KDE Connect Control Center

UUID: kdeccc@Severga
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-16, 18:37
Last commit: [1c5ed726] Add Catalan translations (#6213)

Applet to provide access to some KDE Connect functionality



This is a Cinnamon applet that provides access to some KDE Connect features.


This applet requires KDE Connect installed on your Linux Mint, and uses Nemo to open your paired device's shared folders.


Download and enable via Cinnamon Settings.


After enabling, first, you should click the applet's icon with the right button of your mouse and choose "Configure KDE Connect". You should also install KDE Connect App in your Android device from Google Play, run it and connect your device to the computer (tethering). I successfully tried USB- and Wi-Fi-tethering. Then you will see your device in the KDE Connect Settings. Request pairing and accept the request in your device. The next step is to enable and set up the KDE Connect plugins in the KDE Connect Settings (after pairing they will appear for the selected device to the right) and in the KDE Connect App in your phone (they will appear for the paired computer).

This is not a bug of the applet, but do not disconnect your device from the computer or press "Unmount" until all the windows of Nemo with any device's shared folders are closed. If it happened, close all respective Nemo windows and press "Unmount", then "Mount and Explore" again. When I get to know, how to close the windows of Nemo showing shared folders, I will improve the applet.

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chezdom-2 years ago
Hi, I would like to translate kdeccc in french. How could I proceed?
Severga-1 year ago
Localization is available now.
Severga-1 year ago
I'm making those changes and can include your translation. How can I connect you to send the translation template?..
Severga-1 year ago
Sorry, at the moment it doesn't support localization. It needs some code changes to do it.
No.18-2 years ago
Just want to show my appreciation for this applet. I hesitated between KDE Plasma and Cinnamon and this applet save me from it. It still works on Mint 20.3 Cinnamon
Severga-2 years ago
Thanks! Glad it turned out to be useful.
bold-monkey-3 years ago
Hi there! Very nice applet, thank you! Is there a possibility to send more than one files between devices?
Severga-3 years ago
Thanks! No, the KDE Connect's shell command can send only one file a time. Just use the "Mount and Explore" item to open a device's shared folders and to copy, move, drag to or from like in any other usual folder.
mfreeman72-3 years ago
Would there be any chance of this applet showing the phone's battery percentage, and being able to hide the device id until I need to see it? Maybe put the device id in the configuration window instead of in the menu?
Severga-3 years ago
Hello. The ID and all menu items are visible only if you have only one device connected. Otherwise you initially observe only the list of the device names. The ID is useful if you have two devices with the same name. As for the applet's configuration and a battery item, I wanted to create something lightweight, and so I didn't think of such things. You can try this one created by JoeJoeTV: https://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/applets/view/334 It is more substantial including capability to show battery percentage. But it also displays the ID. If the ID really irritates you, you can remove or comment the following line in the file "~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/kdeccc@Severga/applet.js": deviceMenuItem.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupMenuItem("Id: " + id, {reactive: false}));
JoeJoeTV-4 years ago
Nice Applet! Can I use this as a base for creating my own KDE Connect Applet(using DBus, etc.)? I'm new to Cinnamon Spices and I want to look at some code.
Severga-4 years ago
Hi. Of course. Some of the menu items use the shell commands. You can try to convert them fully to the KDEC's DBus functions. I thought it would be too code-expensive. I was lazy and wanted to get a quick result. =))
JoeJoeTV-4 years ago
Thanks. I actually finished my Applet. I didn't release it, because I was waiting for your answer. Your applet was really helpful in understanding, how to use dbus in applets and how to code applets in general(I am pretty new to writing applets and there are not many tutorials and the docs are sometimes hard to understand). I used DBus for everything except opening the configuration window. It's 637 lines. I am also trying to make a Desklet which shows information about one device and notifications, if they're supported. I am going to put my applet on here now :)
Severga-4 years ago
I looked at and tested your applet... :) A substantial thing, I'd say... Great work! And it was a good experience for me in learning DBus. Thanks!
JoeJoeTV-4 years ago
Did you find any bugs? I also created a new Github Repository(same name) and updated it a bit(added checks, etc.), so you can check the new one out.
Severga-4 years ago
I can't find any new repository... It seems I saw already the new one. I installed your applet and examined it in general. I didn't find any bugs. But, to tell the truth, I haven't tested all functionality. So I can not tell you for sure. The problem (not a bug) appearing when the device is unplugged incorrectly (or Unmount is pressed while the folder is open) remains. For now, I don't know the way to solve it. This is really annoying. And don't you want to add your applet to the official Cinnamon Spices Repository? Why? Mine is lightweight and simple, yours is substantial. So let people have the choice. :)
JoeJoeTV-4 years ago
Yeah, I'm gonna add it to the Repository, but I'm just finishing the desklet I am making, so you can see infos about your device in a desklet. Gonna upload that to Github too and then to the Repo.
JoeJoeTV-4 years ago
And thank you for appreciating it! :-)
Severga-4 years ago
Ah, not at all... :) I really liked your approach.
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-4 years ago
Great work!!! Your applet is very useful for me =)
Severga-4 years ago
Thank you. Very glad it turned out to be useful :)
Johann Popper
Johann Popper-4 years ago
This is a fine step in the right direction (because Flatpak is an ill-conceived waste of precious SSD space), but Cinnamon needs a GSConnect port that doesn't require any KDE Connect dependencies.
jonath92-4 years ago
Very Great. Much better than the default kdeconnect indicator.
Severga-4 years ago
mfreeman72-4 years ago
It's too bad we don't have something like KDE Connect that's a little more native to Cinnamon, or even Gnome. I love the idea of this, but I don't like having to pull in the KDE stack along with it.
Johann Popper
Johann Popper-4 years ago
How do you not know about GSConnect? It's a completely native GNOME Shell extension based on KDE Connect that actually has some more features -- no KDE Connect installation required. It's been popular for a few years.
mfreeman72-3 years ago
I do know about GSConnect, but as far as I know you can't use it with Cinnamon.
Severga-4 years ago
I totally agree. But KDE Connect is great and convenient, and at the moment there's nothing comparable.