to fix it or even fix it myself.
Stephan Lamoureux
Stephan Lamoureux-3 years ago
I am using the dracula gtk theme
fredcw-3 years ago
@Stephan Thanks, I'll include a fix in the next update.
Stephan Lamoureux
Stephan Lamoureux-3 years ago
Thank you! You're awesome.
samuelsa02-3 years ago
I have the same problem. The theme I use is matcha-dark-azul
fredcw-3 years ago
@samuelsa02 Thanks, I'll include a fix in the next cinnamenu update.
McBruno712-3 years ago
Another thing I'd like is math results to appear in a bigger and wider tile so it would be clearly visible that it's not an app, placing a wide tile that ocuppies a whole row by itself as the top result would look pretty good in my opinion.
fredcw-3 years ago
I couldn't do it exactly how you described because that would actually be very complicated but I could make a dedicated wide box at the top maybe containing an icon etc. Thanks for the feedback.
fredcw-3 years ago
Yes, I agree. It looks a bit odd. I'll have a think about it.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
To add to that, it would be nice large numbers were displayed with dividers for thousands.
McBruno712-3 years ago
It would be nice if emoji results only showed up when a certain character was typed, like DuckDuckGo "!bangs", for example, if I want to search "music" and only see related apps but not emojis, I would simply type "music", but if I wanted emojis I could type something like ":music", "/music", "#music" or something like that, I would not recomment using a "!" as it would conflict with DDG searches.
fredcw-3 years ago
While I think this is a good idea, I think it would have to be an option in settings as some people may prefer to not to have to remember a prefix. This has 2 downsides as each additional option makes the applet more difficult to maintain and the settings more complex for the user. It's a hard one to call without knowing what most users would prefer.
McBruno712-3 years ago
What about having a divider clearly separating emojis from apps?
अभिजीत कुमार (Abhijeet Kumar)
This menu looks SICKK!!! thanks :)
fredcw-3 years ago
fredcw-3 years ago
ramram63-3 years ago
here is what it gives:
ramram63-3 years ago
I found : in cinnamon.ccs menu-application-button and menu-application-button-selected
ramram63-3 years ago
ramram63-3 years ago
how to decrease the size of buttons (tiles) ?
fredcw-3 years ago
You can reduce the button height a bit by reducing the Application grid icon size but there's currently no way to reduce the width.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
I'm seeing a small glitch when the menu closes, the session buttons along with the search box get squeezed into a smaller box. Here is a recording of it, might need to be slowed down:
fredcw-3 years ago
I think I fixed it, will be in next update. The apps list/grid view still disappears before the menu close animation begins though, which is not ideal.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
Yup, fixed. Thanks! Looks a lot smoother.
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks. I'll look into it.
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
I made this video for you bro:
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks for the info. This program I think is only for the xfce desktop. Making a clone of the windows 10 menu is not something that I think I would be interested in doing personally but it's good that someone else has done it for people who want this.
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
Can you make it look like this menu: That screenshot is of windowsfx 10 Plasma edition
WWWobbly-3 years ago
Where this app excels over the default Menu is it can be resized to take up the entire screen or only a small portion of the screen and then the icons re-sized to suit. Mine is set up so hitting the Start key expands the menu over the entire touch screen of my laptop which then displays oversized icons for selection by touch.
WWWobbly-3 years ago
Even though Windows Start menu is somewhat the same, I hate the fact that Windows forces me into having 26 menu's (e.g is Google Chrome under "G" or "C"?) rather than a concise amount of, say four. Search negates this but I still like icons grouped but not arbitrarily over an amount of twenty six.
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
"Do you mean mini versions of the webpage?" yes
fredcw-3 years ago
Again, nice idea but almost impossible to implement. I don't think that Chrome or firefox stores thumbnails of web pages anywhere and it would be very difficult to generate them from within cinnamenu.
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='5'/></a>
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
How can I theme the tiles (change their color in cinnamon.css)
fredcw-3 years ago
It depends on the theme but [here]('s an example of how to do it with one theme; most themes should be similar. This will only allow you to change all the tiles to a specific color though, not individual tiles.
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
great! many thanks! but I had to disable "use tile style" and restart cinnamon for it to take efect.
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
Thanks for adding tile style to the applet. But can you make these tiles chameleonic; i.e. match the color of the icons, and add thumbnails to the web bookmarks that stretch across the tiles.
fredcw-3 years ago
>chameleonic That's a nice idea but I think it would be very difficult to implement. But I'll look into it. >add thumbnails to the web bookmarks Not sure what you mean. Do you mean mini versions of the webpage? And do you mean extra wide tiles or pictures in the tooltips?
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
"Do you mean mini versions of the webpage?" yes
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
Thanks for adding tile style to the applet. But can you make these chameleonic; i.e. match the color of the icons, and add thumbnails to the web bookmarks that stretch across the tiles.
Akira45-0-3 years ago
Hello please add the "Recent apps" functionality. It's a pity Cinnamon doesn't have it.
fredcw-3 years ago
Cinnamenu actually shows the 3 most recently used apps in the recents category. Maybe it should be made more prominent in some way because I think it may be easy to miss.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
Speaking of this, is there a way to disable it?
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
There's no toggle under "Content", and it's not in the menu editor.
fredcw-3 years ago
There's no way to turn off the fav apps specifically but you can hide the recents category by changing the privacy settings in cinnamon settings.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
Yep, that's what I was looking for, thanks!
windf17-3 years ago
I found a problem: When i input letters in the search bar, the response speed is very slow.
fredcw-3 years ago
I've made some changes to try to fix this problem so hopefully it'll be more responsive. It will be in the next update. Thanks for the feedback.
fredcw-3 years ago
Try turning off the "Search home folder" option.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-3 years ago
Cinnamenu is very nice as is. Deepin's minimized "Launcher" looks a lot like a traditional menu. Maximized, it looks a lot like Gnome. To the point, the minimized launcher includes the time and date, along with a settings button. I would post a screenshot if I knew how. I'm not asking for anything, just thought I would just mention it. I'm examining a bunch of desktop environments and the only one I really dislike is KDE Plasma.
fredcw-3 years ago
I agree, I've never really like KDE, the gtk based desktops have always just looked better to me for some reason. I like the translucent windows and rounded corners in Deepin but there doesn't seem to be many configuration options - seems to be only 2 themes, light or dark.
zalata bal dom dom
zalata bal dom dom-3 years ago
Can you add the option to enable tiles just like Windows 10 menu?
fredcw-3 years ago
I'll include this in the next update but it can only be done algorithmically so it may look better in some themes than others.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-3 years ago
There's only one thing missing from this applet, that's included with the latest version of the default menu applet. It's the "Favorites" category introduced along with a "Favorites" applet. Since a "Favorite Apps" category is already included with Cinnamenu, might I suggest a "Favorite Docs" category?
fredcw-3 years ago
This is actually included. The favorites category should appear automatically if you have added some favorite files. They should also appear on the sidebar if you have the "add favorites to session buttons" option set. Do you have the latest version of cinnamenu?
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-3 years ago
Although I kept the spices up-to-date, apparently this one was stuck in a previous version. I deleted all references to it and reinstalled. I was surprised could drag to adjust the size. So, sorry for my suggestion. Carry on.
Milton Rodrigues
Milton Rodrigues-3 years ago
I just wanted to thanks this amazing applet. Cinnamenu should be standard in Linux Mint!
fredcw-3 years ago
Milton Rodrigues
Milton Rodrigues-3 years ago
Mate, just now I realized that the option to uninstall programs - after right click on Menu - disappeared with the last update. Is it intentional? Anyway, I usually uninstall programs through Command Line.
fredcw-3 years ago
Yes, I removed this option because of the risk of inexperienced users accidentally uninstalling a vital package. It would be quite complicated to check for this so I decided it was better to just remove it.
melomane63-3 years ago
Wonderfiull Applet, thank you! i notice 2 small problems: 1) when change theme from mint-y to , for exemple mint-y blue, ans the "open category with click" is selected, le highlighted category is RED , not grey. Not beautifull... 2) in recents, when i record file from libre office, 2 entry are displayed: one with corrected extension, the second without .extension ( this cannot be opened.
fredcw-3 years ago
>highlighted category is RED Thanks for reporting this bug, will be fixed in next update. >second without .extension I don't think there's anything I can do about this as it seems to be a quirk of either libreoffice or cinnamon (I'm not sure exactly how it works) where a temporary file is added to the recently used files list and then deleted again. I could check each file in the recent files list to see if it still exists but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do.
melomane63-3 years ago
" I could check each file in the recent files list to see if it still exists but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do." i think it is a goog idea. there also other entry in "recent " not trues, for exemple if à file is manually delete is allways in the list. it is easy to do?
fredcw-3 years ago
Both the default menu applet and the Recent Documents applet show deleted recent files so I think there might be a reason for it. I remember once that I forgot I had deleted a file and used the recents list to check that I had deleted it rather than it being in a different place to where I thought it was. So I guess that's one possible use case, if a bit unusual.
