Automatic dark/light themes

UUID: auto-dark-light@gihaume
Last edited:
1 month ago 2025-01-23, 12:48
Last commit: [fb651d76] auto-dark-light@gihaume: Fix compilation bug (#6797)

Automatically switch between dark and light themes at twilight times.



Automatic dark/light themes

This Cinnamon applet brings the ability to automatically switch between dark and light themes and desktop background at twilight times based on a location.


  • Dump system themes and desktop background settings as light/dark presets in one click in order to keep using the Cinnamon settings menu.
  • Sync location from the system Region and City settings using a local database to automatically determine the geographical coordinates.
  • Enter manually any geographical coordinates if needed.
  • Always sync instantaneously with external changes of color scheme, region/city and time (useful in e.g. after a sleep wake up).
  • Fully event and scheduling based, zero polling.
  • Automatic mode switch can be disabled.
  • Dark/light mode can always be switched manually.
  • Schedule any amount of commands to launch at twilight times.

Applet icons legend

Auto Automatic mode switch enabled.
Auto inverted Automatic mode switch enabled but the current mode has been set while not in sync with the actual daytime, so any external changes won't update it until the next scheduled mode change or if entering auto mode switch again.
Light Automatic mode switch disabled and the current mode is light.
Dark Automatic mode switch disabled and the current mode is dark.


make and gcc, which can be installed on Debian-based system with sudo apt install build-essential.


Add a ⭐ Score on the CINNAMON spices page if you like this applet.

Report issues on the GitHub repository in mentionning @guillaume-mueller to notify me.


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kaoneko-1 month ago
Wow, this is very well done! You thought of a lot, including the fact that we need to run custom commands to switch some applications' themes individually. I may now be spared fiddling with systemd—which I hardly understand—to get my theme toggle script to run at the appropriate times and events on my new Mint install.
sandroid76-1 month ago
I have small issue with wallpapers. If I enable the applet switch wallpapers, it always revert to cinnamon default wallpaper. Does it happen to someone else? And how did you fix?
Guillaume Müller
Guillaume Müller-1 month ago
Did you well press on "Detect from the system" to dump the system settings as the preset to apply ? If you think this is a bug, please submit an issue on the GitHub repository.
Ruchir Arya
Ruchir Arya-1 month ago
Wow, this is the app I was looking for. There is another dark mode applet available but this one is better IMO based on the ability to sync system settings. Only feature I would request to make this a perfect app is by allowing custom time to enable dark and light theme automatically. Currently, it is based on sunrise and sunset I think, and for me light theme enables around 7am which is too early. I would prefer it from 9am to 7pm for light theme.
Guillaume Müller
Guillaume Müller-1 month ago
Thanks for having submitted the feature request on the GitHub repository. I wish to look into it soon.
David Soles
David Soles-4 months ago
This applet is amazing. I don't know why it's not installed by default. Thank you for creating this must-have app.
Guillaume Müller
Guillaume Müller-1 month ago
Thanks !
Alex-5 months ago
Working well for me, thanks for creating this very useful new feature.
Guillaume Müller
Guillaume Müller-1 month ago
Thanks ! I very much appreciate your Bing Desktop Wallpaper.
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-6 months ago
Feature Request: Would it be possible to have drop-down selectors for installed theme elements instead of having to type in the exact names?
Guillaume Müller
Guillaume Müller-6 months ago
They are not intended to be edited in typing in them but in using the "Detect" button after having edited the system settings. Those field are for indication and ideally they would be not editable.
Obaid Naseer
Obaid Naseer-6 months ago
Working very well on linux mint 22. since it integrates with system, it can trigger dark/light mode for Dark Reader browser extension. Thank you developer/s!
Guillaume Müller
Guillaume Müller-6 months ago
Thanks. Don't hesitate to add a like.