UUID: clocket@tirtha
Last edited:
2 months ago
2024-11-30, 18:42
Last commit: [8118f572] clocket@tirtha: Add German translation (#1356)

A desklet that displays the time, date, currenty and forecast weather report
Clocket is a desklet built for cinnamon DE based on gnome3.
display time,data and current weather data.
I built this desklet cuz I just wanted a desklet of my own taste.
Other desklets are great but i wanted a desklet having a clock and
weather viewer combined.
installation from default desklet downloader (Recommended)
rightclick on your desktop select
add desklet
go to "Download" tab, searchclocket
and download that.
installation from spice
download from here.
doenload from source (get the most recent version here)
Go here and download the desklet. Then extract the archive and copy the
folder into your~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets
- launch the desklet
- right click on desklet select configure..
- change colors of your taste.
- Generate a current weather data api key from openweathermap.org or existing api .just make sure that api is from openweathermap
- now put lat-lon or place name. if you dont know your location get it from here
- To update detailed weather block click on refresh button and in compacted version click current weather icon to refresh weather data.
notice1 :
in compacted version click current weather icon to refresh weather data.
For more info visit clocket official site

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