Footbath667-3 years ago
So if I understand the previous comment, there is no way to comment out or hide the category list on the left side? How about the session buttons? Since I don't always agree with the categories some of the apps are put in, I like to move them around using the menu editor; but with the custom icons I have this causes lots of problems (wrong icon appears on the grouped windows list on the panel, windows of different instances of the same app don't combine, etc.) Unchecking the categories on the menu editor makes all of the apps they contain disappear from the menu . . .
fredcw-3 years ago
No, it is not possible to remove the category list or session buttons without altering the applet code itself which has the disadvantage that any changes made will be lost each time you update the applet to a new version. >wrong icon appears on the grouped windows list I don't really know much about the grouped window list applet but if there's a bug, you could try raising an issue on github ( Also, I'm not sure what the alternative would be if the categories list was removed as there would then be no way to switch between apps list/recents/home folder/bookmarks etc. If you were thinking of a Gnome style menu with fewer options, that would be sufficiently different as to make it easier to develop an entirely new applet.
Footbath667-3 years ago
Ok, no worries :-) I guess I just kind of miss the old Slingshot menu and was trying to force Cinnamenu to do something it wasn't designed for. The other thing I was going to ask is that the calculator function in the search field doesn't seem to be working . . . ?
fredcw-3 years ago
How do you mean, not working? If you type say "3+4", you should get a search result that says "Solution: 7". It seems to be working for me.
David OLIVARES-3 years ago
Hi ! Many thanks for this amazing work. I'm a technology teacher in a French middle school in Normandy. I am recycling all the computers in a computer room with Linux and in order to give them the look of windows 10 that the students are used to, I'm using this applet. Please, could you add the possibility to hide the items "All application", "Administration" and "System settings" like it is possible with CinnVIIStarkMenu (windows 7 like menu). I need this options to be hidden so the students can't make mistakes. And another problem : All applications, Favorite apps and the text "Shutdow the computer" under the Power button are not translated in french language. I had to modify them in the applet.js file. Thanks for your help. David.
fredcw-3 years ago
If you still need to hide the "All applications" category, you can comment out the lines: 1648: button = new CategoryButton(this.appThis, 'all', _('All applications'), 'computer'); and 1650 newButtons.push(button); in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/Cinnamenu@json/4.0/applet.js (commented lines begin with //)
fredcw-3 years ago
I can't hide the "All applications" category but you can hide any of the other categories and individual applications using the menu editor (configure->Layout and content->Open menu editor). If you hide the individual prefs/admin items, they will also not appear in the "All applications" category. I will update the french translation in the next update. Also, if you want to make changes to the translations at any time in the future, you can do the following: 1. Install the program "poedit" and use it to open the file ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/Cinnamenu@json/po/fr.po 2. Update the fr.po file to match the latest cinnamenu.pot file in the same directory by clicking on Catalogue->Update from POT file 3. Add/change any translations you like and save file. 4 Open a terminal and go to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ folder. Type: "cinnamon-xlet-makepot Cinnamenu@json --install" to let cinnamon know that the file is updated. Also, the "Shutdown the computer" seems to work for me, it says: "Éteindre l'ordinateur" so I'm not sure why that isn't working.
David OLIVARES-3 years ago
Sorry.... some mistakes above.... one more try... I would like this menu to looks like the windows 10 menu for my work colleagues who have prejudices on Linux just to give the perfect illusion... even I don't like it. I know is not its goal but would it be possible to just put the app icons on the right into colour squares like it is on Windows ?
David OLIVARES-3 years ago
Thanks for your quick answer. I've open the fr.po and all the translation are OK but Cinnamenu don't use some of them. But I will try to follow what you wrote to update the applet. Sorry for the menu request, I was wrong. CinnVIIStarkMenu does not allow to hide the item I want to hide it just can hide some quick launchers and I will follow what you said. But I would appreciate to find a way to hide some menu items for my students while being able to unhide them for the administrator and avoid having to check/uncheck all the item everytime. If you have an idea, you're welcome. Anyway, thanks for the work and your help. I would appreciate if this menu looks like more I would like this menu to be even more like the windows 10 menu for my work colleagues who have prejudices on Linux just to give the perfect illusion... even I don't like it and I well understand it is not he goal of Cinnamenu. Would it be possible to just put the app icons on the right into colour squares like it is on Windows ?
fredcw-3 years ago
This would be a difficult thing to do unless you use different login accounts or maybe have your students login with a guest account each time. Alternatively, disable the "All applications" category as above (assuming that you're using cinnamon v4.0 or later (Mint 19.1 or later)) and hide the preferences/Admin categories in the menu editor and re-enable when needed. Creating a tiled effect for the applications may be possible by making changes to the cinnamon theme. Which theme are you using?
David OLIVARES-3 years ago
Many many thanks for your answer ! It works like a charm ! I succeed in hiding the "All applications" and I will use the menu editor to check/uncheck the other items I need to hide. Excellent ! I'm very happy to read that you can add a new feature easily to make Cinnamenu closer to windows 10 design. Here are the themes I use : In fact I use a mix of both by selecting control of one and desktop of the other in the theme selector. Once again, many thanks for your help that I very appreciate. David.
fredcw-3 years ago
Here are the instructions to add the tile effect:
David-3 years ago
Waouh ! Many Thanks !!!! You are awesome ! All is working like a charm ! I'm going to update all the computers theme and add Cinnamenu to all. I'm sure the students will believe they're using windows OS and I'm sure they will love Linux after. The main goal was to upgrade the computers with PNY SSD drive 120 Go at low price because the school does not have money for more and use Linux as windows alternative to get a faster OS and avoid buying a Windows 10 licence for each of them. Thanks to your help, Linux will be close to Windows 10 design and students will work on a stable, secure and faster OS on old computers. Thank you so much. Take care of you. David.
raeddarweesh-3 years ago
Thank you @fredcw for this lovely menu. Would you please add customization for the "spacing" between "Application Grid Icons" . I found that max visible columns are 7 on my Linux mint 19.2 , actually I need to narrow down the spacing between application grid icons to make space for more columns.
fredcw-3 years ago
If you want to change this value, you could change the following line in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/Cinnamenu@json/4.0/applet.js line 1852: const minColumnWidth = Math.max(140, this.appThis.settings.appsGridIconSize * 1.2); Change the value 140 to say 110, save and restart cinnamon. The problem with this, is that you'll have to do this each time you update the applet.
windf17-3 years ago
Thank you @fredcw. The bug is fixed, i got it. but the search box only search recently used files, it cann't search other files in my home directory.
fredcw-3 years ago
I added the search function.
fredcw-3 years ago
No, cinnamenu doesn't search folders because some people's home folders may contain a lot of files which might slow down the search function but I'll see if I can find a way to do it.
windf17-3 years ago
i cann't find the file When i input chinese in the search box . Cinnamenu search box only support English, It does not support Chinese.
windf17-3 years ago
I very like Cinnamenu, It's nice. But It has a bug, cinnamenu only search the name attribute in the desktop file, not the name attribute of the system language. For example: You can find “Name=Text Editor” on line 2 of “xed.desktop”. Cinnamenu can find xed when i input "text" or "editor" . but my system language is Chinese,You can find "Name[zh_CN]=文本编辑器" on line 102 of “xed.desktop”. Cinnamenu cann't find annything when i input "文本" or "编辑器".
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks for reporting bug. Will be fixed in next update.
DarkWiller-3 years ago
Congratulations. What a top applet! My favorite on Linux Mint Cinnamon 20,1. Is there a way to add the option to remove apps directly from it?
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks. I removed this option because of the risk of inexperienced users removing vital packages by accident. I'm unlikely to put this option back in the future because of the complexity.
