UUID: CBlack-Remix
Last edited:
6 years ago
2018-07-05, 01:14
Last commit: [
7ab6948a] Fix CBlack themes notification-button class (#428)
Theme based on the official theme with Arc, recolored to match arc-dark
Screenshot is Arc-dark window borders/controls, Papirus icon theme and breeze cursor.
Update 1.1
- Added license.
- Changed the search engine style for a better adaptation with unofficial menu applets.
- The menus are no longer glued to the panel, now they float and with round corners.
- The width of the menus is widened.
- Removed transparency from the panel, if you want transparency there is an extension called transparent panels.
- Round borders were added to notification.
- Modified the spaces of each applet used in the panel.
Update 1.0
- Clean the theme, eliminating images that will not be used.
- The red color of some parts of the theme is removed.
- Integrated with Cinnamon 3.6
Update 0.8.1
- Removed the white border from the Favorites part of the menu
Update 0.8
- Change Style Selection Windowlist
- Change bookmark style
- Change launcher selection style
- Added shadows from certain places.
- More transparency in the menu and panel.
- Improved overall style.
Update 0.7
- Improved popupmenu for earlier versions of cinnamon 3.2
Update 0.6
- Added shadow to menu, run and notification
- Added transparency to menu and run
- Changed the size of the menu
- Modified the menu button style
- Modified the menu for cinnamon 3.0 or lower
- Modified style of climbing and expo
- Modified notification size and run
Update 0.3
- Added Scroll with your own style
- Improved dialog style
- Improved the Run dialog
- Enhanced Vertical Windows List
- Improved Windows list Top
- Improved Launcher
- Improved Panel size
Note: To better appreciate the theme have disabled panel settings - Use the custom panel theme
Update 0.2
- Modified prority of letter by Noto Sans.
- Improved panel display below.
- Improved display of side panels.
- Added style to the background color of the menu button.
- Color change to popup menu for Cinnamon 3.0.
some improvements needed, but with time I'll go better.
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