Calendar with public Holidays

UUID: calendar@ccprog
Last edited:
4 days ago 2025-03-07, 11:12
Last commit: [53f831f2] French translation (#6962)

Calendar applet with public holiday data provided by Enrico service



This applet is a fork of Cinnamon's own calender. It adds the capability to mark public holidays in the calender panel in addition to the weekend days. Like the World Clock calendar, it has the capability to display additional time zones. The capability to display events is identical to the Cinnamon calendar (for Cinnamon version 5.2+).

Choose the Country and region for which to show the public holidays in the applet "Calendar" settings page. Add timezones to display in the applet "World Clocks" settings page.

The holiday data are obtained from the webservice Enrico by

Enrico Service 2.0 is a free service written in PHP providing public holidays for several countries. You can use Enrico Service to display public holidays on your website or in your desktop application written in any programming language.
Enrico Service 2.0 is an open-source software licensed under the MIT License so you can study, contribute, change or use it. See Enrico source code on Github.

See here for a list of supported countries and its regions. It needs to be noted that each change to their list needs to be reflected by an update to this applet. While I will try to keep track, if you notice something missing in the applet that the service offers, let me know about it.

Both the list of supported countries and the actual holiday data are provided by Enrico. If you find errors or have suggestions, please contact them directly at or raise an issue at Github.

If you find bugs in the applet itself or know about other sources of holiday information that can be included as webservices, please tell me about them.

About Events and Holidays

Most people using calendars today have adopted the logic behind the iCalendar format (RFC 5545). Applications using it may gloss over that, but the available categories for things to be entered in a calendar are limited to: event, to-do, journal, free/busy and alarm.

Holidays do not really fit any of those. And because of that, they mostly get entered as all-day (probably recurring) events, without any more distinction from the rest.

Suppose your calendar mentions someone's birthday. You will add it to your calendar as a whole-day event. If the calendar also mentions your country's National Holiday, both have no distinguishing feature that would make it possible to mark one and not the other as a non-working day.

This applet distinguishes between holidays and events. They have separate data sources, and they are visualised in a different way.

Holidays are marked as non-working days, the same as a weekend day. (Religious observances are not yet implemented).

Events are marked separately, and their details are shown in a side column.



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janos-r-1 year ago
I think the main calendar app should merge this one, to get the time-zones, and optionally the holidays. It would become obsolete, but if the main one is getting more attention, and this one has obviously essential features that the main one is missing... Could we get that done?
janos-r-1 year ago
This is hands down THE BEST calendar app on Mint. The name is probably the only reason it doesn't have more stars. The biggest selling point of this app is that it has both the Events and well working TimeZones! The public holidays are just a bonus. Almost not necessary. THIS should be the default calendar app! Or the default calendar should finally adopt TimeZones.
richo-2 years ago
muchas gracias. (Thanks a lot).
crazypiglady-3 years ago
Great. Thanks. This was simple and straightforward. Just what I needed. Thanks
Claus Colloseus
Claus Colloseus-3 years ago
With the upcoming events feature in the Cinnamon calendar, I will be looking into integrating this also here. I haven't looked into the details yet, but stay tuned for updates.
Rai-4 years ago
I was looking for something similar on cinnamon desktop, it would have been great if this feature would have evolved from World Clock Calendar applet which is located at , I would like to suggest if there have been a feature to insert the .ics urls would be great so that other sources can be used in the calendar.
Claus Colloseus
Claus Colloseus-4 years ago
I am working on including the World Clock features of displaying multiple time zones. For the forseable future, this applet will not display event data (scheduling information), only holiday data (observance information). Calendar data formats like ICS do not recognize that distinction and therefore are not usable as sources.
GoodGuy98-4 years ago
@mfreeman72 There is a Desklet named Google Calendar that connects to Google Calendar in case you did not see it.
mfreeman72-4 years ago
I've used that one. Don't like it constantly on my desktop. I would rather have it in my calendar applet, just like it used to be way back in Gnome 2.
mfreeman72-4 years ago
A step in the right direction! Any chance of adding the ability to connect this to a Google calendar instead of, or in addition to, Enrico? I've already got holidays there, plus my appointments and events. THAT'S what I've been desperately wanting since Cinnamon was invented.
Claus Colloseus
Claus Colloseus-4 years ago
I am not intending to develop this in the direction of displaying events. The Google Calendar desklet does that better (the problems with the credential setup nonwithstanding). The scope of this applet is to mark days in the calender the same way weekend days are marked, adding a simple tooltip to give a reason. A daily stream of events/appointments and the notification "This is a special day" are at odds with each other, I think.
mfreeman72-4 years ago
Understood. I just really miss that functionality we used to have back in the Gnome 2 applet, and I don't like it constantly on my desktop with the desklet. I think this is something that's been way, WAY too long overdue in the official Cinnamon calendar applet.