Sergio Esaú Arámbula Durán
Could be added an option to hide categories!
fredcw-3 years ago
Do you mean put everything in one list like Gnome menu style?
Sergio Esaú Arámbula Durán
Also... If it is not that much to ask for and you are able to do it, would you mind to add an option to put the session buttons in the button and the search box at the top and also alternate left and right options with the search box at the top? That would open a lot of possibilities of customization
Sergio Esaú Arámbula Durán
Basically, there is already an all apps menu, only you would need to hide the categories list
scr44tch-3 years ago
since yesterdays update i dont see any appclications in list view, the categories are there but no applications. grid works like it should. any suggestions?
fredcw-3 years ago
Yes, sorry, I made a mistake yesterday. I've already done a update to fix it but I don't know when It'll go through, hopefully in a few hours, couple of days at most. If you want to fix it in the meantime, change line 1795 in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/Cinnamenu@json/4.0/applet.js from: if (this.applicationsViewMode === ApplicationsViewModeLIST) { to: if (this.appThis.settings.applicationsViewMode === ApplicationsViewModeLIST) { save and restart cinnamon.
scr44tch-3 years ago
i edited the applet.js, its working again, thank you!!
abwebster-3 years ago
I have 3 icons in favourites which i want to delete but can not. can someone guide me to where I can edit these out? They use to represent network links.
fredcw-3 years ago
You can remove apps from your favorites by right clicking on them and there is an option to remove from favorites
Fausto B Isolan
Fausto B Isolan-3 years ago
Is there a way to disable emoji search?
fredcw-3 years ago
Hi, I removed this option because I didn't think anyone would find it particularly useful. Is there a particular reason why you need to disable emoji search?
Jonah Lawrence
Jonah Lawrence-3 years ago
I also would like to disable emoji search. I have a different emoji keyboard tool I use for typing emoji so I don't need it in the menu where it adds many extra search results I don't use. The menu would be much easier to use if it only shows relevant results such as apps and files.
Fausto B Isolan
Fausto B Isolan-3 years ago
Hi! I usually search for apps or files by typing in the search box. Emojis often appear depending on the text you type. As my interest is not in them, I think this hinders this search.
fredcw-3 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, I will put the option back in the next update. Unfortunately, I have no way to know how people might use the applet so your feedback is very helpful.
Jonah Lawrence
Jonah Lawrence-3 years ago
Thanks for your help. Your work is amazing!
urbster1-3 years ago
I just opened an issue for this, but assigning just the Super key to open Cinnamenu conflicts with the Super+R keyboard shortcut to open Run dialog (and presumably other keyboard shortcuts that use the Super key?). It seems like Cinnamenu should wait for single Super key keyup before opening to allow other shortcuts to take precedence.
urbster1-3 years ago
My Super key was mapped to Hyper by mistake, in case anyone else has this issue.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
One thing I've found a bit difficult to do is keyboard navigation. There are some inconsistencies. Assuming the session buttons are on the bottom, and the categories are on the left: * tapping "down" while the last category on the bottom is selected will loop around to the first category, while tapping "up" when the session buttons are selected actually enters the category list, from the bottom * tapping "right" while a category is selected will enter the app grid from the left edge, but tapping "left" while on the left edge of the app grid will loop around to the right edge of the grid Now there is a way to get around this, and it's using "Tab" to cycle focus between the 3: categories, session buttons, and the app grid. However, while focus on the session button and the app grid is indicated clearly (with the hover effect), focus on the category list is not indicated (as there is always a category active). The way I see it, there are 2 ways to fix this: * either use the arrow keys only, and fix the (literal) edge cases * keep using Tab, but indicate clearly when navigation is focused on categories
fredcw-4 years ago
Yes, I noticed this too. I haven't thought of a solution yet but I'll think about it.
Nik-4 years ago
I know everyone else has said this already, but this is the best Applet! Certainly my favorite. ;) IMO, they should make this the default menu style for Mint. As soon as I switched my mom's mint laptop to this menu, she could immediately find her programs better, and she was really impressed by how much easier this was to use than the old scrolling list menu. I consider this an essential part of my Mint installs going forward. Thanks for making/maintaining this!
fredcw-4 years ago
Thanks, that's very encouraging.
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-4 years ago
First of all, thanks for this great applet! As I came from Xfce I always compare this menu to whisker menu. So I have some feature suggestions / requests: 1- Add a new category "Recent Apps" or "Recently Used"; also add it to option "Open menu on category" 2- Possibility to display only icons when "grid" option is selected (put the app name and description in tooltips) TIA
fredcw-4 years ago
I'm not sure what you mean as cinnamenu already has a "recent files" category which should be enabled by default.
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-4 years ago
Hi fredcw, thanks for your prompt reply "Recent files" do not show the latest used Programs (apps), at least not in my system (Archlinux); In Whisker menu you can see the latest programs launched/used...
fredcw-4 years ago
Sorry, I misread your comment. I have thought about this before but the problem is that things might start getting a bit complicated with fav files, recent files, fav apps, recent apps etc. But I like the idea of frequent apps/last used apps so I'll see if I can think of a way to do it.
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-4 years ago
Thanks! How about the suggestion #2? Display only the icons without the "program name"
fredcw-4 years ago
>only the icons without the "program name" I tried this, I don't think it would be very popular.
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-3 years ago
Edit to text above, sorry, auto-corrector... Ok, just think when you set the "Application grid icon size" to 40 or less, the text (app name) seems too big and take too much horizontal space... That's why I suggested to display only the icons
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-3 years ago
ok, just think when you set the "Application grid icon size" to 40 or less, the text (app name) seems to big and take to much horizontal space... That's why I suggested to display only the icons
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-4 years ago
Another suggestion: Option to hide favorite apps from menu bar when option "Show favorite apps category" is enabled
fredcw-4 years ago
This would be difficult for me to implement as cinnamenu and the window list applets are not really connected in this way.
MarcoB0049-4 years ago
@AM EU/DE Hallo, primär schließe ich mich allen lobenden LM-Usern hier an! Auch unterstütze ich die Idee, dass die LM-Entwickler das Standard-Menü-Applet gegen dieses austauschen sollten. Eine Frage hätte ich dann noch: Gibt es evt. die Chance, die Liste der Suchmaschinen selbst zu erweitern? ZB. mit,, etc. Absolut, sehr gute Arbeit! Respekt! Brexitania/UK Hello, primarily I join all the praising LM users here! Also, I support the idea that LM developers should replace the default menu applet with this one. One more question: Is there a chance to extend the list of search engines? E.g. with,, etc.? Absolutely, very good work! Respect!
fredcw-4 years ago
>Is there a chance to extend the list of search engines? There are many other search engines but I don't want to make the list too long. The 4 most popular covers about 98% of people I think.
fredcw-4 years ago
MarcoB0049-4 years ago
sry @AM=false true=@fredcw ;)
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Why was the option to uninstall programs removed from the right-click menu?
fredcw-4 years ago
I wanted to ensure that inexperienced users wouldn't uninstall vital packages such as mint-meta-core by accident but I can't find an easy way to do that so I decided to remove the feature for the time being.
Nik-4 years ago
Personally I agree with this, and I don't like having an uninstall option on items in my menu anyway, so this was a welcome change. ;) Tho I can see some people might use it, so maybe it should be a toggle-able option in the menu's configuration, they can re-enable if they really want it. Just a thought.
Gobinath-4 years ago
Great menu and I wish Linux Mint team provide an option in the welcome screen to choose between the default menu and Cinnamenu. Looks modern and configurable. Thanks to the awesome work!!!
fredcw-4 years ago
Pheinte-4 years ago
Love this menu! Just would like to point 2 things: - "use session buttons box style" is not spacing the session buttons anymore since the last 2 updates - it would be nice if you could add an option for "always open menu on places" as you have for favorite apps, considering "places" is the category i mostly use
fredcw-4 years ago
>"use session buttons box style" is not spacing the session buttons anymore... I'm not sure what you mean by this. What theme are you using? >"always open menu on places" I'll try to add this in the next update, thanks.
