Custom Shadows

UUID: ShadowParameters@mikhail-ekzi
Last edited:
2 months ago 2024-12-21, 20:36
Last commit: [42304549] Extensions - French translation (#798)

Customizable shadow parameters




Simple extension to modify Muffin (Mutter) shadow preferences.


  • Shadow presets
  • Custom presets creation (see settings-schema.json)
  • User settings backup (also located in settings-schema.json)


Extension was created and tested on Cinnamon 3.2, but it should be compatible with older versions.

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Igor Santos
Igor Santos-4 months ago
Indeed doesn't seem to work, but "User Shadows" does. Not sure about feature parity, though:
Unnat shaneshwar
Unnat shaneshwar-4 years ago
Please update it! It's too old current versions doesn't supports it! Please
Sojiro84-5 years ago
Can you please update this extension? I NEED to change the window border shadow radius, but aside from having a tweak to edit Gnome based apps, many other windows look at mutter for it's shadow and it seems it is impossible to get a good shadow with messing around with a theme. Your extension seems to be the only one that was able to change the shadow. Please update it so I can use your extension to modify shadow radius! For example, I like my shadows to be like this:
Juan-Lutz-5 years ago
I like this extension .... is it now compatible with LM 19.2 and the corresponding Cinnamon version ?
Dragoş-5 years ago
Linux Mint 19.2 is now in beta and it features Cinnamon 4.2.2. This extension is not compatible with it. Could you please update it for compatibility with Cinnamon 4.x?
LinuxOnTheDesktop-6 years ago
It's a shame this extension seems not to work at all with Cinnamon 4.0.
Tron0070-7 years ago
Hello Mikhail-Ekzi, thanks for the great extension. It runs fine. I searched for it. But I have "gedit" installed and that has a shadow :( Can you please do something there? Best regards Tron OS: Mint 18.3 sylvia Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.13.0-36-generic Shell: bash 4.3.48 Resolution: 2560x1024 DE: Cinnamon 3.6.7 WM: Muffin WM Theme: Linux Mint (Mint-X) GTK Theme: Mint-X [GTK2/3] Icon Theme: Mint-X Font: Noto Sans 9