Pheinte-4 years ago
I'm using Adapta-Nokto theme. Before when "use session buttons box style" option was on, it would add add more space between sessions buttons, like this: (i edited the picture to show how it looked before) But after these last updates all it does is adding this little bar: And thanks for adding my suggestion!
fredcw-4 years ago
Correction: You're right, it did change. I fixed a mistake that previously caused some themes to not look right and this happened as a result but the current behaviour is now in line with the default menu applet, the extra spacing shouldn't have been there in the first place. The theme needs updating I think.
fredcw-4 years ago
I just tested an older version of cinnamenu and it's the same so I think it's always been like that. The spacing is defined in the theme and it's the same in the default menu applet. I agree though that the spacing is too small. If you want to change it, you can edit the file /home/<home folder>/.themes/Adapta-Nokto/cinnamon/cinnamon.css on line 450 and change 5px to say 15px which looks a lot better I think: Line 450: ".menu .menu-favorites-button { padding: 15px; }"
Pheinte-4 years ago
Thanks for the css tip, it's looking great now :)
Ibrohim Mahmud Hanafi
great menu, i try it
fredcw-4 years ago
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
With the breeze-dark icon theme, the session buttons look out of place. Compare e.g. the vanilla menu, with favorites set at 24px icon size, with Cinnamenu, session buttons set at 24px ( At icon sizes bigger than that, the "lock screen" button is wrong for both (may be the icon theme's fault), but at least at 24px & below it could probably be fixed in Cinnamenu.
fredcw-4 years ago
I set cinnamon to use symbolic icons for the session buttons when the icon size is 24 or less and full color icons otherwise because I think that symbolic icons look better at smaller sizes. All other inconsistencies in the styling of the icons are due to the icon theme and there's nothing I can do about that. The breeze dark icon theme has mixed together color and symbolic icons and put them in the place of what are supposed to be full color icons only. In this way the breeze theme is inconsistant with the icon naming specification that most other icon themes use.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Thanks for the explanation! :) I'll just avoid that icon theme then.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Not sure if you've considered it, but an option to automatically search via the software manager would be nice. So if I search for a program but it's missing from my system, the applet could suggest installing it via the software manager.
fredcw-4 years ago
I have thought about this before. There's actually a search provider to do this but it no longer works. I'll look into it.
daddy33-4 years ago
Hi, menu resizing not working anymore with the last commit (named "Menu resizing"...) Cinnamon 4.8.3 manjaro linux.
daddy33-4 years ago
Edit : sorry, It's working actually.
fredcw-4 years ago
There is a bug that prevents resizing after right clicking on an emoji. Will fix in next update.
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-4 years ago
One of the things I miss from Windows 10 (yeah, sue me) is all the shortcuts to system items when you right-click on the start icon. Things like links to home directory, system settings and software manager (among others) would make some things simple. Don't shoot me, it's just a suggestion.
fredcw-4 years ago
No that's great, suggestions are always helpful. I've never actually properly tried out windows 10 as it won't install on my computer but it's definitely something to think about. Actually I've been using cinnamon for 2 years and I've only just noticed that you can open system settings by right clicking on the panel.
yngvhi-4 years ago
Mint 19.3 Cinnamon - Kernel 5.4.0-53 - Cinnamenu 4.11.4 (2020-11-28 19:37:18) I applied the latest update, and now cinnamenu has lost the favourites folder. Doesn't seem to be any way to bring it back either.
fredcw-4 years ago
There should be a new option in the settings "Show favorites apps category."
yngvhi-4 years ago
Yep. Missed it because it was below the bottom of the window. Had to scroll down. Doh. Sorry.
Oober-4 years ago
Sorry for replying to wrong topic, moderators can delete this and that other irrelevant posts.
Oober-4 years ago
Thanks. Could you make it to be changed independently like with standard Mint Menu? It would be nice that the icon size could be larger than other icons in the top section of the panel. Thank you for nice applet!
Oober-4 years ago
Is it somehow possible to change the panel icon size? Weird that the icon is forced to be smaller than icons in CobiWindowList.
fredcw-4 years ago
You should be able to set the panel icon sizes in panel settings.
Oober-4 years ago
Thanks. Could you make it to be changed independently like with standard Mint Menu? It would be nice that the icon size could be larger than other icons in the top section of the panel. Thank you for nice applet!
jhonatanDS-4 years ago
Cinnamenu in version 4.11 (2020-11-18 04:22:30) is not allowing me to use more than two characters to search for an application. For example: I have installed the Steam app, when I type in the search field the word Steam the menu only filters using the first 2 characters "St". In the original cinnamon menu, the search field is normally working. I'm using Linux Mint 20, being 100% up to date. Can you reproduce and fix this bug? Thanks.
fredcw-4 years ago
It's ok, I found it. You can safely turn off "enable search providers". This option is only if you have installed separate search providers, it won't affect cinnamenu otherwise. Thanks for reporting this bug. I will try to fix it for the next update.
fredcw-4 years ago
I have no idea what this might be. Does it still happen if you disable emoji search? Also if you could email me your ~/.xsession-errors file or open an issue on github that would be really helpful. Thanks.
jhonatanDS-4 years ago
The problem occurs when the "enable search providers" option is enabled.
Fran-4 years ago
Important: Menu does not open in last update #3307
fredcw-4 years ago
I can't reproduce this. Have you tried restarting cinnamon. What version of Mint are you using? can you email me the parts of ~/.xsession-errors that report the error.
Fran-4 years ago
I sent you an email with the info
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Hey! I think that when the session buttons are not on the left, the categories should be at the edge of the screen (Fitts' law).
fredcw-4 years ago
Well spotted. This is actually a difficult problem to fix because it means either over-riding the theme settings or introducing cinnamon specific theme nodes. I'll see what I can do.
fredcw-4 years ago
I've set the maximum left padding of the category box to 20px. Hopefully this looks a little better.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
My point was that by having the buttons literally at the edge of the screen, you can move your mouse to the left and click, without controlling the movement too much (i.e. having to "brake" before you reach the edge - especially when you open the menu with the Super key and your cursor is not initially on the left side of the screen). Also the emoji search you just added rendered my only applet idea obsolete :P Good job! It's definitely the best start menu I've ever used.
msegmx-4 years ago
Great work! But I have a request: could you make the "Favorites" menu item movable to the top ? I use the taskbar at the top of the screen as seen here:
fredcw-4 years ago
Hi, you can drag and drop the categories. Actually, this feature is not stated anywhere which is probably an oversight.
msegmx-4 years ago
Oh, that was easy :) (Opening menu editor not needed.) Thanks for the quick reply!
Sergedel-4 years ago
How to access the built in calculator?
Fran-4 years ago
I think the built calculator is the search field, try to search 2+2
Sergedel-4 years ago
OK! Thank you!
Fran-4 years ago
What is the big dot spot next to the session buttons? is possible to remove it?
fredcw-4 years ago
It's just a visual indicator to separate the session buttons from the fav app buttons. Unfortunately it's not possible to remove it atm. Do you think it would look better without it?
Fran-4 years ago
I think it is confusing, because looks like an icon app and it uses lot of room. I would replace it by a thin vertical bar and with the possibility to hide it from settings options.
Fran-4 years ago
Is possible to replace the default left mint menu by cinnamenu?
fredcw-4 years ago
Yes, you can add and remove any applet. To remove an applet, right click on it and click "Remove". To add an applet, right click on panel and click "applets".
Fran-4 years ago
I found it, in panel settings
Fran-4 years ago
How can a move the cinnamenu to the left? No the cinnamenu is on the right
fredcw-4 years ago
You can move applets by right clicking on the panel and selecting "Panel edit mode."
Fran-4 years ago
Yes thanks, I found it
anaconda69-4 years ago
Is there a way to change width of Cinnamenu window? It would be nice.
fredcw-4 years ago
Only by changing the number of columns in grid view.
aznlir88-4 years ago
Registered just to comment. Very good menu alternative - not only the menu itself but also all the configurable options. Good job, using it for sure.
fredcw-4 years ago
MickJR-2019-4 years ago
Thought I'd chip in with a quick comment to say how much I like this applet. I used to use it when the previous developer was maintaining it, but dropped it after it started to get a bit laggy. Fred here has not only resurrected it, but has greatly improved the performance and functionality. I really enjoy using it. Hat tip :)
fredcw-4 years ago
Aww thanks! :)
KrisTheNewest-4 years ago
Is there a way to change the size of account details/logout/shutdown etc buttons?
fredcw-4 years ago
Yes, you can change the size of the session buttons on the "Appearance" tab in settings.
KrisTheNewest-4 years ago I doesn't seem to be there.
MickJR-2019-4 years ago
You might need to update to the current version KTN. I'm running V4.5 here and the option is there on this release.
the-tolkien-ring-4 years ago
Hi! What a wonderful menù!! Could you move the power buttons to the left so we can select the power off icon clicking the up button and shut it down pressing enter?
fredcw-4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. This will be fixed in the next version.
patrickthomaz-4 years ago
Thank you so much for the development and sharing of this applet. Would be hard add a file/folder search, as was made to web search and calculator?
fredcw-4 years ago
Thanks. It hard to know how to do this without slowing down the applet as searching the entire filesystem for a file can take a long time. But I'll think about it and see if there's a way to do it.
Aravisian-4 years ago
fredcw, I noticed in using Cinnamenu that "Recents" was not showing the icon. This is true for Adwaita, Gnome... my own icon sets... I looked in the applet.js and changed "folder-recents" to "folder-documents-recent" which is how it is named in the above. In addition, I changed "emblem-favorites" to "folder-favorites' in order to make that icon appear. To make theming easier, I made another adjustment:'cinnamenu-background'); This way I can set .css to see Cinnamenu differently in order to allow for unique images to be used rather than a gradient that is more universal. I wonder if this may be helpful to you; While it makes my copy of Cinnamenu do what I expect on my machine, it may not be the same for other users.
fredcw-4 years ago
I've added "folder-documents-recent" and "folder-favorites" as fallback icons in case the others are no available.
cvdmint-4 years ago
Great menu works fine in linux mint 20 , would be nice if there is an option to show the grid applications as tiles ,as in KDE tiled menu i was able to do it in the theme settings CSS file with button back-ground color, padding and borders ,looks great , however using other theme you have to change the css again. Thanks for this menu.
fredcw-4 years ago
I think this would be difficult to implement because the colours used for the background/border etc would have to vary depending on the theme. It would be interesting to see what you did though, any chance of a screenshot?
Docmine17-4 years ago
Sem dúvida, meu applet favorito! espero que continue melhorando o desempenho as animações do menu e adicione uma opção de múltiplos layouts.
fredcw-4 years ago
thebritons-4 years ago
Its great. I did notice a bug (or frustrating intention); changes to the Cinnamenu Configuation gui also changes SOME of the primary Cinnamon Menu configuation settings. I had to reset mine but it appears the menu editor is the culprit. Have a rad day, stay safe.
fredcw-4 years ago
Yes, changing the menu items using the menu editor will affect the standard Cinnamon menu and Cinnamenu at the same time.
nywilds-4 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if you could add an option to use symbolic icons for the lock/logout/quit buttons like in previous versions of Cinnamenu - I like the cleaner look of the symbolic icons, as opposed to the icons now which are larger and colorful.
fredcw-4 years ago
Hi, thanks for the feedback. I'll consider adding this option at some point.
FabioMorales1984-4 years ago
Cinnamenu update!!! Work fine I am happy thanks best your keep up. My linux mint 20 on computer
fredcw-4 years ago
fusentast-4 years ago
Correction to my previous post: The "msgid" text inside "Cinnamenu.pot" now corresponds with "da.po". I re downloaded Version 4.2.8 and compared the files with "Meld", and I will replace the Dutch text with Danish in "da.po" That is if someone else is not doing it, or you don't want me to do it?
fusentast-4 years ago
Update: Sorry for Spamming the comments, and for meddling in matters that I don't fully understand! If I manually download Cinnamenu from this site and place it in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets, the corresponding .mo file in ~/.local/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES - doesn't get created and/or updated. And Cinnamenu appears in pure English - both menu and settings! If I use the Linux Mint Cinnamon Applet program the .mo file automatic gets created and/or updated, when Cinnamenu is downloaded and added to the panel, and thus It appears with the .po file in the current locale that the system has. I've found out that using "Xed" text editor and "Meld" to alter .po/.mo files isn't the right way to go, mainly because it doesn't work. I altered the "da.po" to pure Danish, and created a "" file with "Poedit", so Cinnamenu appears in pure Danish now at my end. I can see that the applet has a Danish translator, which I wasn't aware of, when I posted previous. Sorry!
fredcw-4 years ago
Hi, the da.po file was last properly updated more than a year ago and had developed many missing translations as the applet was changed in the meantime. The current version is the one I updated rather poorly myself using google translate as I don't speak danish. I would like for your translation to be included in the next version of cinnamenu if that's ok with you? You can email me your new da.po file at or create a PR at, whichever is easier for you. Thanks.
fusentast-4 years ago
I would were much like to contribute to this project, so I'll email you with the details. Thank you.
fusentast-4 years ago
I'm using Version 4.2.8 on Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon, and this and the prior version has got some mixed translation inside the settings; I'm Danish and the Cinnamenu settings are now a mix of mostly Danish, some Dutch and a little bit English. Even the description in the applet program for Linux Mint is in Dutch language. I've tried to translate the "da.po" file which didn't do anything. (I translated the Dutch into Danish.) I then tried to take the "msgid" from "Cinnamenu.pot" because they were not the same as the "msgid" inside "da.po", that didn't do anything either. There also Dutch locale inside Cinnamenu. I really want to help with the Danish translation, but I'm not sure how to continue.
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-4 years ago
Not sure if this is a Cinnamon thing, but hovering is sometimes unresponsive
fredcw-4 years ago
fredcw-4 years ago
It only seems to happen on the categories so I'm guessing it's a problem with cinnamenu. I'll see if I can fix it.
fusentast-4 years ago
@fredcw: Additional info for the bug Andrei Miculita reported:
mshmm-4 years ago
Great to have this menu applet back and working again :) Thank you. (I also appreciate the return of "sort categories by drag and drop").
fredcw-4 years ago
It's nice to know that people are using it, thanks.
fusentast-4 years ago
Thank you for continuing this brilliant menu for Cinnamon. I would also like to have the "sort categories by drag and drop" feature re enabled, because I've got the taskbar at the top, and like to have the Favourites at the top of the menu.
fredcw-4 years ago
A number of people have said the same thing so I've now put the feature back in. Thanks for the feedback.
Fausto B Isolan
Fausto B Isolan-4 years ago
Hi! Has "sort categories by drag and drop" been disabled in this latest update? Thanks.
fredcw-4 years ago
Hi, yes I removed this feature because I didn't think that many people would find it useful. But I can put it back if this is the case. I also don't understand why this feature might be useful. If someone could explain why they like/need to change the category order, that might be helpful.
Fausto B Isolan
Fausto B Isolan-4 years ago
Of course. In my case, I use the panel at the top of the desktop. So, when I click on the Cinnamenu icon, I would like the first options to be "Favorite Apps" and "Recent Files", for example, and not "All Applications" or the sequence of categories. It is more for speed and usability. By the way, congratulations and thanks for the development of this applet.
fredcw-4 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, I've now put the feature back in.
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-4 years ago
Hey! Latest update (with menu icon change) has completely broken the LIST view. Removed and re-added the applet to no avail. doesn't break the applet and it just uses grid. (The quick-toggle is also missing, too.)
fredcw-4 years ago
Hi, What do you mean by "broken the LIST view"? What happens when you select list view in the settings? Also, yes, I removed the quick toggle because I figured most people wouldn't need it very often and the option is in the settings anyway.
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-4 years ago
When list view is selected, the menu just uses Grid view. and I figured that may have been the case; just doubly checking. :p
fredcw-4 years ago
This is most peculiar, it's working fine for me and I've no idea what might cause this. I updated the applet a couple of days ago so maybe refresh the applet list and try the new version?
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-4 years ago
Can confirm the list view is now behaving again~ :D
Sergedel-4 years ago
Last version (Version 4.1.6 (2020-06-02 08:44:47) get an error from Cinnamon (4.4.8 with LinuxMint 18.3). In looking glass, I have : error t=2020-06-04T07:38:43Z Could not find setting key 'currentCategory' for xlet Cinnamenu@json error t=2020-06-04T07:38:43Z Could not find setting key 'currentCategory' for xlet Cinnamenu@json error t=2020-06-04T07:39:16Z Could not find setting key 'currentCategory' for xlet Cinnamenu@json (3 times) The error is not fatal : The menu is OK.
fredcw-4 years ago
Thanks. Bug fix in next version.
m4udcl-4 years ago
Hi I I like this menu better than the default but I have a problme with it. I'm new to this so I don't know where to add an issue so the creator can see it. When I use Custome Height 700 the right click doesnt work o the grid aplications but when I lower the Menu Height to 600 the right click menu does work. I want to use 700 as the menu heigth because it fill all my screen and wanted to simulate a Launch Pad.
fredcw-4 years ago
Thanks for reporting this bug. A temporary fix for now would be to gradually reduce the custom height until the right click menu reappears. There may however still be a small gap at the top. I will try to fix this bug as soon as I can.
ben2talk-4 years ago
Sadly this menu fails in it's search. For example, when I want 'Visual Studio Code' to launch, I remember I can launch it in terminal typing 'code'. When I open this menu, for some reason it's a LONG way down the list - everything else - worse matches - come up first, top of the list being a Chromium app 'Google Translate' WTF. So this is for mouse warriors and fails from keyboard.
Anirudh-4 years ago
I really like this menu , but hoped to have the list of buttons ["Account details", "Grid/List View","Lock Screen","Logout","Quit"] in a reverse order since most of us use "Quit" more often. Please if possible push an update or atleast reply to this comment on how to edit the .pot file, any other required file to change that order,
fredcw-4 years ago
Unfortunately, there isn't a file you can edit apart from the applet.js file itself. Thanks for highlighting the problem though.
ben2talk-4 years ago
Wow, I thought 'most of us' would actually map our keyboard power key to ask us what to do when we press it.
Cléber Borges
Cléber Borges-4 years ago
Hi, everyone. I'm too glad to see again Cinnamenu among us, because it is really a great menu. It is necessary to see some features that don't work exactly well. By deafult, it is better that the Cinnamenu show us the category "All apps" and not "Favorite apps". Maybe it can works by slides too (left-right), as an option else. Thank you for your great work.
Terry-4 years ago
I'm thinking of making it so that the category that opens is the one that was open previous.
akirikos-4 years ago
I like this menu better than the default one, glad it's back!!!
RT Cunningham
RT Cunningham-4 years ago
I used it until 19.3 got rid of it. I'm glad to see it back.
Daniel Liikamaa
Daniel Liikamaa-5 years ago
Can't make it work in Cinnamon 4.2. .xsession-errors says this: Cjs-Message: 10:19:15.086: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/warning] [Cinnamenu@json]: Missing property "url" in metadata.json Cjs-Message: 10:19:15.089: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/error] [undefined]: File not found: /home/danlii/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/Cinnamenu@json/4.0/extension.js And sure enough, there is no extension.js in the downloaded zip file. Don't know if that's the showstopper, but still.
ranjith35333-5 years ago
got it.
ranjith35333-5 years ago
How to view apps in grid?
River116-5 years ago
Works great in Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.2. Really like being able to search through all my bookmarks in Chrome, & Firefox right from the menu. Excellent. Sure would be great if there were an option to include additional folder paths to other browsers' bookmark folders like Pale Moon. I know many of us are using multiple browsers. And I'm not sure that it would even be possible, but it sure would be cool if you could delete bookmarks right from the search returns without having to use a browser's bookmark manager. Like to right-click on a bookmark, to bring-up a short-cut menu where delete could be selected.
jingej-5 years ago
Hello, is there a way to change the fonts in the Cinnamenu? When I change the fonts in cinnamon, it does not change in the Cinnamenu. (Cinnamenu 4.1.3)
mike-linux-nl-5 years ago
After upgrading Linux Mint to 19.2, Cinnamenu was broken, so i installed the most recent version. It works, but i can't enter the settings anymore. The window does not pop up at all.
melomane63-5 years ago
Thank you for this usefull applet. only one suggestion: add option to disable fuzzy search ( use standard search same as defaut cinnamon menu) Why? because i dont understant how fuzzy search work, results aren't pertinents.
Footbath666-5 years ago
I quite like Cinnamenu, but I kind of miss the old Slingshot menu applet, and I was wondering if you would consider adding options to not show the categories at all and also to not show the search bar.
Anon01234-5 years ago
Hi! Thank you for creating this menu. I do have a problem however. It seems not to work on cinnamon 4.0.8. It downloads just fine but when i am switching to the manage tab the it is not to be seen. So I cant use it. Also there is no error of some kind, can I find a log or something I can put with this message?
invexx-5 years ago
Excellent! Thank you for making it. Only one small problem. Search results are lagging a bit.
ILIAS TSELIOS-5 years ago
Awesome! Great job!
Utnapishtim-6 years ago
Can you add the option to launch this menu from hotcorners as in Slingscold
fluntelion-6 years ago
Comment 100 can only be ... my heartfelt thanks! "From freedom came elegance" - and your applet is the icing on the cake. Not only elegant, but sophisticated. Fantastico!
bengtfrost-6 years ago
Modern menu on Linux Mint Cinnamon. Using it, thanks!
huntantr-6 years ago
I am liking this menu, good work. One suggestion for appearance settings. Currently there is an option to hide the category and application icons, but I would like to hide their text instead and only show the icons.
MarcoB-0049-6 years ago
EU/D Super praktisch, das Applet! Vielen Dank für die gute Arbeit! Einen Bug habe ich in LM 18.*/19.* Cinnamon festgestellt. Will man per App-Kontextmenü --&gt; Deinstallieren eine App entfernen, ist die Funktion inaktiv. Im "original Cinnamon-Menü" ist diese Funktion aktiv. UK/Brexit --↓ Super handy, the Applet! Many thanks for the good work! I found a bug in LM 18.*/19.* Cinnamon. If you want to remove an app via App context menu --&gt; Uninstall, the function is inactive. In the "original Cinnamon menu" this function is active.
Tuxman2-6 years ago
Hi everybody, do you know how I can add Cinnamenu at the plank dock ? Thanks.
Tuxman2-6 years ago
I dropped this idea. @jason Hicks: could you add the support for more column in the future releases (7 max (by default)) to 9 max, or let the users define the number of column to maximum ? Thanks.
GNU_Linux_User-6 years ago
Very nice, and less broken that the menu Mint Cinnamon ships with. However, while trying to work around some problems with the default menu - by using yours instead - I notice problem depicted in the screenshot here: Might this problem - text truncation within the right-click menu - owe to my having HiDPI enabled?
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-6 years ago
Looks like the width of the menu item is not expanding to accommodate the menu's width, I'll look into it.
Tuxman2-6 years ago
Hi, can we use the 4.0.x version on Mint 19 and Cinnamon 3.8.x ? Can you tell me more about the support for two instances option ? Can I set 2 diffferent instance of the menu ? Thanks.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-6 years ago
The multi-instance handling relies on API changes in Cinnamon 4.0, so it won't work correctly on 3.8. The feature on Cinnamon 4.0 allows you to run two different instances of the menu applet. They should be placed on different monitors - the menu on the monitor that has the cursor is the menu that will respond to the Super key.
Tuxman2-6 years ago
HI Jason, Well, Linux Mint 19.1 beta with Cinnamon 4.0 is out. I will test the new version of your applet with it. My suggestions for new features in Cinnamenu : - Add option to configure/adjust width of Cinnamenu (not only adjust number of columns - Add option to adjust Cinnamenu in full screen - Add option to have favorites apps verticaly on the left of categories (like Cinnamon menu by default). Thanks.
melomane63-6 years ago
Uninstall not work ( don't ask for root password) Uninstall work with default menu ( ask for root password ) mint 18.3 cinnamon 3.6
melomane63-6 years ago
work fine in mint 19 and cinnamon 3.8
richardm1-6 years ago
I was in love with this menu for about five minutes. I use separate panels (taskbars) on both of my monitors and I want to have a separate instance of whatever menu I'm running on each panel. Windows 8 and up does this flawlessly (it's not enabled by default). Cinnamenu doesn't support this and the dev closed a feature request on github for this (cinnamon-spices-applets issue #1921). CinnVIIStarkMenu allows this but ignores which panel has the focus when I hit the super (Windows) key and instead cycles across instances starting with whichever one was installed first. The out-of-box default Menu in Mint 19 is the only menu I've found that gets it right.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-6 years ago
An issue being closed doesn't mean it will never be implemented, it just means I'm not able to do it at that time. If there are other active contributors for Cinnamenu, it would have been left open. The multi-instance behavior in all menus is broken, if you press Super it cycles between the menus instead of toggling them - that is the main reason. The other reason is menus can be resource demanding, and it will make me responsible if that leads to an uptick in people filing Cinnamon performance issues. I'm not completely closed to it, but it should be able to be done correctly.
samuelsa02-6 years ago
Suggestion: Option to start showing all applications, not just favorite applications.
smokin420-6 years ago
hey jason wouldn't it be easier to just create an extension for cinnamon to adjust all menus scaling i installed cinnamon on ubuntu mate 16.04 for the raspberry pi the problem is the menu is too big im not using this menu im using starkmenu i like cinnamon better cause i can install themes much easier through the themes application im not very experienced with computers or linux devices i have to learn commands on the internet to uninstall stuff dont have to add scaling options to any menu just a separate extension that does that would be cool
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-6 years ago
What is your resolution? There are option to control the height and width (number of columns in grid mode).
Vernon-6 years ago
Thank you! This is what I was looking for. I like the fact that I can enable the click to open a category and I can add more applications to my favorites.
paulsrch-6 years ago
This is a fantastic replacement for the default menu. It's one of the first things I install when I spin up a new Cinnamon box. I did add one feature request to the Github list - the ability to reorder the actual menu items as well as the category list. If it could do that, it'd be just about perfect.
Don Alfons Nisnoni
Don Alfons Nisnoni-6 years ago
Very2 good,,, it give me more freedom on cinnamon.... thanks friend... :) Good Job...
Corto-landese-6 years ago
HI, I like your menu, it work perfectly on my linx-Mint environment. So before yours, I used another menu (CinnamonTools) and I would suggest (if that agree you) some improvements which previously exist in Cinnamotools (no more avaliaible) - customization of user and system icons (quit, lock screen, ... ) : [size, position, custom icons, ... ] - possibility to have the favorites vertically on the left of catégories(in the 2 modes) - possibility to add custom links (to appli, file, .. ) under the verticalfavorites Thanks
André Amaral
André Amaral-6 years ago
This is great. Nice looking but I use two monitors and I will not allow me to add more than one menu. So I cannot have another menu button on my other screen.
Crouze-6 years ago
Hi Jason, Styling of the context menu appears not to be following the DE theme style. I have a light theme in Cinnamon. In Cinnamenu context menus the icons are white instead of dark, and the text is a minty very light green instead of dark. Besides that, a great menu! I would love to see more customization options in the future, such as enabling/disabling bookmarks, places and favourites. Thanks!
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-6 years ago
Sounds like a good issue to post on Github. This is not a bug report forum.
Tuxman2-6 years ago
Hi jason, How to make the translations work with Cinnamenu ? Some parts of your menu are still in english (Cinnamenu settings part). Thanks.
claudiux-6 years ago
Great version 3.2.0 ! The drag and drop category re-ordering is really practical !
LPW00-6 years ago
Hi, could u please explain how I add search providers? I'd like to have the tracker one, but I can't figure out how....
larnus-7 years ago
Hello Jason First off all your menu is a great add for the linux community, hope you get some more time to improve it unto perfection. All works fllawless on Mint so far, but I use arch as well and simply cant figure how to add the search providers? They seem to be missing somehow. Any help where to add those would be great. Lars
Somesh Kumar
Somesh Kumar-7 years ago
Great applet... but one thing i noticed i am getting only 5 entries in favrouites. perhaps make it most used menu and update it on the app usage. thanku
goebbe-7 years ago
Just a big THANK YOU for Cinnamenu applet! Keep up the good work.
Poojan Pandya
Poojan Pandya-7 years ago
Nothing is showing in the menu when i add it to the panel and there are all applications in menu editor , please help
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-7 years ago
Restart Cinnamon after adding it to the menu: fixed that issue for me. :)
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-7 years ago
Right click context menu is completely broken if using it from the Search Results; Adding to favorites, desktop or launcher doesn't work, and instead just launches the program.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
This was only happening to the first menu item, can you confirm? Should be patched in 3.1.3.
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-7 years ago
Sorry, just restarted cinnamon just to be doubly sure. The issue is fixed!
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-7 years ago
Hi! Sorry for the long delay in replying back; Updated it a moment ago, and the issue still occurs. After testing a little, the problem seems to happen only to items added manually; Items added through apt install/synaptic/etc behave as expected. I installed CodeLite & Blender manually, and both of these behave oddly when attempting to add them to favourites, both by search, and by categories.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
@Jason Hicks: Will there be a custom menu width option soon in your applet? I have been very busy lately so I didn't have time to take care of the French translation of your menu. Thanks.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
No worries. I'm not sure yet, hopefully soon when I have more time to work on features.
Ehab AbuAlSaoud
Ehab AbuAlSaoud-7 years ago
Can't remove Firefox from Favorite Apps
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Fixed in 3.1.3.
oxydium-7 years ago
problem with Cinnamon 3.6 and the Tyr Himin, Tyr Jord, Arc-Dark, Adapta-Nokto themes. when selecting a program, the icon is moved (as in my screenshot) and the menu has a weird behavior (see my .gif)
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Just patched this in 3.1.2, should be fixed. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Band1to-7 years ago
Awesome !
Mike Mombarg
Mike Mombarg-7 years ago
Updated Cinnamenu to the latest version ,after upgrading Mint to 18.3. It pretty much works as the previous version, except, when turning off tooltips, it shows them below the catetegories, which is fine. But because some tooltips are longer, it makes the menu wider and shorter, which results in stuttering from left to right. For now i have to enable tooltips, so they appear where the mouse is. Could you please fix that? that i can disable tooltips completely, or have them shown below the categories again but not make the category menu wider, when the tooltip is longer/wider?
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Fixed in 3.1.2.
Steve Murphy
Steve Murphy-7 years ago
Hi, Just wondering if the end user can add to the default search providers and if so how?
Steve Murphy
Steve Murphy-7 years ago
No worries - managed to work it out after a false start or two and created a entry in /usr/share/cinnamon/search_providers/
Chris McCormick
Chris McCormick-7 years ago
Just installed and added to panel, worked fine. When moving to the bottom left of the screen, it doesn't work anymore. I can't click on it or use shortcut to open it. Not sure what the issue is.
Lee C Williams
Lee C Williams-7 years ago
I had a similar issue where after moving it to where it should be (top left in my case) it opened... a 2px by 10px menu. Fixed by restarting Cinnamon~ Should fix your issue too.
Love the app, but have a question on set-up. Each time I hover over the "menu" and it opens, "Favorite Apps" is highlighted, Can this action be changed as I would prefer to have "All Applications" highlighted. Thank you for any consideration you give this John
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Please file bugs and feature requests on Github.
Sam-7 years ago
Hey, I think I found a bug. Basically right clicking on an icon in the menu and selecting any of the options (add to panel, add to desktop, add to favorites) does not work, and simply opens the application instead of executing that function! Anyone else seen this? any thoughts on fixing? Thanks - Love the applet!!
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Not reproducing. If you can follow up on Github with some system info and your `~/.xsession_errors` log it would be appreciated.
Claude Champagne
Claude Champagne-7 years ago
On that note, when the system fonts are higher than 1.0 (1.3 in my case), the options on right click are shredded (add to panel, add to desktop, add to favorites) All I can see is : Add... Add... Uninst... (in french : Ajouter... Retirer... Désinst...)
Rik Shaw
Rik Shaw-7 years ago
@jaszhix agree with the other commenters you have done a nice job cleaning up gnomenu! We were contributing in the past some to gnomenu when working more with gnome, but have moved on. For example, we helped add the code that made the text width of the app extend wider than the icon width. In the past, if you had a 64px icon, you only had 64 px for the app name, and thus it was always "Firef..." instead of "Firefox Web Browser" even if you had only 3 columns and tons of space. Anyway, I am mainly commenting to say that a variable width panel would be nice (along with the nice feature you have implemented to have a variable height). Of course, depending on the number of columns a user chooses and the icon size chosen, the minimum width will change.... but would be nice to choose 3 columns at 32px icons and thus have the menu significantly thinner.... again keep up the great work! BTW why does Cinnamon give the warning about this applet potentially causing performance issues? Is there something that could be stripped out to remove that warning to not scare off people from using it?
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Cool! Yeah, one of the challenges is the widths are hard-coded for each column count layout, so I would need to calculate it differently to make variable widths work. I will definitely look into this for the next update. Thanks. Cinnamon will use that warning of potential harm/performance loss for a few APIs. Its hard coded here - I have brought up my dislike of that selectivity, because real danger is about how the APIs are used, not which APIs. This was added before we started monitoring applets more closely on Github, so maybe it can be done differently.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
@Jason Hicks: I translated the whole strings of the fr.po file in french. I need to check some strings because i'm not sure of the traduction. When it will be ready I could send you the file. Of course if you want.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Translations are always welcome. :) You can open a pull request, pastebin it here, or open an issue and attach it. Thanks.
Liam Brown
Liam Brown-7 years ago
I added it to the panel and it worked fine, but after I moved it over and clicked it again it just opens a tiny grey box with nothing in it. Any advice?
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Restart cinnamon: ALT+F2 -> enter "r". This shouldn't be happening though, which version of Cinnamon are you on?
Tuxman2-7 years ago
Log out from your user session and then log in again into your user session. Otherwise, restart the computer.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
Thanks for adding an option to adjust the menu height. ;-) Could you add an other option for adjust the width of the menu ? Then we'll be able to adjust the size of the menu as we want (Full screen, half screen, ....) . Do you think a transparence option will be possible ? Thanks for your work. Note: Can I help you for French translation ?
Michael Scott
Michael Scott-7 years ago
You're awesome man. Thanks
Michael Scott
Michael Scott-7 years ago
This is my favorite cinnamon menu that I use. Great job on the program. There is a bug in the new update that prevents the applet from being utilized in vertical panels.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Thanks, should be fixed in 3.0.1.
Daniel S. Filho
Daniel S. Filho-7 years ago
What is the Cinnamenu command? I want to create a hot corner.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
The option to activate the menu on hover was broken up until now, try enabling it in v3.
Ben Henry
Ben Henry-7 years ago
On a dual monitor setup, only seems to work on one monitor.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
What would you expect multi-monitor behavior for a system menu to be?
Ben Henry
Ben Henry-7 years ago
Miguel Bustos
Miguel Bustos-7 years ago
Hey!! I do love this menu I've just discovered :) But there is a problem with the search bar. It does not find the app if I don't write it's full name from the beggining. Eg: no results when typing "Writer", only when searching "LibreOffice Writer". In default Cinnamon's menu the app can be found just searching for "Writer". This is a huge problem in Spanish, as lots of applications do not start with their name. Eg: VLC is "reproductor multimedia VLC".
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Miguel Bustos
Miguel Bustos-7 years ago
Thanks to you for creating such a wonderful menu! I guess this must be a simple fix (kinda "%SEARCH QUERY%" instaead of "SEARCH QUERY" in SQL syntax) that would make Cinammenu much greater!
Tx Aggie
Tx Aggie-7 years ago
I have downloaded it and unzipped it. No idea what to do next.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Install through Cinnamon Settings -> Applets
Tx Aggie
Tx Aggie-7 years ago
Newbee here. How do you install it? Running Mint 17.3 Thx,
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
This applet only works on Cinnamon 3.2+, or Mint 18.1+.
Hubert Ziebicki
Hubert Ziebicki-7 years ago
Hello, I have installed this applet and I am using Linux Mint 18.1 'Sarah' 64-bit Cinnamon with the "Mint-Y-Dark" theme... However, when I try to open the menu a little black vertical line appears instead. What's going on? Thanks, Hubert
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
This issue should be resolved as of v3.0.0.
Hubert Ziebicki
Hubert Ziebicki-7 years ago
Never mind, I fixed it by restarting Cinnamon.
Claude Champagne
Claude Champagne-7 years ago
Great applet ! Keep it up.
Marcos Martín Pozo Delgado
Awesome applet! Last update is great, key navigation was necessary. However, some applications as Super Tux Kart and Sublime Text appear with a weird name and they are not searched ('<b><u>S</u></b>' instead 'S' for all letters). Fixint it would be very desirable. In addition, an option to configure wdith and height of menu or a full screen check would be great in order to be able to have a menu similar to Gnome 3 applications menu. Thanks!
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Height adjustment has been added as of v3.0.0, and the markup being left over after searches should be fixed, too.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
About an option to configure width and height of menu or a full screen check, that's what I also asked Jason Hicks. This kind of option is pratical for people who have touchscreen or an Intel tablet on which a Linux distribution is installed (like Linux Mint).
alborzka-7 years ago
For some reason the search is a bit... odd. For example, typing in Mozilla brings nothing, but Firefox and Thunderbird bring their respective programs. Similarly, typing Wine brings nothing but Configure Wine brings it up.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
To my knowledge, "Mozilla" isn't in Firefox's metadata, so it can't be found that way. I wasn't able to pull up Firefox this way in the default menu.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
I missed to tell you something in my last message. It's about of the favourites apps. Why you don't put icons like the default Cinnamon menu for the favourite apps to the left of the menu entires ? I think it is more pratical.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
@Jason Hicks: As the configurable-menu applet is no longer support with Cinnamon 3.4 and will no longer supported with the new version of Cinnamon, I will use your menu applet in replacement. It's a shame you didn't add an option to resize or display the menu in full screen. I have a 2 in 1 device (pc/tablet). When I am in tablet mode, I activate the menu full screen and grid mode under the Configurable-menu applet, and it is very suitable for tablet mode. With your grid mode, your applet is suitable for touchscreen. I tested your applet with Cinnamon 3.4. I enabled the option to have the recent files (in Cinnamon paramaters -> Confidentiality), but it doesn't appear in your menu. I also don't have the "Clear List" button for recent files . Is there a bug in your applet ? Thanks for you work.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
You will need to restart cinnamon for the change to come into effect, that needs to be fixed. I don't have a touch screen to test with, but if I do I will consider that.
Sam-7 years ago
I'm not sure if it's just me, but it looks like you can't navigate this menu using keyboard buttons? If that's true, that's a deal-breaker for me..!
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
The next version is being worked on which has this, along with other missing features found in the default menu.
Richard Ayuyang
Richard Ayuyang-7 years ago
Simon Brown
Simon Brown-7 years ago
An extremely good applet menu. Very functional, fast, and smart looking after some minor configuration setup. Jason has done an excellent job on this. gir1.2-gda-5.0 will need to be installed to let Firefox/Chrome bookmarks appear in the menu, which is a great facility and well worth turning on. I found I had to adjust the configuration quite a bit to make it look spot on to my eyes, but it is easy to do. I don't like the scaling of icons to fit the available space as that produces giant icons for menu categories with few applications in, but it's easy enough to turn that off . Will use more memory than the standard menu, but not so much as to cause a problem on a reasonably specced computer.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
Thanks for the nice review. I think the memory issue is resolved now as of v3.0.0.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
Well, I tested your applet. The icons of the applications don't resize correctly in grid mode (when we change the size of icons). Some times, the configure option freezes (right click on the menu -> configure). I have some suggestions : - Have the favorites icons (like cinnamon menu) on the left of the menu, but enable the user to display it or not. - Have an option to display the menu in full screen. - Have an option to define the size of the menu. Otherwise, it is a good applet. ;-)
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
I likely won't be adding any size option, or full screen option because it will incur technical debt I don't feel like maintaining, but pull requests are always welcome. I think the favorites in their own column is possible at some point, but there are several other menus you can use if you need this.
Jason Hicks
Jason Hicks-7 years ago
I think you won't be seeing highly configurable applets shipped with Cinnamon because the stock applets are more about sane defaults. That's where Spices fill the gap. I used to use the configurable menu applet - I took a look at its code a while ago and it seemed like it would be hard to maintain in its current state.
Tuxman2-7 years ago
@Jason Hicks: Ok. For now, I'm using configurable-menu applet with Cinnamon 3.2. For me, configurable-menu is the best menu applet that I have ever seen. It offers a lot of menu layouts that are adapted for all kind of hardware (desktop, portable, tablet, ...). I think Linux Mint should be inspired by this type of applet to create a more modern, multiple and configurable menu. Unfortunately, the author of that applet no longer wants to do the support of that one on the Cinnamon desktop in the future. It's a shame. But the sources are available and can be adapted to the Cinnamon desktop by an other developer.
Basil K Y
Basil K Y-7 years ago
I think new menu based on gnomenu is there on 18.2 roadmap. Looks awesome. Far better than default menu.